Pasco County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Sunday, June 1, 2003
Reflections for Lieutenant Charles A. "Bo" Harrison
I would like to express my personal thanks to all who sent their messages of comfort for my Lieutenant. Lt. Charles "Bo" Harrison was my platoon commander. As you all have heard and seen through media reports, he was a true hero to not only the deputies of his command but all those who served with him at the Pasco Sheriff's Office.
To Bo:
You were my Supervisor, my golfing partner and most of all a true and trusted friend. You were a shining example to those under your command and to all who knew and respected you. Thank you for your guidence, your wisdom and your encouragement. It never fell on deaf ears. I will miss you.
FTO M. Jones
Pasco Sheriff's Office
Romans 13:4
For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Rest In Peace.
Special Operations Group
FBI Detroit Division
I have known Bo for many years and the tears still flow today. Lt Harrison was a all around wonderful person. The one thing I will always remember was his laugh. It is a laugh I hope to hear when we meet again. Rest in peace Bo Bo.
Tim Hobson
Dade City
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Romans 13:4
Lt. "Bo" Harrison
My last name "Williams" was omitted in my first message. But I know you understand, because you are in a place called "Heaven" listening to your favorite song. "I'm Going Up Yonder." Blessings to your family and many friends.
MPO G.C. "Ace" Williams
Lakeland,FL. Police Dept.
MP0 G.C.
Lakeland,Fl. Police Department
To my brother, friend and mentor,
I heard the news early Sunday that you were summoned to see our
Father, and be by his side. While I am comforted in knowing you are in
glorious heaven, I will miss you always. I still cannot imagine I will
never hear your awesome laugh again.
Your Honor Guard did not have time to grieve. We had the awesome
privilege of planning and executing your funeral services. We trained all
week to give you, your families, and your friends the finest funeral, one
brimming with tradition and honor you earned and deserved.
Bo, I have been to a lot of law enforcement officerÕs funerals, but you
have to know that your community pulled together and set the stage for
the finest funeral I have ever been witness to.
You were buried with top honors. Your Honor Guard was with you at all
times, at your casket, and acting as your pallbearers. You had 100 law
enforcement motorcycles escort you to the cemetery with your Pasco
Motors guarding you while you rode in the hearse.
A rider-less horse followed your hearse to the graveside. You had three
volleys fired from your seven member Honor Guard rifle party. We
heard your Communications Division conduct ÒLast CallÓ and when we
didnÕt hear you answer from heaven, your Honor Guard played echo
ÒTapsÓ. We paused as fifteen helicopters executed a very impressive
Your Honor Guard pallbearers folded the American flag that was draped
over your casket. One spent shell from each volley of the rifle party was
placed into the folded flag. Your Sheriff presented it to Sandy. Your
Honor Guard buglers brought you a second and third folded flag with
shells carefully enclosed. Each flag was slowly passed over you, from
your head to your toes. Your Sheriff presented these flags to Charles
and Michelle. Doves were released and we knew you were with our
At the reception, we tried barbequed pigÕs feet in your honor. We have
retired now and it was finally our turn to go home and cry for our loss,
our friend Lieutenant Charles ÒBoÕ Harrison.
To Sandy, Charles, Michelle, and Lydia our thoughts and prayers are
always with you. We hope you received some comfort from us during
this great manÕs honorable funeral. We will always be here for
Sgt. Mike Schreck, Honor Guard Commander
Pasco Sheriff's Office
Lt. "Bo" Harrison
Alot has been said about you were 15 days from retiring. What makes your early retirement so much better is "GOD" wanted you to retire before 15 days. When God put his hands on you, he said, "Bo", I know you are ready to retire to be with me,and go to a retirement place like no other
called "HEAVEN." Just like your favorite song. "Going Up" you made it 15 days early.
Blessing to your many family and friends.
MP0 G.C.
Lakeland,Fl. Police Department
A heartfelt "thank you" for your dedication and commitment to your family, community and last but not least your lasting impression on your "brothers and sisters in blue." Although none of us can fill your foot steps, we are all challenged to strive to make a difference and leave a positive impression on all the lives we touch through out our careers. May you rest in peace, Brother Bo, and sing proudly with the angels.
Special Agent
Former Deputy Sheriff
I didn't know you., but I do want to thank you for your years of dedicated services. The sacrafices you made for the safety of our community has been enormous . We can never thank you and your family enough for this. God be with your family ,fellow officers and the many friends you made along the way. God Bless them all. Thank you.
Thank you for your faithful service to protect and serve us. Thank you for keeping the community safe and making it a better place to live.
Officer Bridgett Morris
Officer Bridgett Morris
Belleair Police Department
I just want to express my sincere sympathy to the family,and let you know that you are in my prayers. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you.God Bless!
Lt. Charles Bo Harrison,
I will always remember you as Mr. Harrison and as a man who was always there for anyone in need. I can still remember to this day the exact place and words spoke the first time I met you about 15 years ago. You worked with my father on the force and he always thought a lot of you as I grew to do the same. Growing up playing baseball with Charles Jr and being around you was always a pleasure. No matter how busy you were with the rest of your life you always made it seem like you had all the time in the world for everyone else. You filled our lives with your wisdom, laughter, and gave more than you recieved.
On June 1st, 2003 you gave the most anyone could ever give. I somehow wish we could just called the game on the account of rain on that day and started over from scratch so that you would still be here today to continue sharing you with us as you always did. I guess that's being selfish because the Lord you served so well has promoted you to a highest rank of all so that you can share with heaven all you shared with us and they can now see, first hand, what we all saw for years down here. You always be remembered and never forgotten.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
God Bless
Chris Morgan
Family Friend
It's a sad day in america when a peace officer can't perform his or her duties without fear of retaliation. We will miss a great Officer and community leader.
On behalf of the Officers and medics that serve under my command i would like to wish the family and friends of Lt. Harrison all the best. Please know that we all morn you loss
Col. Joseph Conover
Nova Agency Crime Prevention Div. Florida
I have been with the Pasco County Sheriff's Office for 3 years now. I unfortunately never had the opportunity to serve with Lt. Harrison. Many times in life you wonder if your own life would have been different had one thing changed. One thing has changed, we lost a great man and law enforcement officer. I never will have the chance to learn from "Bo" Harrison, but I will not let that stop me from becoming a better man and Deputy. I attended Bo's funeral and burial today, taking away a greater sense of understanding and appreciation for what he accomplished. The tremendous turnout by law enforcement and citizens showed how one person can affect so many. I wish that I could have learned from Lt. Harrison, it surely would have made me a better Deputy. I will keep in my mind and my heart, each day as I suit up for my duty, that I can make a difference. I can change someones life, simply by showing respect and compasion for each and every person I come to meet. I have learned something from Lt. Harrison, after all. May your memory never die, may your compasion never diminish, for they are forever going to be carried on in my heart. May God Bless You and I Thank You, You will be forever missed.
Pasco County Sheriff's Office
My thoughts and prayers go out to Lieutenant Charles (Bo) Harrison's family, friends, and coworkers. He gave his life that ours would be more safe.
Off. Harrison sits now at the knee of Jesus, looking down upon his world, his friends and his beloved family with open arms!
Revelation 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
God, please bless your faithful servant.
The loss of a police officer is another hole in the Thin Blue Line that stands between the public and the criminals of the world. We will miss Lt. Harrison!
God bless all that "Protect and Serve"
Richard Raymer
Private citizen
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Harrison family and the Pasco County Sheriff's Office.
I am so sorry for the loss of Lt.Bo Harrison. May God Bless his family and friends.
Our Community has lost a great Law Enforcement Officer and a true friend.
To Bo's family And other members of the Law Enforcement Community. I feel the need to tell part of my story to help you all and myself heal from this incident. I was on scene of this terrible incident, I watched my supervisor and fellow deputy take Bo from his car. We had no Idea that he had been shot at this point. I checked Bo's wrist and Neck for a pulse and found none yet he was very warm to the touch which gave me hope. I participated in CPR, and just knew at any moment he was going to pull through. Bo was set to retire in 15 days, and I knew he wasn't going to give up on us. He had alot of golfing to do and we were going to be partying on june 7th to celebrate his retirement. The paramedics arrived a few minutes later and cut off Bo's shirt , this is when we dicovered his gunshot wounds. I tried even harder with ever compression calling to him to return to his body because I know his spirit and soul was right beside us. The medics took over for me and later I found out they could not save him. My emotions ran wild, I was sad, angry, scared all at once. I even considered quiting the very next day. I could then hear Bo telling me to calm down, all would be ok and that you need to continue to do this job and profession that you do so well and love. We all gathered on June 7th but not for a retirement party but to Honer Bo and lay him to rest. I will never forget him or June 1st for the rest of my life. Bo will live in my heart forever as well as many others. His life and memories will be cherished always, God bless you Bo and your family as well as my fellow co-workers and the law enforcement community, and the community Bo served.
Pasco Sheriff's Office
Bo Harrison...the one always with a smile and a kind word for all..YOU will be greatly missed and always remebered and looked up to!!!
I worked at Golden Corral for 9 years, almost everyday we would see his smiling face and his brightness. I cannot recall ever seeing Bo in a bad mood. We all loved to and looked forward to seeing him and his fellow officers come in, they brightened our day.I, big as a house and pregnant, he always made me feel better! We love you Bo!
Christy Counce
The Harris/James family of Dade City would like give our condolenses to the Harrison Family. As a youth growing up in Dade City, I alway felt a certain pride just to know that Lt. Harrison was a part of the force; protecting us and on our side. Lt. Harrison was the most well known public figure in Dade City and represented Dade City's finest. He will be deeply missed and I know his death wasn't in vein. There are seriously issues that need serious attention in Dade City and I hope and pray City Officials act orcordinly. This wasn't just one act of cowardness it's an attitude that alot of our youth carry and live daily. God Bless the Harrison Family and the Community of Dade City.
James Harris
Harris Family
Lieutenant Harrison,
15 days from retirement, what a shame. Sir, you gave your all, to your family, your country, and your community. From reading your reflections, I see your affect on the world was unmatched. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family, co-workers, and freinds.
Lieutenant your life and contributions will never be forgotton. RIP
Sgt. Antonio DeVaul
Maryland-National Capital Park Police
The Harris/James family of Dade City would like give our condolenses to the Harrison Family. As a youth growing up in Dade City, I alway felt a certain pride just to know that Lt. Harrison was a part of the force; protecting us and on our side. Lt. Harrison was the most well known public figure in Dade City and represented Dade City's finest. He will be deeply missed and I know his death wasn't in vein. There are seriously issues that need serious attention in Dade City and I hope and pray City Officials act orcordinly. This wasn't just one act of cowardness it's an attitude that alot of our youth carry and live daily. God Bless the Harrison Family and the Community of Dade City.
James Harris
Harris Family
To Lt. Bo Harrison's family,
Our deepest condolences to your family, friends and co-workers in the death of Lt. Bo Harrison. May he rest in peace and that you find peace in the days ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sorrow.
Jan and Fran Murray
Pasco County Sheriff's Office