North Carolina Highway Patrol, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, May 30, 2003
Reflections for Senior Trooper Anthony Greg Cogdill
We were witnesses to this and in court, and our family was almost hit by him prior to the accident. To this day our family remembers the day and feels sorrow for his family. We wish there was more we could have done and only hope that time has healed some of the pain for his wife and son, and mom and dad. It has made a lasting impression on our family and always will for us and our daughters. As mentioned above, thank you for your sons legacy, we will always remember him and you.
Baker Raborn
February 14, 2012
Wanted your family to know that we think of you all often. We passed over "your" bridge on I-40 again yesterday, and had the opportunity to once again consider how thankful we are for you who make the ultimate sacrifice to protect and defend Americans. We will visit your memorial next May as part of the LEU bike ride. To your wife and son and your Mom and Dad and Patrick, we are so thankful for your son and his legacy.
Tim and Jenn
December 8, 2011
I know your Thanksgiving far outshines ours and I am thankful it does even if I do miss having you at our table each year!
Brenda Cogdill East
November 22, 2011
Written in loving memory and honor of Senior Trooper Anthony G. Cogdill
by Brenda Cogdill East /Mom
He left that day wearing the badge
Honoring his duty to uphold the pledge.
He took the oath to serve and protect
Even the man who gave no respect.
The oath he swore
He felt to the core
Of his innermost being.
He knew as he dressed
His day could be stressed
But the pride that he felt gave him strength;
To put on the gun
And get the job done
Of protecting and serving our land.
His family with pride
Would stand by his side
Through whatever his job might demand.
Thanksgiving late, Christmas can wait;
He's out protecting and serving our land.
Then the call came,
We whispered his name
His life he had laid on the line.
The message was clear
The family would hear
He had served for his very last time.
The memory of the look on his face
When the oath he did take
And God's hand on those left behind
Would carry them through
As the loneliness grew
From the loss of the life on the line.
Brenda Cogdill Eat
August 2, 2011
Thinking of you with lots of love!
Brenda Cogdill East
July 24, 2011
Remembering you on this 8 year anniversary...RIP Trooper Cogdill.
Deputy Sheriff
Wake County Sheriff's Office
May 30, 2011
Remembering you on this 8 year anniversary...RIP Trooper Cogdill.
Deputy Sheriff
Wake County Sheriff's Office
May 30, 2011
Be a year July 6 since Dad made the journey. You are both truely missed by a lot of people!
Roger F. Williams Jr.
May 30, 2011
The members of the Highway Patrol face these dangers on a daily basis just as any law enforcement officer. It is sad to say the public doesnt realize the dangers until one of them lose their lives.
R.I.P. Trooper Cogdill
NC Highway Patrol
May 30, 2011
It is hard to believe you have been gone 8 years now. It seems like only yesterday since I was called and learned about your death. Then again it seems like a eternity since I heard you laughing and cracking on others. Miss you today and every day my friend. Until we see each other again...
Sergeant Barry K Henline
North Carolina Highway Patrol
May 30, 2011
I find it ddifficult to believe you wuld have been 40 today! Love from earth to heaven!
Brenda Cogdill East
March 12, 2011
I know every day in heaven is a Thanksgiving feast because you are with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am thankful you knew HIM as your personal Savior and we will meet again one day. Cherishing earthly memories this Thanksgiving Day!
Brenda Cogdill East
November 25, 2010
I thought returning you to heaven at 32 would be the toughest trial I would have to endure but God is leading me through one now that is even tougher. Sure would like to hug you!
September 29, 2010
Sometimes life gets difficult enought that I wish I could join you!
September 13, 2010
Have you ever wished you had someone to run your thoughts by? Sure wish I had you to run some things by right now. Maybe you onjective approach would help my through. Lots of things I don't understand and can not change that hurt a lot. Sure do miss you!
September 12, 2010
What can I say . . . I've journeyed here to draw strength from what people have posted. Seven years or one day your absence is still a difficult sojourn of loneliness. Missing you daily!
August 3, 2010
Like breathing in the aroma of a sweet rose, I have stopped by once again to draw you close.
July 30, 2010
You are thought of often as I look accross the street and see your house. The patrol car no longer goes up and down the drive and your weed eater no longer wakes me up on Saturday mornings before 9 am. The place is not the same without all the care you took making sure all the yard work was done and just so. No one comes to the door to ask if they can borrow tools or can my son come play with Cody. We miss our neighbor and friend.
Always thinking of you and keeping your family in our prayers!
Linda Rivenbark
Neighbor and friend
July 13, 2010
Last week marks 7 years since you were taken from your loved ones. Just like with Calvin, it seems like forever ago & at the same time, seems like not so long ago. I couldn't believe the similarities as I was hearing who, where & how it happened. I felt so badly for Heidi because of the way some of your co-workers were talking about things. I do hope that she is doing well and is happy. I'm sure she is taking great care of Cody and he is growing into a precious young man. You are not forgotten Anthony & I hope all of your family finds a way to smile when they think of you. Thanks for that time we talked in the comm center after Calvin was killed...that meant a lot to me. Who would have thought that you would be gone so soon after him and so close to the same place. See ya when I cross through the pearly gates to join you guys!
Survivor of Calvin Taylor/Co-worker of Anthony
June 7, 2010
Remembering you today Anthony. Wishing the best for Heidi, Cody, and the rest of your family, friedns co-workers.
A hero to more than he knows. (c)2004
Emory - Ephrata, WA
brother of Ferry County WA Undershriff Matthew J Lane, EOW 5/30/03
May 30, 2010
Anthony, Almost 7 years have passed, it seems like yesterday. I was sitting on the back deck and heard all of the sirens. I prayed it wasn't you when I heard, that I had misunderstood. I read Al's post from 2004 and still sweet. Hold all of our brothers close - so many, so sad. You're missed and remembered with honor.
Helen Hall
May 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Trooper Cogdill,
Sorry I haven't ever left a reflection on your site, but that doesn't mean that you haven't always been in my Thoughts. Those of us who have lost someone in the line of duty, never forget our Hero's. You live forever in our Hearts and Memories. Thank you for serving our State, Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you gave for us. May God Be with your Family and Bless them. Also keep watch over all your loved ones left behind. I know the Angels sang Happy Birthday to you along with Your other Falling Officers. We will see you again someday. Thank you again For your sacrifice. Every Time I hear a sirene, I start praying for God's protection over the Officer driving the car. Sorry I'm A day late, But Happy Birthday.
Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04
March 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Anthony.
Sgt. Barry Henline
March 12, 2010
Its been a while since I have been on here Anthony, but I still think of you often. Tomorrow is your birthday and you will be greatly remembered. Your family has organized a benefit dinner for your scholarship foundation, and of course we will be there. I was at the store the other day and had someone surprise me from behind, it was your Dad. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He does so much to honor you and remember you, your truly blessed with a great family! Im sure you have seen mine and Brandy's sweet little grandmother there. I know you were blessed to see her. You two always had such a great bond, she loved you more than words can say!! You two take care of each other up there!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anthony!!!
Beth Hill
March 11, 2010
dear anthony,i know we never got to meet face to face or on phone i just want to tell you that i miss you so much aunt lena and uncle stan told me so much about you it would have been nice to meet you i miss you so much it hurts to know that your gone every one misses you alot we all do i know if we had got to meet we eould have been real close cousins i have stuff to remember you by i think of you alot you are the best cousin that i could have dreamed u bubba
March 8, 2010