Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Senior Trooper Anthony Greg Cogdill

North Carolina Highway Patrol, North Carolina

End of Watch Friday, May 30, 2003

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Reflections for Senior Trooper Anthony Greg Cogdill

As the anniversary of May 30, 2003 approaches, my heart grows heavy with the memories of that tragic day. I have watched Heidi and Cody over the last year deal with your death, and at times my heart has been broken all over again as I see them struggle and cope. Cody is so precious, and Heidi ferverently keeps your memory alive for him. He knows who his daddy was and how much you loved him and his mommy. Heidi is a pillar of strength to have endured the events of the last year and a half, and I have such overwheming respect and admiration for her as I know you do. All three of you were so very lucky to have shared the short time you were allowed. With much joy I imagine the day that you, Heidi & Cody will be reunited in Jesus Christ. What a day that will be! May God be with your family continuously and continue to comfort and sustain them.
In Christ,
A Friend

May 17, 2004

HI anthony, I didnt know you, infact i live on the west coast. your life ended just 2 hours before my brothers on May 30 2003. anyway I am here in Washington D.C. for NPW, at the Candlelight service I met your family, It just happened i sat next to them and I am so glad i was able to meet them. Your little boy is so cute I am sorry you are not there to see him grow up. I told your wife I would not forget you, and that you and your family have had a place in my heart since May 30 2003. Now that i have met your family it means so much more.


Emory, Ephrata, WA
brother of Ferry COunty WA Undersheriff Matthew J. Lane EOW 5/30/03

May 15, 2004

Anthony and Heidi,
I had the great honor and privilege today to be given the opportunity to represent Trooper Anthony G. Cogdill in the Police Unity Tour - Chapter 4 - Virginia. I will wear a memorial bracelet that states "IN HONOR AND MEMORY OF TROOPER ANTHONY COGDILL NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY PATROL KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY MAY 30, 2003 for over 250 miles on a bicycle as we depart Chesapeake Virginia Monday May 10, 2004. We will arrive in Washington DC on May 12, 2004 and remain for the National Police Memorial Week services. I have read the tragic story, and your reflections. It is with great pride and dignity that I am doing this for you and your family!! I would like to talk to the family if you will correspond through e-mail. It would be the highest HONOR to present you with Trooper Cogdill's bracelet in Washington DC this year. You can read more about The Police Unity Tour at policeunitytour Please respond back at my e-mail address. Happy Birthday to your son Cody!! stay strong and remember, it is not how they died that made them heroes, it is how they lived!
We ride for those who died......

Officer Jeff Whitson
Portsmouth (Va) Police Department

May 5, 2004

Dear Anthony,
Today our son is turning 4 years old and how time does fly. When I woke up this morning I remembered 4 years ago waking up and getting ready to head to the hospital. You were so calm and had it all together. You were my strong hold throughout the entire day and I remember if you left my side for a minute I insisted that you return right there with me. The memories of that day of events are so fresh on my mind this morning. All day long you stood by, held my hand, walked with me around the maternity ward, wet me face as I needed and then when the time came you never left my side for a moment. At 6:49 our precious gift from God arrived and I will never forget the look on your face and the tears that flowed from both of us especially you. You were so overwhelmed with joy and my heart puffed right up as I watched you hold our son for the first time. I also remember I began having a few compilications and you were immediatly be my side concerned for me. You stayed by my side all night and wouldnt leave me and you will never know the security that gave me. Two days later and the time arrived for us to take our angel home. You were beaming from ear to ear and I wasnt sure why until you strolled me downstairs and told me to wait that you would be right back. And back you came but to my surprise you had a limosine waiting to take Cody and myself home in. That was so amazing. The thoughts of how special you treated me throughout the next few weeks will never leave my mind. They are permanently engraved there. If you would have told me 4 years ago today that this is where I would be in my life today and that you would be gone I would have said noway. I dont understand why God didnt allow you to share another Birthday with our child but I can assure that I know one day we will spend every birthday together inHeaven. Cody is such an unbelievable child and oh how much he takes after you. Every decision that I make in his life I consider what would Anthony want or what would Anthony do or say about this. You will always be alive in his life through all of the memories I share with him daily. Thank you so much for sharing in bringing our son into this world. You will never be forgotten. I love you and I know how you loved Cody so on this special day I will make sure that he knows how much his daddy loved and truly cherished everydya of his 3 years with him.

I miss you dearly but look forward to reuniting with you when I leave this unperfect world of troubles and stress and meet you on the streets of Heaven where all trouble wil be gone.

I love you,

Heidi Cogdill

May 4, 2004

Dear Anthony,
I only meet you a couple of times when I patroled with the HCSO deputies as a ride-along. After reading all the kind words I feel like I know you well. I have chosen a career in law enforcement and I hope I can make an impact the way you, Trp.Calvin Taylor and Sgt. Jeff Hewitt have. While attending the 2004 BLET class, I've had alot of instructors who work for the BCSO and all speak very highly of you. They have lost one of their own on 04/04/04. My you rest in peace BROTHER, we will meet in the arms of the lord.

Hedi and Cody,
My family will pray everyday for the both of you. Hold your heads up high. God lit a special star for you to watch.

Jason, Kim and Brooke Hughes

Jason Hughes Firefighter/Policer Officer
Town of Canton

April 27, 2004

Anthony, hey there buddy. We meet back in 97, while I was working for IMAP in Forsyth County,NC. We became friend through our converstations and knack for collecting those diecast police cars. Anyways, I was sadden by the news of your passing. Sorry it's taken me about a yr to find this website. I am now in Kuwait with the US.Army in the Military Police Units. I have Heidi and Cody in my prayers daily. I hope the lord has you in safe keeping and we will soon meet again..

Thanks for being a friend.

Lucas Velez, Sgt.

Sgt. Lucas Velez
U.S.Army, Military Police

April 26, 2004

I just want my thoughts and prayers to go out to the family of Anthony. It has been almost a year since the good Lord above to precious Anthony away from earth. I think about Anthony's smiling face daily. You could never forget that beautiful smile of his. He is smiling down on us now, watching over us like he always did. Anthony always had the best sense of humor and knew how to make anybody smile. Soon enough he will be making us smile again in person, thats what we have to look forward to. God Bless "Little Anthony" (Cody). He is beautiful, just like his father. He will always be told by many what a great person his Father was. I just want the family to know there is many people all around the country praying for them daily. Especially right here at home in Waynesville, where Anthony was known best to many. I miss you bunches Anthony and I can't wait to see your smiling face soon. God Bless your Family.


April 14, 2004



April 11, 2004

Anthony , its Almost a year now, and i still think of you all the time, it hurts so bad not having you with us. and know , i lost another friend.Sgt.hewitt.We will meet again my firend.

Lt.Bill Smith
Asheville Airport police

April 11, 2004

Anthony....4 is coming your way..heads up for him, he's coming off a bad call...settle him him the zone ..I'll call you on direct when I get close........9


April 11, 2004

Well Anthony, another sad day for the law enforcement community across the nation, but especially in Western North Carolina. It is hard to accept another death, when we haven't gotten over yours.

I found this poem on another Officer Down page and felt that it fit you perfectly. I know there are a lot of people who love you dearly.

A Million Times

A million times we've needed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could've saved you,
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.

In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else will ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
Part of us went with you,

The day God took you home.

Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 7, 2004

I attended Anthony's funeral with my husband and we want you to know that you and Cody are still in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to bless you and comfort you as we suffer through the loss of yet another law enforcement hero, Sgt. Jeff Hewitt.

Sarah Lawson
Wife of Depty Aaron Lawson, Buncombe County Sheriff's Department

April 7, 2004

GOD bless you, your wife, and young son Trooper Cogdill. May the Lord hold all of you in His hand.

Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Deputy Sheriff
POLK County Sheriff's Office, Bartow, Florida

April 7, 2004

Hey Anthony.
Well, there has been another tragedy in Western North Carolina this week. As I'm sure you already know (because you met him at the gates) officer Jeff Hewitt was shot and killed on Sunday night. I just hope and Pray that his family will lean to God during this time as I know yours has. I have to say, Anthony, that you have the strongest family I have ever seen. They have such an amazing faith and they are all such role models for someone like me!! I see Heidi and Cody often, and I know you can see how well Heidi is raising Cody. You are a constant presence for Heidi and Cody and please know that that will never change. Heidi loves you as much today as she did the day you exchanged vows, and Cody talks about you all the time. A few weeks ago, on the first day of the trial of your murderer, I went to a basketball game with Heidi and Cody. The first thing Cody did when we sat down was pull out his little wallet and show me his picture of you. "Dis is my Daddy" he said in his big country accent. He looks and acts so much like is funny!! We just sit back and laugh at him mostly. He is such a ham (which, Lord knows, he got a double dose of!).
Just know that we still think of you often and we will all do everything in our power to help Heidi and Cody with whatever may be needed!!

God Bless,


April 6, 2004

".....From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:......"
- William Shakespeare, Henry V


April 6, 2004

Sunday night another tragedy hit close to home. Your former friend and colleague, Jeff Hewitt, was killed in the line of duty. I dont quite understand why these things keep happening to people I love and care about but God does understand. I remember one of our first dates we went to the movies with Jeff and Shirley. I remember when things like this used to happen I used to think I cant imagine the pain they must be feeling at this time but having been through it myself now I know that pain and I know how deep it hurts and how it continues to hurt on a daily basis. My prayer is that Jeff is walking with you and Calvin in Heaven but I dont know for sure. If so I know ya'll have some good old stories to share with each other. Keep him company. Let him know that I will pray for God to send down the comfort from Heaven to his precious wife Tracy, and to the rest of his family. I am told that Tracy was expecting and I know how hard it is to raise a child alone but it is possible with God holding her hand. Please remember that you will always hold the most precious place in my heart despite the things we went through. I love you with all my heart and I will stand in for you to represent our family this week as we mourn the loss of our friend Jeff.
I love you,


April 6, 2004

Anthony, today we lost another brother , this time in Buncombe County. As I was on the scene I couldnt help but to think of you and how the feelings I was having were like that friday I found out about you . I just want you to you that even though you are gone you will never be forgotten. We sure do miss you alot here on Earth but I know that you are awefully busy in heaven playing prankes and jokes on those angels. Rest in peace fellow Trooper knowing that you made a difference the short time you were here with us.


April 5, 2004

You are in my thoughts today and always. I miss you very much and think of you often. Thank you for the years we had to spend together and our beautiful son. I am just sorrry they ended so early for us. But God had different plans for us.

I love you dearly today, tomorrow, and forever!


March 31, 2004

To the family of trooper Cogdill a heartfelt prayer goes out to you on behalf of the Matthew J. Lane family EOW 5/30/03. We too lost one of our own that day. words just cannot say enough. we greive with you. My prayer to the remaiinng force that God may protect you as you protect our country!!!

Emory/ brother of fallen Ferry County WA Undersheriff Matthew J. Lane EOW 5/30/03

March 27, 2004

Well today is your Birthday and you are spending it with Jesus this year! I miss you alot! I am going to take care of Heidi and Cody as well as I know how and as well as I can. I have thought about you alot and miss you tons! I think back to all the times we had together! I think about the times you pestered me and I think about the all the good times we had those serious talks! When Cody asks did I know his daddy I tell him yes I do and I tell him all kinds of stories and memories I have of you, me and Heidi! He just takes it all in.

Gina (GiGi)

Gina Holloway

March 11, 2004

Dear Anthony,

It has almost been a year since we lost you. I feel that I was just talking to you over the MDT like I was the day before you left us. I just want you to know that I finally made the big step and left the Sheriff's office like you did. We had some good times together at Buncombe. I can still remember when you got your assignment to Haywood County. The message came over my MDT from you saying I'm coming home. You called me, and you sounded excited. I miss you my brother, take care, I know that you are in a better place than this world. I will keep that fight going for you.

If by chance you should happen to see my brother Scott up there, tell him I miss him and Love Him... Dave

Agent Dave Miller
North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division

March 10, 2004


As we close in on the one-year anniversary of the day god took your hand and led you home, as one of your fellow officers and friend, I want to return to renew my thoughts and prayers for your bride Heidi and your little man Cody. If it wasn't for you, many of the LEO's in Haywood County would have had one less best friend and one less face whom you are always happy to see when you're out on the road.
I will always cherish the memories of the good times we had on the road while I was riding with HCSD. Rest In Peace brother, We love and miss you.
To Heidi and Cody, God and Anthony are watching over you always, you both were the light of his life and always will be. Your friends Anthony left behind in his earthly journey are always here for you!

Live Like there is no tomorrow
Love like you never have before
and Trust in God

Deputy Phillip Caldwell

Deputy P.D. Caldwell
Buncombe County Sheriffs Office

March 3, 2004

I just read what Cody said to you about the balloon. I know it must be so difficult to see him go through life without his Daddy. I pray for you and him both. I wish it were that simple to get to heaven to see Anthony because I would in turn grab on to your ankles so Cody's balloon would take me to see Calvin. Thanks for the message you left me and I'll be giving you a call soon. I want to talk to you about Police Week in Washington, D.C. Take care and keep looking up because it's easier to see God and Anthony smiling back at you that way.


February 28, 2004

I wanted to share a story with you. Last saturday night we were going out to eat at Shoneys and Cody asked if he could get a balloon when we left there. I said "Sure Cody". He then said, "Mommy, when we go out side let me go and I am going to float up to Heaven." I said " COdy, You cant leave mommy" and he replied "then you can grab on to my legs and I will take you with me." I said Cody we cant do that and he said" but mommy I want to see my daddy". Although we talk about you daily that was probably the hardest thing that I have evr had to try to explain. A 3 year olds mind just doesnt understand why that balloon wouldnt take him up to Heaven. I did expalin that we would one dya get to see you and oh how we both look forward to that day!!! Cody loves you as much today as he did then. I will always keep you rmemory alive to him. I thank God daily for our wonderful son.
We both LOve you very much,


February 16, 2004

Dear Anthony,
Today is February 14, 2003. Valentines Day. TO most it is a very special day to share with your spouse or significant other all your love. Since you are not with me this year I am sharing this special day of love with our son. 8 years ago this past wednesday we officially started dating and oh how it has changed my life for ever. We had so many special Valentines Day's and you were always so good to bring in the sweetest cards. Although you were a man of little words on your feelings you always spent such long detail picking out the perfect card for me. YOu would always sign it your husband and I will never forget the smile that came to my face each year I read you message. I know that I will never recieve another card from you but I will always cherish the memories of all the past ones recieved.
I go to this page so often and I look at Calvin's page. Did I ever think 3 years ago that I would be in this very same position. My heart breaks for Denise because I know her pain. I know her regrets. I only feel bad that I never reached out to her while she was going through this trial. It is so weird how live unfolds. And although I know that God has a purpose for everything it is still hard at times to understand. * years ago I imagined growing old with you, having more babies with you, spending as much time as possible with you and now that is all gone. But at least I have all the memories of you and all the times we did have together. It is more than many people ever have in their lives.
I want you to know on this very special day that you are and always be my very special Valentine. You have my heart and soul. My thoughts of you will never go away. And I do have all your memories, pictures and the most precious gift your son. As he and I spend the day together will you know that you are always with us. Our love will never fade.

I love you my valentine!!
Your Wife(As we always signed our special cards)


February 14, 2004

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