Chesterfield County Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Ryan Eugene Cappelletty
Rest in Peace Officer Cappelletty. Even though I never had the pleasure of meeting you, you were a brother the day that shield went on your chest and it saddens me deeply to know that you are gone. Your family is in my prayers and I know you will be watching over them.
Godspeed brother
Bedford County Sheriff's Office, VA
About three years ago, my daughter Rachel began talking about Ryan. She talked about this really special guy that she was dating. Before long, it was apparent that Ryan and Rachel were in love, that they were meant to be together. Ryan was a young man who had a strong sense of responsibility and integrity, and that he loved law enforcement with all of his heart and soul. There are not enough words to express the loss that we have experienced. My thoughts and prayers are with Rachel, Rick, Robin, Raeann, Bud and Bert, and Jim and JoAnn, and other relatives, friends, and officers. I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive to Rachel and the rest of the family. Ryan, you will be sorely missed and never forgotten.
Cindy McKusick
Ryan's Mother-in-law
Cynthia McKusick
Ryan's Mother-in-law
My thoughts and prayers are with the Cappelletty Family. I wish you the best. Ryan is in a much better place now, I went to his memorial service, it was very nice, there were so many people and agencies there we had to go up to the 2nd floor of the church. If that doesn't say something about what kind of man Ryan was I don't know what does. I commend Ryan and all the men and woman that put a badge on everyday to protect and serve us.
REMEMBER: "Only the good ones die young"
Never Forget
Chesterfield Resident
God bless the family and friends and fellow officers of this young brave man... especially the 2 brave officers that arrived at the scene after Officer Cappelletty.
Carrie Lee
Ryan was a wonderful young man who gave his life to make everyone elses a little bit safer. No one who ever met Ryan will ever forget him.
Blessed be the peace keepers, they will be called the children of God.
I met Ryan when he was in 9th grade as a friend and football teammate of my son. I got to know Ryan and his family and they all became very dear friends to Zac and me. Ryan was a terrific role model for his teammates at Mc Dowell. He was responsible, level-headed and a caring friend (remarkable traits for a teen-age boy to have). He was an excellent football player who gave 100% each and every day. I was so happy for my son to have such a terrific guy as a friend.
As Ryan grew up and decided to make law enforcement his career, he was excited, enthusiastic and again gave 100% effort in obtaining his his education and career.
The last time Zac and I saw Ryan was at his wedding to his beautiful wife Rachel. He was totally happy and so excited to be starting his career in Virginia.
Robin, Rick, Rae Ann and Rachel - you can all be so proud of Ryan. Ryan gave 100% to his calling as a police officer just as he had to all his dreams and ambitions. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. God Bless all of you.
To Ryan's fellow officers - thank you for being so good to Ryan's family and thank you for so many of you taking the time to come to Erie for the service here. May God keep all of you safe.
Debbie Martin, Erie PA
Debbie Martin
Family Friend
Ryan, I never really knew you, but I'll always remember you from what I did know. You were always striving do do better, always trying to be good and have others be good too, and you have moved on doing exactly that. I'm proud to be your cousin.
Ryan's cousin: ~Di*Loria~
Brother Cappelletty, your watch was far too short. I pray continuously for all of my brothers and sisters safe arrival home. I know there was nothing you could have done differently. Why it happened, nobody will ever know for sure. Why we put ourselves in these positions, only your brothers and sisters will truly understand. I will pray for your family and friends that they make it through such a tragic time.
Brother Cappelletty I will see you again some day, so please keep things in line up there! -Godspeed Brother-
Ptlm. C.W. Hugate
Chesterfield Police Department
May God grant your family a comforting peace as you transcend this earthly bound. I have no doubt that God will meet you with open arms as you go forth to patrol the streets of heaven under his command. May God bless you, your family, friends, and all of the remaining peace officers who will continue the watch here in your absence.
Concerned Military Member
Ryan, you were my son's best friend in the whole world and Joannie and I loved you like you were our own son. Rachel, a year ago you became a daughter to us and, though our grief cannot possibly match yours, please believe us when we say ours runs soul-deep! We'll miss Ryan's sense of humor, his honesty and his ever-present smile. But most of all we'll miss his presence in our lives. Robin, Rick and Raeanne, you are family to us, always have been and always will be. We love you all!!!
Ryan, watch over us as you did for the people of Chesterfield and as you now do for the people in Heaven. God Bless you, my son!!!
Steve Ketchum, Family Friend
To the Cappelletty family and Ryan's co-workers: Words cannot express our sympathy for you all at this time. Words cannot heal your broken hearts. But please know that you are in our family's prayers, now and in the comming days ahead. Ryan will be greatly missed. But as long as you have your memories he will always be close in your hearts. We pray that no other family has to endure this terrible sadness and that each of you will return safely at the end of your watch.
The Footprints of God by: Gail Brown
In deepest sleep one night I dreamed
That on the beach I walked.
God was by my side each step
And quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life was flashed;
The visions all serene.
Two sets of footprints in the sand
Were there in every scene.
But then I noticed in some scenes
Of suffering, pain, and strife...
Just a single set of footprints
At the worst times of my life.
"God... you said you'd stay by me
In good times and in bad...
Why then did you leave me
Each time my life was sad?"
"My precious child," God answered
"When your life had pain, I knew
The single set of footprints
Were the times I carried you."
Joe and Betsy Haefner
Erie Pa
Dear Ryan,
We first met you on your first plane trip to Nebraska, for my parents 55th wedding anniversary weekend getaway. I remember you wanted to shake hands, I wanted a hug! It was easy to like you, and I could see why my niece, Rachel did! Ryan, you fit right into our family so easily! We had so much fun, laughing and joking and teaching you how to play ten point pitch. For someone new to the game, you sure caught on fast!!
We were so happy and excited to be able to attend your wedding, and meet your dear family, in Erie. They made us feel so welcome and right at home!
Our time with you was cut short. We were sickened to hear of your untimely death. We know you loved helping people, and being a police officer, just as much as you loved, our Rachel.
While at times, it seems we can't go on...we must. You will always have a special place in our hearts.
To the kindness shown by the Chesterfield County Police Department, to Rachel and to us. You will not be forgotten. Your kind words, support, and hugs are helping us to cope with this tragic loss. You have touched our hearts, and we love you all. Be safe, go with God.
Aunt Pat from Nebraska
Pat Nielsen (Aunt Pat)
From Nebraska
That day in May!
Bring him home dear LORD she prayed
Bring him home to me each day
Lord she prayed and prayed and prayed
Why did you take him that day in May?
I know how much you Love him
the Lord said to them all
But he had to answer the call that day
He was an officer on the law
Ryan was doing what his dreams led him to do
Ryan was doing what he loved to do
Ryan answered the call that day to keep the
rest of you out of arms way
So, rest assure Dear Richard, Robin, Rae Anne and Rachel
Rest assure to all those who loved our wonderful Chesterfield officer Ryan Cappelletty
For our Lord Jesus Christ was with him that day in May
For Ryan is with our Lord today!!
I did not know officer Cappelletty. But as an officers' wife and a resident of Chesterfield County I wanted to show my appreciation for all that he did. I hope that this poem I wrote helps to comfort those in mourning. Lord please be with Ryan's family and friends and help to comfort them in their time of loss. AMEN!
I just wanted to offer my sympathys to the family and department. I live in Christiansburg where we just lost an officer at the beginning of May and I know how difficult it can be. I pray that God stays with everyone who knew Ryan over the next few weeks.
God Bless and thank you Ryan.
Ashley Griffith
Ashley Griffith
Christiansburg VA
Rachel, As a wife of a Chesterfield Officer, I want you to know that I am grieving with you. I attended the service here in Chesterfield and was so touched by the kind words of his fellow officers. I know that Chesterfield County has lost a wonderful man. I was comforted by the words of his uncle and the knowledge that Ryan knew Jesus.
You are going through the nightmare that every LEO wife prays she will never have to endure. Please know that I am praying for you each and every day. I pray for comfort, for strength and for the knowledge that God is holding you in the palm of His hand. You are in my thoughts. God bless you.
Tracy Francis
Wife of Chfd Officer
Rick,Robbin,& Raeann, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We can't even image how you could handle this. We only wish you could know how much our hearts aches for you. Our deepest sympathy goes out to you. Love Lu Ann & Doug Lu Ann & Doug Pierce Cousins of Ryan
Dear Ryan,
You're lost is a very hard one for my family and my sister. You were more then a brother in law to me, you were a father figure and a friend. I miss you with all my heart. I want to thank you for making my sister the happiest person ever. You mean the world to her and others. Thank you for making the streets safer for the community down there. You are the best officer for laying your life down for us. I don't know what else to say, but thank you for everything. I love you and you are well missed.
Love your sister in law,
Michaelia McKusick Ryan's sister-in-law
Ryan was such a wonderful person. We will miss him so much. Hislife was cut too short. The only comfort we have is knowing he is our angel up above watching over us. Ryan will be greatly missed by all of us who loved him. Rest in peace-you are our you always, Aunt Nancy and Uncle John. John and Nancy Conway AUNT AND UNCLE TO RYAN
I will spend my tour in the gap reassured knowing you
are my backup. I told you when you started that you were
my relief. Now you are my partner.
Gods speed brother.
Cousin Ron.
Ryan, you were a wonderful person, and I am so glad I had the chance to get to know you and Rachael as I worked with you at Edinboro. You were always serious about any job you were doing, but also had the best sense of humor. I'll always remember you as a smart, funny, and dedicated individual. You were a great co-worker, as well as a friend.
Rachael, I am so sorry... You and Ryan were so wonderful together, and I know he loved you very much...
To the rest of the Cappelletty family, God bless you all. I am very sorry for your loss.
Erin E. Durfee
My thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Cappelletty's family.
Ryan you rest in peace, you will be missed and forever in our hearts. Rachel you stay strong and always remember that one of your families is us, The Law Enforcement Family.
Sgt. K. E. Bish Jr.
Virginia State University Police
"Fallen Angel"
He was a superhero in a way
He couldn't wait
To come and save the day
You earned your badge
Not by graduating at the top of your class
But by saving living things
Even a blade of grass
And for that you've gained my respect
You wore the bravery crest
Every time you made an arrest
I admit I wouldn't do it
If courage was a language
You speak it fluent
Even while evil was brewing
To your family
You were a son, husband, and dad
I would've took the bullet, and I'd be glad
I guess God had a plan
For you
To hold his hand
While you knelt by his shoe
You're truly a man
To take a stand
And be there for your friends
To me you won't be a burned out candle
To me
You will be
A remembered fallen angel
Written by Josh Moore, age 15, son of Amy Moore, Chesterfield ECC U-835 in memory of Ryan Cappelletty (who Josh never met)
Amy Moore, U-835,
Chesterfield Emergency Communications
AS I Read This Latest Line Of Duty Death I Am Saddened At This Another Brother In Blue Being Killed In The Line Of Duty. I Have Been To Too Many Funerals For My Friends And CoWorkers And Wish I Did Not Have To Read About Another Officer Being Killed In The Line Of Duty How ever I Know That As long As There Are Law Enforcement Officers There Will Alwawys Be THose Of Us That Have To Pay For The Freedom Of This Country With Our Lives. That Sometimes Is What The Average Person Does Not Understand But I know The People That read This Reflection Do Understand. I hope That God Will Bless The Family of This True American Hero . God Speed Brother And Please Watch Over Me As I Carry On. You Will Always Be A True American HERO!!!!!!!!!!!
Lawrence H Corbett Detective
Norfolk Police Department Va
To Robin, Rick and Raeann, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Ryan was so well loved and respected by everyone he came in contact with. It has been so amazing to read the messages left on this memorial page by people all over the country. What a wonderful tribute to your son and brother. To Rachel, it is such a difficult thing for the wife of a police officer to send her husband off each morning. You were willing to do that so that Ryan could do the job he obviously loved so much. Ryan will not be forgotten, he lives in the hearts of all who loved him so dearly. Rest in peace Ryan
Becky, Tim and Josh Mellander
"The Creation of Peace Officers"
When the Lord was creating peace officers, he was into his sixth day of
overtime when an angel appeared and said,
"You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
And the Lord said, "Have you read the spec on this order? A peace officer has
to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter
homes the health inspector wouldn't touch, and not wrinkle his uniform.
"He has to be able to sit in an undercover car all day on a stakeout, cover a
homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witnesses,
and testify in court the next day.
"He has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee
and half-eaten meals. And he has to have six pairs of hands."
The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands... no way."
"It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord, "it's the
three pairs of eyes an officer has to have."
"That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.
The Lord nodded. One pair that sees through a bulge in a pocket before he asks,
"May I see what's in there, sir?" (When he already knows and wishes he'd taken
that accounting job.) "Another pair here in the side of his head for his
partners' safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look
reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, 'You'll be all right ma'am, when he knows it isn't so."
"Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow."
"I can't," said the Lord, "I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound
drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck."
The angel circled the model of the peace officer very slowly, "Can it think?" she asked.
"You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the elements of a hundred crimes;
recite Miranda warnings in its sleep; detain, investigate, search, and arrest
a gang member on the street in less time than it takes five learned judges to
debate the legality of the stop... and still it keeps its sense of humor.
This officer also has phenomenal personal control. He can deal with crime
scenes painted in hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder
victim's family, and then read in the daily paper how law enforcement isn't
sensitive to the rights of criminal suspects."
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the peace
officer. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to
put too much into this model."
"That's not a leak," said the lord, "it's a tear."
"What's the tear for?" asked the angel.
"It's for bottled-up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that
funny piece of cloth called the American flag, for justice."
"You're a genius," said the angel.
The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put it there," he said.
Rest in Peace Brother...God Speed
Sen. Off. W.L. Wilson
Chesterfield County Police Dept