Chatsworth Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Friday, April 25, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Johnathan "Cole" Martin
Remembering Cole today. It seems so long ago, but the memories seem real to day. God bless you and continue to give you comfort.
Lorraine Bond
Mother of Dep. Sheriff, Donald K. Bond, Jr. EOW-09/06/01
September 25, 2024
Still here thinking of you
April 21, 2023
Thinking of you.
April 26, 2022
Rest in peace Officer Martin.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 11, 2022
On this day of remembrance of Don, am also thinking of Cole. I know that we love them and miss them more. Please take care of yourself, Mom.
September 6, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday Cole.
I miss you and you are always in my thoughts every single day. I wish you and Momma were here but this world isn't like it was when you were both alive. Nothing will ever be the same.
Love you forever and always!
Lynn Howard
June 4, 2021
Thinking of you Cole And your family today.
Missy Bingiel Supervisor
Murray County E-911
April 26, 2021
Still on our hearts and minds to this day! Proud to have known you and called you friend.
Scott Prather
April 25, 2021
Merry Christmas my angel. I love and miss you terribly.
December 25, 2020
God Bless the ones from the laste few days
The people in charge need to take charge.
Tony E Martin
June 4, 2020
Rest in heavenly peace
Mark Mottola
April 25, 2020
Christmas 2019 has come and gone. The Chatsworth PD , the Chief and his wife, put up a beautiful tree
December 27, 2019
Thank you
Robert Wilson
Former CPD and US Army (retired)
July 18, 2019
Tony E Martin
August 20, 2019
I served with your Dad and Uncle, not surprised you chose the path you did and suspect you would do so again.
Much respect to you Officer Cole Martin.
Robert Wilson
Former CPD and US Army (retired)
July 18, 2019
Love You my Son,
As long as I am still here.
You are still remembered everyday.
Your DAD
Tony E Martin
April 25, 2019
Thinking of & praying for all of Cole’s family and friends today.
Heath H.
April 25, 2019
I miss you so much Cole.
February 25, 2019
You are never far from my mind, especially at this time of year. It is supposed to be a happy time of year where we get to spend time with the ones we love the most, but my heart is so heavy knowing that your parents do not get to have that time. No more memories being made, no more laughs, no more Mexican dates, and the end to a future that should have been full of grandbabies and spoiling. I am so thankful that God saw fit to send me an angel baby, but as a Momma, my heart just breaks for your Momma (and Daddy). I cannot fathom the heartbreak that never goes away from losing your child. The day we all lost you changed our lives forever, Cole. I saw a guy pull into a parking spot in front of me driving an old white truck like you used to have. Even though it's been close to 20 years since you drove that truck and over 15 since the last time I saw you, it still took my break for a moment. It's funny how those things still catch me off guard, and for a second I check to see if it's you. Anyway, I am thinking of you and your family during this holiday season especially. Prayers for your Mom, Dad, and Nan. I still love you.
December 26, 2018
Been thinking of you a lot this week. Dad was shot in the line of duty on a call this past Tuesday. Thankfully he is ok. I know he had angels looking out for him, and I like to think maybe you were one of those angels. Lord knows little Cole couldn’t have lived without his papaw and neither could the rest of us. We tell little Cole about you all the time and visit you with a gift every year. He knows what a hero you are, how good of a friend you were to us all, and how much you mean to us all. He is such a good kid. Just turned 11 last month. I like to think you watch over him. We haven’t forgotten about you and never will. I miss our talks and laughs. I will always hold on to the memories and continue to share them with little Cole. It’s almost Christmas, and I hope you’re having the best time in heaven. I pray for your momma, daddy, and family all the time. I know all this time without you here has not been easy. One day everyone will be together again. Until then, keep looking down and watching over us all. I hope we are making you proud!
Miss you always my dear friend!!!
Jessica Yother
December 15, 2018
Hey Cole, I really miss seeing your happy smiling face. I think about you all the time. Everytime I see a dragonfly I like to think you are sending it to let us know you are saying hello and that everything will be okay. I know its silly but it makes me feel better whether it be true or not. I know one day we will all be back together but until then I will cherish my memories of all the good times we had here on earth forever and always.
I love you Cole.
Lynn Howard
September 5, 2018
Cole I sit here and read over your reflections and we always express the same. I guess we will never come to grips the finality of your being gone from us. We never get over what should have been. What could have been. I guess the season of our life as time goes by is where our thoughts turn too. For me it is the ghosts of grandchildren that should of been by now. I have a love for these children that will never be. I wonder if they would have been big babies like you or possibly twins. Would they have those dark eyes and hair and a smile that never ends. Would they be as good as you were as a child and young adult. You never gave us a minutes worry until of course when you were killed. I miss you so much Cole it is really unbearable tonight. But I’ll shut my eyes shortly and go to sleep with thoughts of you. I love you son with every fiber of my being always and forever.
August 8, 2018
June 12, 2018
June 12, 2018
Cole I have and will continue to miss you with every fiber of my being. We should have been celebrating your birthday today like we always did but I know you are having a much grander celebration in Heaven. Happy Birthday Baby Cole. I look forward to the day that we are all together again and that will be a wonderfully bless celebration. I love you forever and always.
June 4, 2018
Hey Cole!
It has been a very long time since I've been on this page or even really thought about it. I'm not sure why it came across my mind today, but it did.
I still can't believe you're not here in the flesh with us, but I know you are in Heaven watching over each and everyone of us. I just wanted to tell you I miss you and can't wait to see you again when I get there.
Love you! Kristy
Kristy B
May 1, 2018