Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Reflections for Sergeant David Paul Land
You will not be forgotten brother.
If you ever meet David you would never forget him. He was the type of officer that everyone loved to be around. I have worked with and around David scene he started to work at the Sheriff's office. David loved his job and loved to ride his motor. David will be missed. There is now a hole in our department that will never be filled. Every day that goes by, I keep looking for David to stick his head into my office and say hey. He was a friend that will never be replaced.
Detective Phillip Williams
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office
My prayers and thoughts are with the family friends, and co-workers of the fine officer. Rest in peace.
Lori Brown
Aunt of Deputy Renee Azure EOW 8/06/02
My thoughts and prayers are with Sgt. Land's wife, daughter, family, friends and co-workers. You will never be alone in your pain and grief. Your law enforcement family will always be with you and support you.
Denise Nichols - surviving spouse
Alabama State Trooper Brian Nichols EOW 2/17/2002
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my husband 11 months ago- In the Line of Duty. I have two girls 11 and 7. I remember thinking immediately- How can this be. How can I raise my children alone. How will they turn out-not having a father. We had the best father/husband that anyone could ever ask for.
Well- i will tell you this, it is a long journey you are about to go on. I wish I could be beside you to help you along the way. My journey is not yet over, and it will never be completely over. It is not easy, but it is not Impossible! We are doing ok. Not the same, different, not better, just different, we will survive this- and so will his love, and his memory. If you need a friend- I will be there for you, like many of the cops family has been there for me. I could not have made it 11 months without their support. The COPS programs are very comforting. You are not alone. We are here for you, When you need us. When it is time- Reach out to us-
Vicki Monier
Capt. Scott Monier EOW 4-24-02
Vicki Monier
Whitesettlement P.D. EOW4-24-02
I knew Sgt. Land as "Bubba" in highschool. He always had a smile on his face and never seemed to have a care in the world. I am very sorry to hear of his passing. I am sure he will be watching over his loved ones from Heaven. My little girl is the same age as Taylor Rene and I could not even begin to explain death to her. I hope her mother is blessed with the words and actions to comfort herself as well as little Taylor. Our deepest sympathy to your entire family.
Heather (Litz) Kelley
Former Redan High School classmate
To the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department, GA, family, and friends of my cousin Sergeant David P. Land, God bless you and may he rest in peace. No matter where you serve we are all family. My deepest condolence.
Officer J. Land
Newport News Police Dept, VA
To the family and friends of Sgt. Land:
I am so sorry to hear about your loss! From reading these reflections I can tell that he really touched a lot of lives, and a lot of people are grieving. I hope that you can come together in this time of tragedy to support each other. Keep his memory alive, and never let his daughter forget what an extraordinary father she was blessed with.
On behalf of the men and women of the Virginia State University, Police Department, our thoughts and prayers to the Land family and the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department.
Officer Don W. Reichhardt #125
Virginia State University Police Department
Sgt. Land was a wonderfull officer and he was always smiling and kidding around with all of us, he will greatly missed, I will see him again one day. I pray for his family in thier time of sorrow. I ll miss you David.
Cpl. Daniel Rush
Forsyth Co. Sheriff Dept.
I knew David as the good ol Bubba, we met about 7 years ago, we were the best of friends and remained best friends through alot of fun, heartaches, good times and bad times. Bubba was always there no matter when you needed to talk, needed to laugh, needed a hug, or just wanted a firend to steer you in the right direction. He loves his family very very much, he talked about all of his family often. Everytime a few weeks passed I would have to get the Taylor update, I would always say "so how is Taylor doing?" and out would come Bubba with a story about Taylor and how she just wraps her daddy around her finger. I dont think you can find a more dedicated Daddy then Bubba. He loved that girl with his all, in Bubba's eyes, Taylor made his world, Taylor was the twinkle in his eye. Bubba loved life, he was such an inspiration to everyone he met, he never met a stranger. I am gonna miss playing darts, playing pictionary together, dancing at Momma's, seeing him at Stone Mountain. Bubba always had time for his friends no matter how little time he had. I love you and will miss you so very much, when I get up there we will continue to have the times and the talks we have had for so many years now, till then I will miss them oh so much. I love you Bubba. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time of need.
Faith Nix, Paramedic/Firefighter
Barrow County
Rest in peace blue angel.
S. Yates
I first met you in 1996, there I was on a traffic stop with an upset driver cursing me out. You stepped up to the window and told the driver not to curse out a sister officer, then turned to me and introduced yourself as Officer David Land, AKA Bubba. (We were with two different agencies, I the city and you the park) This action made me smile, and I knew I had a friend.
As time went on we went our separate career paths, yet some how we ended up working for the same agency at the end.
You were always there for the force; making us smile or putting in that extra overtime for a community event. I always teased you about being the cop of all cops, always there when needed.
As time went on I had the pleasure of working side by side with your wife, Paula, in CID. (before she became a supervisor) I remember all the times Paula's desk was filled with roses from you. As I saw you together I saw love.
I promise we as a law enforcement community will take care of Paula and your daughter Taylor. They will be loved by us.
Thank you David for your friendship. May God give you the best Motorcycle heaven has to offer.
We love you David.
Detective Taryn Johnson
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office
I woke up Thursday morning hoping this had all been a terrible nightmare - I will miss you so much. I find it amazing that the last time I got to spend with you was just the Monday before this tragedy when unbelievably you tagged me for speeding... we got the chance to catch up and I got to hear how wonderfully your life was going - you had the woman you have loved forever and your beautiful daughter at the top of your priorities as always. I will miss us upstaging eachother with stories of the past when you inevitably would bring up the time you and the boys set out to find me "one morning". I will miss you always and will always picture the last time I got to watch you ride off on your motorcycle on a beautiful sunny spring afternoon.
Keep an eye on us from up above as we struggle through without your amazing presence. I love you. Stephanie
Stephanie Smith
To the family of Sgt. Land, remember you do have an extended family. Not only in Forsyth County, but state wide and nation wide. No other profession can honestly call co-workers "brothers" except for us. If any anything is needed call on us, we'll be there. Rest assured that he is now walking a beat in heaven and taking care of us all. Just remember Matthew 5:9 and and maybe it will help. My thoughts and especially my prayers are with all of you.
Shane Pierce
Lawrenceville PD, GA
Take comfort in knowing we all are one family.
Our department, and its' members, are there for you at all times.
Gresham Police Benevolent Group
Well Brother, where do I start? I met you in December 1997 after I returned to work with my neck brace on from crashing on the County Motor. You and Brother Chuck (who both had just got hired) sat and talked with me as I recounted and told my story of how I crashed. You told me about your crash in Atlanta and said "No matter what man, You have to ride again, get up knock the dirt off and keep going." As you left that day you put your arm around me and said "Be strong and if you need anything just ask" I knew then what type of guy you were and that I had made another new friend and brother. We went through the years together playing jokes, playing golf, and growing together. Chuck and you finally got what both had longed for when they allowed you two to ride as motor partners, and man was the county in trouble. It seemed no matter what all the Old Traffic Bunch did we always had a GREAT time doing it. Yes the Good 'Old Days, Well time went on the Traffic Unit was broken up and Chuck opened his on business. We all continued to do the things we loved. And for you it was on the Motor. As you received your new Motor Partner the days stories continued, Don moved right in and took up the empty space beside you. David we have all been through a lot together we have stories on each of us and you always made the reallity and stories better by just being apart of them. I know how much you Loved Paula, Taylor, your parents, Paula's parents, Kid's R Kid's, Capt. Born, Your Special Ops Brothers and Sisters, and all who surrounded you. You would talk about your life and how you Have the American Dream, and that Dream will live on. I can never remember a bitter word or time we had. And that is because you never wanted anyone upset at you or hard feelings, all you wanted is to be everyone's friend and that I will miss. I will always cherish our times together and Brother I love you, and though you are gone we will meet and ride and play golf again. So for now Brother just remember the good times we all had and how much you touched everyone you came into contact with and the lives you improved just by being apart of.
Love Always and Missed Forever by,
Chris, Renee, & Hailey
P.S. Everythime I here a Berry White Song I will do the David Shuffle and Daddy's Little girl will be taken care of. This I Promise.
Cpl. Chris Shelton
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office
Never Forgotten.
Knoxville Police Department, TN
I just can't believe the news that "Bubba" is gone. I remember him well from High School. He was always so friendly to everyone and such the people person. Over the years I would hear of his progress through law enforcement. We would drive by "Bubba" when we were out cruising around Stone Mountain. Sure do wish he could have come along for a ride or two, it would have been a blast. I knew that he would do well in life. I am sure he was and will continue to be a wonderful Daddy looking down on his little girl from heaven. My deepest sympaty goes out to his wife, daughter and the rest of his family. The world would be a much better place if there were more people in it like him.
Kristi Cook Sanders RHS 1991
Warner Robins, GA
I heard the news and it all came back to me as if it were yesterday. We were hired on the same day. We were partners in the academy (Class #146). We then were partners on foot patrol in Downtown (Zone 5). Also, you introduced me to Donella. If it had not been for you Bubba, Donella & I would not have meet, gotten married, had two beautiful daughters. Thank You. I don’t think I ever really had the chance to say Thank You. We then came to a fork in the road and we went our separate ways like so many of us do. We may have been apart, but the memories never left. They will always be there. Godspeed Bubba. Donella and I will miss you.
Officer C. R. Moore
Atlanta Police Department
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rain fall gently upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
May God bless you and your family.
I will never forget how proud I was when I earned my stripes.
I am happy you were able to experienced that pride.
Sleep well brother, you have earned your rest.
Ret/Sgt AJC
It sounds like thunder far away, but the skies are blue and bright...
And soon they crest the hill nearby, and ride into our sight.
They shake the ground with powerful sound, and they make some hearts beat fast...
They look so proud and noble, like Knights come from the past.
Side by side, they always ride, and seem to move as one...
From early in the morning light, to the setting of the sun.
And children point and wave to them, from cars that pass them by...
And young ones ask their parents, why the men have mirrors for eyes.
They ride the roads, and fight for good, and defend small ones like you...
They ask to ride, and do with pride, and sometimes they are few.
Like men of steel, on Silver Wings, they sparkle in the light...
then with a roar and rumble, they ride out of our sight.
Sometimes when one has fallen, never to ride again...
You can hear the others calling, like thunder on the wind.
Side by side, they slowly ride, and their thunder is a mournful sound...
And the mirrors hide their eyes from us, when teardrops fall to ground.
So if you see one riding, and you look into his face...
You see your reflection in his eyes, you know that you are safe.
For motormen are a special breed, they love to ride the wind...
And when you hear the thunder boom, the fallen ones ride again.
Author Unknown
Please know that when a motor officer is lost the ripple is felt all over the world.
Our condolences are sent out to the family, friends and co-workers of Sgt. Land. God be with you all.
Sgt. Andy Norrie
Toronto Police Service - Traffic Services - Highway Patrol
Unfortunately, this is the only way that I'm going to be able to tell you what a wonderful friend you have been to me and so many others. I have never met a person so personable and loving in my life. Your existence in the world has made each day brighter for everyone that you have encountered. I can think back to all of the fun times that we have had since the 8th grade and even the days we'd pass you & you'd smile & wave while we were cruising in Stone Mountain Park. Words cannot describe the way I felt when I found out about your tragedy. I hate to think that such an awful thing has happened to such a wonderful person, but I can say that I'm glad that it happened while you were doing what you loved most. You have made such an awesome impression on so many people and I would like to think that they will carry that on with them in their days. Taylor is a lucky little girl to have been given the wonderful daddy that she was. One day she will grow up and understand that everything has happened for a reason, and that you served your purpose serve and protect...and then your job was completed. Now you are in Heaven serving and protecting everyone you can, and sharing your goodness with the others that have never experienced a person like you. I wish that I could take away the pain that everyone is experiencing right now, but time will heal all wounds and we will all have great memories of what a great son, father, police officer, and friend you were. May God Bless You! We Will Miss You! We Love You! And until we meet again...Goodbye!
Brandy Alexander Dews