Myrtle Beach Police Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, December 29, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Joseph John McGarry
Dear Joe,
We never met but as I've spent my last four summer vacations in the Myrtle Beach area I heard about your tragic death and always keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace brother.
Missouri Officer
November 18, 2006
Hey Joe,
I was working second shift last night and came across someone wearing one of the shirts that were made up in your honor. I asked this person where and why he was wearing your shirt and he told me that even though he did not know you, he wanted to remind people all around the state and city about the sacrifice you made that cold December night back in 2002 and that he thought of you as a true hero. I told this person that I still wear the same shirt on a routine basis for the same exact reason. I do miss seeing you around and I will never forget the times we spent together as kids and as adults. Miss you buddy.
Officer Bessell
Warwick, Rhode Island
September 12, 2006
Just recently retired Joe and on that day I thought of you and how much you loved being a Police Officer. Often times throughout the years we have peaks and valleys and by the time we are ready to go we just dont love the job like we used to. Many times when I thought I was having a bad day or when I was just sick of Police work I saw you and you ALWAYS had a positve word to say about the job and YOU were the ALWAYS the the professional. I think you really got it and you were always there for the people, a true public servant. I'll never forget you, Hook
Sergeant Hook Dempsey
Retired MBPD
August 30, 2006
Joe.. I just stopped by on one of my many visits here. I think of you often, which is strange considering we never met. I know your death affected many people, including the friend who told me your story. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends, and fellow officers. I am sure not a day goes by that they don't think of you often.
An Officer's Wife
August 26, 2006
i love u bro. we started on the force together and became great friends. u called me a southern boy with a yankee attitude.hahah .. u will NEVER be forgotten.
love u
ritchie gordon
former policeofficer
July 21, 2006
Joe, just thinking about you.... You are missed always, but never forgotten. Rest in peace. xoxo
July 13, 2006
You are still in my thoughts, you will not be forgotten.
Police Officer Trainie Steven Cabral
Baltimore City Police Department
May 25, 2006
Please watch after the son I just lost in Heaven for me. You will never be forgotten for the wonderful officer, friend and man that were. Until our next life...Carole
Carole Funk
Forever Friend
April 11, 2006
A few years have past, but please know that you are not forgotten. I think of you and how you use to look up to me. How ironic for now I cannot think of anyone I admire more. I think of you every time I go to Home Depot. Take care my friend.
April 9, 2006
I was there that night you died. I saw your eyes when they saw their last. You changed my life...though I never spoke a word to you. I have never looked at anything same way. Colors are brighter, smells are stronger and love is greater. The images and sounds of that night will never leave me and not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. I have cried so many tears in remembrance of you, during your memorials and just thinking about you. Every December 29th I will be standing at the MBPD honoring you. There is a memorial for fallen officers at the courthouse where I work and I visit there often. You will never be forgotten.
Jessica Edwards
March 16, 2006
I have learned of your story through a new friend. You have been in my thoughts ever since. As the wife of a Police Officer my heart grieves this loss. I can see by reading the other reflections you were a great Officer and an even better man. I know I will think of you often. The streets are safer where you are.
An Officer's Wife
January 24, 2006
Joe, three years gone but NEVER forgotten. We think of you and your family often. Rest in peace. xoxo
RI friend
December 31, 2005
December 29, 2005
Rest in peace Officer McGarry. Thank you for your service.
God Speed.
Mont Co, Maryland
December 29, 2005
Rest in peace brother, we'll take the watch from here
South Carolina
August 11, 2005
Rest easy brother,you are not forgotten.
Tactical Officer S.Harris #381
Cicero IL.PD,Gang Crimes Unit
July 24, 2005
Working in the Street Crimes Unit, there isn't a day that doesn't go by that I don't think about you Joe. We shared a lot of good times together at your house doing unit parties. I loved your laugh when we would make Red Sox jokes (Yankee fan) and when you were at work, your compassion and your professionalism you showed on a dayly basis. I loved you then, and I love you and miss you even more now. My last memory of you was at Subway that night. You touch more people than you realize. I look forward to seeing you again Joe. You made me a better officer and better person.
Viacondios my friend.
Pfc. Paul Yurkin
Myrtle Beach Police
June 16, 2005
Joe, I was thinking about you today, and just wanted to say how much Christine and I miss you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the great times we had, especially driving around the USC campus while at the academy in the powder blue and white, drinking coffee, and talking about all the big arrests we were going to make(LOL). Thanks for watching over me and everyone else down here while we are on the street. You are really missed. Chris and have a baby on the way now and if it's a boy I will be reminded of you everytime I speak his name. When I see you again please be easy with me about how Boston destroyed the Yanks...Iannone and I are still recovering! Miss you bro!
Charleston PD
June 11, 2005
Joe, we heard the news that your killer was given the death penalty. Even though we are happy your parents have been given closure it still does not take away the pain of your loss. We think of you always and are grateful that you were at one of the happiest points in your life with your recent engagement. I cannot help but think where you would have been today, probably already married, maybe a child on the way, and promotion in the department. Anyone who is part of a police officers life knows the constant worrying family members go through each and everynight that they go off to work. You all love your job so much that even though the high risk you love going out there each and every day. With that Joe thank you for your service and rest easy now that justice has been served. You did your job well and we love you.
Rhode Island Friend
April 10, 2005
Your cold hearted killer was sentenced to die today. Rest easy
April 7, 2005
Officer McGarry,
I would like to let you know that I am praying for strength for your parents, fiance, and co workers at this time.
A friend of mine in South Carolina told me that the scum of the earth that took you from your family trial is starting.
My heart goes out to your family as they start this terrible ordeal. The trial is so trying on ones soul. You have to sit in the same room with the killer and he all of sudden has all these rights.
I know that all of you warriors are together and I am certain that justice will be served.
Maxine Clifford, mother
Deputy Joshua Rutherford EOW 5/29/03
March 30, 2005
I never met Joe, but I have met his father, and a close friend of his whom I work with. I recently lost a very close friend in another department to a murderous coward who shot him with an automatic rifle then killed himself. I never really understood just how hard the days can get after the fanfare of an officer's funeral is over and the crowds have gone back to their lives, even after attending more than ten officers' funerals throught New England in as many years. My depest sympathies go out to Joe's family and fellow I really do know how you feel. I have Joe's memorial sticker on my car, and I will not forget his name, or what he did.
A Providence, RI Policeman
February 19, 2005
1 corintians 13:4-8
4 Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; 5 it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never ends
Officer McGarry, thank you for your service and dedication. You will be missed and never forgotten. May your family, fiancée, and everyone who loves you stay strong in the memories and love you shared with them.
I lost my fiancée, Scott Stewart, in August of 2002. There not a day that goes by without him in my heart and mind. I understand the pain your fiancee must feel from being ripped from you to soon. The support and love from others who know my pain have helped tremendously.
To your fiancee, if you ever feel the need to reach out to others who know your pain, please contact me and other s/o’s. A search on yah groups will bring you to us. Just enter the below as it is.
I met your fiancée during police week the year you and Scott were honored. We talked brief and wanted to meet up again to exchange info. We were never able to do it. I don’t know if she comes to this page at all. If she does I hope to hear from her again.
Always remember as long as your heart beats Joe will be with you. He’s there everyday in your heart.
Fiancee Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit
February 17, 2005
January 31, 2005
Joe another year has passed, but not forgotten. It seems like yesterday when we heard the news of your passing. We miss you very much and always will. Rest in peace our brother and forever look upon us.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.
Rhode Island Friend
December 29, 2004