Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Christopher Robert Betts

East Point Police Department, Georgia

End of Watch Sunday, December 22, 2002

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Christopher Robert Betts

Hey bro, I can't believe it has been nearly 2.5 years since the accident. I often think about you, only wish I could go to your grave whenever I am, but you're buried in the soil you called home, and I'm still stuck in Ohio. I miss you, wish you could see tha pain that is aching in my heart from what that terrible night has brought to my life. So much darkness that fills the rooms nowadays, if only you were still here. I often pray that they will catch that driver...I once said I would forgive such a person, but 2 years later, I don't know if I'll ever find forgiveness for her. She knows what she has done, and it only takes someone soo coldhearted and stupid to keep fleeing from law enforcement. So much anger has built up in the past couple of years, and I just don't know how to release all the anger and tension that the accident has caused. If only you were still here, things would be soo different. I miss you Chris, and yes, these tears are for the anger that has finally built you

surviving sister

May 15, 2005

Just wanted to say thanks. We miss you bro and know you'll continue to watch over us all, we need it. Until we meet again. matthew 5:9

May 5, 2005

Safely Home
Author Unknown

I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
i am now at peace forever
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! but Jeasus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade

And He came Himself to meet me
In that ways so hard to tread;
And with Jesus' arm to lean on.
could i have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For i Love you dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Pray to trust our Father's Will.

There is work still waiting for you,
so you must no idly stand:
do it now, while liffe remaineth-
you shall rest in Jesus' land.

when that work is all completed,
He will getly call you Home:
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh the joy to see you come!

Chris' work was done here on earth, on the night of December 22, 2002. he was called home to heaven to have everlasting life. not a day goes by that i dont think of him, what hes doing and what he would be doing if he was still here. Chris stands with hundreds of other fallen officer watching over you and me, and keeping Heavens streets safe, for when our work is done. i know he is still with us, i can feel him every day, and know he is watching which help me threw my day. Chris i miss you bro, and no one knows how much, its greater then words could explain, i can only show with tears. i wish upon a star each and every night that i may have one wish and thats to see you again. i have a few dreams every now and then, and always wake up crying like the accident is happing over and over agian. is god trying to show me something. its all the real stuff like i was there, i see the van and everything. what is god trying to show me....i wish i knew. Chris i love you more and more each and every day. watch over all of us, keep us safe as we countinue our work.....I LOVE YOU CHRISTOPHER ROBERT BETTS, a true best friend and brother....

April 24, 2005

It's me again. I have had you on my mind so much lately, and so has John. He talks about you constantly. If you only knew how much he misses you. He has a lot going on, as you know, and he wishes you were here to talk to and laugh with. You made him laugh so much. I will never forget the times we had (remember when he shot the floor???) Please continue to watch over John. With your's and God's help, I know he will make it through this.

We love and miss you.

Your second mom

April 14, 2005

I First left a reflection not long after your death when I was what you would call a rookie. What happened to you has always stook with me. I am always that little bit extra Cautious when dealing with people since your death and I belive that has helped me escape serious injury a number of times and for that I am extremely thankfull. May you always rest in peace brother in blue.

Greater Manchester Police, United Kingdom

April 9, 2005

Chris my may you rest in peace. you stand out to me the most our names are the same Christopher Betts I am the same age as you and a police Officer in Alabama if I need help may you come in Gods speed

Patrol Man

April 5, 2005

Hey there:

I know you know how much we think about you, cause things happen to let us know you are still here. Everytime Noah sings we know you're here. Sissy misses you so much. She's really going through some rough times, and even though she doesn't say it much, I think she needs you to talk to. She's been through a lot in the last year or so, but she's been so strong and is getting herself back together. Noah is growing so much, can't believe he'll be 4 in April. Sorry I didn't write on your birthday, but I couldn't put it into words. I hope you heard me when I prayed. We miss you so much, and wonder often how our extended family would be now if you were still with us. I know we can't bring you back, but I feel like I lost a son and I want to see you again so badly. Please help me keep John straight and watch over him. He misses you, but he can't talk about it. I know he talks to you often, even he doesn't say anything to me about it. Please know that we love you and we know you are here with us in spirit. Thank you for the time we were able to spend with you.

Love always,
John & Christie

Christie Robertson
Second Mom

March 7, 2005

Hi there. I never got to meet you but from the great stories I hear about you. I feel like I knew you. From the sounds of it you were a great guy who loved his family, friends and would do anything for a stranger. I am a friend of the family and the smile on their faces and the joy in their eyes when they are telling stories of you just shows me what kind of mark you left in their minds and hearts. They show a true example of true love never dies. I know your family well, and I honestly don't want to be there when you all rejoice in Heaven together. I know your mom will probably flick you in the head and your dad will smack you in the head or maybe that is just me that they do that to. Anyways, I am sorry I did not get to meet you here on earth but I will be sure to find you in Heaven. You got a great family and friends from the ones I have met. I am friends mostly with Jeni Kohlrieser formally known as Betts and we have our good times and bad but we pull through and bug each other some more. Kind of like family!!! I have seen your little boy Trenton in pictures and he could not look more like you!!! Keep watching over your family and make sure things go well. They love you and miss you. I did not know you but I feel as if I did. In parting I can say, see you later!!!

February 27, 2005

Hi there. I never got to meet you but from the great stories I hear about you. I feel like I knew you. From the sounds of it you were a great guy who loved his family, friends and would do anything for a stranger. I am a friend of the family and the smile on their faces and the joy in their eyes when they are telling stories of you just shows me what kind of mark you left in their minds and hearts. They show a true example of true love never dies. I know your family well, and I honestly don't want to be there when you all rejoice in Heaven together. I know your mom will probably flick you in the head and your dad will smack you in the head or maybe that is just me that they do that to. Anyways, I am sorry I did not get to meet you here on earth but I will be sure to find you in Heaven. You got a great family and friends from the ones I have met. I am friends mostly with Jeni Kohlrieser formally known as Betts and we have our good times and bad but we pull through and bug each other some more. Kind of like family!!! I have seen your little boy Trenton in pictures and he could not look more like you!!! Keep watching over your family and make sure things go well. They love you and miss you. I did not know you but I feel as if I did. In parting I can say, see you later!!!

February 27, 2005

Well buddy, it's been a while but here I am looking at your face and remembering... I got you in your first foot chase, first fight (remember you got punked by that doper) and you died the night I was out of town. I was talking to Elizabeth about you the other day, telling her how I was such a whiner about that psycho g/f and you helped me get through. I got a buddy that sounds just like me and I'm trying to be you, how funny. Anyway, I am on a desk for a while. Yeah, for the first time in 15 years I fell in a foot chase and could not get back up, getting old I guess. I wish you were here even though you'd be giving me I guess you see we got a new house, a dog, and all the dreams we shared are coming true for me, I hate that you never lived yours out. I also hate the fact that your folks are getting shafted from seeing Trenton. He is getting so big and he looks like you (not me). Anyway, pray that things change and look over us all. We have lost two here in two weeks and it will get worse before better. We all love ya and miss you more that you will ever know. Save me a spot in your passenger seat, you've still got more training coming bro.

College Park Police

February 25, 2005

I don't even know what to say. I finally got the nerve to revisit this site today because I have been thinking about you a lot lately, crying a lot, not sleeping cuz of it, and now that I got the chance to talk...I can't find the words. I miss you every day, every second...I really wish you were here. I love you Chris....thank you for being my big brother.


Stephanie Betts
surviving sibling

February 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Chris!!! You would have been 29 this year...who you sure are getting up there :) Things would sure be a lot different if you were still here and I think you know what I'm talking about. Hope you're having the party of the year up there...Happy Birthday Big Gay

Love always,

Jeni Kohlrieser

February 16, 2005

Your birthday is tomorrow and I still can't believe that you're gone.

February 16, 2005

things are busy as they could ever be, which helps. when we went to go and serve this warrant the other day there was this wood fence around the house, that was barely standing up on it's own. it made me remember for a moment of when we were trying to put up your fence lol. wasn't that a joke. hey we're short some boards, um well let try this and see if it works, or when we broke the tree chipper, lmao. the drives are getting better. got the green lights for both projects, hopefully they'll take off. you know just keep on keeping on, no choice but to. so what do you think of my new crew? it's also getting better just some more time. watch over matt he'll need ya more than ever now. didn't think that one was gonna go through but ... anyway. talk at ya later "jackass" i love ya


February 5, 2005

Dooby dooby doooooo

It's been so long since I've heard those words from you, but Noah sang the Scooby Doo song the other day and I just cried. I miss you so much. Thanks for all the memories. I can't believe it's been 2 years, sometimes it seems like yesterday. I know you are looking down on us every day, so there's nothing you don't already know. I wish you were here to see Noah and Sissy and be the big brother she had in you when you were on this earth.

I love you,

Christie Robertson--second Mom

December 26, 2004

It's been 2 years now, and it still feels like you were here just yesterday. We miss you so much ! Merry Christmas Chris, we know your having the best Christmas anyone can have. Merry Christmas to the Betts family, you're in our hearts and prayers.
The Robertson's, Ga

The Robertson's

December 25, 2004

It's been 2 years today and I still miss my friend. A lot of people don't believe there is anything worth fighting the good fight for anymore but I do and you lived your life with honor and I will always respect that and remember you with a smile.

"Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written, "For your sake we face death all day long; we were considered as sheep to be slaughtered." But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:35-39

We miss you Chris.

Investigator Mike Sheehan
East Point Police Department

December 22, 2004

On the anniversary of your death, I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

A hero never dies....

Rest in peace, hero.

December 22, 2004

May we never forget this young Warrior's sacrifice...May God grant His Family the the Serenity to accept the things they cannot change, the courage to change the things they can, and the wisdom to know the difference...God Bless this Family..Rest in Peace Blue Angel..

Officer Debra Mcfall Ross
East Buffalo Twp Police Dept, Lewisburg, Pa.

December 22, 2004

Well Chris, in just a few hours will officially mark your second anniversary. We all miss you so very much. It feels like just yesterday you were giving me advise on my relationship with Josh. You were always there for me and for that I thank you so much. I miss you so much and will never forget you. I'm always thinking of you. I love you Chris.

Love your little sister,

Jeni Kohlrieser-Surviving Sister

December 21, 2004

As the second anniversary of this fine officer's death approaches-please know that I wish continued healing for all of the friends, family and fellow officers of this young man. Your many reflections certainly honor his memory in a way that I know would make him proud.
Officer Betts I tell your story to recruits I train at the academy so in some way your death has lasting meaning to many officers.

God Bless you all.

Sergeant Mike Smathers
Charlotte (NC) Mecklenburg Police Department

December 9, 2004





November 26, 2004

I didnt know Chris.. but I've heard alot about him, and reading all these have really told me what a great person he is. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure he watches you all everyday. Bless you all.

Someone from Lima

October 30, 2004

Chris---Christmas is coming up here in a couple of months...all I hear is..."Christmas is around the corner, what do you want? You have to want something." ... The thing is is, I don't want anything. I don't want to celebrate Christmas ever again. I'm scared, I wonder what is going to go bad this Christmas, considering the last 2 christmases have been nothing but hell and back. There isn't a thing I want that can hide what I really want. That is to have you back with us, have Brady and his awesome little smile back. I want you back Chris...but that is only a will never happen.I just don't know what to do anymore. I miss you soo much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't stop and think about you and cry. For a year and a half now, I've cried over my fallen brother, my role model, the one I look up to. I just don't know what to do anymore. It seems as if everything has fallen apart...seems like life has know meaning anymore. I just don't know what to do or think anymore. It really sucks. I wish you were here, as do a lot of people. I miss you Chris, and I still remember everything about you. You're goofy smile, you're ridiculous laugh, you're cockiness, you're yourself. I miss you..and someday I hope to see you again.
I love you Chris, and I'm sorry I never said it to you before you left. I regret not talking to you more, I regret a lot of things...and one important thing, is not being a GREAT sister that I should have been. Love you brother!


Stephanie Betts
surving sibling

September 15, 2004



August 24, 2004

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