Virginia State Police, Virginia
End of Watch Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Reflections for Senior Trooper Charles Mark Cosslett
I drive a bus each day for PWC & I pass your memorial near Springfield on 95 South each day for the past 4 years. I always say a prayer even though I never knew you because you were only about 2 years younger than me - just now on here to look you up. Trooper Cosslett (I always thought it said Trooper Mark "Catlett" )..., rest in peace...
Victoria Richardson
July 5, 2012
Brother Cosslett,
I backed you for about five minutes and in that time found some laughter on the side of 95. I think I was the last person to talk to you face to face, and I'll remember you for the rest of my life.
Thank you for the brief moment of laughter in what was one of the most stressful times of my career.
We always have your back.
April 18, 2012
It was nice to see someone left fresh cut flowers for you Friday. I mentioned to a couple of the guys, who I hoped had left them.
Q was nice and warmer than usual, after I left the storm hit and I was soaked to the bone. It was still a nice visit.
I wish as always you were here to have celebrated your birthday with. That will never change nor the emptiness I feel sometimes from your passing.
But I'm still doing what I need to here, taking care of business and my family.
I wish it was simple to let things go, but it's not. Everyone has their way of dealing with their pain, and who can judge that any one way is wrong?
I miss you bro, as many others do also, and always will.
Love you bro...........
"A Brother"
February 26, 2012
I was just sitting here smiling, looking at my girls, thanking God for all of them, and then the all so familiar tug on my heart came.......I can't share this moment the way I want to with you, but if you were still here on this earth you'd probably be here anyway, sprawled on the floor with them, beer in one hand, baby in the other, while your kids were playing with M.
I thank God for all He has blessed me with, and your friendship will always be one of those blessings.
It's time to tuck the little ones in, wish you were here to do the same for yours...........myb
"A Brother"
December 3, 2011
Miss riding with you to Q Town.........
"A Brother"
November 11, 2011
This month brought a roller coaster of highs ad lows with it, thank God there were more highs than lows. Q was so peaceful, just watching the clouds and reflecting on all that has transpired.
It was great being with our brother's and celebrating the union of a brother, who found the one, he was meant to be with for eternity. I wish you were here to celebrate with us, but I know your spirit approves and hope you were able to listen to how much you are missed.
Miss you my brother..........
October 23, 2011
Can't believe almost 9 years have passed-you wouldn't believe your little nieces and nephews. The one who wore your Monacan football Jersey-to the youngest who knows of you through all of our pictures, videos and silly stories! Uncle Mark will always be in their hearts and little brother will always be with me. I look up at the sky on a clear night and know you are watchin, laughin, even crying with all of us. We miss you! Rode by our old house, although crushed by the hurricane, still had to laugh that I got blamed for the beer found under the were a trip!!!!!!
Big sis
October 15, 2011
"A Brother"
October 12, 2011
Really wish you here.........waiting for P's arrival
"A Brother"
October 12, 2011
I'm on a high right now that I pray will carry me through the usual fog that this particular month brings.
Lord willing, the brighter days ahead will make this month bearable for once.
"A Brother"
October 5, 2011
M did it again, while things she has done and said in the past were so remarkable and made us just look at each other and say....."How in the world did she know that?" this was also another one for the books.
We have been moving things around today to prepare for the new arrival, when M picked up a picture of us together, one showing you with long hair that M has never seen.
She looked at Mommy and said this is Daddy and this is Mark, and then asked Mommy.........why did Mark have to die? Mommy was floored and got out that God needed you to come live with him.
She then asked," was it because Mark had a boo boo and He needed to fix him?", all she could say was yes.......
I ran into a friend of ours yesterday, and he mentioned how quickly people forget and move on and that he saw it with your death. It's funny how quick people will jump on the band wagon but then quickly run out of gas for the long road.
As long as our children and we are still alive your memory will be alive in our hearts. I haven't even talked to M about you yet and she already has picked up so much, some too remarkable to even mention.
Miss you Bro.......
"A Brother"
July 30, 2011
Its that time of year again... but riding with you is "allways" that time of year. Thanks for all the cool friendships you cultivated for me and other people. I hope I can help a Brother that has pain in letting your physical presence go. I know in my heart that God allows you to see a whole lot more, and understand more from where you are at than if you were still here in this world. So spread yourself across the universe and do the things that God needs. We'll be fine here untill we all meet again.
Say Hello to my Mom and the others. Tell them that we have a few more things to do and stories to tell before we can cash in.
We have some great, happy, things planned for this year so stay tuned.
A Brother
A Brother
May 24, 2011
The ride to Q was quick today, not the reflection time I needed after the days events. Q was very dark and dreary, peacful, but not in the good way.
It rained on the ride back. I guess it suited the state of mind I was in, after looking for something to happen, like times before.
It just wasn't there, and it bummed me out. Maybe the little old lady needed it more than I. Yeah I know, things happen, or don't happen for a reason.
I need to get over it and drive on. Hopefully, Lord willing we might have some good news in a few.
I'll still toss one to your birthday, but now I have to go make up to the girls for being a d...
Later Bro...
"A Brother"
February 24, 2011
Wish you were here...
"A Brother"
December 21, 2010
Eight years today......
It was a beautiful day and M's first time to Q. I can't get over how quiet and peaceful it is there, always time for reflection.
Miss you Bro.....
"A Brother"
October 23, 2010
A beautiful day in DC today, M's first time on the metro and to the LEOM. After that very special moment her mom couldn't wait to tell me about, it was a great way to cap off an interesting week.
It just shows that God has His own way of lifting our spirits and reminding us He is watching over us and taking care of our loved ones that are with Him.
Miss you bro..........
"A Brother"
October 10, 2010
I was reading ODMP today as I do everyday. Another of your team was taken yesterday in a diving accident. I hope every day when I go to ODMP that I do not see another brother taken. But today I saw another. I checked all troopers lost from your department and I saw that you were a motorman. I also was with the CHP and understand your love for the open air. God Bless you from one Marine to another. Semper Fi Marine
State Traffic Officer Mike Becze #7185
California Highway Patrol
September 15, 2010
Lots going on this month, wish you were here to talk to about it.
You would laugh if you could see what your road dedication is turning into, a real dog and pony show! Your buddy who doesn't like MC flags is even going to be there.
I hope your kids are able to be there at least. I'll have a private dedication "Mark Style" later on.
Miss you Bro.........
"A Brother"
August 24, 2010
Cosmo, I went to DC and got the scratching of your name off the wall. We went to Norfolk also on our vacation. We were stuck in a traffic jam, on I-95. We were totally stopped, when I looked to the right and saw your memorial on they highway. My son got some pictures of it. Thanks for stopping traffic so I could see you saying hello. Still think of you everytime I hear a Clash song. They have meaning now.
Lt. Glen F. Harding Ret.
Grand Traverse County Sheriff
August 23, 2010
Hey Mark,
Just wanted to stop in and see how much you are still missed. I wanted to tell let you know Ol Homer is running for Sheriff of Nelson County. Gonna be a Sheriff. How bout that? Thinking back at all the good times for sure and Hey, some of the good times and experiences will rub off somehow. You taught me alot so I will put it to use. I hope Big Don and U are up there enjoying a mixer.
John "HOMER" Wright
August 9, 2010
It was great seeing your family again, I really enjoyed talking with them, even though some things they mentioned to me were hard to hear.
I still had the same dread I always when doing anything connected to you, but it was great seeing them and other good mutual friends.
It was a long trip back and one of the first times I passed by Q without stopping. I totally zoned, but will make it up tomorrow.
I'll talk with you tomorrow as while this is usually therapeutic, I'm just not feeling it today and will leave it at that before I leave something on here that while it may be true, it's not the proper venue.
Later Bro......
"A Brother"
May 25, 2010
I just found out about Don today, another sad, sad, day. I've never gotten my head together about you and now another friend has departed.
Lord willing he can keep you company......
"A Brother"
March 31, 2010
Sorry for the loss of your friend. I had a lot of fun with him when we were in the Marines together. I am going to be in the DC area the first week of April. If at all possible, I would like to meet you. The pain and anger never goes away unfortunately. I had a friend shot to death in the line of duty. I know what you mean by anger. Stay tough and safe.
Lt Glen F. Harding Ret
Grand Traverse County Sheriff
March 27, 2010
Another birthday is passing, I wish you were here to rib you about getting older, but your not......
We carry on and live our lives but it never get's easier. I think it does sometimes, but it only takes one small seemingly insignificant thing to bring it all back and relive it all over.
My life is perfect except for your absence from it, I miss you so much and cherish the time we had together.
I'm a better man for having known you and knowing you had my back no matter what, but........
I'm still so angry.....angry I still don't have a handle on these emotions.....angry about all the stupid stuff that happened.........angry your not here........just friggin angry ................
"A Brother"
February 24, 2010
Dear Mark,
So many years have passed since I have seen you. will never forget Rob introducing us so many years ago. Riding on your mototrcycle was quite the experience. I remembe when you told me about your girlfriend, soon to be your wife. You were amazed that you had found someone you had so much in common with. I was happy for you, it was the first time I had seen you like that with someone. The day you died.I was in the hospital giving birth to my son. I heard it on the news and lost my breath knowing it was you. I missed your funeral as I was still in the hospital, but watched it all day on TV. I still think of you as the last victim of the snipers. Nothing can change that.I pray for your wife and children that they have been able to grieve and honor your memory. The childdren will know whata a hero their daddy was. You will always hold a place in my heart. I pray God has you wrapped in his arms and is keeping watch over you.You have a huge circle of friends that love you and will never forget your sacrifice. You are missed~
January 28, 2010