Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Oregon
End of Watch Saturday, September 14, 2002
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Morris L. Taylor
It seems so long ago that we have talked while parked car to car in the dark in the rain. I remember so well our conversations about your perseverance through your trials and conflict, while performing your sworn duties and following your heart for the Lord. You were a man among men and a Christian amongst church goers. Many agencies say police officers are the "Image of Penal Law and its warden...." You were that and more you were a man of the Lord and his messenger and you never hesitated to share his message. I hope that those of you who have honored Morris by visiting Him on this site, have gained strength to share the word of the Lord in what ever profession you serve on this earth. And Morris I thank you for keeping my thoughts focused on what is important. It goes with out saying that you are missed. But you are not forgotten.
Your friend
February 6, 2005
Dear Lord. Please tell Morris how much I miss him and I feel so empty without him. I feel like it been so long and when I look at his picture I feel like I used to know him. I can't even put it in words.Let him know I will be o.k. and justice will be served for those who did not do their jobs. Thank you for the support all you friends and family. Love,Margaret
Margaret Taylor (widow)
January 3, 2005
Dear Son:
It soon will be Christmas Day, needless to say Dad and I will miss talking with you. I spoke with Margaret this morning. She is doing pretty good, she was saying how much she misses you. However, we all know you are with our Lord and Savior.
We all love you and our hearts ache for you.
Mom and Dad
December 20, 2004
Morris, it is truly amazing how much you are missed and loved. It is obvious by reading through the reflections left by your friends and family. I hope your family is doing well, including the deputy who was with you that fateful day. Godspeed brother!
Trooper Mark Holthaus
Washington State Patrol
October 1, 2004
I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.
A hero never dies.....
Rest in peace, hero. God bless.
September 29, 2004
Remembering Deputy Morris Taylor on the 2 year anniversary of his death in the line of duty. God's peace be with all of you, his family and brothers & sisters in blue. Rest in peace, Dep.
Michigan Citizen
September 10, 2004
Dear Morris: 9-8-04
On Sept. 14, 2004 it will be two years that you were taken from us. We miss you so much.
In Memoriam
Douglas County
Deputy Sheriff
Morris Lyn Taylor
9-2-1964 to 9-14-2002
There is a bridge of memories from here to Heaven above, that keeps you very close to us, it's called the bridge of love. As time goes by without you, and the days turn into years, they hold a million memories, and a thousand silent tears. To us you were so special, what more is there to say, except we wish with all our hearts that you were here today. There will always be this heartache, and often a silent tear, we shall cherish those precious memories, of the days when you were here. Remembering you is easy, we do it every day, but missing you is a heartache, that will never go away.
We Love and Miss You
Mom and Dad
Your wife Margaret
and your
Sister Melissa
September 9, 2004
We are approaching the two year anniversary of that Tragic Day that took you from all of us. A few days ago would have been your 40th Birthday. We all miss you.
Thanks for watching over all of us!
Jack & Tracy Van Dolah
September 7, 2004
Dear Son: Sept. 2, 2004
Today is your 40th Birthday. Dad and I had always planned a surprise visit and celebration on this special day. Since that won't be taking place, we just want to say how much we love you and miss you. You will forever be in our hearts.
Mom and Dad
September 3, 2004
Deputy Taylor,
Thank you Sir. Thank you for your courage, bravery and for making the ultimate sacrifice. Your work here on Earth made this world a better place. I never met you but thought I would share my great appreciation for you as a human being and as a law enforcement professional.
Detective T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept., CA.
April 14, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 4, 2004
We missed Morris at the SDSD when he left our department but now he is with our LORD (REMEMBER) "We will see him again".
Derek E. Clark
San Diego Sheriff
March 25, 2004
I had the pleasure of working with Morris while he was employed with Coquille Police Department. Morris was already a veteran in law enforcement, while I was just starting my career. I considered Morris a friend though we worked for different departments, and saw each other infrequently. I found Morris and Mrs. Taylor to be two of the most genuine people I have ever met.
I found Morris' compassion, dedication, and hard work in the community, as an inspiration to me. Morris was my role model from the start, and I knew that as a rookie, I wanted to be as good as he was. We lost touch as we both moved to different agencies, and I regret that I didn't have a chance to get to know him better.
Morris is with the Lord now, and continues his work through all of us. We won't forget.
Officer Sean Thomas
US Forest Service
March 5, 2004
I don't even know how to do a reflection for my own husband.Its Christmas 2003 and I am sitting here lonely. I know my husband would not want it this way.I am thankful for where my husband is today even though I don't like that I am not with him. Morris used to pray........ Lord come quickly because of this imperfect world we live in. The bad guy that killed Morris would of wanted me to suffer too but I will make it through because of my saviour Jesus and you dear friends,family and law enforcement officers. The support you have showed me was a gift from God. Thank you all so much.If you are an unbeliever I pray that you will ask Jesus into your heart so you will not be seperated from Him when your time on earth is up.I love all you guys. In His Love ,Margaret Taylor
Margaret Taylor
widow of Morris Taylor slain in the line of duty 09-14-02
December 25, 2003
December 10, 2003
According to many of your friends and parents,
you are with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
There is none greater than He. We don't get to Heaven based on what
we do, but what He did for us!! AMEN! Thank you for your fine
example to those that worked with you and knew you. There is now a
huge void that cannot be filled, but as you are remembered, thoughts will
turn to your exemplary life and we will be filled with pride and respect
and love for the man you became. You were a wonderful testimony to
the Lord you served. God be with all those who mourn and may His
promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come. Well
done, Morris. Someday I'll get to meet you!
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
December 9, 2003
I had the privilage of knowing Morris and worked with him for about three years with SDS He was one of our finest officers.
Each time he came in to S.D Motay would drop in to say hello. We miss his smiles and humer.
I did not know Morris had been killed untile I saw the memoral in the S.D news paper.
I did nor know his wife but our prayers go out to her and his father and mother.
Morris spoke of his father often and would say " My Dad Gave Me Good Advise" and would tell me what the advise was. It worked for me. I did not have a father that I knew.
Moris talked of his church and his his love of God.
This man has made a difference in many lives.
Reading all of the reflections made me wan't to cry. I thank God for knowing this man and the friendship we had.
We will see motay again because I know the same Jesus he talked about. God loved us so much he gave his Son so we will have eternal life with him.
God Bless
October 22, 2003
Morris witnessed to me several times about his christian walk. His words were (IF YOU TALK THE TALK WALK THE WALK). HE DID JUST THAT. He caused me to take another look at my life. Because of Morris I am now a BORND AGAIN CHRISTIAN AS OF SEPT 19, 2003 I will continue witnessing about Christ to all who will lisen. Morris we will see again soon and I will tell him Thank You for sharing with me about Christ.
Your Brother
October 20, 2003
It's hard to believe that a year has already passed since Deputy Taylor was killed. Each of us is moving on, but he has not been forgotten.
Every day I remember the example that Morris was.... The fine example of an officer, a friend, and a Christian. I am a Christian and Morris' death challenges me to daily examine the kind of example I am being for those around me.
Morris lived his life with a purpose, and I know his death had a purpose also. Thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice. You'll never know how many lives you've saved.
Douglas County Sheriff's Office
September 16, 2003
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of your untimely death. I will never forget the day that you were taken from us and the horror and disbelief I felt when I was told of what had happened.
I gathered with fellow brothers and friends yesterday at the motel where you were slain. I talked to my brothers that were there with you at the call, and the pain was still fresh with them, as it still is with me.
Thank you Morris for always finding the time to talk to me. I didn't hardly get a chance to know you, but every time I saw you, you were always smiling. I'll never forget that big smile that seemed to be perminently plastered on your face.
The admimistration didn't appreciate you talking to us about Jesus and your walk with the Lord, but I always appreciated it.
You were and inspiration to me to see a man of the Lord in our profession. I've struggled with my own walk with God and use the excuse that it's my job that keeps me away from being as faithful as I know I should be, and I know I'm wrong.
You will always be and inspiration to me and I miss you deeply. You truly are a hero Morris, and I will always look up to you.
Rest in peace my friend, and thank you.
September 15, 2003
We have many Family & Friends in Law Enforcement…
One of which we lost on September 14, 2002.
His name was Morris Lyn Taylor.
He was a Deputy with the
Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
This man made an impact on so many lives and left behind a
lot of Wonderful Memories that We Will All Cherish.
His Love of Life and of The Lord is something anyone
who met him had to know.
His smile, his laughter, his since of humor.
He was just a Warm and Gentle Soul.
We know that Morris is now up in Heaven with Our Lord.
He is watching over all of us,
just as he did when he was here on Earth.
His Wife, Parents, Family & Friends Will Never Forget Him.
We miss You 108.…
Jack & Tracy Van Dolah
Retired LEO & Wife in Douglas County, Oregon
September 15, 2003
Our Hearts Break as we mark the 1 Year Anniversary of the loss of Morris Taylor. This has been a long and sad year for most of us who are a part of the law enforcement family, as well as the residents of Douglas County, who knew and loved Morris Taylor. We travel I-5 between Sutherlin & Eugene a lot and can not go past the Curtin Exit without thinking of Morris. He was such a gentle, sweet soul. He had a smile & laugh that was just heart warming. He is and always will be missed.
I know that Morris watches down over all of us from Heaven, just like he did when he was here.
We Miss You Morris!
Tracy Van Dolah
Daughter/Wife of Retired Douglas County Police Officers
September 14, 2003
It's hard to believe, my friend, that a year has passed by since you were struck down and went to stand before our Lord; which we all have comfort in knowing is where you are this very moment. For those who never knew Morris may it be known that he was one of the finest men, a man of Christian faith, I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. May God continue to bless and protect his wife and family who were left behind. See you soon enough, my brother.
Acts 4:12
Cpl. T. Vrabel
San Diego Sheriff's Department
September 14, 2003
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Today, September 14, 2003 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Deputy Morris Taylor who died on this date one year ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Deputy Taylor's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
September 14, 2003
In Memoriam
September 2, 1964 to September 14, 2002
We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you. You did not go alone, for part of us went with you the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide. And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
Love Always
Mom and Dad
Your Wife Margaret
Your Sister
September 13, 2003
Today September 14,2003 marks one year of the death of Deputy Morris Lyn Taylor.
I would like to take this opportunity to express the appreciation of my family for the great outpouring of concern and sympathy from the Roseburg Community and all the above reflections over the loss of our Son. We harbor no ill will...(He) is now secure in his celestial home. When the question is ask, "Why did this happen?"perhaps one answer will be. SO THAT MANY WILL CONSIDER WHERE THEY WILL SPEND ETERNITY.
Trusting in the sovereignty of God can turn outrage into compassion and hatred into concern.
The Lord can turn a tragedy into an opportunity to show us eternity must never be ignored.
Lyndell Morris Taylor - Father of
Morris Lyn Taylor - EOW 09-14-02
September 13, 2003