Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Oregon
End of Watch Saturday, September 14, 2002
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Morris L. Taylor
Hey Mo-Tay, it's been a long time, but I thought of you the other day. Just wanted to stop by and let you know we haven't forgoten about you down south. Love you brother!
Detective Jeff Lauhon
April 10, 2011
Well Morris,
You came into my thoughts this evening so I thought I would just drop in and say Hello, not so much to you as you are with the Lord you so Faithfully served in thought word and deed. More so for your Mom and Dad to know that we also miss Morris and think of him. Admitedly not as much as you, but he is still in all of our hearts as well.
"Do not weep for me when I am gone, but rejoice in the fact that I am with the Lord my Savior".
You raised a good man and for some reason he was needed in Heaven before we were ready to let him go.
I know that Margaret misses you as well. You would not be missed if you were not loved by so many.
I am on the other side of the world right now but I still remember your first day in the Lord your Gods house.
Friend and co-worker
January 30, 2011
We think of you often and your loved ones. Each time we drive pass the Curtain exit, we honk our horn, say a prayer, and think you for protecting us! You will never be forgotten!
January 7, 2011
Remembering my friend Morris
Officer Billy Vanhus
December 31, 2010
Hi Son:
In a couple of days it will be Christmas, just wanted you to know that we
are thinking of you. We miss you so very much. We spent Thanksgiving with
Melissa and the girls. Good time was had by all. Went to Green Hills to place
flowers and to reflect. We know you are having a joyous time in Heaven with
our Lord, Merry Christmas.
Love you so much,
Mom and Dad
December 23, 2010
Our lives in Douglas County, Oregon were forever changed on September 14, 2002. When a crazed man took the life of a good, honest, believer, Deputy Morris Taylor. That fateful morning changed the lives of all who knew and loved Morris. From his beautiful wife, his loving parents, his beloved sister, his adoring friends, his fellow officers and his very thankful community. All of which were left to morn the loss of this Special Gift we were all given.
Over the last 8 years, life seems to go on. The sun rises every morning to another day. Fall weather is setting in, soon our leaves will begin to change colors and will soon fall. Leading us to Winter's chill. The cold will last and we will see a bit of snow before it is over. But, the rain will be worth it when we see all the beautiful flowers that will bloom in the Spring. I read this poem and it makes me think of Morris and his warm smile, laughter and his love of the Lord.
Remember Me
Remember me when the flowers bloom,
Early in the Spring.
Remember me on sunny days,
In the fun that Summer brings.
Remember me in the Fall,
As you walk through the leaves of gold.
In the Wintertime, Remember me
In the stories that are told.
But most of all... Remember
Each day, right from the start
I will be forever near
For I live within your heart.
By: Judith Bulock Morse
As I do every year, I took flowers up to Curtin, Oregon where Morris was taken from us. It is still hard to believe that Morris is gone. I can picture that smile, see that twinkle in his eyes and hear that laughter. He was such a wonderful gift in all of our lives. We are so Thankful to God for Blessing Our Lives with the time we had with Morris Taylor.
Rest in Peace #108, You'll Always be in our hearts.
Sending Hugs to you in Heaven
Tracy Van Dolah
LEO Family
September 15, 2010
Our lives in Douglas County, Oregon were forever changed on September 14, 2002. When a crazed man took the life of a good, honest, believer, Deputy Morris Taylor. That fateful morning changed the lives of all who knew and loved Morris. From his beautiful wife, his loving parents, his beloved sister, his adoring friends, his fellow officers and his very thankful community. All of which were left to morn the loss of this Special Gift we were all given.
Over the last 8 years, life seems to go on. The sun rises every morning to another day. Fall weather is setting in, soon our leaves will begin to change colors and will soon fall. Leading us to Winter's chill. The cold will last and we will see a bit of snow before it is over. But, the rain will be worth it when we see all the beautiful flowers that will bloom in the Spring. I read this poem and it makes me think of Morris and his warm smile, laughter and his love of the Lord.
Remember Me
Remember me when the flowers bloom,
Early in the Spring.
Remember me on sunny days,
In the fun that Summer brings.
Remember me in the Fall,
As you walk through the leaves of gold.
In the Wintertime, Remember me
In the stories that are told.
But most of all... Remember
Each day, right from the start
I will be forever near
For I live within your heart.
By: Judith Bulock Morse
As I do every year, I took flowers up to Curtin, Oregon where Morris was taken from us. It is still hard to believe that Morris is gone. I can picture that smile, see that twinkle in his eyes and hear that laughter. He was such a wonderful gift in all of our lives. We are so Thankful to God for Blessing Our Lives with the time we had with Morris Taylor.
Rest in Peace #108, You'll Always be in our hearts.
Sending Hugs to you in Heaven
Tracy Van Dolah
LEO Family
September 15, 2010
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to keep watch over all of them and protect them as they continue on in their lives. You will never be forgotten as true heroes never die.
"Death leave a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." From a Headstone in Irelande
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
September 14, 2010
My day began as a day from hell. It all started when an individual named Kory Lee Jones decided to take Morris Taylors life and any other LEO he could. It was the end of their last day on this earth. Morris was a believer but Kory was not. Fill in the blank what they are doing today. My late husband is praising the Lord. We are suffering on this earth. Yes we don't mourn as those that have no hope but we still mourn. I woke up at dark o'clock hours crying and my new husband asked what was wrong. I said Kory Lee Jones is what was wrong. What he did made it hell for us. You see Kory Lee Jones was the instrument that changed the Taylors life, DCSOs life and many others. We miss Morris and still hurt even all these years later. Its true that Kory took part of our hearts. I will get through this day but all I can do is have the confidence that I will see him again one day. Take care all of you who are still mourning. Liz,Lyn, Melissa, Jeff, Ric,Billy DCSO dispatches, NDCFD etc. Love,Margaret
Margaret Aragon
Widow of Morris
September 14, 2010
In Memory of our Son Deputy Sheriff Morris Lyn Taylor
September 2, 1964 to September 14, 2002
It has been eight years since you left us, we miss you so much.
"Our Hero"
Your life was a blessing,
your memory a treasure.
You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
Love and Hugs
Mom and Dad and your sister Melissa
Mom and Dad and sister Melissa
September 13, 2010
Remembering My Friend Deputy Sheriff Morris Taylor and his family.
September is a happy and sad month me.
1-I became a christian. Morris said we all needed Christ in our life,
2-Your birth day happy for your Mom & Dad
3-Your life has touched many people leading them to Christ even after you left us.
4- You are in your new home with Christ
5- Sad because we all miss you.
For those reading this reflection for the first time and did not know Morris I am sorry. He touched the lives of many boys and girls as a DARE Officer. He tought us to love one another ans respect each other.
Jersus said "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels,"
Psalm 37:7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Do not fret---it only causes harm.
Officer Billy Vanhus
September 3, 2010
Hi Morris: 09-02-10
Dad and I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We think of you every
day and miss you so much. It seems like only yesterday you left us, yet
it seems like you have been gone for so long. Its hard to believe you will be
forty six years old, just think what that makes Dad and me. We love you so
very much.
Hugs and kiss's
Mom & Dad
September 1, 2010
Morris, Merry Christmas:
Dad and I were just remembering how you and your sister, were always
so excited on Christmas morning. Those were the best of times. We
think of you all the time and miss you so much. We know you are spending
Christmas with Jesus and your grandparents. We love you so much.
Love and Hugs
Mom and Dad
December 25, 2009
Hi Morris:
Been thinking about you. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Aunt Edie will be here
with us. We didn't always get to spend the holidays together, but at least
we did get to talk on the phone. Will Be thinking of you. We love and miss
you so much.
Mom and Dad
November 25, 2009
SEPTEMBER 2, 1964 - SEPTEMBER 14, 2002
It's been seven years and it seems like yeserday. Our hearts are still empty. We know God had a plan for you because you were his child. We are glad he let us keep you as long as he did, We miss the phone calls, laughter, and all thegreat tmies we had. But God needed you more than we did.
We Love and Miss You.
Mom, Dad, your sister Melissa and neices Corinne and Olivia
September 13, 2009
Deputy Morris Taylor Sept, 14 2002 I REMEMBER VERRY WELL..
I did nt get to attend the memoria, l but stood on the street with my sign which stated Morris I will miss you. And I still do. and some day we will see you again.
I am attending collage and working as an officer. My goal is to be an attorney at law. working in law inforcement.
A few weeks ago I visited The Douglas County Sheriff's Office.
I told them about what you did for my friends and me. and you had turned our life around. Two officers stated that you made a difference in many people. Officers, Fireman. and the Community where you served. They all miss you and no one will ever take or fill your shoes.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Staff stated You were well respected by my most people who knew you. Your dedication and smile will not be forgotten.
God bless all your friends and family.
Your Friend Billy
Officer Billy Vanhus
September 13, 2009
Hi Son: 09-01-09
Tomorrow September 2nd will be your 45th Birthday, Dad and I have been
thinking a lot about you. We remember how excited you would get when we
had your birthday parties and when you saw the gifts your eyes would get so
big. Had a good visit with your sister Melissa and nieces this past week, they
are doing fine and miss you so much. We all went to Green Hills and left
flowers for you. Needles to say we all had a good cry.
Love and Hugs
Mom and Dad
September 1, 2009
Hi Son:
Just want to say how much we miss you. Also want to say how proud Dad and
I are of you, it does our hearts good to see and read about the impact you had on young peoples lives. It was a real blessing to read what Officer Billy had to say about you. I'm sure his family is proud of him as we are and that he got on the right path.
Love and Hugs
Mom and Dad
July 16, 2009
Morris I have in my bible a note from you shitch you wrote me at the age of 12.
You said read Psalm 100: 1-3
The Gift Of Joy.
Shout , all the earth. Woriship the Lord with gladness: come before Him with joyful songs.
God Bless The Taylor's
Officer Billy
July 10, 2009
Hi Son: 4-15-09
Just been thinking a lot about you, I don't think a day goes by that Dad and I don't say something about you. What a wonderful son you were and we have many happy and fond memories. We were so blessed to have you for 38 years.
Your sister Melissa is doing okay, working full time at the hospital, she loves
her job. Corinne and Olivia are doing well, Olivia will be twelve years old this
June. Just want you to know, how much we love you and think of you.
Love and Hugs
Mom and Dad
April 15, 2009
I never had the privilege of knowing my brother Peace Officer and fellow Deputy Morris Taylor. I only wish that I could have had the honor of knowing him, before the Lord took him to live in a far, far better place than we live in, in this world. I'm a friend of Margaret's, who has shared some of her memories of Morris with me. Like Morris, I patrol the streets of Houston and like Margaret, I serve the ill and injured, as a Paramedic, as a second profession. God has a purpose for each of us here in this world, and the common thread that binds each of us to each other, is that it is His commandment, that we watch out for, and take care of each other, as the brothers and sisters in God, that we are. I can only imagine that if I had known Morris, that we would have had many good times, and exchanged stories of what we encounter at work, on a daily basis, but even more so, we would have shared the stories of our families, and how our families mean the world... everything, to us. At the end of our "roll call", our sergeant's always remember to remind "us" of our number 1 goal, of our tours-of-duty for the day..."When the day is done, your DUTY is to go home to your family." Morris is a hero, even to those of us who never even had the honor of knowing him, in person. Because, what others may not understand, is that what Morris and I, and our fellow brothers who have sworn to protect our communities, keep in the backs of our minds, is that "yes... we intend to go home, safely, to our loved ones at the end of the day", but we also see those whom we serve, our communities, as our families too. Morris wasn't just doing his duty....his job...., he was protecting his extended family from harm, the day that he was so savagely robbed of his life. Our spouses understand. They try not to think about it, but they understand the sacrifice we may face, at any given moment, when we do everything within our beings, to protect our families, and our neighbors. And for those who don't understand that, I suppose all that I can say is, it's not just a job to us. It's what we feel we owe to our fellow man. Another fellow Peace Officer, and close highschool friend of mine, Pasadena, TX Officer Jeff Ginn was gunned down, several years ago, like Morris. The day Jeff died, I felt like a piece of me died with him. My heart truly, truly goes out to Morris' family and his co-workers, for I know what it is to lose someone so close, a fellow Peace Officer. Only Margaret and Morris' family will ever know the extent of their loss. If I may, I can only offer that I, my wife, and my daugher will pray, and continue to pray for Morris, Margaret and the Taylor family. The day when one of our own loses his or her life, while serving his fellow man, is a day when we all lose a brother. May God bless and keep Margaret and the Taylor family, and as long as we remember and talk to each other in honor of Morris and our other fallen Brethern, they will NEVER be forgotten. Be safe. Deputy Mark Goad, Harris County Sheriff's Office, Houston, Texas.
Deputy Mark Goad
Harris County Sheriff's Office, Houston, TX
April 9, 2009
Its seems like the right time to leave a reflection. Its been forever. I was holding a microphone yesterday that had 1860 etched on it. I had more tears shed. I tried to hold it back but I could not. I was not sure if it was his mic until my new husband read the arjis number. You see the Lord blessed me with a new husband. Yes hes awesome but the pain is still there. I am crying as I write this. One day there will be no more tears no more pain no more suffering when I meet my maker. I want to thank Billy as I read his reflection from years ago and the most recent. I want to Thank all of you its a blessing to read that you will NEVER forget Morris. Its my duty to say Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. That would be the best thing I could ask in Morris" memory and legacy.Read John 3:3 as it says one must be born again to see the kingdom of God. Gang the time is at hand and your number will be up. Where are you going to spend eternity? I saw a bumper sticker yesterday. It read give Jesus a try if you don't like him Satan will always take you back. I belive you need to make a decision. We are truely in the last days. Do you want heaven? Than live like it. God Bless all you guys! In Him, Love,Margaret
spouse before his LODD
April 9, 2009
Today is my new birth day. Because of your leadership.
Thank you for your service and helping me to get on the right road.
Officer Billy
March 21, 2009
The wicked flee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion
Proverbs 28:1
God bless you and all who mourn you. May God give them the strength to carry on. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
March 12, 2009
My dear Morris, how the time has passed since you left us. I don't have a computer to send any reflection's very often, but know this: I think of you every day and miss you more than anyone knows. I Love & Miss You so very,very much. Until we meet again, always know you are in my heart.My Love to you, Cheryl
January 12, 2009