Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, August 11, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Scott T. Stewart, IV
I think you every day, a song will play or I’ll see something that reminds me of you. I still shed tears for the empty spot you’ve left in all of our lives. I still go in camping trips like we used to go on. I find you in so many things I do and it still breaks my heart. The girls have grown into strong, loving, intelligent women, you’d be so proud. Little Hunter is the most beautiful soul, she brings so much happiness to everyone lucky enough to meet her. Watch over all of us, I feel like you are constantly there, close by, making sure we stay safe. I miss you little brother.❤️❤️
Deborah Stewart
February 3, 2025
Rest easy brother
PO Contesti
Prior DPD / Active St Clair Shores PD
August 12, 2024
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here. I read years worth of messages that people have left. So much love from your friends, family, and even officers who have never met you, but want to keep your memory alive.
I would do anything for Hunter Lyn to meet her Great uncle. She’s so much fun, you would have loved her.
Forever thankful I have the best guardian angel.
Love and miss you always.
July 17, 2024
Good evening Sir,
My name is SPO Sharpe and im currently in academy Class 2024-H. I just want to let you know that you were chosen to be my silent partner and i couldn’t be any more honored to have it that way. I read your story about how much of a great officer and a even more impeccable officer. I couldn’t imagine how hard your death had to be for your family and friends but throughout all of your messages, i just wanted to let you know that you have and WILL NOT be forgotten. I want to emulate the fine work you did for our beautiful city. Sir you will always be my silent partner and to your family, I send nothing but love and affection to all.
Semper Fidelis Sir
SPO Sharpe
SPO Christian Sharpe
Detroit Police Department
May 12, 2024
Just another day sitting at my desk. I look over at the photo on my desk of us working the Red Wings Stanley Cup game in 2002. You were the originator of the selfie. I miss you so much and think of you often. I had so much fun working together. Miss you my friend.
Detective Sergeant Micah Hull
Detroit PD 1998-2005 / Garden City PD 2005-present
February 22, 2023
PO Stewart sir,
I am currently an SPO and will be graduating March 24,2023, class 2023-B. You are my silent partner and I am honored sir. I read the comment above and it brought tears to my eyes, as you were such a great loss to the city of Detroit, your family, and blue family. Reading about you and how well you did as a cadet in the academy makes me want to finish my last 5 weeks STRONG, and make them memorable. You will always be my silent partner, and I will never forget you sir. You're bravery and courage to go after the threat, after the danger, to enforce the law to protect the defenseless is heroic, and gives me more motivation to press forward. You were chosen, and you were called. I will be writing a letter to your family tonight, to encourage them, and to let them know you are not forgotten. I will take you with me out there, because your spirit lives on. I pray you are in the peace and comfort of our heavenly Father, and that your family and friends are comforted knowing just how important your life meant to others, and that you passed away from this life doing what you were created to do. Serve.
SPO Espitia
DPD academy
February 16, 2023
Scott--I vividly remember meeting you, 25 years ago today, when we were sworn in at the Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy. That was a delightful day, I still remember (not!). As we were tormented by the instructors, I remember seeing you handling the stress like the squared-away soldier that you were. I saw that you were tough as nails that day, and every day afterward. You took an interest in helping me get squared-away during the police academy, and I'll never forget that--you were always kind, professional, and capable in everything. Not only during the police academy, but later during our early careers.
I'll never forget you, and I honor your service and sacrifice. God bless the Stewart family on this day and always. Scott is an American hero. I pray that your hearts ache no more for Scott, for he was one of God's warriors, whom He called home sooner than we would've liked.
Matthew 5:9
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God".
PO (Retired Now)
Detroit Police Department
May 12, 2022
Wow! It has been a crazy month!! You were the officer honored at the Honor Guard School in Alpena this month. They played your funeral video and there were so many connections to students in the class. It was a tough one, but I would do it again in a heart beat.
Jordan married Taylor, I really wish you had been there. She was an absolutely beautiful bride. We had a memory table with your picture and I went by often to toast with you. I am thinking you were the sun shining down as Jordan walked down the aisle. We all missed you on that special day.
Then I flew back to be a part of the Goshen Honor Guard School, where you were the honored officer again. It’s always special to meet the amazing officers and instructors who honor our fallen. I will make sure you are not forgotten and the new officers hear your story. Keep watching over the family, our blue angel. Miss you everyday!!
Andrea Arrington
October 2, 2021
I attended your original ceremony in 2002 and I will never forget the outpouring of support and kind words your fellow officers said about you. Although I didn’t know you Stew, I feel a connection because of what happened just prior to me packing up and leaving for honor guard training last week. I happened to come across your obituary that I kept all these years. I read it and placed it back in its place after quietly thanking you for your service. During training, I learned that you were going to be the honored Officer and I was at a loss for words. I was proud to fold another flag today and watch it be presented to your sister who loves you dearly. Thank you again for your Service Stew and I will never forget !!! I’ve got your watch Brother…
Police officer Dan Schewe
September 17, 2021
May God rest your soul.
Police Officer A B
Detroit PD #9
August 13, 2021
Still missing you Stewie and I will never forget!!! May you continue to Rest In Peace Stewie and may God continue to keep the entire Stewart family
Sergeant Dana Russell
Detroit Police Department
August 11, 2021
Thinking of everyone whose life was changed forever on this date 19 years ago.
August 11, 2021
Please watch over Debbie. Someone I thought the world of has disappointed me beyond belief. I know you will have Debbie’s back. I know the good don’t always win, but I have to believe that just this once, the person who did wrong will suffer. You would be so upset by what he did. That fact that he disrespected your sister, I have no words. He disrespected your memory. I love you and I am leaving this in your hands.
January 14, 2021
Hey uncle Scotty it’s been awhile,
The world is absolutely crazy right now. It’s a scary time for cops and cop supporters. But I always keep you in my heart. I will never forget the early morning of August 11th, 2002 when my life was forever changed. Someone So selfishly took you from us. But because of that night, I will make sure your story is heard and use all the recourses I have been taught to try to help as many officers and families I can one day. You didn’t get to be there for so many life events In person. And so many things are about to be coming up soon. But you have and always will be there in spirit. Not a day goes by that you aren’t on my mind. Thanks for being my blue angel always. I love you.
September 16, 2020
Thank you for your service
Nick mottola
August 11, 2020
Rest in peace knowing that your service and sacrifice will always be remembered by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
August 11, 2020
Stewie, wow its been a minute! I think of you often and today I came across some old pictures and a card your mom sent me a few years ago and thought I would leave a reflection today. I miss you sooooo much and wish you were still here with will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!! I still pray for your family and ask God to continue to bless them in all things! Miss you man...continue to rest in peace. Much love always :)
D. Russell
January 25, 2020
Wow! It has been 15 years since that horrible night. I can honestly say that I have thought about you everyday in the past 15 years. I rode in the Unity Tour this year in your honor. I trained hard and physically the ride was pretty easy, emotionally it was very difficult. I knew it would be hard, but Friday morning I was a wreck. I did it and it was an absolutely amazing experience. That ride changed my life, I am in such a great place now. I am at peace with everything that has happened and am the happiest I have ever been. Jordan has turned into an amazing young woman and I want to thank you for always watching out for her. She is a lot like you and she needs you to watch out for her...LOL. It does make me sad that she didn't have you in her life. You two would have been very close. Keep watching over the family, Haley heads out to Arizona tomorrow to start college. She will do amazing things. Shelby is playing in a band, I love watching her up on that stage! I miss you and wish you were sharing in all of these life changes with us. I will keep making sure you are never forgotten!! Love you little brother!!!!
Andrea Arrington
August 15, 2017
Hi Scotty,
15 years without seeing you or hearing your voice, but I know you are in a good place.
a lot of changes since then, your friends getting married and having kids of their own, so glad we are still part of their lives. 0n Aug 11th we still hear from a lot of them. they will never forget.
The girls have grown and you would be so proud of each of them. Jordan is in her final year of college in Cal. and Haley will start college in Arizona. Shelby is in 11th and is in a band playing guitar, she sounds great.
Andrea and Debbie do a great job of keeping your memory alive. Your Dad is on one of his boat trips, still enjoying it.
We all talk about you a lot Love and miss you always.
always missing you
August 12, 2017
Crazy that today marks 15 years since you were taken from us. You have been on my mind so much lately. I wish you could be here during this exciting time in my life, but I know you're watching over me and sending me signs everyday <3 thank you for being the best guardian angel and protector a girl could ask for. Love you so much<3
August 11, 2017
Happy heavenly birthday, you would have been 46 but in my mind you will always be 31.
Love and miss you always.
July 12, 2017
I know you are so proud of your sister, she rode in the Police Unity Tour for fallen officers in your honor and two other sibs. She trained hard and she did it!!!! It was very emotional to watch her ride in, a very proud moment for us all. I know you was watching with pride. I hope Deb can do it next year, she is talking about it.
Another proud moment Eric was promoted to Commander At Kelly's during police week by the Chief. So happy and excited for him.
Haley graduated from high school yesterday, next step college in Arizona, she is so happy and excited.
With everything going on you are always in our thoughts and close by. miss and love you
Love you always
May 22, 2017
Merry Christmas in Heaven. You are so loved, eggnog toast.
loved and missed.
December 27, 2016
Merry Christmas in Heaven
Another Mom
December 24, 2016
Dad and I drove out West on a road trip, saw your Uncle Mike been a long time since we saw him. Then we stopped in Portland saw your partner and his family they have two girls and just had a baby boy, what a proud dad, so nice to see him so happy. was gone a month did and saw a lot of things was happy to get back home.
On the 11th the family went out to the cemetery, released balloons, from there we went to Malone's a lot of people did come to honor you. Another year without you, love and miss you. keep watch over your family and friends.
Love and miss you always
August 14, 2016