Hazel Park Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, July 28, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Jessica Ann Nagle-Wilson
Jess -
I went to Ferris today... and I felt you all around. Just thinking about your time spent there, it made it hard to stay focused. Visiting there made me miss you even more (something I didn't think was possible). There are so many things I wish I could ask you. I wish I could hear your stories from Ferris... I can just hear your laughter and see your big smile in my mind, and I know you'd be laughing and smiling a lot while telling me stories! During our tour of the campus, I just kept thinking, "If only Jess were here, I wish SO MUCH that I could ask her this, and find out this..." I wish we could sit down together and you could share with me all of your experiences, and not just from Ferris. I wish I could sit and talk with you about law enforcement and get your opinion on SO MANY of the decisions I'm making now. I have so many questions and wish I could hear your answers. I wish I knew what you would have to say about my college and career choices. I wish I could go on ride alongs with you. I wish I wouldn't have been so stupid and would've come to see you... you were just around the corner... I'm sitting here wishing my life away, that can't be good. I would love to hear all that you have to say, about EVERYTHING. I would love to know if you think I'm doing the right thing. I would love to have your support and approval. With your support, there's no question I'd make it through everything I want to. But I will have to do it without you. And I will. I will make you proud, Jess. I promise you, I will. I love and miss you so much. D.C. is soon, that scares me a little. I'm afraid of the emotions it will unleash. But I guess I'll have to "handle it" just like everyone else. We all miss you. You are so loved.
Until we meet again, Katie
I still can't believe it actually happened. I wake up every morning thinking it was just a horrible dream. Your pictures hangs with pride in my locker and it will never come down. As DC gets closer, the tears roll more freqently. I miss you and wish you were still here. As I stand at the wall and salute your name, just know that I have never been more proud of knowing someone than I am of you. You are a great friend and an inspiration. Please watch over us and keep us safe. You are My angle in blue!!
Officer Mike Kohlruss
Warren PD
It has been 9 months and I have been thinking of you every day. I pray you will watch over me and give me the courage you have.
Please watch over all of us trying to carry on your work.
I will stand tall in DC missing you.
9 months... God, I miss you. The tears have been nonstop for about a week now. I just can't fight them anymore. I wish you were here.
Everywhere I look... there you are.
"I'll be standing at the edge of the earth
Hoping that one day you'll come back again.
I'll be standing at the edge of the earth hoping that someday
You'll come back to me.
I'll be praying for whatever it's worth
Believing that one day you'll come back to me.
I'll be standing at the edge of the earth
Hoping for someday...
Waiting for someday, Believing in someday,
Praying for someday, I'll be...
Longing for someday, Clinging to someday,
Cherishing someday, I'll be...
Thinking of someday, Dreaming of someday,
Wishing for someday, I'll be...
Living for someday, Counting on someday,
Knowing that one day...
I will see you"
I guess there's no easy way to say goodbye....
This poem is from quite some time ago... but.....
I still see you now
And I'm still saying "wow."
I still feel the pain
And wonder what he had to gain.
I still hear your voice
And still hear your laugh
No one had a choice
And it's been a week and a half.
I still see your bright smile
And I bathe in it for awhile.
I still feel your hugs
And on my heart it still tugs.
I'm still whispering "good-bye"
Long after you began to fly,
I love you and I miss you,
You angel in blue.
Jess, all I keep telling myself, is that I will see you again. I WILL see you again. And I have to believe that. If I don't believe... the tears would never stop. Some days seem so easy to get through. Other days have no end and I think I'm going to drown in my tears. I know you're in a better place, but your place is here with us, everyone who loves you so much. I will see you again, I will see you again...
Just another little something:
I don't know what to say
Or how to explain this pain
I'm completely speechless
But have so many thoughts in my brain.
My tears just won't stop
And my cries grow louder
You weren't "just a cop"
You were.... you.
No one can believe
How amazing you were,
If only they could see
How you became a warrior.
You've always been there,
Always in my life,
Always one who cared
About everybody's life.
You truly were amazing,
I tell no lies,
Keep heaven safe
And don't mind my muffled cries.
I love you always, no one could ever imagine how much, not even me. Until I see you again... -Katie
You hear it on the news
You read it in the paper
But who would ever guess
You'd feel it in your heart?
You feel the emptiness inside
That eats away at you
You hear the peoples' cries
But then realize it is you.
The tears just keep coming
The anger keeps rising
The hatred grows
The sadness no one knows
People keep smiling
And people keep laughing
People are still living
While people are dying.
There's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can say
But pledge your love for her
Until your dying day.
I love you so much, I miss you and wish you still just around the corner.......
Just wanted you to know that I still think about you. Although you left us early, you have brought a great deal of strenght and courage for police officers all around the world. You are an insperation and I will always continue to think about you and pray that you are wathcing over me.
Love and Miss you always,
Brian Zylstra
Life Long Friend
Thinking of you alot today. Just wanted to say I miss you. I love you.
May you rest in peace and be surrounded by angels in heaven's
kingdom. May your soul continue to soar as high as your dream's were.
It was an honor to serve with you by my side.
One of your own.
With all the strength and courage you had as an Officer gets me through each day when I'm out there answering calls.
Jessica you were and will always be a hero.
To Rob and Matt my prayers are still with you. May you two carry on Jessica's Strength and courage as I am everyday.
Officer Tobi Rice
Officer Tobi Rice
Genesee Twp. Police Dept
Every minute of every day I think of you, and miss you. So many times I want to pick up the phone and call you but I can't. I want to tell you about my day and how things are going. What I wouldn't do to hear your voice again even if it is to tell me what to do. I would give anything to have that back.
Everyone says you are in a better place, and I realize that, but I know an even better place and that would be here with me.
Some days I don't believe you are gone. I don't know if I ever will. I just don't want to believe it.
You are my angel and like I told you before you are the Wind beneth my wings, now and forever... I love you and miss you soo much.
Love your sester
Today was cold and windy, but your spirit is still with us. I pray that the warm air I felt when I made a stop was you looking over me. I have thought of you often and feel you watching over me and my partners.
Thank you.
On behalf of the Explorer Unit for Oakland County, we know that you are in a better place. The coward that pulled that trigger will be punished to the best extent of the law. We miss you!
To the family: Stay strong, she is in a better place now.
Explorer Sgt. Brad Spencer
Oakland County Sheriff's Department Explorer Unit
Its me again. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. I miss you. I just wish that I could see you again.
I just remeber the plastic picnic table and all of us eating mac and cheese. I remember Halloween at the park and going to haunted houses together when we were little. Remeber the X-mas party. You looked so pretty. I will remember you always that way.
Love you always.
Thinking of you....
Miss You!
So Much!
My name is Also Jessika Wilson and im a P.O. I just wanted to say that im sorry for the family who lost such a beautiful young girl. I pray for her family. I am proud to havbe the same name as her and i hope i can leave a legacy like she did.
Jessika Wilson p.o.
Avon Park police department
Still thinking of you.... Every moment of every day. I miss you, I love you, and I wish you were here. The tears still come, but I feel you here with me. I know you're the one brushing my tears away and telling me that I will see you another day. You are my hero and my inspiration. You are everything I could ever wish to aspire to be. I will forever hold you close in my heart and I will make you proud, I promise you, I will make you proud. I wish I had come to see you more often, I regret my stupidity, always thinking there would be time tomorrow....... How ignorant I am. Just to see your smile again, to hear your laughter, and to feel your warm embrace....... I would give up everything just to have you here again. You have exposed a love in me that I never knew existed. Though the pain is so great for having known you and lost you, for having loved you and lost you, I cannot imagine my life without you in it. You have always been there and I imagined you always would be. I never realized the danger you faced, I never realized that I, that we all, that this world, could lose you at any given moment. I never realized that an angel could be taken from us. I never realized how brave you truly were. I never realized how much you meant to me, how much I needed you, and how much I loved you, until you were gone. My ignorance shames me and it hurts to show my face. I know I may not be the one who hurts the most, but this is more pain than I ever imagined possible. I see you in my dreams and I hear you in my thoughts. You are always on my mind and will always be in my heart. I love you. I miss you. Come back to me.
-Just me, Katie-
You were the best pal I ever had & you'll never be replaced. We've been through so much together that I still can't believe you're gone. Although I know you're still with us in spirit, it's unbelievable how much you are missed.
I thank god everyday for the memories of all our "adventures" from Chatterton on up through adulthood and can't wait for the day we meet up for another one.
God Bless You Jess, and bless all of your family and friends.
Another officer has fallen but not in vain. My deepest sympathy to the family, friends and co-workers of Officer Wilson. May you find strength in your heart and may the Lord comfort you during this time.
Rest in peace for your watch is over.
US Park Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service Kennesaw GA
I am deeply sorry for the lost of the officer lost by the senseless shooting. I strongly believe the training, paying attention to detail, and officer survival are the eyes of training. We cannot stop how we are to go, but by the protection of the Lord, officers lives will be saved.
Sgt. Teanis Tillmon
Milw Metro Public Safety
I'm a former officer from Michigan and it just broke my heart to hear how Jessica was so violently attacked. I read most of the newspaper articles on this incident. She truly went down fighting. Once a Sister, always a Sister - Jessica you will never be forgotten. You are truly a hero. We will continue the fight against evil and know that you will be watching over us. You will live in all of your Fellow Brothers and Sisters hearts, FOREVER.
Chief Steven C. Guibord
Inv. Jackie G. Guibord, ret. Provo Police Department (Utah)
Chief Steven C. Guibord
Naples Police (Utah)
It's lonesome here without you, we miss you more each day, life doesn't seem the same since you have gone away.
When days are sad and lonely and everthing goes wrong, we seem to hear you whisper "cheer up and carry on". Each time we see your picture you seem to smile and say "don't cry, I'm in God's hands, we'll meet again someday".
A million times we've missed you, a million times we've cried. If love could have saved you, you never would have died.
Author Unknown
We love you and miss you so much. You are with us everyday and in everything we do.