Hazel Park Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, July 28, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Jessica Ann Nagle-Wilson
The days without you never seem to get any easier--It has been two years but I still do not believe that you are gone.
The last time I talked to you was right before I was going to walk in a parade, the same parade that I will be walking in on Saturday. Being away from home keeps me from excepting that you are gone but memories of talking to you before the parade and all the years of friendship that we shared seems to come flooding back at all different times, and I have no choice but to realize that there will be no more calls and no more memories to add to the old.
I promise you Jess that there will not be a day in my life that I will not cherish every moment I breath and share with my friends and family.
You always wanted us all to be friends and we are working on that and I know you have a lot to do with that---So thank you for being you and for still being a part of my life!
I love you Jess!
You are always on my mind and will always be in my heart!
July 29, 2004
Happy birthday up there Jessica. I just wrote yesterday, but I miss you and couldn't let this day go by without telling you that you are on my mind.
I am so sorry you aren't here, and I would do anything to talk to you right now. I know you are doing great where you are, but it doesn't make me miss you any less.
This is a hard day for everyone that knew you and I am praying for them all, especially your family, co-workers and friends.
July 27, 2004
Here we are making the final plans for the second year without you. It still does not seem real. I keep thinking, we should be making plans for Friday’s at Grandma’s, baby showers and Manda's wedding, not this. This year seems so much harder than last. Maybe it was because the first year we were so numb to everything. This year, the reality comes into play. It is like we, I should say I, am being forced to accept the fact that this really happened, that you are really gone and that the phone is not going to ring with you on the other line. And I am not ready to accept that. I want to stay in bed, hide under the pillows and blankets and wait for the day to slip by. Then get up the following morning, as if the 28th next existed. But this is the real world and we will go forward, make it through the day, trying to be as strong as ever.
Love and miss you,
July 26, 2004
wow, it's almost your 2 year aniversary in Heaven. It feels like yesterday that you went on ahead. Words can't say how much it still hurts, the pain is so constant. I think it always will be. I miss you so much.
I think a lot about you when I am getting ready for work. When I strap on my belt and get my gun ready I make sure it looks good. I make sure my clip is full and I make sure my shotgun is loaded when I climb in the cruiser. When I make a "routine" traffic stop or go to a "routine" call I have my gaurd up. Nothing is rountine in my life anymore because I remember you. I do my job knowing that at any minute I have to be ready to defend my life and the lives of my partners. Just like you did. You are my inspiration Jess.
I think about that night so often. I think about how you left and how you saved so many people. I am glad that you trained so professionally. I am glad that you were able to leave that evil man with your legacy. I hope that he will feel the pain your bullets left everytime he lays down in that cell at night. And when he looks up I hope he sees your face in the sky looking down over him, like I do. Most of all I hope you will someday teqach me how to forgive him as I am sure you would want us all to do. Until that day I will still do a stop a night for you. And I will still keep that picture of us at Ferris in my hat.
I miss you Jess- Happy Birthday up there.
July 26, 2004
I had a dream last nite,
and you were in that dream.
You were laughing and smiling,
just like you always do.
It was summertime,
and we were outside
sitting around a picnic table.
Family and friends were there,
and all were having fun.
You told me of a "game" you played,
and your eyes lit up,as you shared your story with me.
It had to do with water, and a bucket.
The purpose of the "game" was getting wet!
Apparently the only rules of the game
were to get others before they got you.
You laughed as you told me,how the game originally got started. It was just an innocent day.But mischief was in the air,and the water was easy to reach.As you told me,
I was amazed by how much you enjoyed that day, kept in your mind with fondness. Perhaps it was only a dream and all just in my head, but it sure seemed as if you visited me that nite, and I sure enjoyed my dream
Love you ,
and miss you soo much
July 6, 2004
Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory's so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are my
Forever love
And you are watching over me
From up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me
Cause you are my forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe that angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
Too see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
July 6, 2004
Jess -
Wow, its been nearly two years since I heard the tragic news. Two years have come and gone but the memory of you remains. I think about you a lot and how I always admired your character, integrity and honesty.
Most of all I think about how much fun I had with you and Matt and the rest of the group. Those times have since passed, but the memories always bring a smile to my face.
Its taken me two years to find this site and tell you how much I miss you, but believe me for the past two years you have been in my prayers.
Wow, nearly two years have come and gone, but the memory of you remains. May God keep you soul and you rest in peace for eternity.
PS - Rob and Matt, I cant even begin to express my sorrow and regret for your terrible loss. I hope you both find peace and tranquility in the legacy Jessica has left behind.
Scott McFarland
Hutchinson & Paradoski, P.C.
June 30, 2004
I miss you. I can't believe it has almost been two years. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I finally feel at peace with your untimely death. I am still so terribly sad, but I realized that isn't because of your death, it's because of your life. You were amazing...
I talk to you all of the time as I enter my cruiser and because of you I say a prayer in case I don't make it home at the end of my shift.
Thank you for being who you were-
June 25, 2004
With each butterfly I see
and every bird
that flys near by,
I talk to them as if they can carry my thoughts and words
to you.
So many times there are stories to tell,
questions to ask,
and feelings to share with you
All I can do, is silently mouth the words,
And hope and pray ,
my thoughts, and words,
are carried to you ,
on the wings
of the butterflies,
and birds
June 20, 2004
It feels like forever since I've written anything to you. And, really, it has been.
I certainly hope you don't think I've been neglecting you.
As I sit here tonight, I'm remembering every single smile I ever saw and every single laugh I ever heard of yours. Those were two of the most beautiful things in this world, you know.
I think of you constantly and with every step I take, I ask myself, "How can I be as good of a person as Jess?" I never find any answers to that question - it must be impossible.
I look at who I was two years ago, and who I am now... and just want to look up to the sky and ask, "Can you see me now? Can you see how I've grown? Can you see what I've become, what I'm becoming, what I will become?" Two years... Please watch me now, help me now, guide me now. And I will make you proud.
Take my love and all I have - it is always yours.
June 19, 2004
It seems that not a day goes by, that I dont think of you. Thank you for making such a strong impression in my heart and my mind. You are one never to be forgotten, but missed forever till we meet again.
June 19, 2004
Hey Jessica-
I cannot believe it has been 2 years.
It seems like yesterday I heard the horrible news unfold. I still think about that day frequently and wonder so many different things. I wonder if you knew that you were going to heaven. I wonder if you looked up at the stars and knew. I know your last thoughts weren't of yourself, they were tactical. They were protecting yourself and others. That just says so much about who you were as a person. It's just hard to live life wondering so many things about you leaving. It's hard to find peace when there are so many unanswered questions about you leaving.
I know that I shouldn't question why God decided it was your turn. It's just hard to go on the road every night knowing you aren't out there too; knowing that your dream ended that night like it did. In a way I guess everyone that knew you lost a piece of their dreams that night. I know being a Law Enforcement Officer changed for me that night. I know I lost dreams of what I wanted when you left.
I guess the only comfort I have is knowing that you are in heaven and someone else will sit in prison until the day he dies a lonely death. I truely believe you are in a better place.
Good-bye for now, I will see you someday.
I miss you-
June 17, 2004
Hey Jessica,
I just found this site and you would be honored by the volume of response people have left for you. Although you are gone I appreciate the last years of college we had together. You were like an extra roommate all the time you spent at our house visiting Matt. And South Padre was great. Anyways I always think of you everyday before I start my shift and when I end it. I have your picture in my locker so I will never forget.
Andrew Tisch
Jackson County Sheriffs Dept.
June 10, 2004
I never met jessica, But my wife knew her from Fitz. Highschool, she would stop into the business office occasional and visit with nancy, Last year on may 28th My family suffered the same loss. My nephew Ryan was taken from us in chesterfield County Va. he had been on the job for 5 months. Such a devastating loss, But through our faith we beleive, we know we will see our loved ones again, They are gone in body, but never in spirit, they will never leave our memories. we share the burden of being left behind. But we must use it as an opportunity to tell others of our loved ones. To share with others what extraordinary people they were. In my nephews case, I am a better man for knowing him. and I do not doubt that those who came in contact with Jessica were affected in much the same manner. you and ryan keep the light on for us all, we will see you soon.
Bill Burkholder
Uncle of Ryan Cappelletty E.O.W. 05/28/04 Chesterfield County Va. P.D.
william burkholder
June 7, 2004
May is one of the hardest months to make it through. Lansing, Mother's Day, DC, your wedding anniversary and your birthday.
I might have written this once before but when I read it again, it just says so much about how I feel.
It's lonesome here without you, we miss you more each day, life doesn't seem the same since you have gone away.
When days are sad and lonely and everything goes wrong. We seem to hear you whisper "cheer up and carry on". Each time we see your picture you seem to smile and say, "don't cry, I'm in God's hands, we'll meet again someday."
A million times we've missed you, a million times we've cried. If love could have saved you, you never would have died.
May 30, 2004
I love you and miss you..
Manda Lou
May 23, 2004
I saw your mom and dad the other day in DC. They are very strong people. That is where you must have gotten it. The bike is awsome. You would love it.
i just wanted to let you know that even though I have not written in a while, I always think of you.
Watch over us as we complete your work....
Fellow Officer
May 16, 2004
Hi Jess,
It has been a while since I have written but I think about you every day. Another school year is almost over and I am two weeks away from being a firstie. I can't believe it has been two years. I can only hope that when my time to serve comes that I can make you proud.
You are my daily inspiration.
I love you always.
May 13, 2004
Jess- Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and the sacrafice you gave. Not a day goes by that I don't remember your smile, and your humor. I miss you and wish that I could talk to just one more time. I know you are in a better place now and I have a ton of Ferris memories...
Miss you- Jessica
May 13, 2004
National Police Week,
Sure wish I could have been there in DC this year. Jess, it doesnt feel like two years. It feels like yesterday ,and I am guessing that is the way it will always feel. The time goes on , and so does the pain of losing you, another year, yet the pain feels so fresh with each year,sometimes with each day.
I know you like the bike,,,,,,,
and your mom and dad are doing your proud,,,,,,,
love you jess
May 13, 2004
Someone has a new kitten Jess,
I think you already know,
I cant begin to say the name of the kitten, as it is longgggg long longggggg.
I know you are laughing, and watching over them,
seeing all the antics, and the "cuteness of her youth"
Now Kittens are right up your alley, so please dont let me down,
Just drop in time to time on them and settle that kitty down!
May 13, 2004
Though,regrettably never having met Officer Wilson, I have just recently had the opportunity to work w/Officer Wilson's husband. He is a strong integral man. If this is any indication of half the woman that she was, the lord is blessed to have one more angel to help pour out the rain.
May 10, 2004
I went by Jarvis the other day where this horrible event took place and I didn't even recognize it. I cant believe its been almost two years when it still feels like yesterday when we lost you. I think of you every day and whenever I hear the word Ferris I think of you first. I have this hole in my heart that will never be filled. I still shed tears for you and remember your lovely smile. I am now the godfather to your neice and I promise that she will know who you are and how much we love you. I am getting ready to visit DC again in three weeks and I am excited yet nervous. I just know it is going to knock me to my knees to see your name on that wall again. I could barely handle it last year, it almost broke me. I know that you want us to continue to serve and protect and for you I always will. I know you give me strength and know for a fact that there has been calls that you have been there with me since things happen that I just cant explain of figure out. I will have a toast to your name and a drink with you here and in DC. I love you and miss you so much. Till we meet again, love ya.
April 20, 2004
A coworker gave me this passage and I thought I would share it.
Death is nothing at all; I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you; whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used. Put no difference into your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it always was; there is absolutely unbroken continuity. I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner...All is well.
I am sure that Jessica is waiting, somewhere very near.
April 10, 2004
I will never tire of writing to you ,
I hope you never tire of me!
I look at it this way ,
you never left the loop.
Jill has Kelley visiting her,
and they decided to go to San Jose!!!!!!!!!
They drove 13 hours, to visit their aunt and uncle!
I know you would have loved to have been on that ride!
I am imagining in my mind that you were there,
laughing, eating junk, and yelling at the "bad drivers" out there.
I am wondering who would have driven the most,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
you, Jill or Kelley!!!!!!!!!!!
The jury is still out on that one
all I know is you would have loved to be on that trip
ya know it is funny , cuz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
course you know Steph is going to see Jill next month , and of course you would want to be there for that as well,,,,,,,,
so I thinking, that , you would be putting in for extended vacation, explaining that THIS IS VEERY VERYYYYYYYY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to your work , and Matt! LOL!
I know you will be with Steph when she goes and visits Jill
and lots of pics will be taken , and I know , I will see you in those pictures Jess. You will let us know that you are there
March 25, 2004