Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas
End of Watch Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Shane Ronald Bennett
I've been thinking of you a lot today. I had a dream last night and you were in it. It seemed so real. Thanks for the visit! I was sad to open my eyes and realize it was just a dream. I miss ya little brother.
September 26, 2006
I was reading your reflections and thinking of you. I still miss you and think of you all the time. God sure is lucky to have you there with Him. I look forward to the day we can get a drink together.
Dep. Stuart Campbell
Harris County Sheriff's Office
September 22, 2006
Still missing you as much as ever; Happy Birthday, Bud.
"If love could have saved you; you would have lived forever"
Ron Bennett - Father
August 28, 2006
You were taken from us the same day that our son, Mike, was taken. June 12, 2002 is a date which your family and our family will always regret. Four days we have been without you and Mike.
Through COPS and National Police Week, we have come to know your Mom and Dad, and are so glad we do.
We feel your parents' pain and know their sorrow. Rest in peace, Shane, and keep a place for us. We'll be along before you know it!
While we are here, we continue to honor your dedication, service and sacrifice to all America.
Lois Rao
Surviving Mother of
SCHP Senior Trooper Michael J. Rao
EOW June 12, 2002
Lois Rao
Surviving Mother
June 29, 2006
It's been four years ago today that you were taken from us.
Not a day goes by that I don't see your smiling face and hear your voice so full of life and dreams. I can still remember the day you made your career choice known to us.
We always knew that no matter what you chose, you would give it your all. No one can ask more than that! You would be so very proud of your family too. Alyssa is growing so fast and definitely has a mind of her own. "Daddy's girl"
is already becoming a very independent young lady.
We miss seeing you stop by in the evening just to say hi and check on us. Every time I see a cruiser or hear one, I know its a sign thatyou are watching over all of us.
We love and miss you and just wanted to tell you so, especially today. You are always in our hearts.
Love you forever,
Annette Bennett
June 12, 2006
Hey Bud,
It's been four years today. Hardly seems that long. Just wanted to take a minute to reflect. Mom & I went to Alyssas dance recital yesterday. She is growing up way too fast. She has the same drive you and the same weak ankles. But, just like you, she prevails. Being a bit predjudice; I don't think she missed a step. Bud, she is definitely going to be a leader, not a follower. She had her routine down and when the others faultered, she went right on with her performance. I couldn't help watching her and thinking how proud you would be of her.
Son, I miss you almost as much today, and sometimes more than when you "signed off". Know you will always be loved and missed by those who really care.
Enough for now; keep a slot open for me.
Ron Bennett
June 12, 2006
Hey Bud,
It hardly seems possible it has been almost four years since you were taken. Mom and I have returned from Washington, D.C. after our third, and what seems to be our annual visit. As usual, the vigil was a sight to behold. I never cease to get a great sense of pride when I visit your name at the wall. Sice T started her schooling, we have not seen much of her and Alyssa. Alyssa is growing so fast, and she is developing your sense of humor. What a beautiful child.
We sure miss you, and since you left things have gotten real crazy on the street. I can only feel it will get worst before it gets better. You would have a field day with the corruption going on in the streets. I miss our rides together.
I will close for now and get ready for work.
"If love could have saved you; you would have lived forever"
May 18, 2006
I saw another shooting star last night. Again it is Christmas time and I was taking Alyssa to see the Christmas lights. Just as I was sitting there in line, listening to the music, thinking about life and you I reached over to wake up Alyssa and saw a shooting star. I'm glad to know that when I think of you I can still look up and see a shooting star. I think that is God's way of giving me hope. Life has been moving on and finally after 3 1/2 years, I feel like I am 'me' again. A friend of ours, and my uncle, said they missed the sparkle in my eyes and were glad to see it back with a real smile again. We miss you at Christmas, as we do always.
December 19, 2005
Merry Christmas. You were truly a blessing to many. We all miss you.
December 17, 2005
I sit here this morning reading the reflections of others and thinking back over the past years. The past three years have been the most difficult and painful years of my life and the years with you were by far the best. I am still trying and waiting for them to get better, I know God must have good things in store for us. I have been doing a lot of shopping for peoples birthdays this week and couldn't help but think how I should have been shopping for you. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, Alyssa and I love you and miss you. Until we see you again.........
August 28, 2005
Just wanted you to know that your 'little sis' had her baby today. They named her after you. I know you would be so happy and proud of her. Your physical presence was missed today but you were in our thoughts.
Love Always
August 22, 2005
In loving memory of D.S. Shane Bennett:
It is very heartwarming to read all these wonderful reflections about a truly honorable gentleman who had a heart as big as TEXAS! According to your closest associates, you are with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
There is none greater than He. We don't get to Heaven based on what we do, but by His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. AMEN! And even Shane, as wonderful as he was, is still a sinner in God's eyes in need of a Savior. Thank you, Shane, for your fine example to those that worked with you and knew you. There is now a huge void that cannot be filled, but as you are remembered, thoughts will turn to your exemplary life and we will be filled with pride, respect and love for the man you became. You were a wonderful testimony to the Lord you served. God be with all those who mourn and may His promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come. I wish I could erase your pain, but Jesus has done that for Shane. God bless his family, friends and co-workers who will miss him on this side of Heaven. I look forward to meeting him one day and seeing him rewarded for reflecting Jesus' character so admirably. With love
in Christ,
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
August 7, 2005
I can't beleive it's been three years. I speak for my entire family when I say, YOU ARE MISSED! I visited Washington D.C. last week. I found your name on the wall. I could not stay long because the kids were hot and tired. It's a beautiful memorial. I hope to take Jack there some day. He misses you a lot. This morning on the news there was a situation real similar to what happened to you the night you went to heaven. This one had a better ending. You must have been one of guarding angels over the officers! I love you and miss you. XOXOXO
June 13, 2005
I tried to lay down tonight and get some sleep, but my mind raced back to three years ago, when I received the phone call at home that you had been hurt.
You know that I came by and visited you today, and yesterday. I miss you so much and I pray that you hear the conversations I have with you.
I miss having you as a part of my team, someone to have my back, and probably above all else, your smile and simply, your disposition. I learned so much from you and could have learned so much more from you. I honestly wish that I was half the "man" that you were in regards to how you treated people and your general outlook on life.
Alyssa is growing by leaps and bounds and is doing great the last I heard. She is highly intelligent and intuitive, I wonder where she gets that from?...
And Teresa has been nothing but a model Mom. It has been a tough three years, but I know you are proud of her. You did good, son.
Know that we all love you and miss you. You were indeed an Angel on this earth.
June 12, 2005
My heart grows heavier the closer it gets to June 12th. You remain one of the greatest men and the truest friend I have ever known.
May 29, 2005
I missed you so much today. It's the little things and the things we did that I miss so much about you. I know you were with me today! Oh Shane you would have loved it so much! I carried on our tradition today and went on opening day to your all time favorite Star Wars. It brought back a lot of 'movie' memories and thoughts of things we did together. I miss the kid in you, miss you much.
May 19, 2005
Well Bud,
It has been nearly three years since we got the news and not much has changed. You were taken at a time when so many need you so much. You left Mom & I with a beautiful grand-daughter in Alyssa and a perfect daughter in T. But, I still miss you every day. Mom & I attended our second Texas State Memorial this past weekend, this time as C.O.P.S. volunteers. It was a difficult weekend, however, I came away with a feeling that maybe, in some small way, I helped someone get through part of this difficult time. I also saw the Memorial and the Candlelight vigil for the first time. Two years ago I was numb and saw very little. Son, I can never express my appreciation or my pride in what you stood / stand for in representing the department. Rest in Peace and enjoy Eternity with God until we meet again.
May 4, 2005
I can hardly beleive it's almost been three years already. It has gotten easier, still hard, but easier. I don't cry every day any more but when I do cry it takes my breath away. I am happy that I loved like that; that I was loved like that. The kind of love that takes your breath away. You are on my mind and in my heart every day. There isn't a day that goes by that you aren't there with us in everything we do. Alyssa and I still miss you and talk about you all the time. I try to tell her stories every day about her daddy and how special you are and how much she meant to you. She tries so hard to understand, it's alot for someone so little to grasp. She prays every night for Jesus to tell daddy hello and that we love you. Your memory is still alive for a lot of people. We wont forget you.
You still have my love
April 16, 2005
Seems hardly possible that it will soon be three years since you and Mike were killed on that fateful day in June. I know your family misses you more today than yesterday.
We continue to remember you and your family, and thank you again for serving your fellow citizens of Texas. You make us proud!
Lois Rao
Surviving Mother of
SCHP Senior Trooper Michael J. Rao
EOW June 12, 2002
Lois Rao
Surviving Mother
March 15, 2005
Shane, As you know I am working in Dist II now. The time was right and away I went. Every day I have thought about that night, how we talked on the phone while I was working an EJ, and how I heard about the shooting. I will remember that night and will use it to keep my mind in the right place when I answer calls. I miss you every day and wish I had came out sooner. I now know why you loved your job so much! Thanks for all you did for me! I love you brother! never forget "It's my apartment, get the @*&% out!". Ron.
Deputy R. Hamlet
March 2, 2005
Shane, how can I put all that is in my heart into words. You were like a brother to me. I will put it into words the best that I can. You have always held a special place in my heart and always will. I find it an honor and privelage to have had you as as a friend since childhood. I look forward to the day when I can share with Alyssa my memories of you from the 'Belmont' days. One of our greatest moments has happened.... Tammie and Boo now own the house where you lived and best of all the tree you use to sit in while waiting for Jack to come and play. Shane, I know it may sound silly for many who will read this, but man you know that tree means alot to us. Jack has been mad ever since the limb you would play on was cut out!(This happened maybe 2 years ago) You have a wonderful family. We love your daughter and wife as much as we love you! Hugs and Kisses!!!!!!!! I will see you in Heaven.
Brenda 'Bub' Reedy
February 25, 2005
I type this reflection looking through tear filled eyes. Just thinking about Shane fills me with so many emotions; the sadness, loss and anger are tempered by the pride and joy I feel in having known him as a friend.
Shane, will be missed, but rest assured, never forgotten...
Jeffrey Daft, Retired
US Customs & Border Protection
February 24, 2005
Hey Buddy, Just found out about this website from Teresa and thought I would leave you a note. I can't tell you how much I miss your friendship, you were truly a good friend. I think of you often. As you know Teresa and Alyssa are doing well and Juana and Myself will make sure that continues.
Your friend, Bill
Bill Desmond
February 24, 2005
I was just searching the net to see what would happen if I entered my name into the search engine, and a read about this young man entering a very dangerous situation and losing his life over it.......I am so sorry!
Shane Bennett
February 7, 2005
I'm thinking alot about you tonight buddy. Just heard the song "I Can Only Imagine" on the radio....I have your pic in a frame at my desk along with the etching of your name. You will NEVER be forgotten Shane! Honor, Duty, Pride, Esteem....Class 113
Until we meet again....................
February 7, 2005