Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Kristin Marie Pataki

Maryland-National Capital Park Police - Montgomery County Division, Maryland

End of Watch Saturday, May 4, 2002

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Reflections for Police Officer Kristin Marie Pataki

Happy Birthday,
My Hero
My Best friend
My Little girl

I love u..
Brooklyn sends hugs and kisses too

Janice Pataki
Non, her Mom

January 7, 2004

Happy Birthday Kristin!

Dad and Mom

January 5, 2004

Merry Christmas Kristin
I hope u and your fellow Angels can see all the blue lights in the neighborhood. You are so loved and remembered for the person you are and the sacrafice you made. We miss you so much, Daddy got u a little XMAS tree cause I cant bear to decorate the house without you.
Long distance hugs and kisses.. your family

Your loving family

December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas Kristin. Please help your family get through the holidays. I know that you are still with them.


December 23, 2003


I went to the academy with the officer you were going to back up that day. I know him to be a great friend and an excellent officer. I apologize for never being able to know you, but I just wish that I would have had the opportunity. I went to your funeral, and as a guy and a police officer, I know i'm not supposed to cry. I did. I wear the memorial t-shirt of you all the time. I want people to know that being the police isn't about what they see on tv. I want them to know that we are out here, everyday, risking our lives for others. I want them to know what a young, talented person did, who risked everything for the people of this county and for another officer. You had so much going for you, and such a loving family. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help, and i'm sorry that I never got the opportunity to know you. I know that in Gods time I will be able to 10-16 with you, and talk about what's going on. Until then, you keep watch on those suspicious situations up north, and we, all that knew you or wished that they did, will be waiting to see you. I just hope that when I get there, my radio will work better than it does now. Please watch over all of us.


December 12, 2003

Today I saw the new Fedex Airbus, tail #N720FD, named in your honor. You fly with the Angels and now you will soar with the birds. I know you were always proud to be part of the Fedex family, as I am proud to be part of your Law Enforcement Family. I have never been a spiritual person, but you have made me one. I know you are proud, and I hope I can continue to live life the way you would have. I love you.


October 27, 2003

A day doesn't go by that I don't think of you. Since you were taken from us, I've made it my goal to live my life the way you lived yours. You were always cheerful and never had an unkind word to say about anyone. It's been over a year and I still can't drive down that road. I don't understand why this had to happen to such a good person. I miss you.


October 22, 2003

It's been 17 months since I've talked to you. I still think about you from time to time and I still find myself shaking my head in disbelief that you are gone. Every time you cross my mind I always whisper a silent prayer for you and your family. Just last week I found myself driving too fast on Emory Road enroute to a insignificant call for service. I rounded a corner and realized that I was going too fast. I didn't lose control of my cruiser or skid or anything, just realized that I needed to slow down. I immediately thought of you and slowed down. I thank God for the silent whispers from loved ones who have passed on. The unheard advice that urges common sence to prevail, and allows God's blessings to continue as life goes on. When thinking of you, I try not to ask why, and I trust in God's provience and place my faith in the fact that he has a purpose for everything. We didn't know just how special you were until you were gone. Thank you for being my friend.


October 19, 2003

It is Saturday October 11, 2003 and I decided to come look at just as a reminder of the sacrafice each of our heros have made not only in Montgomery County, but in the whole United States. Kristin, I came to your funeral... I never knew you...and never worked with you...but I was the one in the back of the line crying out loud when they put you 10-7 for the remainder. Montgomery County is a fairly large county, with many different agencies. However, when one of our heros go to rest, we become the closest ever. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you, and I hope you are comfortable in heaven. You paid the ultimate sacrafice to backup a brother in need of help, but your sacrafice will never be forgotten. I'm sure everyone who knew you still misses you like they did on the first day, and after reading your reflections now I know why. Please continue to look after all of us, we need your support. Rest in Peace.

Deputy Sheriff
Montgomery County, MD.

October 11, 2003

This may sound really silly, but why is it always the good ones who are taken? The ones who would never hurt a fly? I pray for you and for all of the other brothers and sisters in blue who risk their lives everyday for people who really don't want to be saved and the ones who just don't care. May God bless your family and friends. Thanks for patrolling the heavenly streets above and protecting us.


September 29, 2003

I just wanted to thank you for looking out for me the other night. I found myself going a little too fast and the thought of you slowed me down.
I think about you often.


September 16, 2003

Today was the most beautiful day for your sisters wedding. I know you had something to do with that.. it was perfect. Looks like you have friends in high places just as you did here on earth. We all thought of you often, how you would have made her bachlorette party the best ever, and what fun you would have had at the reception. You are always in our hearts and souls, we love you and miss you.
Mom, Dad. Mer and Brooklyn

Mom, Dad and Brooklyn

September 12, 2003

To Kristin's friends and family: I spent 25 years serving as a police officer. I retired January 1, 2002. It's almost as if Kristin stepped in as I was leaving. While, I was blessed to have retired with my health, I too suffered the loss of my husband who was not an officer - July 1, 1984 - killed by a drunk driver. I was 8 months pregnant with our first child. The police family surrounded me with love and support. It is a special family too which Kristin belonged and it pains me that she lost her life too soon.
Cherish your memories and keep talking to her. May God bless you each precious day until you walk with Him.

Sandy Redmon, Retired, Montgomery County Police

POIII Sandy Redmon-Retired
Montgomery County Police, Maryland

September 9, 2003

Your sister closed on her house, and today we planted a tree in your memory. May it grow as strong and as beautiful as u are.
We love u and miss u every day.

Mom, Dad, Meredith, Claudio, Grandpa, Brooklyn and Jake.


I wish I was able to meet Officer Pataki, after reading about what a great person she was. In a year I hope to be a police officer, and can't imagine how proud I would be to do the job that she paid such a high price for. She is a great inspiration, legend, and true hero. I am very sorry for her fiance, family, and friends' loss... please stay stron and God bless you.

Baltimore, MD


Tomorrow 6/4 will be 13 months since you left us. And as I know you are well aware that is also your sisters 28th birthday. You are such a wonderfull person, you couldn't hurt a fly. And I cant figure why your sister will live the rest of her life sharing her birthday with the day that oved on. I dont get it.

but sure love the both of you


Hay kid I have to go to work every day and miss you like crazy. I know that their are people that just dont get it, but I dont care. Only you and I know. Thank you for being Kristin. I love you more then time gave me a chance to tell you. Dad,s dont get a bunch of credit, but thats OK, You and I know where the heart is. I will live the rest of my life feeling like my heart has been cut out by a rusty knife, You did great, I,m so proud of you. You showed more class in 24 years than anyone else could show in a lifetime.
How much do I miss you?


It pains me to say that I have read alot of reflections for officers that
have given the supreme sacrifice; we all have. However, non have
touched me and brought me down to reality as yours have. May you
rest in eternal peace, sister. May God watch over and protect your

Corporal John Halligan
Philadelphia Police Department

How many times have I sat and read these reflections and wished I could put into words just how much I love you and miss you.
You are my daughter, my best friend, and the pain I feel is like none I have ever known. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and how we laughed and cried, our hopes and dreams shattered in one night.
I am so proud of who you are and the strong, intelligent woman you have become. I miss your daily calls...
"Hi Mommy, it's me'' still plays in my mind. People would ask, she still calls you Mommy when she carries a 40 caliber glock? But you were still my little girl.
As we prepare for your Park Dedication know that you were loved and respected by so many. We were lucky to have you in our lives. Most families don't experience the love and friendship we have shared, even if it was only for a short time.
So to you my daughter, thank you for a lifetime of love, laughs and happiness. Brooklyn sends hugs and kisses too.

Love, Mom

We miss more then ever Kid, keep up your good work.

Your family


We went down to the memorial today, your name was engraved last week. We are not prepared for the pain that we will face in the coming weeks, with the anniversary of your death and the services in your honor. Seeing your name engraved in stone was only one of many difficult moments to come.

Please watch over all of us, I never want to recognize another name on that wall.

You are missed.


Kim, Greg and Geoffrey

Kim, Greg and Geoffrey


It has been almost a year. I can finally write some of what I feel. I don't want to remember your death. It hurts way to much. Instead I think about you...

What I write here is what you all ready know: You ride with me on every tour. I can imagine you poking fun at me and watching over me. I miss you be-bopping through the station and stopping by the house to see Tori. I can't pass an 'eggs-on' without a chuckle. I still haven't lost the weight I gained riding with you. I have never seen anyone eat so often! By the way, the dog would ride with me, but I didn't want him to disappear like Nick's pig. But I am sure you are direct on that and I think we heard you laughing the night the pig was returned.

I think about your family and Jason and Brooklyn. I pray for them. I cry for them.

Your energy lives on. It motivates me. You motivate me.

"Aaaaah, the student has become the teacher" Thank you.

You done good girl.

PO IV Lauryn McNeill

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since you left us. It still feels like yesterday. The class is in the process of planning the events in your honor this year for Police Week. We will be honoring our hero. I can't help but to get choked up each time I think about it. In reading the reflections left from others, I am glad that many people are touched by what those who love you have said about you. You are still leaving an impression on us.

I know you have watched over me through some touch and go situations....and I thank you for that. After every sigh of relief, I look up at the sky and thank you. You are truly my guardian angel.

Thanks for taking care of all of us out there. I miss you.

PO1 S. Law
Montgomery County Police

Once again I feel compelled to try and sit down and put my most recent feelings into words. It feels like its been an eternity since we lost you. When in reality of course, the first anniversary of your death is still just shy of 2 months away.

I bought this CD the other day and there’s this verse in one of the songs that hit me like a ton of bricks. The song is Taking Over Me by Evanescence and the verse is:

...But I remember you
I lie awake and try so hard
Not to think of you
But who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do...

So much has happened that I wished you could have been with us for. Your sister’s engaged, your mother got a huge promotion, your father’s business is flourishing, and my son was born. Winter weather was very active; you missed shoveling out from 2 plus feet of snow from one storm. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Groundhog Day have all come and gone. And so on and so on...
But its last Tuesday that the ache of missing you was almost unbearable. It was a rainy drab Tuesday like any other day, absolutely nothing spectacular about this day. Except that while scrolling through my cell phonebook looking for a number I came across your name and cell phone number still programmed. I so wanted to call you just to hear your voice and talk about the nothings we would talk about daily. Of course since that's not possible, all I could do is stare at the phone and hurt.
Our Park Police Special Operations Center will be dedicated in your name during Police Memorial Week in May. I’ve helped serve on the committee to decide on the design of the sign that will carry your name and the plaque that will carry the dedication. While its helped, it by no means fills any void. And when that week arrives all of us can never be prepared to have the scars and scabs of what healing we’ve been able to accomplish ripped wide open. I have to tell myself that I must attend the different ceremonies but I’m still afraid to face the gaping abyss of pain that it will be sure to cause. It seems sometimes that there is too much pain for time to erase.
But then I sit here and watch my 3-month-old son asleep in his crib. And its then I can’t and smile and what positive things life seems to bring along. I can just imagine how much fun you would have teasing me about the fact that I have offspring. I’m positive you would have had many ‘mini-me’ jokes to pass my way. I mean what else are friends for?
I’ve said it before but it bears repeating: there is a saying that everything happens for a reason. I know that your love knows no boundaries. I also know that you continue to watch over us all and you are smiling down on us even now.
And I continue to cherish our memories always.


Dear Kristin,
I never knew you but I have sat here for the last 2 hours reading your reflections and everything that's been said about you. You were truly loved in your lifetime, I only hope you knew how much. It is obvious from the reflections above that you were an outstanding officer and a wonderful woman.

As my husband starts his new job as a Deputy Sheriff with the Montery County Sheriff's Office in California could you find some way to watch over him and keep him safe for me (ya know, the way you did with Greg). I could not imagine another family going through such a tragic loss. When he begins patrol I will go to bed every night wondering if he will be coming home in the morning. Hopefully you can make sure he does...his name is Deputy Pickett.

To your fiance...I hope I never have to experience what you are going through. You only find that "one special person" once in a lifetime. Although I am sure Kristin would want you to move on in life, I could only imagine how difficult it must be.

To the heart goes out to you and her "TEAMMATES".


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