Houston Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Thursday, March 7, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Keith Alan Dees
This weekend is Father's Day! The kids and I have talked about you and all the funny things you use to do to make us smile. I have the pictures of your first Father's Day with Grace...she was only a few weeks old. We will cherish those memories forever, and you will always be in our hearts.
You were a wonderful father to all your children, they will always remember that.
Happy Father's Day,
June 17, 2005
Dear Keith,
Three years ago today (3-12-2002)I buried you. Those thoughts and memories will forever be in my mind and my heart.
The children are doing GREAT..you would be so proud!
I know your keeping watch over us, your doing a great job.....we have so much peace in our lives, alot of happiness, laughter and a future to look forward to..I KNOW your pleased!
I will always love you, I will always keep you alive in the kids hearts and minds, and I will never let you down with our promises we shared....
Missing you today,
March 12, 2005
Dear Keith,
Christmas is right around the corner. School is out tomorrow and the kids are happy....Grace found her horse last week..his name is RANSOM...chestnut quarter horse...perfect for training her to be a barrel racer. That's all she talks about...that's all she does, is run around everything and everywhere..She says its time to "Gally up" and off she goes......and boy is she something else in her wranglers, boots and hat...feel sorry for those cowboys later on down the road!!!
Trenton has done very well...You and Bruce should be very proud of him..he has his good days and his bad days, but one day at a time we are getting through this. He has done extremely well in school and considering what he has been through, I could never have asked for anything better than what he has achieved.
It looks as though when Bruce got to heaven, he gave you a hug and said "Let's take care of some unfinished business" before we celebrate!! It appears you got a little rowdy, took some names and cleared it all up!! I thank you for that... 2005 will begin on a relaxing, peaceful note!!
We decorated the house right after Thanksgiving...as usual, its beautiful out here.....I'm glad we made the change...and the kids love it.
Merry Christmas, as bitter sweet as it is, I believe you and Bruce will have the best Christmas of all...you're together and doing what ya'll did best..protecting the ones that you love!!
We will miss you, but your always in our thoughts and in our hearts.....
December 16, 2004
Dear Keith,
It has been some time since I have read any of the loving messages, and was very surprised to read that one of your closes friends Bruce had passed away. I am not in touch with your faimily any longer and it is very sad when you find out such things in a letter. I know the two of you are taking very good care of each other in heaven and watching over the ones you love dearly.
It is once again Christmas and you are in my thoughts. I miss you still, the fun times and the laughter, but know I will see you again one day.
I will always remember you, years will pass and I will think of all the good you have done in so many peoples lifes.
Forever in my thoughts...
December 3, 2004
A Tribute to the Heroes Among Us
Dedicated to Emergency Response Personnel everywhere and F.A.M.I.L.Y.
Our hearts go out to you and your families. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers. Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough for men who are heroes when we need them, but invisible, ignored, and unappreciated when we don’t.
You rescue us, save our possessions, our lives and our families. You are the heroes among us. You are always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we call, we just expect that you will come and do whatever it takes to help us. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring. We show our appreciation with low pay, little respect, and indifference for the issues in your lives, most of the time. As young children, we want to grow up and be you until we get older and realize the risk isn’t worth the reward.
As outsiders, we envy you, secretly. You have benefits in your careers that our jobs just can’t provide. Your work is not the same old thing every day. You get the opportunity to be heroes every time you go to work. You obviously love what you do, and you’re a family. You have a oneness the rest of society longs for. You care about and support each other. You know each other’s families, share each other’s lives. The rest of us face life’s trials and tribulations alone. You are never alone. You have each other, always.
It is our loss not to know you better. This world, this country, your individual towns truly are better places because of you. To lose one of you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We should be grateful for and to you, and honor you regularly for all you do for us day in and day out without a word of thanks or praise.
We should be ashamed of ourselves; and yet, you continue to do all you do for us in spite of our behavior, which speaks to the people you are. How many of us are willing to do a job knowing we may not go home at the end of the day?
Maybe one day in the future, you will be recognized for all you do with better pay, and the community support and respect you so richly deserve. Until then, hang tough together, and God Bless You and your families.
November 27, 2004
Dear Keith,
Sunday was Halloween. It was a very different day to say the least. It was the first holiday without both you and Bruce. The emptiness was incredible..especially when I was getting the kids ready for trick or treating. Grace was a Cowgirl Cheerleader, hat and all and boy was she beautiful...and Trenton, well, he was Sting, yet again, because its all he knows to be in memory of you!! That Halloween you sat on the front porch as Sting and scared the whole neighborhood still sticks in his mind and he tells everyone. We did have alot of fun and there are many others who were there to try to take away the pain, they did a good job, but...the emptiness was there. We took the high road though and together the 3 of us talked about both of you the whole night and end the end, I knew we had done it, and both of you would have been very happy.
We love and miss both of you so much...
Deborah, Trenton and Grace
November 2, 2004
Birthdays were always so special to you. You were always real big about celebrating the kids birthday ON their birthday, not the weekend before or the day after...Well, we celebrate yours today. We went to the cemetary today and Grace and Trenton sent balloons to heaven for you...as a watched them go up to the skys I saw your smiling face looking down on us. I know your at peace and finally, I am there with you too!!! I feel your peace and my heart is steady.
I know you and Bruce are looking down on all of us and having a great time together. I can only imagine the conversations!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEITH...You will always be in our hearts...and please know, we will always love you...........
Deborah, Grace and Trenton
October 19, 2004
Dear Keith,
Bruce passed away Thursday, September 9th and we buried him Monday, September 13th. You would have been very proud of Trenton. He has done so well. Grace told Trenton, "My daddy has a knew friend in heaven now, Daddy Bruce!" She loved him so!!. The police department did a wonderful job for Bruce, of course, we never expected any different. They were very supportive of the entire family. During the ceremony, of course you were heavy on my mind...you to passed away on a Thursday and the wake was held on the 12th...exactly 2 1/2 years I buried you.
Everyone was exemely nice and of course those you said that would respond, or lack thereof, did exactly what you had predicted. That's to bad, they to will need to live with that in there hearts.
You were mentioned at Bruce's funeral of course, and now not a day will go by that both you and Bruce will not be talked about or missed in our home.
I love you Keith and you made such an impression on so many, especially Trenton. He told me, "Well now I've lost all my dads...my biological dad, my stepdad who loved me so much and now dad...the one who loved me enough to adopt me" He has grown in the Lord and has your faith...that's going to be strong enough to lead him in the right direction.
We all love and miss you....have fun riding those motorcycles together in heaven and watching over us....we too will join you soon,
September 15, 2004
Dear Keith,
You've been on my mind alot lately, probably because August 11th Gracie starts PK, and you won't be here to take her to her classroom. She is so excited. We went yesterday to buy her first backpack and lunchkit (as she calls it). She was so cute. She picked out a purple backpack, it's bigger than she is and a pink lunchkit. The lunchkit has a water bottle attached to it..she says thats for her snack!!!
You would be so proud of her. She is so much like you...her toes, they aren't even, neither were yours, she sings and makes up words to tunes shes heard, her memory is just like yours...hears something once, that's it, she never forgets it. She's very sharp, very beautiful and has your eyes, sky blue...right to the heavens.
She talks about you alot and we went by to see you. I tried to get her to buy new flowers for you...but she insist on those pink flowers she put out for Valentines Day...she won't let me change them..they match the pink heart on the teddy bear you gave her three weeks before you were killed (she was 18 months old). She figured that out all by herself.
August 11th is the first day of school and Bruce's birthday. Everyone misses you and wishes you were here. Bruce misses you terribly. He is fighting the battle of his life...but you would be proud, he has beaten the odds so far and continues to fight and he will tell you, "I'm doing this for Keith" he would have wanted me too so I can help with Grace and Trenton.
Trenton is as tall as I am almost. He shot up this summer and has become a VERY handsome young man. He made a very good choice in his selection of which school he wanted to attend this year. I left it up to him and you would have been proud. He continues to write in school about you and his dad..both of which are his heros...He has never waived under pressure and will stand behind and in front of Grace and protectors her unconditionally.
We have found a new stability in our lives and I know you would be proud. Bruce tells us often how happy he is with our lifes and the choices we have made as a family.
I miss you terribly, but I know you would want me to go on raising our children and doing what I thought was best for them, and so I do.
I still remember Keith "Life is for the living Deborah",
I will always love you...your in my heart forever,
August 3, 2004
I wanted to let you know that your sacrifice is not just known in Texas, but far beyond your state's borders. Heroes never die and are never forgotten. I did not know you, but felt compelled to write. Thank you Officer Dees for your dedication to duty, courage, bravery and for making the ultimate sacrifice. May God bless you and your incredible family.
Detective T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Department, CA
July 27, 2004
Hi Baby,
Yesterday was Gracie's birthday..she turned 4. She had a party at Chuck E Cheese of course and had a wonderful time. She had a Spirit cake..she loves horses and can't wait to get one of her own...I'm hoping to get her one this summer so she can begin riding lessons. She is beautiful Keith and has your spirit, zest for life, your conversation....and her eyes, her eyes are yours..as blue as the heavens, and she knows just how to use them, just like her daddy did.
She talks alot about you Keith. She's not ashame to tell people you are in heaven and watching over her. Saturday night, the sun was setting and she ran out there and said "Mom, look, it's daddy..he's telling me Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!!" Of course, I cried, she always seems to remember you called her Sweetheart!! Amazing, she was only 20 months old!!
She went today for her 4 year old check up..she weighs 32 lbs, and is 3' 1" tall..dr. says she will be very petite..wonder were she gets that from..should be a good barrel racer then. She got 4 shots today and NEVER cried once, hearing and vision test and then came the blood work..she cried. I told her it is OK mom even cries during blood work.
You would be so proud of her and I thought of you so much at her party Friday night and then on Sunday for her birthday...my heart still breaks that your not here to hold her.
Our anniversary is coming this Sunday, May 23...it would have been 5 years, but we only had 2 years together as husband and wife...that's ok baby, I still love you as much as the day I married you, time will never take that away..you left me so many wonderful memories during our marriage and for all the years we knew each other.
You watch over us and know we love you with all our hearts. Not a day goes by your name isn't mentioned or your not thought of ....
I love you Keith,
May 17, 2004
Hi Baby,
Easter came without you; however, the Easter Lillies I planted the first Easter you were gone came back this year absolutely beautiful. May is coming up and today it seems as though that's all i think about. Mother's Day of course, the holiday you always made me feel so special, our daughters 4th birthday and then a week later our 5th anniversary. It would have been five years this year....those words "would have" still seem so foreign when I say them.
MANY things have happened since you've been gone; however, I still remember what you use to always said, "Things will come, things will go..People will come and most will go"....boy you hit it right on the target. Most have...and that's been ok too!! Those that left were the ones you always said wouldn't never stay. My heart is ok with that now, because some things in life just aren't worth having anyway. The only thing that matters was the life we shared and the memories we made and nobody can take that away.
There are many changes happening around here. I know you would be happy with them, they are things we use to talk about. Everyone has their opionins about it, but we both know about that. Trenton and Grace are both very happy and I know you are smiling right now knowing that.
I love you baby, and I'll see you REAL soon...meet me at the gate,
I Love You,
April 17, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 4, 2004
Dear Keith,
This weekend we celebrated Valentine's Day, the last holiday you spent with us. As I went to the store to buy cards and gifts I remembered the teddy bear you gave Grace on her first Valentine's Day, she was 9 months old. To this day, she keeps that teddy bear close to her and tells everyone her Daddy gave it to her...it didn't seem appropriate to buy her another one so I gave her M&M's (hers and your favorite candy) and gave her a card and signed it Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart, I Love You...Mommy. She looked up at me and said, "My daddy called my Sweetheart!" She remembered.
Trenton remembers this being the last holiday we all shared and you know Trenton, he never is one for words, but saddness has filled his heart. I asked him what was wrong on Valentines morning and in his quiet way he said "Nothing mom, I Love You!" As usual, he finds his peace from within and continues to protect us the only way a 10 year old knows how.
Its almost been 2 years since you've been gone and we have tried to move on as you would have wanted. You use to tell me "Life is for the living Deborah, you will only have this one time" I hear that in my dreams....
Others may not understand certain actions we have taken in our home. It doesn't bother me a bit and I am very quick to express that; however, I know you would and that's all that matters to me.
Your ALWAYS in my heart Keith and on my mind and at my lowest point in life you would remind me, "Life is for the living Deborah, you will only have this one time!!!"
Happy Valentine's Day....we love and miss you very much,
February 15, 2004
Another Holiday has come and gone without you, and nothing seems the same. Your laugh and smile that could make a room light up is very much still missed. You are in my thoughts each passing day, and I miss you. May you rest in peace as a new year begins.
January 5, 2004
Dear Keith,
Today is August 12th...those dates still ring in my head every month......on the 7th you past away and on the 12th I buried you. To this day, no matter what's going on in my life, I don't even have to be thinking about dates, my whole being changes suddenly, then I realize, it's that week!!!
We use to talk about this reality I'm living; however, there was a much different ending. I have thought much about what we discussed should one of us ever be left behind!!
Trenton starts 4th grade tomorrow and Grace is 4 days shy of being 3 years and 3 months old...everyday reminding me of the gift of life.
Although much has changed since March 7, 2002...your presence, your laughter, your smile, your eyes, your jokes, YOU are very much alive here in this home and we miss you every day.
Every night Grace says her prayers and this is what she says,
Now I lay me down to sleep. Pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, pray the Lord my soul to take....God Bless my mommy, Trenton, Gracie, Frankie and my Daddy in Heaven who watches me.....I love you daddy!!
I Love you too Keith and I miss you very much,
Your service will not be forgotten. "UNA STAMUS" (we stand as one)
Eric Bruss - Police Officer
US Dept. Veterans Affairs Police (Mpls, MN)
Keith, Missing you is a under statement. People say life goes on. Yes it does but it not the same. Each and every day you see and fill the pain of missing a part of your life. That part is you. I know someday God will call me home. Knowing you're there makes it easy to go home.
Bruce Oliver
Dear Keith,
Today it has been a year since you left us. Much has happened since last March...some things came to past as you said they would, most responded and acted as you said they would...it seems as though you knew exactly the way the last chapter would be written.
You are still just as alive tonight in our home as you were Wednesday night, March 6, 2002. There isn't a day that goes by your name isn't mentioned by someone here in the house, by a neighbor or a phone call....you have touched so many peoples lives in so many ways.
Grace talks to you everyday..your picture is by her bed. She looks exactly like you...she loves to laugh, sing, smile and she loves the Lord just as you do. When you look into her sky blue eyes, you look right into the heart of her daddy.
Trenton bought a miniture schnauzer in May.....we didn't know this at the time we were looking at him, but when I went to pay for the puppy his birthdate was March 7th, 2002...he was born 45 minutes after you past away.....We know now that was your assurance to us you would never leave us...Frankie has brought alot of joy to us and he has filled some pretty hard nights with love and kisses.
So today we celebrated Frankie's first birthday and your first anniversary of being in heaven!!! There were two balloons placed on your truck from Trenton and Grace and 1 red rose from me. Your license plates now read "99Z50"....
I miss you very much Keith and I love you with all my heart,
Forever yours,
To your family, friends and co-workers, you are in our prayers daily. May the Lord bless and comfort each of them, each day. There are no words to express my sorrow for your loss, except I have walked this path also. Know others care and will help.
Stephanie Hires Duplanits
Metroplex TX Chapter COPS
To the family, Friends and the Houston Police Department. The Columbus Police Motor Squad send our deepest sympathies and condolences. God Speed, Brother Keith Dees
Columbus (Ga.)Police Department
It has been five months today that you have been gone, and it seems just yesterday that I saw those big blue eyes that look like the skies of heaven and your smile of an angel. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and wonder. I find comfort knowing you are in the best place of all "HEAVEN".....
I was thinking about you today, so I went out to the cemetary where you were buried. I saw your wife there sitting on a blanket as she decorated your grave for the 4th of July. As I watched her, I could tell her love for you was real and her pain was immense. As she walked away, she turned once more with tears running down her face and said "I Love You, I will always love you". I was sitting in the car, I didn't want to disturb her time with you. I heard from the cemetary that day she goes there at least 4 times a week. I walked up after she left and there was a picture of her and Trenton and Grace. You will never know what a wonderful man you were to her for so MANY years. As I watched both of you through the years, you and Deborah defined the the meaning of "soul mates"....I hope through your death others will learn what true love is. May you rest in peace and know that Deborah will stand beside you one day soon.
Debbie, it took me a long time to be able to look at these pages and even longer to be able to write anything on them, but I want you to know you are not alone. We (the wives of other officers in this area who have made the supreme sacrifice)are all here with you, and together, with God, we can make it through these trying times. Our husbands now walk streets paved with gold, and are more at rest than they ever could have been here on earth.
Just remember you can call on me anytime, day or night, whenever you want to talk, cry, laugh, or just sit with someone... you are not alone!
Deputy Rene Dennis/husbands EOW 05-22-01
Harris County Sheriff's Department