Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Brian Keith Nichols

Alabama Department of Public Safety, Alabama

End of Watch Sunday, February 17, 2002

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Trooper Brian Keith Nichols

Well baby, I got a Christmas present from you today. I had ordered a necklace with your badge on it and got it today. I had no idea I would get it this soon. When it got here and I opened it, I really thought it was something else I was waiting on for Christmas. I opened it and read the poem with it and cried and cried. I miss you so much especially this time of year. I know I ordered it but I think of it as a gift from you. You always really surprised me with things you bought for me and I know this is from you. A precious momento of you. I now wear your badge proudly! It has your name and badge number on it. Well until we meet again! Merry Christmas my angel above!!


December 22, 2004


I was reading through my husbands reflections and came across one you had written. Thank you so much for reaching out. I have read and cried through many of your reflections. I see how "normal" I am through you. I can see how strong of a person you have been for the last couple of years and how you have carried on with your devotion to your husband. That is how I want my future to be like. Unfortunately, my husband and I didn't have children. We were teenagers when we started dating. He was and still is my world, my everything. Sometimes I think my husband knew something was going to happen to him. He and I talked about what we wanted for each other should this type of horror occur. I made a promise to him that I would forever be his wife and only his wife. He knows I will keep my promise to him.

May you and your family find peace and comfort through this holiday season and until you can be reunited with your husband once again.

Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

December 5, 2004

Well angel, here we are, Christmas time again. This is still so hard without you here with us. You always were as big a kid as the kids were. We miss you so much. Riding around to look at lights is just not the same anymore. Of course nothing is. But with God's help we are treading on. But it still aches everyday.

I know you are spending another beautiful Christmas. I can't imagine what it is like in Heaven celebrating Jesus' birthday with Him! You always loved parties. Especially birthday ones!

Well sweetheart, until we meet again face to face!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Yours forever,

December 5, 2004

Trooper Nichols...

I do not know you or your family. I met you about six months ago on this website when I was browsing through the many reflections of fallen officers. From the wonderful reflections left for you, it seems to me that you were a great trooper, a wonderful man, and a loving father/husband. I guess that is why every time I come to this website, I always check your reflections to see if anyone has left a new one for you. It pains me to read your memorial and how you were killed. I too am a trooper and I know how dangerous the job can be. To your family: I am so sorry. I cannot say I know how it feels, because I do not. I hope and pray that it gets easier for you, and that you continue to be surrounded with love and support. I will continue to "check" the reflections here and read about how wonderful Trooper Nichols was, and what a great family he had.

Trooper Nichols: I keep a picture of you and your memorial from this website in my trouser pocket so you are there when I am working. I will never forget your sacrifice. Please keep us safe.


December 4, 2004

It has only recently come to our attention that Officer Nichols passed away on February 17, 2002. While I try to honor the sacrifice of every officer whose name I find here, I miss one occasionally. I hope that it is not too late to give our heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of this brave officer. Though time does not heal all wounds, I hope that it has softened this terrible blow.

We were truly saddened at Keith's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.

God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!

Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.

November 9, 2004

Hi Denise.
I just wanted to say I read your messages to others and to your husband. They brought tears to my eyes.
On December 22, 1990, I lost my husband to a drunk driver. It was a car/pedestrian accident, and my husband was the pedestrian. The Deputy Sheriff who handled the case, would come by periodically to check on me and my young daughter. I have never forgotten his kindness. Because of the concern that Deputy had for my daughter and myself, I came away from that period with a soft spot for Law Enforcement officers. I know that having to come to my door and tell me what happened (3 days before Christmas) had to bean extremely hard thing to do. But the fact that he didn't treat us as a "statistic" is what made the deepest impression on me. I bet your husband was that kind of officer also. He is certainly in Heaven, and watching over you. You and your children are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your family.

KL Longhway mail carrier

October 23, 2004

I was just browsing this website and came across a reflection you left on another officer. I noticed you signed it the spouse of a fallen officer. I looked up your husband and read the memorial. I admire your commitment to him. I just wanted to let you know that he is not forgotten in the law enforcement community. My wife and I will say a special prayer for you tonight. I hope you stay strong in your faith. The Lord Jesus can do many wonderfull things in our lives if we let him in our hearts. I also pray all is going well for you and your children. God Bless you and your family. I look forward in seeing you and your husband in heaven one day. Stay Strong!! Officer Douglas, Washington, Missouri.

Officer Douglas
Washington Police

October 11, 2004

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!! Today celebrates 10 years ago that I became Mrs. Brian Nichols. If you had not been taken from me, we would be in Gatlinburg renewing our vows like we had always said we would do at 10 years. I love you more everyday and always will. I will always be yours! Until we meet again......

I love you,

July 9, 2004

Friday was my birthday and did I miss you!! You always made my birthdays so special. Tomorrow is Father's Day. Another hard day. We miss you so much everyday but the special ones are harder. Especially Father's Day. I know it is hard for the kids seeing all the other kids with their dad and their's is not here. But they have you something they picked out and we are taking it to the cemetary for you.

Last week your bage number and your call number was retired. It was a very nice presentation. All the troopers from your post were there as well as some from Montgomery headquarters. They came in on the Trooper helicopter. I was presented with a very nice plaque with a proclamation, a trooper patch and a badge with your number on it. It was all framed and matted together. I hung it over the piano so everyone could see it. I was real proud that day to be your wife as I am every day. But on the days that you are being honored I am extremely proud. I wish you were here to see all that has been done in your name and memory but I know you, you would not want it done. But you are such a special man. I only wish some of it could have been done while you were still here to get the honor. You deserved in life as well as death. That is what one of your fellow troopers told me was why couldn't we honor you before you died and not wait until you were gone. It really makes you think and let people know how much you care about them.

Anyway, I love you very much and still and always will be yours!!! Happy Father's Day!!!!

I love you,

June 19, 2004


I am just sitting here today thinking so much about you. The kids are on Spring Break. We went to the beach for a few days and I missed you so much there!! Especially trying to pull the luggage cart to the room!!!!! We had fun but it just wasn't the same without you.

I know it is supposed to be easier now but at times it just overwhelms me. I was behind an officer the other day in a line and he had on your cologne. I almost asked him to hug me, just to feel that uniform and vest and smell that cologne with a hug!!! But it still would not have been you. I miss your hugs and kisses and touch so much!!!!!! At times I can almost feel you with us and holding me. You always were an affectionate husband and daddy. The kids miss you too! We talk about you all the time.

Ball season is starting and it is hard especially for Keith because everyone else has their daddy there but he can't have his there. So many comfort us and are there for us but it is not the same. But, as the Bible tells us, God is a father to the fatherless, so we know we are not alone here. Keith is starting to look so much like you. We saw a guy you graduated with the other day and he could not get over how much he looks like you. I told him he acts like you too!!! Leanna is growing up too. She is really a girly girl! You would be so proud of her. And I always promised you no short skirts or shorts for her and I am standing by that! They are both so precious and a special part of you that God allowed us to have together and continues to bless me with.

Until we meet again!

I love and miss you every day,

April 16, 2004

I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).

We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family. The reflections left for Trooper Nichols shows what a wonderful person he was.

God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.

Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 4, 2004

Trooper Nichols, thank you for your dedication and service to the citizens of the great State of Alabama, and all those othercitizens who traveled through. I will always honor you, your name, you service and your ultimate sacrifice, as you protected all of us. With brotherly love and respect, Jim Crotty (Former Richmond, VA Police Officer)

Special Agent Jim Crotty
ATF (Retired)

March 4, 2004


I also know the pain of such a great loss especially during holidays and other times of the year. I can only hold on to God’s word that your husband and my son are in a better place and we will see them again one day.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Lt. Thomas Gleason, Father of MP Brian Gleason (End of Watch-08/09/00)

Lt. Thomas D. Gleason
Florida Department of Law Enforcement

February 28, 2004

Dear Denise,Keith, Leanna, Sonny, Linda

Denise I today have cry uncontrollable for your lost I know time has passed, and they say time heals all but I feel the hurt that day after day you must feel. I said a pray along with your mother today for you Leanna and Keith. Although I have never faced this as of yet, I can only Image because as you loved Brian I also love my husband and today I have a compassion for you and your children and mother and dad I cant explain. Your mother is one of the dearest friends I have and I remember how she use to talk of your love for Brian, never a bad word against Brian in the years we have known each other. That is a testimony in it self for your Mother n Law to speak well of you and Brian's Mother n Law spoke well of him.

Leanna and Keith Your Daddy left you a gift, he left you the directions to be able to be with him one day always love and follow after your so Godly mother and that will make daddy so happy and you will be able to be together again.

Sonny and Linda If we as parents could take our children's pain we would but you've done what was ask of you, you raised a very God fearing daughter, in doing this God has been there to hold all of you when times were so hard, we never can understand the things that happen bad in our life but we knows who can get us through it.
I said a pray just for you so when the Grand babies need you ,You have the strength to be there for them cry with them pray with them and sometimes just lesson to them.
I Love you

Thersia Weaver
Saraland Alabama

February 23, 2004



February 17, 2004

Dear Denise,
I am thinking of you today on the 2nd anniversary of Brian's
home-going. You have stayed faithful to the Lord, leaning on Him for
strength and comfort. I know that it has to be very difficult raising
your kids without their father around, but I'm sure it's better having
them here to share your memories. I'm sure our time here on earth
is very short and Jesus' return is getting closer so continue to keep
looking up!
Dear Brian,
According to these reflections, you knew Jesus personally and that
blesses me greatly as I know I will meet you face to face one day
and be able to thank you for your sacrifice. There is none greater than
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We don't get to Heaven based on
what we do,but what He did for us!! AMEN! Thank you for your fine
example to those that worked with you and knew you. There is now a
huge void that cannot be filled, but as you are remembered, thoughts will
turn to your exemplary life and we will be filled with pride and respect
and love for the man you became. You were a wonderful testimony to
the Lord you served. God be with all those who mourn and may His
promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come.
Dang that horse!

Lynn Kole
Washington State

February 16, 2004

Happy 37th Birthday Baby! We missed you today. The kids and I took balloons out to the cemetary and they let them go. They said they were sending them up to you. We watched them until we couldn't see them anymore. We love and miss you every day!

We love you,
Denise, Keith and Leanna

January 14, 2004

God bless and keep your family Trooper Nichols. I'm sure you're watching over Denise and your two sweet children from heaven. They are such wonderful, loving people and shining reminders of your brief time on this earth.

Lord love you.

Linda Wagers, surviving spouse
Sgt. Gary Wagers, CHP, EOW 3/15/01

January 1, 2004

Well baby, another Christmas has come and gone without you. We survived but missed you so much. I bet Christmas was beautiful there. Our lights and decorations I know do not in any way compare to the beauty in Heaven for Christmas. Actually being there with our Savior to celebrate His birth. How awesome it must be!!!

I wish you could have been with us though. We thought of you so much and missed you so much. We put a little Christmas tree at your grave that the kids decorated. They had so much fun decorating it for you. This year was easier but it still is so hard without you. We miss you so much and can't wait to see you again.

I love you very much and think of you everyday. You will always be special to me and have my heart. Until we meet again.......

I love you baby,

December 26, 2003

Denise and kids-

I admire your devotion to your father in heaven. Although you have been temporarily seperated from your husband and father, your faith continues. There is a lot to be said for your strengh. The biggest goal will be that glorious day when you are all reunited in heaven with our savior. Your husband is smiling down on you, watching daily as you live your life, and I'm sure he is counting the days until you join him.

I have also grown to love our savior and ofund that songs like "I canonly imagine" help me to live life day by day after a tragic loss. I have seen reflections from you, Denise, on other fallen officers sites. You are truely an inspiration. Your husband is just as proud of you as you were of him. You are an amazing person.

"I can only imagine" by Mercyme

I can only imagine
what it will be like
when I walk by your side

I can only imagine what I my eyes will see
when your face is before me

I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
what will my heart feel
will I dance for you Jesus
or in awe of you be still
will I stand in your presence
or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
will I be able to speak at all

I can only imagine, I can only imagine

I can only imagine
when that day comes
and I find myself standing in the sun
I can only imagine
when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you

I can only imagine, I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
what will my heart feel
will I dance for you Jesus
or in awe of you be still
will I stand in your presence
or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
will I be able to speak at all

I can only imagine, I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
what will my heart feel
will I dance for you Jesus
or in awe of you be still
will I stand in your presence
or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
will I be able to speak at all

I can only imagine, I can only imagine

I can only imagine
when all I can do is forever, forever worship you.

Your faith is going to give you the ultimate treasure, eternity with your husband, and your savior. It is amazing how quickly you can forgive the loss when you are looking at forever in heaven. This is the one thing that I have learned, I will take eternity anyday, over life on earth.

I wish you and your children peace and love. I will continue to pray for you during the upcoming Christmas holiday.

Trooper Nichols-

Please watch over us as we continue to patrol. Your life has left such a legacy, even to those who did not know you here.

Thank you for your sacrafice.

December 1, 2003

Well, baby, another Thanksgiving without you. I hope you have a wonderful one. I know you will, you are in Heaven. It must be wonderful there!! Even though you are gone, we still are very thankful to have had you in our lives for as long as God gave you to us. We miss you daily. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about you. Thank you for you! We miss you!

Your loving wife

November 26, 2003

Oct. 28, 2003
I look forward to the day I can meet you in person. I read alot of these
reflections, but you are a cut above. You have made us all proud. Dang
that horse!
Lynn Kole
Washington State

October 27, 2003

May god be with the wife and family of Officer Nichols. I am sure he was a great man. May god give you strength to go on knowing that your hubby's just on a long vacation waiting for you to join him one day.

Nicole Robbins
Orange County, CA

August 21, 2003


Today is August 17, 2003. It has been 1 1/2 years since you were taken from us. It seem longer since I have gotten to hold you, but it seems like yesterday it all happened. We heard your song today, "I could only imagine". We were on our way home from Mobile and Leanna started crying for you. I pulled over and held her and we cried together. It just hits us all at times and we have to cry it out. But, that is OK. That is what it takes for us to get through this. Keith tried to be the big boy he is and tell us, "It is OK" and patted and hugged us. He is so much like you. He tries to take care of me and Leanna.

We miss you so much, but we know you are better off where you are and a new home is being prepared for us to come and be with you one day.

Until we meet again baby! You are always with us!

I Love You,

Today is July 26, 2003 and I just finished a shift. After my shift, I was pleased to speak with your wife, Denise, by phone. I called Denise to let her know I was mailing two tracings that I did of your name from the Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, D.C.

I mailed those tracings, today. It was humbling to read your name and ponder your life and that of your wife and children as I traced it. God Speed to you, your wife and your children.

Darin L. Paul, Special Agent
FBI Agents Association

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