Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Michael T. Scanlon
I just stumbled on this site, and all the pain of Febuary 12th came back. I can't believe 5 years has gone by without you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. You were a great friend who always put 100% into everything you did, and the badge was no different. I remember being so mad at you for doing your job! (10 minutes before your shift was up!) But that's how you were - always doing the right thing and making sure we always were safe.(remember Canada?!) You are in my heart always and will never be forgotten. We miss you and love you so much!
Carol Suggs
August 2, 2007
I will never forget hearing the news of Mike's death on the car radio just after dropping my kids off at school. It was heartening. Mike was a dedicated, hard working, honest man. His career choice fit him well. He loved his job (including Sears security), he loved his wife, and he loved being a dad. We had a special connection. I was a "cops kid". My dad retired in 2004 straight out of the DPD's 8th Precient.
You and your family are thought of often. You were a super guy. And, a great friend. Rest in Peace. We miss you.
Michelle Houston-Miller
Friend from High School
May 29, 2007
We have not forgotten and NEVER will be.
May 6, 2007
5 years ago today. I hope your faith was in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior and that you heard Him say:
Well done, good and faithful servant. So sorry your life came to such a tragic end, but you sure had alot of fight in you! Just no match for a knife. I know your families at work and at home miss you and think of you often. Time has not diminished your sacrifice! John 3:16
Lynn Kole
Washington State
February 12, 2007
It has been five years since I and a thousand others attended your funeral. I continue to think of you every day and pray for your family that remains here to carry on without you. Last week my 3 yr. old son asked about my memorial braclet I wear that bears your name. I was both proud and saddened to tell him of you and your
sacrifice. I miss you Mike and your memory will live with me the rest of my days.
"May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun fall soft upon your feilds
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
Dave Stahl
DEA Fresno
S/A David Stahl
DEA Fresno, CA
February 12, 2007
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
August 15, 2006
Sometimes you stop the bad guys and sometimes
they stop you. My heart goes out to all those still missing you...even after 3 years. Time will not diminish
your sacrifice.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
August 2, 2006
Mike I think of you often and your Family> I visit when Im in the Cementry Keeping up on My Familys Graves All Us From The Old neighbor alwAYS will Always Hold You In Our Deepest respects God Bless you and All your Family
We All Miss you always heard you were a Great Officer Love Always to you and Yours T.Pletzke
Old Friend
June 9, 2006
I used to work with you at Sears Loss Prevention. Had beers with you at the "Tip" on Southfield Service Drive. Please welcome the newest addition of our men in blue to the party up there. He was one of mine........Corporal Jason Makowski (DHPD). Tell him I had a blast at the golf outing with him and how thankful I am to have had that opportunity. Keep us safe down here!! We'll see you soon enough BROTHER!!!!!
P.S. Since I know you loved kids, tell God to send me my future wife so I can have some.
Officer Patrick Thomas
Dearborn Heights Police
June 4, 2006
I never met you personally, but my husband works at the 8th Pct., now the Northwestern District. I heard you used to give out these little stuffed baseball bears to children. My son had one of those little bears. It was his first toy and was his constant companion in his isolette at the hospital. My son has since passed away and has gone on to be an Angel with the Lord in Heaven. I heard that you had a good heart and I hope the two of you have met. Just letting you know that you will NEVER be forgotten and I will always cherish that little stuffed baseball bear...
Police Officer Gilda C. Mason
Detroit Police Department
February 28, 2006
r.i.p my friend in blue
February 20, 2006
A day does not pass without me thinking of you. I wear your name on my wrist with great pride. God bless you brother and God bless your family that must continue without you. I pray for them often. God bless all my brothers and sisters in blue!
S/A David Stahl
DEA Fresno, California
February 16, 2006
I have never met you, but I salute you. I am not a police officer yet, but hope to continue on in the footsteps of great men and women like you.
Robert Powell
An American
February 12, 2006
I remember... before you stood and put on that badge. We worked for the same company and we used to talk about becomeing officers. We tested for Detroit around the same time, you got hired first.
I remember... the day you told me. Man, you were happy. there was a big smile across your face and we were both excited. You were starting your new career, your calling as a cop. There are a few of us from the old job who could tell some crazy stories of how determined you could be.
I remember... standing on stage and trying to get a glimpse into the crowd after the chief put the badge on my chest. My family was there and a few friends. It took me a few more years to get on the job than you.
We kinda lost touch. I remember seeing you for the first time on the job. I don't think you knew I had been hired. You were standing outsie DRH and I could see how proud you were to wear that uniform. Shoes polished, black motor jacket (polished), and all the ribbins above your badge.
You told me you worked for #8. I was assigned to a city wide unit that never worked in #8, besides court and the occasional run in, We hardly got to talk. I kept hearing about you, you know how cops talk. Guess you could'nt drive down the street without finding a stolen car. Guess you had a gift and I herd of it all the way downtown.
I was working that night. Just happened to be in #6 on warren ave, about to have a code 30. My partner and I just sat down and I was picking up my subway sandwich, when I herd the radio. We could tell someone was in trouble.
You hear many "prioritys" every night, but this one was different. We left our dinner, and ran to our scout car. I remember radio doing a roll call on air. All that could go thru my mind was "Mike...whats mikes he working this shift..."
I did'nt know anyone from #8 besides you. We flew up and down streets. Every second seemed to be soo long. I have never been in such a hurry to get somewhere... and not knowing where I am supposed to go. We did'nt know who or where you were.
We all know how the night went.
I remember... when I found out it was you. I don't think I could stand, let alone walk. 6'4" 280 lbs, and the tears would'nt stop.
I remember... the funeral was impressive brother. I got to stand on the street somewhere behind a few hundred cops just to get a view of you. I've never been so proud to salute.
To a hero that walked on the thin blue line. We lost so much more than just a good cop. I miss you brother and you will never be forgotten.
Detroit Police Officer, Tom Anton, north west dist, special opts.
P.O. Tom Anton "a-team"
February 8, 2006
Officer in peace sir, your sacrafice will never be forgotten. You are thought of and missed by many.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 27, 2005
Officer Scanlon:
I never knew you in life, but I know your sister and brother-in-law. I know how losing you affected their lives and I keep your memorial card by my desk. I teach Law Enforcement courses to potential police officers and I share your story with them so that they may know a hero-- and so that they may grasp the reality of the profession they seek. May you rest in peace.
Dr. Joanna Sabo
Professor Joanna Sabo
Monroe County Community College
October 13, 2005
My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in SE Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Michael did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Michael be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Officer Scanlon's family, friends, and co-workers must have gone through in losing him. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his fiancee. No one can truly understand the pain of our loss until they've walked in our shoes. Please know that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone in your "journey". Should you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. (The Davis County Sheriff's Office and COPS will also always know how to reach me.)
As a fallen officer "survivor" and a friend, please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the McElderry family. I never got the opportunity to know Michael but, I am certain he was well respected and well loved. Michael will live on in the hearts of all the lives he touched. You were all blessed to have been able to know and love Michael, even for a short time. I pray that Michael and Dennis will continue to watch over us along with all the other fallen officers all as only they can.
Thank you Officer Scanlon for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.
Wishing you and all those who loved you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
August 29, 2005
You have touched my life in so many ways. First, when you hired me into the company where you were the head of security. That allowed me to meet my wife and continue on to a family of my own. Secondly, once I graduated college and got my certification you helped me keep my certification by sending me on to Wixom PD as a reserve. I have since moved on but I could never have gotten where I am today without you. You are an inspiration to me and I think about you and the sacrafice you made every day when I look at my kids. If you didn't believe in our (police officers) reasons for being out here, none of my career and life dreams could have come true. You believed in me and gave me the oppurtunity when you didn't have to. You could have easily turned your back and not hired me but you didn't and for that I say "Thank You". God Bless You and I'll see you on the streets when I am called home.
Leah, you and the kids are in mine and Dorene's thoughts and prayers always!
OFC Steve Bird
Westland PD, Michigan
August 23, 2005
There isn't a day that goes by without thinking of you. I am proud of the efforts you put into your job and dedication to your family. The deep respect from others show what a great person you are.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to your reflections.
I miss you bro.
We miss you Uncle Mike
Brad, Donnie, Jason, and Carly
Kevin Scanlon
Sterling Heights, MI
June 17, 2005
A little late stopping by to pay my respects on the 3rd year anniversary of your death. Rest in peace; your family continues to remain in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your sacrifice and heroism. You will be remembered always!
February 26, 2005
My dearest Mike,
It's been three years since the good Lord took you to be at his side, but it seems like yesterday. I miss you more than you could know. You are forever in my heart and never forgotten. My you rest in peace.
All my love...........
Jeanne (Scanlon) Kirkpatrick
One of Mike's Big Sisters
February 12, 2005
To the family,
We are thinking of you today and remembering the sacrifice that your son, brother, husband, dad, and uncle made on this day three years ago.
With a big hug,
Andrea Arrington
Sister of Detroit PO Scott Stewart
February 12, 2005
I remember the news stories like they were yesterday. It is hard to believe that three years have passed.
Not a day goes by that you aren't remembered, loved and deeply missed.
February 12, 2005
To my high school friend....Gone but not forgotten...may we meet again, in a better place, and the first drink is on me!!!
MSG Geoffrey Green
US Army Military Police Corps
July 7, 2004
I just learned of this site. I just want you to know that i miss you alot buddy. We were partners at #8 for over 2 1/2 years and it was great. I think of you everyday. I think of how you came out and tested with roseville and then turned them down because you wanted to do more for Detroit since you grew up there and wanted to give back to the city you loved and you did, your life. I just want you to know you are loved and missed greatly. All of us from the old # 8 crew remeber the good old days when we were all together. Well Mike you'll always be in my thoughts and i can see you in the little ones everytime i see them..... and your boy and my mine get along great. Well my brother patrol gods streets and we'll take care of the ones down here.
Police Officer Gordon Judson
Roseville Police Department
June 6, 2004