Upper Darby Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Dennis Joseph McNamara
Dennis, we had a 2 yr memorial for you the other night, nice turnout. Never forgotten!! REST IN PEACE
February 5, 2004
Dennis it's been almost 2yrs since you were taken from us and the pain still feels like it was yesterday. I think of you often and I am so glad I got to know you. I remember all the talks we used to have before I became a police officer and how you encouraged me to do it and how once I became an officer you used to break my stones every chance you got :) I really miss you and it hurts just as bad today as the day you left us. I have not been to your grave since the day of the funeral. It's not that I want to forget it's just that I've been pretending that you're really still here and we don't get a chance to talk anymore because you're in a different sector that however hasn't helped the pain either, so I thought writting my thoughts to you would help but as I write this it hurts even more. I really miss you Dennis.I just wanted you to know that.
December 4, 2003
Brother, May God bless you and your family. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Special Agent
FBI New York
November 15, 2003
Happy Birhday, While watching the fireworks tonight, you came into my thoughts. The fireworks were so beautiful. As beautiful as your memory. You will never be forgotten. Its great the way your memory is kept alive, the memorials and tributes have so much pride in them. But its the little things that brings back memories. There is a great saying that brings you to mind, "some people will walk in and out of your life, but few actually leave foot prints on your heart" When I was working at the court, I can remember a family in paticular who was having a problem with their son. You took the time to talk to that boy. No one except you and him will ever know what was said. But you made an impact. When the mom came in a few weeks later to pay the fine, she spoke with such high regards of you. And that her boy, was actually taking a different road in life, and was starting to have goals, and respect. This is only one story told. Listening to other officers and friends and hearing their stories, there is never a bad word spoken of you. Always a story, You live on in all of us, one way or another. I know you were in the minds of many today. Rest well, Dennis. You left your mark. Proud and True.
Evelyn Bellenzeni
Upper Darby
My partner and I were working 4 to 12 the night you gave your life for all
of us. We listened helplessly just one city over as police radio came
over with the news of your shooting. We sat on the median strip of
Roosevlt Blvd., after radio infomed us that your killer may be using this
as his escape route, in the hope of this coward passing us. A few days
later I had the HONOR of playing TAPS at your funeral.
Dennis, may you rest in eternal peace brother.
Corporal John Halligan
Philadelphia Police Department
I didn't get to meet you officer McNamara but i am hoping that I can offer any support to anyone out there that has not paid their respects to a fallen public servant. I recently attended a funeral for a local firefighter who was taken from his community like yourself in a tragic way. I am happy that your name is going to be included this year 2003 in the DC memorial, maybe one day there will come a day when no one is taken from his or her communities. God Bless those that are fighting the streets here and Thank You Officer McNamara for the time you were here. Rest in Peace.
Delaware County, Aston, Pennsylvania
Tonya Stephenson
private citizen
We are deeply saddened about the loss of our brother.
We will pray for you and your family, Officer McNamara .
You will always be remembered.............. You are a true hero
Pennsylvania State Police
Justice was served today (2-12-03). That animal will never again see the light of day. God bless the family and UDPD.
Dennis - tonight is one year that you were taken from your wife, your kids, all of your brothers & sisters in blue and Army .
And of course, Rocco too.
There was a very nice memorial tonight. You are a hero in your community. And in my eyes too.
Den, the other hero here among us is your wife Di.... She has taken everything she has been dealt with never losing grace, alwasy having dignity and unbelievable strength.
And I just hope that anyone who reads about you and wonders what could "Whad could I do for that family and community ripped apart?"
Do things Den would have done... take your kid sledding.. go to a game with your son... love your wife..... that is what we need to do while we are still here and can..
Dennis was a great human being.. lets all honor Dennis by loving our spouse, kids, respect our co-workers, neighbors, get involved in our community.. then we can all make a difference too..
And Dennis you definitly did.
Dennis, I went and saw your remembrance at the police station today, what I tribute to you and your family. Your wifes strength is amazing in public, but I worry about her in private. Melissa keeps her going I believe. Its going to be a year since that loser took you away from us. Always know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers always.
You gave the ultimate sacrifice. You may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten. We are all family in this job, sometimes we are the only family each other has. In pace requiescat, Rest in peace! Keep a watch on the rest of us as we go on shift each day.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world will cry and you will rejoice." (American Indian Prayer)
Isaiah 40:31
Ptl. Kimberly Moses
MTSU Campus PD, TN
Dear Dennis,
Our lives crossed the for the first time the night you were shot in front of my home. I will always remember what happened. At times people try so hard to forget and put this sort of thing behind them so they can get on with their life.
You can be sure I will never forget.
I am sorry that all I could do was hold you and talk to you that night. I am sorry I could not do more to help you. All I know is that in my heart you wanted your family to know that you loved them. I lifted your heavy body and cradled you in my arms trying the best I could to help you until the other help arrived in seconds.
I never met you before that night. I told your wife you wanted her to know that you loved her and the children. That she held you through my arms. I wanted your family to know that you were not alone. And kept every candle lit until your memorial came down. 600 candles were lit for you the flames did not go out until the memorial where you fell came down. Your legacy will live on. I wanted you to know is that I will never forget and will always remember all the wonderful people that I have met because of you.
For your family I will always be here to do whatever I can to help. To this day I still wear the ribbon that was given to me at your funeral. Please rest in peace.
Diane, Mellisa, Spike and your whole family including your extended family your Police Family that cared so much about you.
Be gentle to yourself. Be careful. Expect the unexpected, You have touched the hearts of many.
Keep each other safe.
There are many people that care about you.
Please rememebr that "Friends are like Stars you don't always see them but they are always there."
to the family and fellow officers of officer dennis mcnamara. i never had the chance to meet him his family or fellow workers. but after reading all these tributes and reading about the death in our department news, i can not help but express how deeply saddened i am. the gutless coward that is responsible for this will never experience what everyone involved feels. for that i believe that there is no stronger bond than the thin blue line. everyday we put our lives on the line to protect cowards that do not appreciate our ultimate sacrifice. gods speed to your family and fellow officers. just remember these words...heros do not die, they live forever!!!
Police Officer Tony Costa III
Borough Of Swissvale, Pa
Dear Dennis:
Although I worked in the township next to you, but never met you, I feel like I knew you as my brother. Over the years we attend fallen brothers funerals and it hurts us more than losing a member of our own family. You and all of the police officers that have taken the oath are heroes in my eyes. We will always miss you on the street, and I will miss you as a brother I never met. I only hope that your killer will suffer more than you did that night in January....God bless you. I'll meet you in heaven.
Lt. John F. Gallagher
Springfield Del. Co. Police Dept.
You paid your dues Brother, We will all remember,and miss you.
Rest In Peace
Ptl. Bill Johnson #52 Retd.
Upper Darby Twp., PD
I look back through time and it saddens me that so many people have given their lives for this country. Yes, we are free, at least more free than others but we still take advantage. We all need to open our eyes and realize what is going on. Let us not have another incident like this and like 9/11. GOD BLESS US ALL.
Daughter of YPD Officer
Badge # 4629
Dennis, i think about what has happened almost everyday. It hurts so much to know one of our very own has passed away. You were a great guy and a wonderful cop. You have touched so many peoples lives without even trying. My prayers will always be with you and your family. Please Protect the rest of the U.D.P.D. Watch over them always and keep them safe. We miss you Dennis....Happy Birthday
U.D. Officer's Daughter
We are all thinking about you today on Independence Day. Happy Birthday Dennis....We miss you.
They say in the end of times.
A Great Battle, Good against Evil will ensue.
That's why our God.
Takes the best of our Brothers and Sisters in BLUE.
Cpl. James J. Crawford
Lower Providence Twp Police, Montg. Co. PA.
God Rest and Peace Be with you Brother.
Sgt. Robert W Adams
Collingdale Police Dept
It is special men like your loved one that make The United States of America truely great.
May the God of all comfort place his tent over you. Please remember to throw all your burdens upon the Lord and he will sustain you. PS.55-22
Officer Dennis McNamara was someone that truely touched my life, and will be someone that will remain in my thoughts throughout the remainder of it.
I work at WaWa, located right up the street from the UD police station, so as imagined, many of the officers frequent our store often. Working nights presented me the priveledge of getting to know Dennis and several of the other night crew. Dennis and I often chatted about music, a love of his he didn't share with too many. Knowing that he was compelled to talk "music" with me warms my heart now. He liked to joke with me about my piercings, remarking on the fact that I had too many holes in my head. It still makes me smile when I think of the laughs he provided then. He talked about taking his son, a kid my own age, to concerts, the same concerts I myself attended. And his little girl, who shared a class with my own little sister. This is when I realized that police officers are real people, with lives, interests, family, friends and talents. It was at this time how much I realized just how much society and myself truely depends on these men and women in service. I came to appreciate their service and depend on them in times of disturbance at the store. Knowing "our guys" are only a couple seconds away provids me a sense of well being and security. As a result of the positivity I felt from the Upper Darby officers I myself became interested in joining the force. Upon doing some research online I filled out an application for the Philadelphia Police department. It was five or so months later, on the day of Dennis' emotionally amazing service, that I received my letter of acceptance to take the written exam for the police academy. Just a coincidence? YES... but the odds are astounding and I truely believe that it meant something. I've now taken the exam and am awaiting the results, although I know in my mind I passed. I look forward to continuing my quest to join the serive, to be part of the communities sense of security. And this I know I can do because I have Dennis watching over me, laughing and smiling. Dennis has made a tremendous impact on my life and the path I've chosen to take. I know he will watch over me and guide me through training and my own service on the streets. And for this, I am extremely greatful for recieving the opportunity to get to know Officer Dennis McNamara.
(civilian) Jessica Bloomingdale
After Cain had slain Able, the Holy Father asked Cain where his brother was. Cain answered the question with another question. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” God is prominent in his silence,
but all throughout the bible, old and new testaments the answer to Cain’s question is a resounding YES!
A Police Officer is a very special person. A Police Officer Steps forward off the line and lets the world know that yes, I am my brothers keeper. In times of need, in times of danger, and in times of dread the police are there to serve and protect us.
To all fallen officers and their family’s:
Thank you so very much for your sacrifice.
Thank you for being my keeper.
Dear people on January 30 a monster took someone you all care dear for and honor as a hero. Officer Dennis Mcnamara was a good man and would help all he could and I know because he helped me turn around and be a functional member of society. Thanks Dennis Thanks alot you made me realize life is to short to spend locked up. Thanks
Joseph McIntire
Officer Mcnamara helped me
Old Irish Blessing
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the rain fall softly upon your fields.
And the sun shine warm upon your face.
And when you die, may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead."
We may not have seen eye to eye on how the job was done, but we had mutual respect and watched each others backs on calls. You definetly left a mark on many people in a relatively short life and career. Finding another with the qualities of the "Terminator" will be impossible. Rest in Peace.
St. Michael the Archangel, patron of police, I hope that when the coward who murdered Dennis stands trail again you will extend Dennis the courtesy of escorting him straight to the fiery gates of Hell.
Tiocfaidh ár lá, Gaelic translation "our day will come".
Patrolman Daniel P. Duffy #55
Upper Darby Township Police Dept.