Fayetteville Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, November 30, 2001
Reflections for Police Officer Roy Gene Turner, Jr.
We celebrate your life today. We miss you and we're send all our love to heaven. Happy Birthday.
Carol and Craig
October 17, 2013
We celebrate your life today. We miss you so much and we're sending all our love to heaven. Happy Birthday.
Carol and Craig
October 17, 2013
Roy Turner was a great military policeman. I served with him in Iraq, he stood next to me and had my back during a riot in the middle of a Kurdish refugee camp. We even ended up in a Stars and Stripes newspaper spread together and though we were not close friends we were soldiers supporting each other. I always knew his calm cool demeanor and his quiet strength would have my back - he even gave me a few calm words during that riot. Thank you Roy for being a great soldier and looking out for me.
Terry Robinson
US Army 1991 Iraq and Frankfurt GE
August 29, 2013
Tonight, I morn for you. I miss you and I love you so much. Words can't express the pain I feel. Even 11 years later, I am still reminded of that horrible day that you were taken from us. There is nothing I wouldn't do to see your face again. Forvever in my heart <3 276 <3
Carol Furlong
November 29, 2012
We just went through a huge storm up here in New Jersey! You'd be so proud of your boy, collecting firewood to keep his family warm! I thought about you so many nights. I wish you were here to hold me and tell it's going to be ok. GOD knows I miss you so much! Once the power came back on, after a week of darkness, tears of relief came stolling down. I had the funniest memory of you. I'll take that as a sign that you where here! It liturally made me laugh out loud! I love you Roy. Thanks for always being near me...
Carol Furlong
November 8, 2012
I had the honor of working with Officer Roy Turner when he worked narcotics and I was on the Drug Suppression Team at Fort Bragg. I pray for his family to remain strong and I know he watches them everyday as he rests in peace. You are not forgotten Roy.
Special Agent Al Hazzard
US Army Criminal Investigation Division
September 29, 2012
I'm thinking about you this morning as I send our lil man off for his first day of 5th grade! I miss you! I wish you were here! I know he would give it all to have you.... You would be so proud of who is, and who he's becoming. I love you Roy.
Carol Furlong
September 5, 2012
I was at work and someone that worked with the Fayetteville Police Department and I were talking about you and I had to stop and just remember your smile to STOP the tears... MISSING YOU~ROY
Badge # 276!!!!
Yvonne Kinston
Friend Forever (FF)
July 31, 2012
Just wanted to say that I can't understand the loss of a brother! I have always asked after you.... Craig talks to Tony all the time... if you ever want to call your nephew, your Parent's have the number! It was never our intention to close anyone off...just need it to be a two way street. It hurts not to have Roy! Trying to convince someone to be a part of this is not good for me. You and I are a lot alike. Be well Randy. You are in our prayers.
Carol Furlong
July 19, 2012
First time being here. I guess i m still in denial. A coping mechanism. I won t even go to Cum. Memorial Gardens I cant.God I miss U.It'll only re open that wound. That took a piece of me too. I need somebody to spot me. U are the only one that does it right. I will press on...PROMISE!!! Haven"t seen Craig. Guess we re not important enough to keep a promise to. Thats painful too. We haven't seen or heard from Tony. U taught me how to be a man. you taught me to be and remain humble. Thanks.Thanks for being my keeper. Thank The Most High for not only giving me a brother, but blessing me with His guardian angel.
Your Brother
July 8, 2012
I'm sorry that the State of N.C. is deciding to retry your case. Your death was horrific and Tilmon and Kevin Golphin should both get a chance to breath in some toxic "pine oil". Execute Cop Killers. 10-42 eternally brother.
Former NC LEO
July 6, 2012
Today they are honoring you and the other fallen in Fayetteville. It's been 10 years Roy but we can still feel you with us. We honor you everyday and we love you! We are thinking of you and miss you so very much.
Carol & Craig
June 4, 2012
I was one of the Magistrates on duty that faithful night. Roy had just left the office an hour earlier after processing a case. He was in good spirits, telling me about his little boy and plans to take some time off. He said, "it may be a good while before I see you again." He was very professional and normally very quite but that night he was engaging and talkative. He was a brother in arms and he will be sorely missed.
Cumberland County
May 29, 2012
Roy your picture at the top of this page is just how I remember you at the 284 smiling. rest in peace!
us army 284 mp co.
March 21, 2012
There is a trial going on here in NJ. A Cop was killed a year ago...I can't help but think of you as they go over every detail of the night that he was senselessly murdered. I can imagine what his fiancee and family and dept are going through and I hate that we have that in common. I love you Roy, and I wish you were here with me...to battle on....and to love us. I miss you.
Carol Furlong
February 7, 2012
My Dear friend and brother, I thank you for being so level headed when we were serving together in Frankfurt. You were always a mystery, and when I was going through my days, you'd always look at me and say something that was to the point and encouraging. I will always keep you in mind and heart. I miss you Roy and Love you brother.
RIP until we meet again!
Private Payton
Friend and Brother
December 8, 2011
Ten years now my friend. Not a one has been at easy. I have carried a lot of things with me that I wish I could change. The talk we had when you return home from working drywall. You were covered in all white dust from sanding. I asked “Roy give up that hard labor and come join the police department". At the time I was so in love with policing. I knew you would love it and become an extraordinary good officer. Indeed you did. However I never imagined or remotely thought I was putting my best friend in harm’s way. As I stood by you in the hospital I asked myself why why why. I know you loved your job, but I also know you could have been great in so many things. Which sometimes lead me to ask? Why did I make that suggestion? A suggestion that ultimately brought so much pain to your Parents, Brother, Fiancé and Son. For that I am so so sorry....I know I am wrong but it so hard to see your parents because I simply find fault. I see your son, the best kid ever. Yet moments later I am overwhelmed with the thought he deserves his dad. I love and miss them so much. As much as I miss our talks, laughs and friendship. Policing for me never had the same love after November 2001. I am so grateful that I can reflect on so many other personal experiences we shared. You will be always remembered.
December 1, 2011
Not a day goes by without you on our minds! Craig and I will never be the same with out you. WE LOVE YOU and miss you sooo soooo much. 10 yrs later you burn in our hearts, still. Forever Roy, we love you.
Carol & Craig
November 28, 2011
There is not a day that goes goes bye, that I do not think of you, some times, I laugh, sometimes I cry, but everyday... I know the love of your friendship and that love is etched forever in my heart ALWAYS.
Yvonne Kinston
A Friend
October 15, 2011
I can't believe we are approaching 10 years without you! We have recently moved back to NJ to be closer to my family, and you have been on our minds and in our hearts so much!! We miss you Roy! We pray foy you everyday and night and we love you so much!
Carol Furlong
October 7, 2011
Yo I am sadden to see my friend gone this way. That one, kind of caught me by surpise,usaully I was in contact with Delonte Lundy,but I lost contact with him lately.R.I.P my brother and may the Lord keep his family Safe & in Good Health. Peace!
GARY Davis
284TH MP company Friend
September 8, 2011
Roy, It has been almost ten years since your life was taken.I had the pleasure of knowing you in high school.And then blessed that you would frequent my store on your patrols.Thank you for being there when I needed help.I never got to thank you.Yesterday two officers were killed in the line of duty here in South Florida,and it brought back the memory of losing you.I did not know those officers but knowing you flashed back as a life lost too soon.I pray for your family and friends and hope that your son will know what a HERO you are to me and others.there will never be another like you.
January 21, 2011
I come back to Roy's page every so often just to see. I miss him. He was a good guy.
Malik muhammad
284th mp co. we were friends
December 19, 2010
Time goes by so quickly... We're missing you on this 9th anniversary of your passing. Sending warm and loving thoughts to heaven today and praying that all is well with you. We hope you can watch over us! We love you Roy!
Carol & Craig
November 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad. We celebrated you yesterday! I'm proud you were my Dad! But I miss you so much! I wish you were here! I love you Dad.
Craig Furlong-Turner
October 18, 2010