Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio
End of Watch Tuesday, November 6, 2001
Reflections for Trooper Frank Galvan Vazquez
Thank you for protecting us!! Your work has not gone unoticed... Good Bless you!!
February 13, 2007
I miss you. Your influence has gotten me through all of this with my head held up high. I sit here and look up at your picture and awards and I remember that light inside of you...still inspiring and still giving me strength.
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
February 9, 2007
Frank, I'm sorry people are not coming here as often and
I thinks thats TERRIBLE!!!For what you gave up for us someone should leave a reflection at least a couple times
a week if not everyday! Thank you for your sacrifice and
your dedication to us all!
February 7, 2007
Your dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you for protecting us while you were with us.
My father, Sgt. Edward Moore was also killed, in 1976. I saw you and your family at the memorial this past summer. I wanted to reach out to you but I felt intrusive. My father left 2 daughters and 2 sons and I want to let you know that you all will somehow get through this. Time helps but will never rob you of the love and family you shared. I remember how difficult it was for my mother (and we children) but she always had the strength to carry on and raise 4 children on her own, and we have all turned out happy and healthy. I wish you and your family happiness and peace, knowing your husband/father passed away doing what he was dedicated to and loved.
Peace to you and your family,
Linda Moore
Linda Moore
January 3, 2007
Happy New Year Frank! I can't believe you've been gone this long!
December 31, 2006
I think about you all the time. I write on here a lot but never post it. The kids are great as you know. They are progressing in taekwondo and are on their second belt. Christian likes to rub it in that I am still a white belt. I'll get there eventually. Things are good all around, lots of changes, all for the better...The kids are doing well in school. They are so excited about Christmas and have had friends over all week. I've been spending a lot more time with my family and friends and its been really nice. We went with Mom and Frank to the comedy club tonight and had a blast.
I have a lot on my mind lately and I miss your advice. Todd is still a great support and we are very lucky to have pretty amazing friends. I don't know what I would do without all of them.
This will be the sixth Christmas you haven't been here. You've almost been gone as long as the entire time I knew you. That doesn't seem possible. You are still missed every day, and everyone misses you in their own way.
I still read a lot.(In the bath is still my favorite spot.) I really like Mitch Albom. Here are some quotes from his books...
"But all endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time." -The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Tuesdays at Morrie's-
"As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you have created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on-in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here."
"Death ends a life, not a relationship."
Thinking about you and wondering what you're up to. Love, Krissy
December 20, 2006
police department (ohio)
November 19, 2006
8 1/2 years for the vehicular murder of a State Trooper? What is it with judges in Ohio? The killers of Ptl. Bechtol in Delhi Township & Officer Evans of the Columbus PD both got 6 months. Why is a cop's life so cheap to the Ohio "justice" system? Frank, you deserved better. THANK YOU for protecting us. You are a real man; a hero!
November 18, 2006
Remembering you and your family today as you honor Frank and smile at the beatiful things he brought to your life...
take care always
Erika Mitchell, AZCOPS Trustee
OFC Larry B. Mitchell
November 6, 2006
On this 5 year anniversary of your life, we haven't forgotten. You are truly missed more than you know. We think about you and your family often, and hope all is well. Thank you again for your sacrifice, your friendship and your dedication to being a trooper. You are and always will be a hero in our eyes! Keep smiling down on your brave wife and kids and keep a watchful eye out for the rest of the troopers out there. Please keep everyone safe!
OSP Dispatcher
November 6, 2006
May Our Lord give you sweet sleep and may He bless your loved ones.
November 6, 2006
Just wanted you to know that you family loves you so much and misses you alot and talks about you all the time.
November 6, 2006
Hey Frank
Well i know that you do not know me, but i am writing you a message today because it is the 5 year anniversary tomorrow. I just want to tell you that you have 3 AMAZING kids that are growing like weeds and talk about you alot. Your wife is so amazing i cant tell you how proud you would be of her i know that i am proud of her she is such a strong person. She is the Prez of ohio Cops helping other families with the line of duty deaths.
We are going to your grave stone tomorrow with the kids and we are going to your old post with the kids to HONOR you. I am sorry that you were taken from your beautiful wife and 3 amazing kids, i wish that you could still be her with your family enjoying the fun times and watching them grow older. If i could go back 5 years ago tonight i would change places with you so you could enjoy all of this with your family i know they miss you alot and i know your dad thinks of you everyday and misses you too, i look up to your dad everytime he comes here we hang out and do home improvements to the house i enjoy being around him.
Todd Ensoll
November 5, 2006
Hey Frankie,
It has been almost 5 years now and I still think of you quite often. You were the guy that always treated me as an equal and a friend. You knew what was best for me better than I did. I guess that is why you always came knocking on my door, waking me up and making me go to the YMCA for a workout. I remember it as if it were yesterday that you left Marysville for a visit back in Defiance. You stopped by my place and told me the story of your fifth recovered stolen vehicle. You were so stoked that you were gonna get ACE!!! The excitement you showed that day, is just a small taste of what you brought to the table on a daily basis in everything that you did. Another example is you "cuttin some rug" at Rodney's wedding, you were the BOMB!!! Anyway man, I wish everyone could have known you like I knew you. There was not a better role model on this earth than you. I know that when it is my time, you will be knocking on my door and saying "let's go workout"!!! Miss Ya Buddy!!!
OSHP Toledo
Dispatcher Brian "Bubba" Gettinger
Co-worker and friend
November 1, 2006
hi dad i am done with baseball class what are you doing? have fun!
love christian
October 26, 2006
I'm sure you have already greeted Sgt. Holcomb and Trooper Risner. Please keep an eye on their families and on Krissy as she embarks on her journey to help them.
You and your family are in our prayers right now. We know how much work you and the COPS family have ahead of you in the days and weeks to come. And it can't be easy to have heard that OHP has lost 2 in one accident. We're thinking about you and praying for you, as well as all of the families involved in this tragic accident. Thank you for being so strong!
September 28, 2006
It will soon be 5 tears that your tour of duty ended. I know the tears still flow from the many broken hearts of those that love you dearly. There are not magic words anyone can say to them to help them with their grief. All they can do is take one day at a time and keep your memory alive by talking with others about you. You will never be forgotten and are a true hero and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol
Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father
September 26, 2006
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and your family. I hope that you are all doing great. Take care and as always God Bless!!
Erika Mitchell
OFC. Larry B. Mitchell E.O.W 5-30-01
September 4, 2006
As a trooper now with 6 years on, I had just started to feel salty, when a fellow rookie trooper got in a resisting with a drunk the other day. He protected himself and was able to dominate with the help of officers from area departments, but it reminded me how quickly things can go bad.
It reminded me of coach/pupil at Van Wert and how my coach constantly badgered me to 'make the turn, make the turn' at the driver's window so I can see traffic coming from the rear. It reminded me of how my coach spoke highly of you. Any one my coach spoke well of certainly deserved it.
And it reminded me of your funeral. Of eulogies read by tearful "bulletproof Supermen" troopers. It reminded me of Krissy, and the strength she carried as you passed.
How Colonel Morckel started the clapping from the floor of the gymnasium as her eulogy concluded, because we were all so awestruck by her strength and courage, but nobody knew what to do to convey that to her. I wish someday to be able to thank him for that without tears welling up, but I doubt the occasion will ever arise.
I saw Krissy on TV just a day or two ago, with Sara Winfield, supporting the cops looking for an escaped cop killer in Ross County. She looked so strong and positive; how could someone NOT get strength from a person like that? It heartens and encourages me to see her carry on. And to be blessed with a husband that carries on with her and with you, and your children.
She is making you proud, have no fear.
I just wanted you (and her) to know that you DO continue to influence people every day, and you have not been forgotten. Not by a long shot.
Rest in peace my brother.
Proverbs 28:1
The wicked man flees though no one pursues,
but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
Tpr. Libby Petro
Ohio State Highway Patrol
August 21, 2006
To the family of Frank Vazquez,
If I had known this website existed, I would have placed a reflection a lot sooner. Kristina, I don't know you, but I did know Frank. He is two years older than I am, but we went to the same high school. I have taken the time to read through all the reflections and have paid specific attention to yours. I would have to agree with you when you describe Frank's character. He was the same person in high school. He was friends with everyone. He was extremely funny and a caring person. I still remember clearly the year he participated on the state championship baseball team. Mainly because that was the year my step-father died from cancer...he was 36. My step-father also knew Frank because he was the sports announcer at his football and baseball games. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend the game in which Frank helped the team to a state championship due to his illness. Instead, he and I listened to the game on the radio being announced by one of his colleagues. After the game, all the guys from the team autographed a ball that was used to play in the game and gave it to my step-father. I still have it. When he died, the whole baseball team came to the funeral home in their uniforms. It was one of the most respectful tributes I had seen done. It brings tears to my eyes as I type. Eventhough it's been 12 years since he has passed, it still feels like yesterday. So, I can empathsize with you. I have seen multiple reflections where you have questioned yourself as to whether it will ever get easier. The only advice I can give you is that each day brings a brighter light, but there will still be times where you just need to stop and reflect and even shed some tears. I have never forgotten my step-father and you will never forget your husband, Frank. Nor will anyone else for that matter. When you say with each day that goes by, you lose memories of him, that is somewhat true. The memories that you cherish the most...will be in your heart and mind FOREVER. With all of this in mind, let me say that you are a brave woman. It sounds like you have done a remarkable job at raising the children you and Frank share. It takes a special person to achieve that. I am happy that you have found someone to treat you and your kids well. I'm sure Frank sent him to you after searching long and hard. Good luck in all that you do. Please remember your husband, Frank has touched many lives. That is including mine and my families.
God Bless,
Blaire Brown
August 16, 2006
Will Always Remember!!!!!! NEVER FORGET YOU!!!!!
August 11, 2006
Happy Fathers Day! We thought about you today! We love you...
your family
June 18, 2006
1st and foremost let me thank you for your service and your sacrifice. You truly do have wings. RIP Brother.
Chillicothe PD
June 1, 2006
Happy Memorial Day!! Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you today. I sat here and read the entries from your wife about her struggles with your passing and about how she wants to make sure your children remember what a great man and Trooper their Daddy was. It humbles me and reminds me to be thankfull for all that I have, not only in my possessions but for time. Time with my kids and wife. Time and love is what they need the most. Time goes faster each year and you can't stop it. I hope that when other people read the entries on your page they not only get an understanding of who and what you were along with an understanding that life on earth is temporary. If your a Christian you know that your reward is in Heaven. I pray that others in our profession realize this and make that commitment. God Bless your family Frank.
Police Officer
May 29, 2006
hello its me again! a couple weeks ago i was at new york. visting caleb, devin, and christina. they have a cat named Jumbo and a dog named Sugar. Has Bayley tooken a walk yet? Only a couple weeks until we go to Disney World. I hope you are fine and so is Gary. I love you. I miss you a lot. Bye!
April 17, 2006