Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sheriff Dwight Calvin Woodrell, Jr.

Pawnee County Sheriff's Office, Oklahoma

End of Watch Saturday, October 13, 2001

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sheriff Dwight Calvin Woodrell, Jr.

At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.

Today, October 13, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Sheriff Dwight Calvin Woodrell Jr., who died in the line of duty on this date four years ago.

When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.

Sheriff Woodrell's sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC

October 13, 2005

Dear Sheriff Woodrell. I have been a federal law enforcement officer for 16 years and consider myself to be a tough person. When I read your page, I cried like a baby tonight. I want your wife Karen and your wonderful kids to know that I think you are a Hero. May God ease their pain until they are with you again. God bless you Karen and the Woodrell family.

Senior Special Agent
US Treasury Dept

October 13, 2005


I still cant believe it will be 4 years ago in a few hours (03:50). I will NEVER forget that morning and the feelings I, as well as all of those at PCSO at the time still feel.

My friend I miss you with all my heart and I need you to know just how sorry I am that it was my search warrant that you came out for.

Thank you for your help that morning and I am SO SORRY my friend.

Dwight you will never ever be forgotten by any of and your beautiful family are forever in our hearts and prayers forever.........I look foreward to that day when I see you again!

Brian D. Hill
Former Lt. PCSO

Brian D. Hill
Former PCSO family member

October 12, 2005

We would have celebrated out 16th wedding anniversary yesterday. Wow, it's hard to believe that it has been 16 years since I walked down that aile! Things sure are different now. We had both grown so much, and not apart but more together. We were doing great! Our lives were right on track, we were working on all of our hopes and dreams. We had a beautiful family, now you are missing from our lives. People think that it should stop hurting by now, but I'm not sure it ever will. It is not as intense, but it defenitly dosn't go away. Just as your memory will never go away. I am trying to keep that memory alive in our children. We tell great stories about you. I know that it's hard for them to remember, but it's not from lack of trying. They miss their daddy so much. I think they get frustrated that their friends have their daddies and they don't. I know that it will never go away. I just wanted to rememer you today and the love we shared. I will always have that love for you in my heart.


October 2, 2005

Well, they have postponed your court dates again. It will be sometime in 2006, we hope. One day we will get you justice, just don't know when. But we will not give up, until we get them.

September 20, 2005

Dwight i read this in a book the other day and thought of you. The author is unknown. If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk rightup to heaven and bring you home again. No farwell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it and only GOD knows why. Our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow, what it meant to lose someone like you no one can ever know. But now, we know you want us to mourn you no more, to remeber all the happy times and the ones life has in store. Since YOULL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, we pledge to you today, a hallowed place within our hearts is where you'll always stay.

Ann Woodrell

September 8, 2005

I just wanted to note that our kids are starting school tomarrow. Almost another year has gone by since you left us. We now have an 8th grader, a 5th grader, 4th grader and barley a 2nd grader. We just returned from camp a couple of weeks ago. It was a pretty rough week for us all. It is so healing though for the kids to be able to be with the other kids in the same situation. It is very healing for them. Your kids are being very naughty right now, they should be in bed getting a goods night sleep, but they are not. They are running down the hall laughing. Reminds me of when I would try to put them to bed and you would just stir them up. The harder I tried to get them to bed, the more you would play with them. I know they miss that. Wow, I wish you were still here to do that! Love you always.

Widow of Sheriff Dwight Woodrell Jr. EOW 10-13-01

August 22, 2005

Just thinking of you tonight. Sometimes it feels like it just happened and other days it feels like forever. So much has changed,yet so little has.

someone who misses you everyday.

August 16, 2005

To the family, friends, and collegues of Sheriff Woodrell: I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to all of you for the terrible loss you suffered on October 13, 2001. I was disheartened to read that you still have not received justice for the brutal murder of your loved one. I know that the trial proceedings can be excrutiating with the interminable delays, but keep faith that you will have justice. Our loved ones can never be brought back, but an unfinished piece of business in their lives is the trial of the criminals who cruelly took their lives and changed forever the lives of those who cared for them. I pray for your comfort and your strength. This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service of Sheriff Woodrell to his community.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater eow:4/24/05

Phyllis Loya, Mother of fallen officer

July 14, 2005

Just thinking of you tonight,thought i would come to the ODMP page and leave this little note to you. Something happened this evening that at the time wasn't very funny but after we thought about it, Larry said you sure would have got a kick out of this. Just wanted to tell you we think of you often and still miss you so much.

Ann Woodrell

June 30, 2005

well your trail should have started on Monday. It didn't but iam sure you new this. They seem to have all the rights right now but i know we will get them. Maybe with it being moved to Oct. it's a sign from you that after 4 very long years we will get you justice. And they will pay for taking you from all of us.

June 8, 2005

Just looking on the odmp and thought of you, we miss you so much. Oneday soon we will have justice for you, just don't know how long it will take. We are at allmost four years and still don't have justice yet,but we will not give up untill we do.

loved one

May 11, 2005

We miss you so much.It's getting close to the time the trials will start. Maybe we will get justice for you soon it will be 4 long years in the making. Karen and the kids are doing ok, i dont have to tell you that, you are looking out for them. It's just so hard seeing the men who did this to you and they think they have gotten away with it. But all we can do is put our trust in the justice system you love so much and GODS hands we pray everyday that we will get theses guys,we will never give up,not until we make them pay for taking you away from your wife and kids .

loved one

May 4, 2005

this is a song i wrote today
my dad
just ten days aftermy birthday went to my aunts house, woke up to the sound of her cryen. i heard her say "he got shot?!" went back to bed. then after breakfast went to my house. alot of people were there, i asked my aunt she said to ask my mom. i went inside and put my stuff down. went to my mom and dads room. i cant remember what she said but i got the message. my dad was shot. he had been a cop for 12 years and was just elected sherrif.
chores:i really miss my dad. i wish he would have never ever left this earth. i'm glad he gets to see our father the lord almighty. my family has there ups and downs but we love each other anyway. and im still little girl.

we go to camp every summer. i see my old friends and meet new ones every year. i find out that we go throught the same thing we all miss our daddys. we can count on each other for anything. this summer is the trial. me and my family wont gat to spend much time with each other. but i'm glad its because of that trial. i hope those guys are found guilty. we might not get to go to this year.
i wish he was still here. but we'll see each other again some day you just wait and see!

i hope that you like this song mom.

Jessica woodrell

April 9, 2005

I miss you I'm sure you miss me to well
by. LOVE.

Wyatt Woodrell

April 5, 2005

Hey, can't sleep again. you've been on my mind alot. Your trial will be starting before we know it, just 2 months away. I thought that it sounded so far way when they set it, but now it seems to be slamming me. We will just have to pray that justice is served. I have to write the victim impact statement. I guess I'm supposed to write how your death has affected our lives. Where do they want me to start. I lost my best friend, my lover, my partner for life. That's just what I lost, dosen't even start on the kids or your parents or kim. How do I put into words what has been taken from us? I walked the place again today. I can't go out there and not remember how you would drag me out to look at something. I didn't go for along time because it hurt too much. I forgot how much I loved it on top of the hill, how much you loved it. I found some fence that needed to be mended. I guess I need to learn to do that. I also decided that I need to learn to operate the tractor. haha. If I'm going to take care of this place I want to try to do as good a job as you did, but I have to learn from scratch. not fun. You would be so proud of your kids. They are going through a rough time right now. I don't know how other children can be so cruel to them about your tragic death. It breaks my heart for them. Wy takes everything so hard, I don't think they know what they are missing most of the time, not having you here. I still miss you so much it hurts...

April 5, 2005

Hey Dwight we all really miss you and allway's thinkng about you well later!
Love you lots

courtney woodrell

April 1, 2005

Hey Woody
It's County show time. You would have had so much fun. Send Calvin and Wyatt alittle help with there pigs,and Jessica needs all the help she can get with her lamb. Clint& Coutney didn't make weight with there pigs. Your dad and Larry are taking them to Pawnee today for weigh in. Just was thinking of you today, and tought I would leave you this message. Be with Karen alot, she needs you now more than ever,send her alittle sign that you are with her.

Ann Woodrell

March 3, 2005

You would have been 40 today! What a milestone that would have been if you had still been here. I know you would not have been happy, but we would have had a great big party. I can see it in my head. The cake, balloons, the people, you laughing as always... Everything black like your supposed to have at an "over the hill" party. We would have had so much fun. Instead we had to celebrate without you. Your dad called to check on us, he seemed pretty sad himself. It's to bad your family wasn't close enough that we could have gotten together to celebrate your life today. The kids and I did just that. We went to the cemetary and left you flowers, balloons and Dr. Pepper, 4 cans, one from each of the kids. We also let off our annual balloons to you. Jasper said his got to you first. He also blew kisses to you. Jessica left you a card just from daddy's girl. Calvin tried to drink you Dr. Pepper, he was doing it for you. Wyatt wanted to watch the balloons until we couldn't see them anymore. It was a tough day, but as always we made it through it. One more year, one more milestone without you. I sometimes don't know how I'm going to do the next one with out you by myside. Everyone says how well we are doing, but they don't know how much we miss you, on a daily basis you are on my mind. I know that even now after 3 years not a day goes by that you are not on my mind. It was really weird tonight when I was helping the kids with their homework, I was looking things up for them online and I lost the page I was looking for, I went the history and thought I pushed the button for the page, imagine my suprise when your ODMP popped up, Jessica was standing beside me. She said something like, guess daddy wanted you to see that today. It was really weird. It was not the page I was planning on going to at the time, but after the homework was all done, of course here I am. I knew that I would leave a message to remember this special day. I hope the kids come back and read these someday so they will remember what we did on your special days.
Love you always and Happy Birthday

Widow of Sheriff Dwight Woodrell Jr.

February 28, 2005


Today you would have been the big 40,just wanted to let you know we
are thinking of you .And miss you
very much.


February 27, 2005

Life is like a stream.

Life is like a stream
Rolling threw the hills
Sometimes the gap is narrow
Sometimes the gap is wide

Life is like a stream
Rolling threw the hills
Sometimes water is lost
Like loved ones along the way

Life is like a stream
Rolling threw the hills
It doesn't matter which way it flows
It will all be together one day.

author Clint Woodrell

Clint Woodrell

February 23, 2005

Dwight, we miss you so very much.But life goes on we know that. Larry misses you so much,who to talk to now.Your kids are great i know you are so very proud of them and Karen. Calven is just like you he tries so hard to be like you were,Jesica,well she Jess she keeps her momma on her toes she's just like you would like her to be. Wyatt now he's a little man you would be very proud of him he is Karen little worker.Jasper were do you begin with him, we now know why he is here. You would of had so much fun with him he is a mess, but so much fun he just turned 7 on Feb.11 he is one of the best things you could have left Karen with. Just wanted to leave this note for you

loved one

February 16, 2005

"When I am gone, remember I'm with my savior;
then do not mourn because I've passed away.
Life holds so many griefs and disappointments,
and will you cry because I did not stay?
'Tis only for a spell we must be parted;
not many years on earth to us are given.
And when my Savior tells me you are coming,
I'll go with Him and welcome you to Heaven.
Grieve not because the eyes that looked upon you
shall never see your face on earth again;
Rejoice, because they look upon the Savior
who gave His life to ransom sinful men.
Weep not because I walk no longer with you;
remember, I am walking streets of gold.

i think about you every day dwight.

a former resident of pawnee county

January 20, 2005

Wow, it's been 3 yrs. today. Sometimes it seems like it was yesterday. We all miss you so much, it's a pain that won't go away. I think of you everyday. I see you in our children. I don't know how Jasper can be so much like you when you were only here 3 years of his young life. You would be so proud of him, all of them really, but he is in trouble at school all the time just like you were. I haven't let myself cry today until I started writing this. I miss you so much. Our life goes on but you are always here with us. Calvin is taller than me now, wow, he would've caught you before long. Jessica is still your little pumpkin. She misses being daddy's girl. Wyatt is the sweet quiet one. He dosen't have you to take him to ride sparky. I know he misses that. They have all grown so much since you've been gone.
We are well on our way to getting your justice. You deserve that. I have been strong for you even when it was nearly impossible. I will love you alway....

October 13, 2004

On the anniversary of your death, I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

A hero never dies.....

God bless, hero. Rest in peace.

October 13, 2004

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