New York City Police Department, New York
End of Watch Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Reflections for Police Officer Ronald Philip Kloepfer
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daddy you were truely the bravest man ive ever known and ever will know. i love and miss you soo much .. i wish everyday that you were here to see me jamie and casey grow into great people just like you were. i love you so much and i will NEVER, EVER forget you. i love you so much
- taylor
Taylor Kloepfer
Daughter on Ronald Kloepfer
February 5, 2007
Dear Ron:
After 5 years have come and gone, I am certain that the grief and sorrow your family has had to deal with, is still very much a reality. Particularly at this holiday season. So my Christmas prayer to them is that they know only peace and love and gratitude from not only fellow police officer, or fellow New Yorkers, but ALL Americans, everywhere.
And for you...thank you for the bravery unmatched in the history of Ameican law enforcement. Yes, America has been blessed with many heroic law enforcement officers in her glorious history. But none as heroic as what you and all the rest did that horrible day.
Thank you for the dedication and determination to do your job in the manner in which you conducted yourself. Hopefully never again, will we as a nation have to face the carnage and horror of that day. But with the example that you set on 11 September 2001, you have challenged the rest of us still here, to carry on where you left off, in the same fashion. But it will be a tough act to follow.
Thank you for sacrifice, knowing that you would never be with your family again. But now, your family is OUR family, the family of police officers.
The NYPD has always been a proud agency...and rightly so. What you did, only underscores the NYPD's professionalism, and the devotion of all police officers to protect and serve our fellow countrymen, regardless of where they are. Rest in peace, Merry Christmas in Heaven my brother. Our sacred blue line has held. We have the watch. Amen
Detective Ron Tomassi
Palm Beach Sheriff's Office-Florida
December 11, 2006
To the family and loved ones of Officer Ronald Kloepfer and his fellow officers with the New York City Police Department and most especially to Ronald:
Mere words seem insignificant to honor your heroism and courage which will never be forgotten. On this the fifth anniversary month of the tragic devastation wreaked upon our nation, those brave men and women who lost their lives safeguarding others are remembered and revered.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect and gratitude for the distinquished service Ronald gave to his community and country, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 11, 2001.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Department, CA; eow 4/24/05
September 28, 2006
a hero lives forever.....
September 12, 2006
Thinking of you and your loved ones on this tragic day in history. You will never be forgotten and will be forever a hero.
Nicole Burdette
Wife of Deputy Alex Burdette EOW 3-12-05
September 11, 2006
HERO! Rest in peace, Sir! You are not forgotten.
Police Officer
July 17, 2006
September 11, 2005
Not a day passes without remembering that most terrible of days and not a day passes without my feeling so very proud and graced to be able to say I was your friend. You are not forgotten, my brother...and never shall you be forgotten...
Richard Kelly-Sgt.NYPD-Retired
November 11, 2004
There are but two persons who protect the sinful human race from destroying itself. One is God's Holy Spirit. The other is the Peace Officer. Without them, we would all perish at each other's hands.
You were called into this profession and our Lord and Savior has blessed you because:
According to Romans 13.1-5...
God ordains the Peace Officer’s profession.
The Peace Officer is sent by God.
The Peace Officer is vested with God's authority to enforce the law.
A Peace Officer's badge is to be honored by us, because God honors it.
You gave the ultimate sacrifice, your life for your fellow man, while serving, defending, and protecting others in your community.
Thank you for your service to America. Your efforts saved thousand that horrible day.
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends. You will be in our hearts forever.
September 11, 2001---Gone, but Never Forgotten.
Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 6, 2004
to officer kloepfer, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice
you are a true hero
it has been over 2 years , but you have not been forgotten
to your family god bless you, stay strong our prayers and thoughts are still with you
dispatcher/911 operator
polk county sheriff's office, florida
December 27, 2003
My deepest respect and sympathy for all the heroic police-officers who gave their lives in the line of duty
Ooms Wim - chief inspector
local police Mol - Belgium
I was one of the 340 officers who attended the 911 memorial in manhattan NY 2002.
I like the rest of my fellow officers paid tribute to every officer who lost their lives at the world trade center 9 11 2001.
whilst at the NYPD museum in manhattan i was touched by the bravery of the officers of that fateful day in 2001.
God Bless you all .
Many regards to their families and colleagues ,
on behalf of the U.k. police officers..
In respect of all who perished ,a Ground Zero flag which was given to Sc 7061 Boyce at the 911 memorial 2002 .
Has now been donated and is now situated at the
in Bridgend , South Wales .u.k.
Sc 7061 Dave Boyce ,
South Wales Police force ,
sc7061 boyce
south wales police , uk
I did not know this officer or the others who lost their lives on September 11th. They are TRUE AMERICAN HERO'S. GOD bless the NYPD and all of the families associated with them.
Recruit Don Reichhardt
60th Crater Criminal Justice Academy
Prince George, Va.
Officer Don Reichhardt
Virginia State University Police Department
It was late one Tuesday evening,
Before a mother could sit down,
To tell her only child about
The terror that hit downtown.
She looked into the eyes of her son
God, she loved him so,
She felt her heart begin to break
And the hurt begin to show.
She gathered all her strength and courage,
as her story she began to tell.
"Baby don't cry, but I'm afraid daddy
Might be under a building that fell."
The boy looked back at his mother,
His eyes made not one blink.
And the mother's tears began to fall.
What would her baby think?
You see, his dad is a Policeman,
And his hero from the day of his birth.
He loved his dad more than anything else
That could ever inherit this earth.
The mother's head began to drop,
Her forehead resting on palm.
She thought her son would be upset.
Instead, he was very calm.
The boy leaned over towards his mom,
And put his hand upon her head.
In her ear he began to whisper,
And this is what he said:
"Mommy please don't cry,
I knew daddy wasn't coming home.
I talked to him just a while ago,
But it wasn't on the phone.
He told me that he loved me,
And he promised we'd meet again.
He told of his new home,
And the job he was to begin."
"God is building an army,
And there are many angels needed.
That, is where daddy and the others went.
They weren't all defeated."
It was then, the mother lifted her head.
The tears streamed down her face.
And she could feel her husband's presence,
As it filled her heart with grace.
It was then she knew her son was right.
He was in God's great army now.
She also knew her son was safe,
That he'd be kept from harm somehow.
So, evildoers of the world beware.
An army is on the way.
Bolstered by new angels,
Who left the towers that day..
Their commander has never been beaten.
His power has never been matched,
And if evil thinks He was almighty before......
Well, the surface has just been scratched!
9-11-02 - 1 year anniversary
We will NEVER forget!
Our HERO. That day ordinary people became hero's and hero's became ordinary people.
S. Yates
concerned citizen
Ronny started the NYPD Lacrosse Team. Every year he looked forward to the NYPD vs. FDNY game. Lacrosse started this year and things aren't the same without you Ronny. We all miss you and your warm yet competitive nature. I'm happy and proud to say I knew you. I speak for the team when I say get Heaven ready for Lacrosse.
Detective Craig Carson
Even though I didn't know you, we both lived in the same town. I cannot thank you and the other officers enough for your bravery and heroism. It is the officer like you that makes me proud to put the uniform on everyday.
God has a new army of the finest and bravest men and women that have walked the face of the Earth. God Bless the firemen, ems, victims, and my fellow brothers in blue. God Bless America, We will Prevail.
Unites States Capitol Police
Your death will be avenged and your heroism, bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten!
My Prayers are with all the friends and family of all the officers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
I lost my brother tragically, Det. David Taylor, Greensboro PD, On August 7, 2001. I was in NY for my fiancee's Mother's funeral the first of Sept. I was stranded there for 3 weeks due to this atrocity. As I watched the events on TV, I cried for all those who lost their lives. But was especially emotional about the Police Officers and the Firefighters and their families, as I had just recently suffered a tragic loss myself. As I walked through the streets in the days following the attack, I cried with pride as I saw the officers on duty on all the corners in the city. I knew how hard it was for them, knowing they had lost their friends. On the Sat. following the attack I was at St. Patrick's for mass. The last 2 people to go up and take communion were 2 NYPD officers, again I cried. I hope all of you are getting the support that my family and I got when we needed it, from the Deparment. I know the comforting words and even the funny stories the officers tell us about my brother helps. I know that our loved ones who are gone from here, had a higher calling and are happy and at peace in Heaven. Hopefully we can all feel that same peace one day! God bless All of you! And God bless America!
Tracy Taylor
Thomasville, NC
Sister of Greensboro Det.David L Taylor
EOW 8/7/01
Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
As I watched the towers come down on September 11th from my home, I knew that many of my brother New York City Police officers had lost their lives. I knew many of them were in the buildings. I knew this because I knew something that the public found out of the 11th, and that is the Men and Woman of the NYPD are heroes, nothing less. Everyday they put their lives on the line to protect the people of New York City.
No member of the NYPD could sit back while people needed help, so these brave 23 NYPD officers along with their 47 brother officers from the PAPD, FBI, Court Administration, Secret Service teamed up with the brave men of the FDNY and in saving over 25,000 of their fellow New Yorkers gave their own lives.
These men and Women are truly heroes and not a day goes by now when I don’t think of them as I patrol the streets of New York City.
These men and women make me proud to be a Police Officer.
Their actions exemplify everything that is good about being a Police Officer.
God Bless them their families and god bless the NYPD.
A Brother NYPD Officer
God I don't know what to say. I intend to post this message for each and everyone of you heroes so Officer, Detective, Agent, Whatever,... I thank you. You swore to serve and to protect. Well your days of protecting us are over. But you will forever be in service. Your eternal service... the inspiration you and your fellow bothers and sisters have re-enforced in my heart, will live so long as I do. Though I will not always carry your name in the front of my mind, not in my duties as a soldier or as the police officer I plan to become when I get home, I will still always carry with me the knowledge of your sacrifice... of your heroism, of your selflessness... I will carry a samll piece of you everywhere I go. Be it with an M-16 in my hands in a strange land, or a badge on my chest in my own back yard... long after the flags come down and the nation carries on... until the day I die... you will continue to serve... as my inspiration. God bless you. God bless your family. God bless your agency. God bless FDNY. God bless all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guardsmen, and marines. God bless New York City. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Thank you my brothers and sisters. I love you.
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