Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer James Patrick Leahy

New York City Police Department, New York

End of Watch Tuesday, September 11, 2001

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Reflections for Police Officer James Patrick Leahy

Happy New Year, James. We miss you and love you so much


Danielle Leahy Vella

I was partners with Jimbo for 6 years. Not only was he my partner, but he was like my brother. Jimbo and myself earned 4 medals together that i will wear and cherish in honor of Jimbo. I can tell a short story how Jimbo wore his Steelers Construction helmet during the Steelers drive to the Superbowl while out on patrol. Jimbo and I are huge Pittsburgh Steelers fans. I only wish he were here so we can boast together, cause the Steelers are having a great season. To his mother, brother, sisters, wife and children, as far as im concerned Jimbo is and always will be very alive in all our hearts. I speak for the members of the 6th Pct and the entire NYPD when i say your family has grown by about 60,000. God Bless James P. Leahy a true American Hero!

Police Officer Torres

I met James Leahy about 10 years ago. I am a friend of his sister Danielle.
The thing that I most remember about James was his beautiful smile. He had a smile that lit up a room when he walked in.
I also remember how much his sister loved him and still does.
He was a wonderful father and a great father figure. I know that God's light is shining upon his soul at this moment.
I wish to say to his family and friends to always remember
"To Live In The Hearts We Leave Behind, Is Not To Die"

Madeline O'Sullivan

Always a smile and a warm hello to anyone who came in contact with Jimmy. He wasn't afraid to joke with his fellow officers and take it in return. A fine Police Officer who gave of himself so that others may live. No other act by any human being can show what an extrodinary HERO James Leahy was and will always be in the Hearts of the People of The City Of New York and The United States Of AMERICA. GOD BLESS YOU JIMMY.

P.O. Thomas Purdy

Thank You!


As time goes by it seems to be harder. This will be our first Christmas without James. And it will be a hard one. If I had one wish it would be to have my hero and my big brother back. He is so strong, how can this happen to him?
God Bless You, James! I love You, Danielle

James' sister

When I came to the 6 Pct. Officer Leahy was one of the first Officers that I met. He was always willing to help me out with any questions I had (and there were many).
I remember waiting for him and his partner Heck to come in for lunch everyday so that we could hit the gym. I am proud to say that I worked with Officer Leahy during my year at the 6 Pct.

Rest In Peace

fmr NYPD Cadet

Today my brother was Awarded the Medal of Honor Posthumously. As I watched his second son Danny accept this award from the Mayor and Police Commissioner, I was overcome with emotions. It was a time to be proud, and yet a time to reflect that Jimmy received this honor because he gave his life trying to save all of those people in the WTC. Jimmy, you had a heart of gold. You were always there when we needed you. We got you involved even when you didn't want to be. But, your brother and sisters knew that we could count on you. Your will be loved always.

Denise Leahy Henick
(James' Sister)

James Leahy was my second uncle. Although I have met him only a few times when I was very small, nothing but good things have been said about him. Now, I regret the fact that I will never be able to see his smiling face and great personality again! God Bless America, and those who were lost on 9/11.

Joshua Ryan Belice

Josh Belice

Your death will be avenged and your heroism, bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten!

My Prayers are with all the friends and family of all the officers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
I lost my brother tragically, Det. David Taylor, Greensboro PD, On August 7, 2001. I was in NY for my fiancee's Mother's funeral the first of Sept. I was stranded there for 3 weeks due to this atrocity. As I watched the events on TV, I cried for all those who lost their lives. But was especially emotional about the Police Officers and the Firefighters and their families, as I had just recently suffered a tragic loss myself. As I walked through the streets in the days following the attack, I cried with pride as I saw the officers on duty on all the corners in the city. I knew how hard it was for them, knowing they had lost their friends. On the Sat. following the attack I was at St. Patrick's for mass. The last 2 people to go up and take communion were 2 NYPD officers, again I cried. I hope all of you are getting the support that my family and I got when we needed it, from the Deparment. I know the comforting words and even the funny stories the officers tell us about my brother helps. I know that our loved ones who are gone from here, had a higher calling and are happy and at peace in Heaven. Hopefully we can all feel that same peace one day! God bless All of you! And God bless America!
Tracy Taylor
Thomasville, NC
Sister of Greensboro Det.David L Taylor
EOW 8/7/01

Tracy Taylor

Ever since I can remember, I have always looked up to my older cousin Jimmy. He taught me a few things that might have seemed insignificant at the time, but as I look back I realize they have changed my life. He taught me about football and the Pittsburgh Steel curtain. I became a football fan, and then a player as did he (of course he was a much better player). He taught me how to loose gracefully. Going head to head with Jimmy, no matter what the game, was a tough battle which I rarely won. But Jimmy's pleasant manner made losing just as much fun. He taught me about comic magazines and superheros like Spiderman and Thor. Who would have thought so many years ago that Jimmy was to become a super hero himself? I'll never forget and will always look up to him for who he was and what he did.

God bless

Joe Belice

The news of Jimmy missing seems like yesterday
The tears came streaming down my face as I began to pray.
My God, how can this be happening to my cousin Jim?
He's good and cares, he's full of love and life
He is all you asked of him.
I remember when he was just a child and how he helped his mother
His father died and he helped her raise three sisters and one brother.
And his three sons, his pride and joy, so much love he has for each When he talked to me about them I could feel it in his speech.
He took an oath to protect and serve the people of New York City
For Jimmy to be taken like this is a tragedy, a pity. To accept the fact that he is gone has taken me a while When I close my eyes I can see his face, he always has a smile.
And then when I think hard enough I can even hear his voice "I knew the dangers of my job and I did it as by choice." He is a hero for all he's done and forever I will remember The way my cousin gave his life on the 11th of September.

In my thoughts and heart Jimmy will always be remembered.

Jennifer Grimes (Jimmy's Cousin)

James and I met when his sister Michelle and I became friends many years ago. As friends we fix each other up with our brothers, Michelle married my brother and I became good friend with jimmy (since we are family now).My first day with jimmy was in 1980s, all four of us went to south beach to a fair and jimmy won me a stuff animal(which I still have). Many years have come and gone and we always talk to each other as friends, jimmy and I became closer to each other when he work with me at JCPenneys.I will miss him because he would always listen, and say to me your asking for trouble. Jimmy I will miss talking to you late at nite when everyone was sleeping, more than anything I will miss you telling me go for it. So jimmy I'm going for it.

samia safatle maugeri

Hi -
I'm one of Jimmy's cousins....I regret not having to have spent time with him and his family once he got older, but I do remember one thing about him that I will chuckle about when I do think of him now... when we were younger and I often went to Staten Island to visit my aunt and his family, ...Jimmy would love to tell scary stories and we would sit in a circle and all of us cousins would try to come up with a better one.... we had to have been about 10 year old..but whenever we did get together we always had fun. Fun times together you will always remember...

Mary Lou (his cousin from NJ)

My cousin, Jimmy, will always be remembered and deeply missed. No words can truely express my feelings. I wanted to share a school journal entry written by my son, Anthony Tamarato, age 10. He shared this with his fifth grade class and dedicated it to our cousin. The entry, dated September 12,2001, entitled Heros, reads as follows:
"A hero doesn't necessarily mean a person with super powers. It means a person doing the right thing, like risking your life so that another can live. The men and women who helped the people who were injured were very brave. Some lives didn't make it. Some children won't have a dad to hug or a mom to see because of the evil that was too strong for them. Let's hope that what happened doesn't happen again, but if it does happen, there will be a hero."

Rosemarie Tamarato, cousin

"Last Inspection"
The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
The Policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a Saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
when the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
but if you don't...I'll understand
There was silence all around the throne
Where the Saints had often trod
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

Author unknown


I just wanted to say that James was a loving father to his three sons and he knew that his sons loved him very much also. He was a great guy and very caring. He was a terrific brother-in-law and I enjoyed every moment that I spent with him. I will never forget the time we ran about 15 blocks through Brown'sville, Brooklyn, non-stop. I will miss him tremendously and it was a privilege to have been in his family.
(Jimmy's brother-in-law)


I'm James' little sister Danielle. I just wanted to say that I love James so much. To me he was more to me than just my brother. Our father died when we were very young. James was like my father. This past month has been so hard on me and my whole family. But we have to remember James as the caring and reliable person that he was. On September 11, 2001 was a day that my brother didn't think about himself. But thought about the people trapped in the upper floors. And he thought about his family when he stopped off on the 20th floor to tell them that he was there and he was o.k... He always be in our hearts forever.
If anyone wants to e-mail me about my brother or if you have a funny story about we would like to hear it.

Danielle (James' Sister)

Danielle(James' sister)

Sorry if this is a little "ruff around the edges" but it's about 1 am and I was just remembering about the summer when, at the annual picnic Michele always puts together, we were all playing football together. Usually it was just the boys who played but this time Jimmy allowed us "girls" to join in the game even though some others were reluctant to have us play. We were (of course) on his team and he made sure to include us in on all plays. I even caught a couple of passes he threw to me (much to my and I'm sure everyone else's surprise). We had a great time that day as we always did at those picnics. The laughs we shared that day will always be etched in my heart as will all the memories of the times shared with Jimmy and his family. MEMORIES - we must always remember the stories and the times together and share them with his family and friends. That is what will keep Jimmy alive in our hearts.

June Ann

I just wanted everyone to know what kind of man James was. He was the kind that helped people even when he was growing up. He became a policeman to protect people and help them. He was very special because he would always be there if anyone needed something. He adored his three sons and did everything for them. His children were his first priority and his job was next. This was his life. I am very honored to say that I knew James because not only was he my older brother but also my close friend. I will miss him more than anyone could know. We shared a bond that now I must learn to live without. I was so proud of him and loved him but failed to tell him this often. He lost his life because of the love and respect he had for others and because of this he will live in our hearts forever.
One of James' sisters.

Michele Safatle (James' sister)

As I watched the towers come down on September 11th from my home, I knew that many of my brother New York City Police officers had lost their lives. I knew many of them were in the buildings. I knew this because I knew something that the public found out of the 11th, and that is the Men and Woman of the NYPD are heroes, nothing less. Everyday they put their lives on the line to protect the people of New York City.
No member of the NYPD could sit back while people needed help, so these brave 23 NYPD officers along with their 47 brother officers from the PAPD, FBI, Court Administration, Secret Service teamed up with the brave men of the FDNY and in saving over 25,000 of their fellow New Yorkers gave their own lives.
These men and Women are truly heroes and not a day goes by now when I don’t think of them as I patrol the streets of New York City.
These men and women make me proud to be a Police Officer.
Their actions exemplify everything that is good about being a Police Officer.

God Bless them their families and god bless the NYPD.

A Brother NYPD Officer

Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9


Officer James Leahy was my brother. He was 38 years old. Nov. 26 is his birthday. My brother loved everyone especially his 3 sons. He did everything for them. He will be miss forever.

I did not know this officer or the others who lost their lives on September 11th. They are all brothers to me though. I pray for their survivors and greatly appreciate their service to the city of New York, and to the citizens of this country. God Bless the NYPD and America.

Ofc. Steve Perron
Anne Arundel County Police, Maryland

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