Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Master Trooper Calvin Eugene Taylor

North Carolina Highway Patrol, North Carolina

End of Watch Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Master Trooper Calvin Eugene Taylor

If you were still on this earth, you would be getting this card from me. Instead, I know that you heard me read it to you.

I wish I could go back in time...
back to those unspoiled moments in our relationship before hurt ever touched our hearts,
before doubt ever entered our minds.
Because if I could go back and start from those moments once more, I would hold you longer, never miss a chance to tell you how much you mean to me...and I would never, ever hurt you.
But I know we can't go back to those days.
I know I can't erase the mistakes.
I can't take away the questions you must have or the hurt we both feel.
But I can assure you of one thing...I love you - as I did then and as I always will.

Sorry tomorrow never came!


October 11, 2003

Remembering you on the anniversary of your death. May God comfort
all those who are still grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times and
the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. God bless!

Lynn Kole
Washington State

October 10, 2003

I just really wanted to tell you how sorry i am for you. It is very obvious that you have alot of regrets. I am so sorry you never got to give your marriage another chance. It dosent matter what any one says. It is very clear to see that you loved you husband..through the good and the bad. Till the end. I never met you or you husband but i just felt i needed to tell you how sorry i am, and i hope your heart is healing.


Future Police officer

October 3, 2003

My Dearest Calvin,
It has been 2 years now since you left us.....I thought the year of 2000-2001 was hard but let me tell you.......the two years since 2001 have been even worse in so many ways. I'v learned to cope with some things much better but the pain is still there & the longing to at least talk to you is still there also. I can still see you laughing and telling stories. When Mom says some of the words that she says in a funny way, I always think of you aggravating her about coconut. You'll always be right here in my heart as well as my family's. You are missed by us all and are remembered daily. Thanks for loving me and showing me what true love is even during that last year. I thank God daily for letting me be lucky enough to share many good years as your wife. Thanks for one of those last e-mails in which you said you never had told me "no" and you were not starting yet. I knew then that we still had a chance...if only God hadn't had other plans. But he holds your future as well as mine & we are only on this earth for a short time anyway. You will always be loved by sweetie pie!


October 2, 2003

My Sweetie Pie,
I'm remembering very fondly this day 10 years ago. How wonderful I felt...remember the one picture that I wrote on? Happiest girl alive. I thank the Lord over & over that he blessed me by being loved by you & be being your wife. So sorry things went askew but am so happy with the things we shared with each other on 10-2-01. There will never be another like you....Mallory's "Uncle Calvin Walvin". I wish were flying to Maine all over again. I would do it in a heartbeat.

Love you forever,
Your wife from 1993-2001


September 26, 2003

When I visited North Carolina a few years ago, I thought when I saw NCSHP troopers on the road that they must be as great as the state seems. At least Trooper Taylor certainly sounds like he did nothing to give the agency a bad name and I hope very much that other troopers remember to do the same in his honor. I'm glad to have learned about him from his family and friends who posted messages, and it makes me think again about how devastated I'd be if any of the officers that mean a lot to me were killed.

He'll always be with you, and when you're gone, people will still be learning about his sacrifice until the end of time. God bless you, and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope to serve as a police officer next year, and will never do anything to dishonor those who paid the ultimate price.

Baltimore, MD

September 1, 2003

I love you & still miss you every day. I know you are looking out for me like you ALWAYS did. No matter the time that passes, I will always have a broken part of my heart that is where you belong. Much love sweetie!


I've wanted to work for the greatest law enforcement agency in the United States since I was just a little boy(N.C.S.H.P), and am trying as we speak. Im sorry to here of Trp. Taylor, and hope that when i am one of North Carolina's finest that i will be half the trooper he was. I've read other officers that half passed and your, usually writting your reflections down. That shows what a wonderfull person you are. May god bless you and your family. Trp. Taylor rest in peace brother...


After, my friend and fellow officer Trooper Cogdill was placed on here, I spent several hours scrolling through the reflections on here. I was amazed at how many different thoughts you had left on pages dedicated to other officers. Especially a friend of mine, who was taken in the line of duty from the South Carolina Highway Patrol, Trooper Eric Nicholson. Again IM amazed at the kind words you have left for all.

I didnt really know Calvin, but I did meet him once when I worked with Buncombe County Sheriffs Office, which is where I also meet Cogdill. I wasnt aware of the bridge named in his memory until I was driving to Cogdills memorial service. Seeing his name on that large green sign really gave me a sense of pride..and IM sure your extremely proud of your Trooper.

An Eternal Salute will always be rendered for Trooper Taylor. Rest in peace brother, you've done your duty well...

Master At Arms 3rd Class
United States Navy Police

Dearest Calvin,
Yesterday seemed like October 6, 2001 all over again. I went to Cogdill's funeral at Lake Junaluska. Like you, he was brought down by the lake on the caisson along with the riderless horse. There were also bagpipes. Thankfully we didn't have a little boy for me to explain things to - his little boy was riding with his Daddy's body on the caisson and he was dressed in a little trooper uniform. As his casket was placed on the stand in front of me by some of your co-workers, I sobbed. It seemed as if I was looking at your casket again. My heart broke for Heidi because I knew some of what she was going through. As so many officers filled the auditorium, I remembered seeing some of the same ones walking in to honor you and them giving me a caring glance. The procession to the cemetary was so familiar except this time I was in the middle of the sea of blue lights instead of near the front of that sea. Then there was "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes....the gun salute....and finally "Taps" - as the tears ran down my face and the wind blew across the cemetary I could just remember how lucky I was to have been your wife and to have exchanged "I Love You's" the very night before you died. The sun came out for a short time and I thought that was probably you smiling down at so many of your friends as you and Cogdill starting catching up on things. Calvin, my heart is still broken but I'm getting back on track as best as I can....with the blessings that you always gave me. You were a wonderful me and everyone you knew. You'll be forever in my heart.

My Dear Calvin,
Yesterday Anthony Cogdill was killed just like you were....on a traffic stop on I-40 and a tractor trailer hit him from behind. It happened within 2 miles from where you were killed. I hated that another one of your guys is gone & I felt like it was happening to you all over again when I began to hear the details. Many things that I had been learning to deal with in the past year and a half came rushing right back to the front of my mind. How could everything be so similar with the whole situation. Unfortunately, Anthony's car exploded and he was in it. I'm so glad that was one thing I didn't have to deal with so that I was able to see you one last time and touch your handsome face. You looked just like you did so many times when I would roll over in bed and touch your face while you were peaceful. I know that you were already with God at that moment. Now you can show Anthony around up there. My heart felt as broken yesterday as it did on October 3, 2001. I never have stopped loving you "sweetie pie".
You'll Always Be in My Heart,

May 24, 2003

To the family of Trooper Taylor, I hope this will give you comfort as it did me. They played this song on the radio the day my son was killed "In the Line of Duty".


I remember our last touch,
But today tht memories not enough,
To keep these tears out of my eyes,
To fill this void left in my life,
Though we may be far apart,
You still live here in my heart.

I'll see you again someday,
With open arms you'll come my way,
You'll be there at heavens gate,
And once again we'll embrace,
Oh, I"ll see you again someday.

Through the years I could always count on you,
Up to the end your loved helped pulled me through,
Knowing you have made me strong,
Through my life you will live on,
Missing you is not quite so hard,
Each day I will remind my heart,

I"ll see you again someday,
With open arms you'll come my way,
You'll be there at heavens gate,
And once again we'll embrace,
Oh, I"ll see you again someday,

Oh, I"ll see you again someday.

God Bless.

Lorraine Bond (Mother)
Sheriff Deputy Donald Kenneth Bond, Jr.
EOW: 9/6/01

I did not personaly know Calvin but everyone in Haywood County knew of him. I will never forget the feeling that day when we all stood at attention at his funeral and the service was closed with these words.......G530 10-42. Everyone of those tough dicaplined cops cried at that moment. Only a cop would understand the power of those words. That day I was reminded why we do this, why we miss holidays, why we miss the ballgames, why we work extra jobs to make ends meet, why we shudder in the night at things we have seen. As I looked at that long line of cruisers, I knew what I was a part of, and sudenly it was all worth it. God bless you brothers and sisters.

Patrolman James A. Marsh
Woodfin Police Department

Today is May 15 (Police Officer's Memorial Day) and I want you to know how proud I am of you. You were a great trooper but part of the reason you were that way was because you were a great person. I'll always remember the guy who was stranded and you helped him find a place to stay and gave him the Bible that you kept in your car. When you found out that he had been less than honest, you were upset that you had given him the Bible that you had for so long but at the same time you said "maybe he will read something in it that might help him one day and if so, it was all worth it". You treated people the way you would want to be treated. I pray that all of those people who wanted part of the attention when you died haven't forgotten you and will keep your memory alive - I know I always will. Thanks for asking me to be your wife....I was blessed to have been loved by you.

Love always,

Dearest Calvin,
I remember your last birthday we celebrated together. Things were kind of rocky but we still had a nice time. I would say that I wish you were here to celebrate with today but I know you wouldn't want to leave that awesome place you are in now! I wish I could visit you for the day at least to wish you Happy Birthday. You know what we shared the day before you were killed.....I'll never forget those words. I miss you as much now as then. Thanks for so many great years.
Love you always,





Dearest Calvin,
Today is Easter and I know that you are looking down from heaven at all the Easter services that are taking place today. As much as I continue to miss you each day, I have some comfort in knowing that because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose from the tomb, I will see you and hold you again when I meet you in heaven. Like the song says...."Because I know he holds the future, life is worth the living just because he lives". There are so many times in church that I think of you standing beside me at Long's Chapel United Methodist Church and wish that I could have you beside me there again. With God's help and the many things I learned from you (especially love), I'm doing pretty good. I still miss you each day and feel the heart break of sorrow, loneliness and guilt, but I have done like you would want me to - try my best to enjoy living the rest of my life to it's fullest because one never knows when the last day will be. Thanks again for 10 great years (even the bad doesn't seem so bad because you were still around to talk to and love me when I wasn't so loveable). One of God's greatest blessings to me was YOU! Sorry it was two days before you died when I realized we could start over anew. Keep looking out for me and reminding me of your love.

My love always,

P.S. Alex and Annie got to see the sign on I-40 that was erected in memory of you. Alex wanted to know if you were still his uncle and I told him that you would always be his uncle and that you loved both of them very much. Thanks for loving my family as well as me. You're one of a kind.

Growing up with a father for a police officer I have the privelidge of knowing most of the officers within our small county. However, the one officer that I respected the most and convinced me to join the Highway Patrol after college was killed on the side of I-40 almost a year and a half ago. I think that I speak for every one in the haywood county law enforcement community when I say that to this day Calvin is still greatly missed. I think that this poem from the haywood crimestoppers website is a true representation of Master Trooper Calvin Taylor.

The Officer stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Officer,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?"

The Officer squared his shoulder and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges can't
always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was rough,
And sometimes I've been violent
Because the streets are tough.

But I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept an unmanly tear.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here.
They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't...I'll understand.

There was silence all around the throne,
where the saints often trod.
As the officer waited quietly for the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, Officer."
"You've borne your burdens well."
"Come walk a beat on heaven's streets,"
"You've done your time in Hell"

Author Unknown

Robbie Carter
Son of Sgt. A.J. Carter(Canton PD)

My prayers are with your wife and family. Keep watching over them and give them the strength to continue on. Rest easy brother.

Police Officer
Denver Police Department

I didn't know Calvin well but I had met him when I was a trooper. He was a fine man, a gentleman and a dedicated officer. Our State, Haywwod County, the profession and the NCSHP family gireve along with his friends, family and colleagues.

He now patrols the highways of Heaven with St. Michael. GOd belss and be safe.

Chief JA Millan
NC Public Schools Law Enforcement, Avery Co Dist

Dearest Calvin,
I sit here with tears in my eyes as I type this. Another year without you on Valentine's Day. Thanks again for the keychain you gave me a few weeks before you died and yes, I have left life's tangles to God. He was the only one strong enough to get me through losing you forever. I know you are in heaven but I still miss you so much. Now I know why so many of my days in 2001 were so awful..................if only. I've always learned things the hard way and boy did I ever get the hardest lesson of my life. At least we both know what we shared on the 2 days before you left this earth. Take care of all of our pets that are up there with you and say "Hi" to Mammy & Paw (I'm sure you've met them by now). Wait for me at the gates.........I'll be searching for you when I get there! Thanks for all the wonderful times and for letting me be lucky enough to have been your wife. Only through God will you know how very much you really meant to me. You'll always be my "Sweetie Pie". I watched part of our honeymoon video the other night.........we had so much fun and laughed so much. That was the Calvin I'll remember...the one I fell in love with and will always love.
Forever in my dreams,

Such a tragedy, such a great loss. My prayers are with this man's family. Denise, I haven't heard from you in quite a while, please email me.

Jean Vincent
Mom of Off. Joey T. Vincent EOW 1999

Calvin, it's hard to believe that you've been gone a little over a year now. They say that time heals all wounds. I don't think that is entirely true. There still isn't a day that goes by, that I don't think about you or talk about you! I thank God for putting you in my life and for all the times we were able to share. I was truely blessed. You taught me so many things, and I'll always be grateful to you. I've never had as close a friend as you were to me. Our friendship has, and always will be, special to me. I want you to know that I'll never forget you, or the friendship we shared. Things have been different without you. Maybe one day I'll be able to "catch up" on everything with you. Can you believe they want me to train now? I can hear you now! I will try my best to keep your lessons and legacy going. I just hope you'll help me like you always did before! Thanks buddy. I still miss you terribly, so I'm trying not to say good bye to you, but instead, - I'll see you later. Friends Always, Scott.

Trooper Scott Byers
N. C. State Highway Patrol

Hey Sweetie,

Even though this is the first day of the second year without you, you will always be with me in my heart. You never realized the impact you had on so many people's lives (even though everyone who knew you did). Even people who met you in Columbia felt drawn to you. We shared so much together....I'll never forget the first New Year's Eve we spent together. Of course our honeymoon was the best trip we took - one day I would like to go back there but it won't be the same without you. Every year when I hang ornaments on the tree, there will be so many of them that will remind of a certain place/time with you. Especially the gold moose. Thanks for making this world a better place by just being in it!
Even though we had our problems, I never stopped loving you. On October 3, 2001 my heart was broken - because I couldn't hope for us anymore. Remember the picture we had - "Without hope, the heart would break". Thanks for never giving up on us.

Loving you forever,

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