Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 6, 2001
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Donald Kenneth Bond
November 10, 2003
The trial for your murder has begun. We are all thinking about you and missing you more. We will never forget you and what you gave for your community.
November 13, 2003
To the family, friends, and co-workers of Donald Bond,
I did not personally know Officer Bond, but many of my co-workers did. I was teaching at the Academy on September 6, 2001. Several Hamilton County Officers were in that class and it was very hard for them, being away from their dept. that day. The next week I had to go out of town for a training and was not able to attend the funeral, but my thoughts were there. I pray for comfort and peace for the family, friends, and co-workers and know that Donald is watching over us all, while he waits for us to walk Heaven's Streets with him one day. I can't believe it has been two years. May God Bless the Bond Family.
Detective S. Efaw
Bradley County Sheriff Office
September 9, 2003
It does not seem like two years has passed since you were taken away from us. You were a great friend and I miss you.
David Hudson
September 7, 2003
September 6, 2003
I love you and miss you very much.
People ask how we are doing. We are doing, but the void will never go away.
"It has been said that time heals all wounds, I don't agree. The wound remains. Time -- the mind protecting its sanity -- covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone. Meanwhile, carry on. Take care of the living -- there is a lot of work to be done."
Rose Kennedy
Some times that scar tissue becomes raw, today it is raw.
I love you.
September 7, 2003
It's been two years since that tragic morning that I'll never forget.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today. And
your sacarifce that you made to keep us safe will never be forgotton.
Deputy Jon J Molineaux
Washington County Sheriff's Office
Washington County Maryland
Deputy Jon Molinaux
Washington County Sheriff's Office
September 6, 2003
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer. Today, September 6, 2003 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Deputy Donald Bond who died on this date two years ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Deputy Bond's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
September 6, 2003
Just a coulpe of days until two years have passed that early morning when I recieved the phone call from EOC telling me who it was. My heart sank and has not resurfaced. You made all those years at the firehall so wonderful, the bad times good, and the good times great. I'll never forget those years, nor will I ever forget what happened to you. God bless you and your family.
Justin Newton
Tri-Community VFD (former)
September 3, 2003
June 28, 2003
To day is another profound sad day here in the Chattanooga area. Another LOE has lost his life in the "Line of Duty". Red Bank Officer Warf.
It is all like a bad dream.
May 18, 2003
Today is a special day in our family. To day is Charity's birthday and we are also remembering you on this special day and remembering what could have been. That is what hurts the most.
To Deputy Bond's family,
I hate that you have lost a loved one in the line of duty also. I read a reflection that one of you left for another officer that was killed in Ga during April 2003. You so vividly described the feelings of loss when you talked about how you would tell people at first that you were doing OK because you didn't know whatelse to say. Then as time goes on you realize that you aren't really OK but just trying to make it through each day. I just wanted to let you know how you put into words the way I felt when my loved one was killed. I pray that you are doing as best as possible and continuing on with life in the best way you know how while not forgetting your "officer".
God Bless You!
Survivor of Calvin E. Taylor NCSHP E.O.W. 10-3-01
Isaiah 57: 1-2
"The righteous perish and no one ponders it in his heart;
devout men are taken away,
and no one understands that the righteous are taken away
to be spared from evil.
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace;
they find rest as they lie in death."
You are in our thoughts every day.
March 5, 1966
Today would have been your 37th birthday.
We love and miss you and know that we will see each other again soon.
As on of Donald’s roommates, I can remember waking every morning to a cheerful “good morning” from one of the most dedicated and caring officers that I have ever known. As we spent the long eight weeks of the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Class #855 together, I grew to respect Donald more and more, and in looking back we have truly lost. I hope and pray that his memory will live on in the lives of all the officers that knew and worked along side him.
To Donald’s family, I regret that I never met you, as I was unable to attend the memorial service. But I want you to know that Donald was an inspiration to me, overcoming difficulties that would have defeated others.
You are in my prayers and we will all be together with Donald one day.
U.S. Ranger Daniel Kimes
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service/Natchez Trace Parkway
U.S. Ranger Daniel Kimes
U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service
You are greatly missed. I'll never forget what you have done for me. If I only knew...
Deputy Jon Molineaux
Washington County Sheriffs Office Washinton County, Maryland
Don, since I joined the HCSD Explorer Post (about six months after your death), I have heard that your fellow officers and the citizens of Hamilton County admired you for your work and bravery. Two questions continue to run through my mind: "Why did this have to happen?" and "How can a suspect commit such a horrible act without feeling any regret?" I cannot answer either, as they are mysteries. Yet, you will not be forgotten. May God be with you and let you rest in peace.
Explorer Danny Armstrong
Hamilton County Sheriff's Department
Don your death was a senseless act. I did not know that the first time I spoke with you would be the last time I would see you alive. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your memorial tells my thoughts perfectly "May your service and sacrifice never be forgotten by those who lived under the protection which you once provided, for we your brothers in blue will never forget." God bless you my brother.
Mickey Rountree
Hamilton County Sheriff's Dept.
It has been more than a year since you were taken away. I am still having a hard time believing that you are gone. I am trying to move on but it is so hard. I miss you buddy.
Until we meet again to patrol the streets of gold together.
It has been a year now since you have been gone. I often think of you and my life will probably never be the same since the night you were killed. The nightmares and restless nights are still there and predict they will never go away...I shall never forget you...Please continue to look out for me and your other brothers and sisters out here fighting the good fight..We love you!
TO the family and co-workers of Donald,
Just this week I learned of Donalds death while I was at the academy for a school,it was one year to the date. I was in the basic police school with him and enjoyed the 8 weeks together. May God be with all of you as you go through this 1 year anniversary.
Brandon Adams
South Fulton P.D.
Ptl. Brandon Adams
South Fulton Police Dept, South Fulton TN
It has been a year since you were taken away from us. I will never forget all the good times we shared. Your life was an inspiration to all of us on earth. God has picked the best to watch his streets. Rest in peace my brother.
When I heard the words officer down, it was a bad day and I had to go to work over at United States Pipe & Foundry, Chattanooga Valve and Fittings with a black band around ny badge and a heavy heart. 8 Months later, another officer down and it felt like lighting striking twice and now a year has passed without Donald Bond and Julie Jacks up there patrolling heaven which we will hope to see them again after our tour of duty is over.
Officer Jason Trew
Uniguard Security Agency, Chattanooga, TN
September 6, 2002
It has been one year since your EOW. The memories of that day are as fresh as when it happened.
Some of the officers and the support group SOS and I went to the Memorial at 1:30AM to be there when you died. We also lit candles for you and remembered you and the sacrific you gave to us and to your community.
The SOS had a "Celebration of Your LIfe" and Candlelight Service tonight at your Memorial and you were remembered with a lot of love.
We still speak of you and think of you every day. We miss you more and more and love you.
One day soon I believe that we will see each other again, That day is fast approaching when the Lord will be here.
We love and miss you.
I was employed at the Hamilton County Jail while Donald Bond was on patrol and as a result I got to meet and know a fine man and police officer. Here is an example of what kind of person Donald Bond was: My mother was the victim of what was believed to be a theft. Donald was the responding officer. Later my mother called and asked if I knew a Donald Bond. She had nothing but kind words and praise for his caring attitude and professionalism. Over the next two weeks he made several follow-up calls and bent over backwards to assist my mother until her problem was resolved. Of course I appreciated him going out of his way to help my mother, and a week later I had the opportunity to thank him for the extra effort and attention he gave to my mother's problem. He gave me a puzzled look and said, "That was your mother? I didn't know." That is who Donald Bond was. He helped her as much as he did because of who he was, not who she was. I often tell that story because it makes me swell with pride about him. I hate that he's gone. My prayers go out to his wife and family.
scott butcher police officer
east ridge police department