Lehi Police Department, Utah
End of Watch Saturday, August 4, 2001
Reflections for Sergeant Joseph Dan Adams
Dieter F Uchtdorf said " True love requires action. We can speak of love all day long, we can write notes or poems that proclaim it, sing songs that praise it, and preach sermons that encourage it but until we manifest that love in action, our words are nothing but sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." You manifested your love for freedoms cause and took action in the face of evil. This is the first year I won't be able to visit your grave on memorial day. Being where I am I see the importance of freedom, the importance of standing up to evil and tyranny and saying no more. You are a great example to me Joe. I value the freedoms you gave your life to defend and for that you have my everlasting love and gratitude. I love you brother and I miss you.
Jeremy Elswood
May 25, 2013
Miss ya buddy! Never forgotten.
K. Rose
Lehi PD (Utah)
May 1, 2013
Public Safety Memorial is moving along, taking a little longer than we wished but the end product will be awesome. Every part of the project is an Eagle Project, I think that is the best part of it. I miss the fun times we had on patrol. Never Forgotten!
K. Rose
Lehi PD (Utah)
February 17, 2013
Miss ya buddy. NEVER FORGOTTEN!
Kenny Rose
Lehi PD (Utah)
September 6, 2012
Memories - Thank goodness we will always have those. The Flags were raised at your park this year, as a special Eagle Scout project your special Cade raised the 'American flag in your honor assisted by Zach. We never forget you and will always love you, son,,
R Adams
Joe's mother
August 9, 2012
Here we are again, another year has passed. I was just sitting here and I looked at the calendar and started to think about you. I miss you brother.
Travis Turner
Bethel Police Dept.
August 4, 2012
Miss ya Joe.
J Elswood
July 15, 2012
You're a great example for all of us.
A. Curtis
May 16, 2012
Never Forgotten! Miss ya buddy.
K. Rose
Lehi PD
January 24, 2012
Happy New Year's Day Joe. Miss ya buddy.
K. Rose
Lehi PD
January 1, 2012
Officer Adams and Family,
Please know how sorry I am. It is still so painful thinking of that tragic day. My family and I still pray for you, your family and friends. I wish I could have been in Lehi honoring you August 4th when they had a ceremony in your name. Your story is not over, not by a long shot! Your sacrifice will not be in vain. There are many things God still has in store for all of us. Thank you Joe for your service. I look forward to visiting the park named after you the next time I visit Utah.
Until then....
Feliz Scamehorn
Feliz Scamehorn
Sister to Arturo
August 6, 2011
I can't believe it's been ten years. I will never be able to forget that night. I miss you brother.
Travis Turner
August 5, 2011
A decade has passed but the loss lingers. I miss ya buddy and look forward to seeing this memorial become a place that all can reflect on your service and your sacrifice. I enjoyed seeing your family again, and especially your son, I am sure that you are proud.
Kenny Rose
Lehi PD
August 5, 2011
Hard to believe it has been 10 years. We will never forget ya.
Detective B. Smith
Lehi Police
August 5, 2011
Today marks 10 years since Joe was killed in the line of duty. It has been a significant day for our family - as a park in Lehi was named in his honor. We will never forget him, and the importanct part of our family that he is.
His young son represents all that was so good in Joe.
We appreciate so much all those who still remember him and honor him.
Rosemary Adams
Joe's mother
August 4, 2011
I miss you brother. Never forgotten.
Detective Z. Adams
August 4, 2011
Miss ya buddy
K Rose
Lehi PD
June 5, 2011
Never Forgotten!
K Rose
Lehi PD
March 8, 2011
Miss ya Joe, I think of you often.
J Elswood
Lehi PD
January 12, 2011
We always remember those we love and miss especially on special days...Remembering two very loved and special sons. We miss you and your brother.
Rosemary Adams - Mother
December 25, 2010
As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, I am particularly grateful for the friends that have had a positive impact on my life. You are one of those friends Joe, thank you for your friendship, you are truly not forgotten and never will be. I miss ya buddy.
K. Rose
Lehi PD
November 24, 2010
I was just posting a bunch of mission pictures on Facebook, and there you are with your beaming smile and face full of zeal. I sure do miss you buddy.
If any family or friends would like to have a copy of these pictures just look me up in the Davis, UT phone book.
Dennie Denhalter
Mission buddies
September 12, 2010
Dear Joe - I was just thinking about you. I love you and miss you. Everyday I think and pray for you. My dad misses you and Chris a lot.
I love you very much.
Joey Anne Adams, Niece
8 years old
Joey Anne Adams
Joe's niece
September 6, 2010
Been thinking of you, sure do miss you.
J Elswood
Lehi PD
August 17, 2010
A day of reflection as another year has gone by. A void still remains in our hearts, but we hold dear the wonderful memories of a life that was full and one that we learned so much from. We will always miss Joe. We will always love Joe. We pray for all officers of the law as they continue to serve and protect us. We are so grateful to all of you.
Rosemary Adams
August 4, 2010