Roosevelt Police Department, Utah
End of Watch Friday, July 6, 2001
Reflections for Chief of Police Cecil F. Gurr
I love you Dad,
you'll always be my hero.
When Cecil first got on the Roosevelt P.D., I was a young trooper that lived up the street. He asked to ride along and we spent several times on good ole US-40. My wife and his wife were friends. I moved away to Box Elder County and retired in l990. Through the years I watched from afar and was glad to see his growth and longevity as Chief of Police. Out in the basin, a man has to be tough and gentle, firm and yet resilient to handle the rough and tumble of the job. In all those years, I had always been told how good of a chief he was. God Bless his family...
Retired UHP Trooper, Officer S. Redmond
Garland City Police.
This week, the widow of our Chief and I attended the funeral services for Chief Gurr.
What a beautiful ceremony for such a wonderful person. I heard so many great things about Chief Gurr and my heart goes out to his family and his fellow officers.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sergeant Tobey Whitney
Fruita Police Department (Colorado)
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
(Author Unknown)
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
My thoughts and prayers to the family.
Inspector Tim Huff
US Customs, Washington State
As a boy growing up in Roosevelt I knew, admired and loved Cecil. He worked at a gas station next to "Sullivan's", my father's retail business. There was a program on T.V. at the time called "Beanie and Cecil" and in a boy's imaginative mind I just knew someway he was connected to that show. I went to the gas station day after day just because I liked to be around Cecil, he treated me as an equal although I was just a "kid". He always took time to talk with me and taught me how to patch bike tire flats by submerging the tube in a tub of water. I later worked for Cecil as a police officer and my esteem for him only increased. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." This was Cecil.
Detective Kirk L. Sullivan
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.
To The Family:
Never have I been so touched by the example of a officer I have not met. After listening to the tribute on Tuesday, I walk a little taller as an officer and resolve to do a little more.
Tpr. M. Haycock
Utah Highway Patrol - Honor Guard
Like everyone else that knew Chief Cecil Gurr, I was surprised to hear of his death. I appreciate his courage and wisdom and am grateful for the lives that were spared by him responding to the call (while off-duty and in another jurisdiction, nonetheless).
I knew Cecil's family (while growing up in Roosevelt) and admire them all. My deepest sympathies and gratitude for supporting their husband and Dad in all he did to serve his country go out to Lynette, Dax, Shalon & Slade. He left not only a legacy, but a wonderful wife and children to whom he imparted love and integrity. They too will bless the lives of those they know and always reflect what Cecil taught them. And for that, we are all blessed because it is truly wonderful people who make America the home of the brave and the free.
Thank you, Cecil. We salute you.
Ginger Goodspeed Eveson
I never knew this man but as a public servant and a sister of an officer I cannot imagine the pain and loss I would feel if this happened to any of my officers or my brother. This man truly is the definition of hero and self-less love. It saddens me to know that there are people out there that would take the life of a servant whom is merely trying to protect and serve out community. Words cannot bring back the Chief or any other officer who is taken from us but I want the family to know that this not only affects the community of Roosevelt but thousands and thousands of other people. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and having the faith that i do I know he is in a marvelous place awaiting their arrival someday.
My thoughts and prayers have been with the Gurr family since I first found out about the "Chiefs" death, and I can only think about how he went down like a true hero, protecting his men and the public. After I heard I had to think about me wanting to still be a police officer, and I thought that I should strive to serve the public like you so gracefuly have. Now after so many years of service your 10-42, and may you rest in peace.
Since 1972, I have worked full time investigating various insurance claims. For approximately the last ten years, my investigations have primarily been on behalf of governmental entities in Utah. Frequently, I need to work with the law enforcement community, seeking their advice and work product on a variety of cases, including those involving claims against the law enforcement agencies themselves. Often when I work with officers, they are under the stress of accusation and attack by members of the very community they are dedicated to serve, and such stressful situations tend to reveal the core character of these officers.
Over the years, no one has impressed me more than Chief Cecil Gurr. It was a pleasure to work with him, even when the circumstances were very negative, unfair to the department and difficult for him and his employees. To me, he exemplified what a Police Chief should be. Chief Gurr was always professional, patient, responsive and cordial, even when I was making demands on his time and resources. He would courteously listen and was open to constructive suggestion, but he was not timid about expressing and standing for his own beliefs. He was humble, yet exuded the appropriate authority and strength. He seemed to be a natural leader, unaware that the strength of his own character spurred those who worked under his guidance to emulate him. It was readily apparent that he deeply cared for the officers in his charge, fiercely defending and loyally protecting them, and always looking out for their best interests. The longevity of his position of leadership and his career in law enforcement speak of his admirable perserverance to carry out his duties in promoting peace and justice against very difficult odds in our present society. In spite of the endless treatmill of the present criminal justice system, that makes most of us involved irrevocably cynical or bitter, Chief Gurr maintained his passion for justice and fairness, and his genuine concern for the citizens he served. Obviously, he retained his desire to be a servant to the point he was willing to lay down his life for others throughout his long career, and ultimately, at the end of it.
During his life, Cecil Gurr was a man worthy of respect and admiration. Hopefully, in his honor, his legacy will live on in the remaining members of the fine Roosevelt Police Department of which Cecil Gurr was such an integral part. I will not forget the honor and privilege I had to know and work with Chief Gurr. While the world will miss him, Chief Gurr well deserves to be where peach and justice reign untainted, and where he now rests from his work.
Libby Lowther
Lowther & Associates
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers in this tragic time. Chief was a good man that will be missed. We are all proud that we could have served under a good man that was like a father to all us.
Officer Mark Murphy
Roosevelt Police Dept.
As a CPS investigator I have had many opportunities to work with Chief Gurr and his department during child abuse investigations. His compassion and caring for the children were always very evident. He was a very strong advocate for the Children's Justice Centers and gave so much of his time and thought for the children of our area. We are all better people because of him and the life lessons he taught by example. I am honored to have been able to share such an important part of his life, even though it was for such a short time. The lessons he taught will not be forgotten.
Janet R. Row Child Protective Services
Division of Child and Family Services
My deepest sympathy goes out to Chief Gurr's family and all the officers that worked with the Chief.
I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to work for the Chief. He was a man of total integrity, who believed in honesty and the justice system. He treated everyone with great respect & kindness. I am saddened at the great loss of a great man!
Mary Jane Oberhansly
former RPD dispatcher
I was shocked to hear about Cecil, I have know him about most of my life. He went to school with my 3 older brothers but he and Clint seemed to be the ones at school having fun.
I remember in my teenage days when Cecil become a police officer, he would be looking out for our best interest, that how I remember him always looking out for everyone's best interest.
I live in Fresno, Ca., but was born and raised in the Basin, I have fond memories, of the area I came from, but to pick up the Fresno Bee on Sunday and have a article about Cecil, just shocked me, these things aren't susposta happen in the town I know and remember.
I was in Roosevelt in 1998 and ran into Cecil, his quaint smile told me as a woman now he still remember the child I was so many years ago.
My heart goes out to his family, this community is small but people care so very much.
May God bless you all....
Shirley Morrill
I remember the chief as the man who stopped me and my friends from throwing crab apples at the tires of cars. I was 12 years old at the most, he told me and my friends he would let us off with a warning, if we a) picked up the crab apples that made it to the other side, and b) if we promised to never do it again. He had us so Scared, Strange that I still remember that, I now live in SLC, and manage a pretty big buisness, but that is the last wrong thing I ever did, he had me so convinced he had let us off of a felony, I was so sure we were going to jail. He opened my young eyes. I do thank him for my one only brush with the law, had he been too easy on us, who knows???
When I served as U.S. Attorney for Utah, I had the privilege to meet with Chief Gurr and to work with him on law enforcement issues of mutual concern. Chief Gurr was kind enough to express his admiration for my father, Governor Matheson. Chief Gurr's commitment to public service and his community were always evident to me. I wish to express my deepest condolences to his family, his officers, and Roosevelt City. Scott M. Matheson, Jr.
Scott M. Matheson, Jr.
Chief Gurr was my friend for 25 years. I always knew him to be totally professional. He is the ONLY person I have known, who was in public life, in any capacity, about whom I NEVER heard anything bad. I taught "troubled kids", and even they never said a negative thing about Cecil Gurr. He has my undying respect and admiration, and the citizens he served are indeed blessed to have known him. "Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."
Barbara A. Smith
Retired Teacher
You are not forgotten! We will continue to do the job in your honor and in memory of you and all who laid down their lives so that we could live in a civilized society. We are stronger because of you. Rest in peace.
Chief Gurr and Family,
I am so honored to have had the opportunity to serve under your command. You are a man of integrity. I have always idolized you as you probably know. Chief, thank you for your friendship, example and support. You are a true hero. Rest in Peace knowing that your family will always be cared for and watched over by your true friends. Chief Cecil Gurr is now 10-42 for the first time in almost 30 years.
Goodbye for now my friend, Agent Brad Draper
Brad Draper, Agent
Former RPD, currently AP&P
Chief Gurr was a true " Cop ". Not many Chiefs patrol the streets answering any call that is given. Chief loved the streets and protecting the community he grew up in. He was loyal to his Officers and would do anything to protect them. Chief Gurr fought hard. He always stayed within the rules and never backed down when things got hot. Chief Gurr is a True Hero in not only his jurisdiction, but statewide. Chief Gurr will always be a part of my life. Goodbye my friend and mentor. You will never be forgotten. I will always try to serve in an honorable manner as you did. Thanks for the example and friend that you were and are. Nobody idolized you more than I.
Goodbye for now, Officer Brad Draper
Brad Draper, Agent
Former RPD, currently Parole
Chief, you have honored me by allowing me to be your friend and I am truly honored to have been yours. My family and I will never forget you and your family, thank you.
Robert L. Russell
Duchesne County S&R, Roosevelt, UT
May Chief Gurr rest in peace with the knowledge that his integrity and guidance will be evident for years to come.
You will be dearly missed but will continue to guide those you served.
Peggy Call, Crime Analyst
Salt Lake City PD
Chief Cecil Gurr was a working police chief. He was always there when a call came in. He was a demanding administrator of his officers. In the end they did him proud by apprehending the suspect without further harm to themselves and the public they are sworn to protect. Our prayers are with the family of Chief Gurr. We know he did not suffer and is enjoying the presence of our Heavenly Father. My prayers fo out to all of the Law Enforcement family to keep yourselves safe. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
Utah Highway Patrol
From all of us at the Roosevelt Police Department we thank you for your thoughts and prayers in this tragic moment. He was our leader and more importantly our friend. He led by example. He will be deeply missed by all.
Officer Mark Murphy
Roosevelt Police Department