Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Brian Timothy Strouse

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Saturday, June 30, 2001

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Reflections for Police Officer Brian Timothy Strouse

My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in southeast Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Brian did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Brian be the last to die this way.

Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Officer Strouse's family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his girlfriend Marianne. No one can truly understand the pain of our loss until they've walked in our shoes. Know that my thoughts are with you all today and everyday. Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family as well.

From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain Brian was well respected and well loved. It's apparent his "spirit" touched a number of lives. You were blessed to have had him in your life, even for a short time.

Thank you Officer Strouse for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. I have had the recent opportunity to get to know Marianne and it's easy to see why you loved her. Please give her and all your loved ones strength from above to face whatever challenges life throws at them. And if you get a chance, say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me. Thanks.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)

March 27, 2005

Merry Christmas Brian!

I love and miss you terribly.

Your lil sister,

December 24, 2004

Brian, I wanted to stop in and say that I met your sister Donna the other night at a Gold Star Dinner. What a wonderful girl. She is so supportive of other families of fallen officers and through her dedication and determination the Chicago Police Memorial will be built so that you and all the other heroes that gave their lives will forever be remembered. God keep you close to him and please say hi to my son Michael at roll call and tell him I love him. I'm sure you guys are exchanging police war stories.

Robert Gordon, father of Chicago Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Asst. Chief Robert Gordon, Retired
Riverside PD, Illinois

December 4, 2004



November 21, 2004

I remember Brian from the first time I had to testify in narcotics court. He was so supportive and helpful, he knew I was a little nervous. He made me laugh so much I thought I was going to get kicked out of court. Ever since then, I felt I had a friend in Brian. He was always nice to the "new guys" and was there if you ever needed any help. He really made me laugh. I still have his picture in my locker and a picture of his memorial mural from Pilsen. Someday, we will meet again. Until then, please watch over your fellow officers. God bless you and your family.

P.O. 012 Dist

September 27, 2004

I thank you for your dedication and salute you for your sacrifice.

A grateful citizen.

September 16, 2004

ofc strouse rest in peace

skip roberson

August 17, 2004

Hi Brian,

Just want you to know that you have a wonderful family and that lets me know that you were a wonderful person. Your parents and sisters and like family to our family (Officer Eric Lee's 08/19/04). Wish we all could have met under different circumstances.

Rest in peace and I'm sure we will meet one day.

Pat Tinnelle

July 27, 2004



June 30, 2004

Hey Bri, well as I type this it will be 3 years to the date when that waste of life took your life. I still can't believe that it has been 3 yrs. Many things have happened since you were taken away from all who loved you. Since, I have had another baby GIRL, whom I was sooo PROUD to name BRIAN-NA (Brianna). The hurt just doesn't go away even after 3 yrs. I was told it would, but I think they were just trying to console me and others. You left a HUGE gap in many peoples lives, both friends, your fellow officers, and MOST IMPORTANT YOUR FAMILY.

As I read these reflections for the 50th time I just cry that YOU of all people are on this web site, and that this is the only way of communication I can have with you. But I do thank the people VERY, VERY much for having this site up, because without this site I would have nooooo means to express my thoughts and feeling for you.

All I can say is that I still feel you are here with us in A LOT of ways. And I STRONGLY believe you check in from time to time with loved ones down here. Just ask me and your Dad with the TWO tri's that we hit at Maywood, LOL..When I am down or need advise on things I ALWAYS look up in the sky and ask you many questions, and I always walk away afterwords that I FELT LIKE YOU WERE THERE (As you ALWAYS were) answering my questions or GUIDING me in the right direction.

Well as usual I can only hope and pray that one day I will be able to see you again in HEAVEN and we can sit down and talk for hours like we used to do!!!!



June 30, 2004

Dear Brian,

well, today would have been your 36th birthday. Not a day passes that I don't miss you or think of you. Everyone says it gets easier as time goes on...I don't find that to be the case. The more time goes by, the more I am reminded of what I can't share with you.

I am reminded of all the years you won't be around and all the pranks, jokes and stories I miss. The silenced voices of your future children and grandchildren. You were such a great uncle, I couldn't wait to see you with your children, at the ballpark.

I imagined us at 60 yrs old still talking about our experiences growing up, our lives and our future.

Three years has seemed like an eternity and is still so very surrreal. It all seems like a movie and I wait for the end of the story - the day you'll show up at a family party from your (VERY extended) vacation and everything is as it always was.

It is next to impossible to convince myself this is life, these are the cards we were dealt. It seems so unfair, your time with us was too short.

Well, i guess i just needed to vent. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I love you, miss you terribly and think of you everyday. Take care of everyone up there!

Love your sis,

June 1, 2004

I remember when I heard of the falling of Brian Strouse. I was and still am upset about it. He was a fellow Marine and his life was taken in the community where I live. I felt I had to do something. So I contributed to his memorial by draping a large Marine Corps flag over his memorial. Now i'm a police officer and I use the memory of him and other fallen officers to remind me of the sacrifices PO's make accross the nation. SemperFi!


May 13, 2004



March 31, 2004

To my dearest and loving son, BRIAN: It has been 2 1/2 years since you were taken from us in such a violent manner. Many things have happened some remembered, some forgotten with time. When we first received "THE CALL" I did not want to believe it was that bad...I prayed on the way to the airport, on the plane, when we landed until we arrived at Cook County Hospital and Kathy said it was "too late". Although you had already died...we were allowed our good-bye. I lovingly kissed your swollen head. It was then necessary to arrange for a police funeral...all I wanted was for us as family, simple and personal. However, I soon learned that when you became a police officier, you became a part of a larger extended international family. For two days there were lines of people to see you that stretched aroung the block. How truly loved you were!!! People shared memories of you and seemed to leave feeling lifted of some of their sorrow,because they had the happy memories of you. At the church service, I tried to express what a short, but happy life you had lived. I talked of you from my heartfelt memories,from baby to adult and told those gathered to "carry on". Afterward, there were Chicago Award Ceremonies, Springfield, Washington DC recognition plaques each time reliving what we experienced first hand. After excessive motions, trial was set for September. Listening and learning of descriptive accounts of your final moments but not able to express our disgust and outrage. Riding a roller coaster of emotions for each "objection" throughout the trial. Holding our breath while a jury deliberated the verdict. Although the best verdict...still I know of appeals that will never really end. Brian, you would have been SO PROUD of Dad. On December 8, your assassin was sentenced. Dad was able to try to express what it means not to have you here. Dad read with such true feeling and emotion that the courtroom was touched to tears. I know the hurt and pain is a lasting hole in my heart. But now I must face head-on the reality I've been denying. I told myself I would not allow myself to feel til it was all over. However, sadly, there will always be an opportunity for appeal. How do I relive the past years to feel the intensity of all that occurred?? How do I explain to others what I cannot explain to myself?? Yes, I have happy memories...but what about a song...the holidays...especially Christmas, which you loved...even the Cubs and Bears??? Someone once said " THE WORLD IS BUT A STAGE AND WE ARE ALL BUT ACTORS''. That best expresses what its been...but now your part in the play of life is over.....yet, we will go on remembering what you taught us through your example. We will always remember, be forever true and never forget the love you shared so graciously. Always and forever...your MOM

January 13, 2004

If you wait for me, then I'll come for you.
Although I've traveled far
I always hold a place for you in my heart
If you think of me
If you miss me once in a while
Then I'll return to you
I'll return and fill that space left in your heart
Remembering your touch, your voice, your warm embrace
I'll find my way back to you
If you'll be waiting
If you dream of me, like i dream of you
In a place that's warm and dark
In a place where i can feel the beating of your heart
Remembering your touch, your voice, your warm embrace
I'll find my way back to you
If you'll be waiting
I've longed for you, and I have desired
To see your face, your smile
To be with you, wherever you are
I'll find my way back to you
Please say that you'll be waiting
Together again, it would feel so good to be in your arms
When both our journeys end
If you can make a promise, if it's one that you can keep
I vow to come for you, if you wait for me
And say you'll hold a place for me in your heart.


December 13, 2003

Rest in peace officer, your tour is over. As we continue on, please watch over us.
On behalf of the men and women of the Virginia State Police I extend my condolences.

Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police

December 9, 2003

Well Bri, now you can REALLY rest in peace with God. By now I know your in a better place and along with God on your side and you wish no ill fate on anyone. BUT I must admit, I for one was a happier and more at peace with myself on Wens night knowing that your killer had to deal with the living in the court room. Now he has his whole life in JAIL thinking what his maker is going to do to him for taking a GREAT person away from the people that LOVED him!


Justice has been done in the world. And now I can just hope to see you in the after life.Though this verdict can't bring you back it still gives us some sort of justice that we are not able to see you every day nor spend time with you as we would have without this person's acts.Please look over myself, my family and your GREAT family. And all the fellow officers who wear the Badge.

Tcare Bri, and I still miss you Soooo much. If you can, give your Cubs the extra boost, cause I know you are keepin an eye on them!!!

LOVE, Mark

September 21, 2003

Brian, we never had the opportunity to meet you personally but you are truly a hero and a friend. I have read all the great things about you and I wanted to let you know, you will never be forgotten!

Your day is here finally and I'm so thankful to God that your family has embraced me in a way that words can not describe! I will be there for your sisters, your parents and your nieces from this day forward. Together we will walk this somber walk until we get JUSTICE!

Keep an eye on Eric for me and always know how much you are loved!


September 11, 2003

Brian, I just found out about ODMP, I wish I had known about it back when you were taken from us.

I have been with my department for 20 years now, and had the pleasure of knowing Brian and his Tac team member well. On many occasions when prcessing an arrest in the 012th District Brian would always ask, "Hey Sarg, is there anything I can help ya with"... or if I ever got info about gang activity in the area I knew I could reach out to Brian, or Mike or Mark. I really appriciated it. You always made me feel like a fellow team member.

In closing all I can say to the Strouse family is I feel lucky to have known a man like Brian, as a fellow former Marine, a fellow police officer in the 012th District and as a person, Brian will always be on my mind as a HERO who was taken from us way too soon.

Sgt. Al Perales
University of Illinois at Chicago Police Department

Sergeant Al Perales
University of Illinois at Chicago


WISH YOU WERE HERE............


I continue to pray for those who have been killed in the line of duty. Thank God for their courage and willingness to serve and protect us citizens. Brian lived in the neighborhood where I am assisgned: St. William Parish. His death was felt by all here. I wish his family and dear friends peace as they continue to mourn the loss of a true hero. If I may be of any assistance, contact me at the parish. God bless!

Rev. Daniel J. Brandt
Archdiocese of Chicago

it was gratifying to see in the paper that after two years the good people in that neighborhood still remember, are affected by and regret what happened to brian. more, a number believe things are better there because of his sacrifice. he remains in our thoughts and now the trial is upon us. we will now do our duty.


Dear Brian,

30 June 2003 - It has been 2 years since you were murdered and taken from myself and all who love you. It is so hard to believe that it has been that long. There are days it seems like an eternity and days it still seems like yesterday. I still miss you so much and wish that you were here so I could hear the sound of your voice, your laughter, or just to see your smile or hold your hand in mine! To see the pain that your family and friends have had to endure with your murder, and to feel that pain and loss myself, is oh so unfair. But I know what you would have said "No one ever said life is fair". I'll give you that. But I also know that no one should ever have to experience the pain - the actual pain in the heart and soul - when someone is murdered and their life is cut so short, before they could see all of their dreams come true.
Besides all of the other sentiments I have already expressed over the years, that still remain true to this day, the only thing I can say without sounding repetittive, I Love You and Miss You So Very, Very Much! You are not forgotten.
Missing You Still and Loving You Always.
Forever Is My Love,


Dear Brian,

As with every day, but especially today - which is your 35th Birthday, you are remembered and loved. I am again sure you celebrated in your typical "Go Cubs!" style. Loving you always and missing you still. You are not forgotten!

Forever Is My Love,





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