Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department, District of Columbia
End of Watch Wednesday, June 13, 2001
Reflections for Officer Marlon Francisco Morales
Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.
Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO
October 29, 2012
Gone, but not forgotten.
Keep watch on all of us from your platform in the sky.
Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department
September 13, 2012
11 years ago... after a long night holding my loves hand as he walked through heaven's gates... surrounded by his parents, his baby brother and his only sister... many more family and friends... our Metro family... We got to be with him as he passed... something most people don't get the privilege of being present for... We came home... and I had to tell my boys that their Daddy wasn't coming home... that he fought as hard as he could and the doctors did everything they could... but he was called home to watch over us from Heaven...
As the years pass... we all have gained strength and continued our journey through life... seeing God's hand in our lives... I know Marlon watches over our family... I will continue to share his love for his family... I was so lucky to have them all love and accept me and Jeramy as their own... not many families are as generous with their love... many families are torn apart after a tragedy like we experienced... but Marlon was born into such an amazing family... He luckily asked me to join... What a gift!
Today... 11 years later... my heart still aches for the loss... Marlon will always be my hero... but not for how he died... but for how he lived... I pray that my boys will be a man like Marlon... one that is always willing to help, one that finishes what he starts, one that is honest, caring, strong, and loving, one that is willing to follow their dreams even if it takes a few detours along the way... and for Meghan... I hope she looks for a man to cherish her as I was cherished by her father, one that will sacrifice for her, one that will look for her happiness before his own... Meghan already has an amazing heart... now to get her through her teen years!
Thanks to all the amazing people that have been there for us before tragedy stuck... and that stuck with us through the ups and downs of grief and life... We have had so many join our lives to make it better! I hate to say I'm lucky... but that the only way to describe it... I'm so lucky to have an amazing family (both mine and Marlon's), my amazing friends, my COPS family, my Metro family, and all those that I've never even met but continue to pray for our family... I feel so lucky... even through the tragedy... Marlon would be proud of all of you... and I'm sure he would appreciate everyone help watching out for his baby girl as she continues to grow!! no boys!! no boys!! I will always remember the talk we had about what he would be doing as she grew up... it always brings a smile to my heart...
Surviving Spouse
June 13, 2012
rest in peace and may god bless you.
Lt. J.P.
June 13, 2012
Tonight... they had done everything to bring you back to us... we were losing you... but you were never alone... Your parents were on your right and I was on your left... holding your hands as you entered Heaven's Gates... I have no idea of how many were there waiting with us... so many in the room and so many more in other areas of the hospital.... and even more still searching for the man that took you from us... I know you stayed as long as you could... and that you were greeted by those that passed before you...
Surviving Spouse
June 12, 2012
11 years ago... I sent you off to work with a kiss...
surviving spouse
June 10, 2012
I came to visit you at the Candlelight Vigil. I was there with Jen Talman (Mogford) We talked about our times back in the Academy and at your funeral. You will never be forgotten Brother.
Kurt Dove
Academy Classmate
May 20, 2012
Rest in Peace, Officer Morales. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
February 4, 2012
RIP Officer Morales, you shall never be forgotten sir.
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
January 19, 2012
June 14, 2011
I remember hearing our dispatcher put out the call like it was yesterday. At that time I didn't know it was you, but I hoped that whoever it was would be okay. After I found out that you were the officer down, I felt like I was punched in the chest. I prayed daily for your well being and later I cried when I heard you had passed.
Today, on the 10th anniversary of your passing, I was at the memorial with your family. I shared with them my fond memories of you; how we laughed during our class breaks, and whenever we saw the "immigration" van, and how we supported each other during our academy training. I will never forget those days my brother.
You were a great friend. You always had a smile on your face, a positive outlook on life, and great love for your family. You were the embodiment of a great and sincere person, which is why you are missed by many who knew you.
You will always be in my thoughts. I promise you that, as long as I have control over it, I will come to the wall to copy your name. And I will hope that as long as I have breath in my lungs, I can be half the man you were when I knew you.
I miss you my brother.
Det. Marseilles
ACPD - Academy Classmate
June 13, 2011
I was at your memorial today. 10 years...its hard to believe. Your brother showed me photos of your kids! Your son is HUGE and he looks just like you!!! Your baby girl is getting so big and she is absolutely beautiful. We all miss you. You to this day remain in all of our hearts and minds. We will never forget you!
Det Mindy Woods (Thompson)
ACPD Academy Classmate
June 13, 2011
10 years ago you played with the kids for the last time... You kissed us on the way out the door... and then you left for work and never came home... We spoke about basketball scores... and decided what we were gonna do for Jeramy's 11th birthday... there was the dreaded knock on the door... but we had hope... You were moving your hands and feet and trying to communicate with us... I see you in the hospital and you give me the signal... my prayer are answered... you are going to be alright... when they finally get you to the room after all the tests you were able to write to me and answer questions... then you finally relax enough to fall asleep... but you never wake up... my worst fears eventually are realized... I've lost you forever... Not a day goes by that you are not thought of... You will always be a part of our lives... so much has changed in the last 10 years... Jeramy turns 21 Monday... I think Kings Dominion is not going to work this year! Josh is gearing up for college... we go next week for an overnight orientation! Meghan is Meghan... 10 years old... I wish she had memories of her own of you... 10 years... You would be so proud of our kids...
surviving spouse
June 10, 2011
It is hard to believe it has been almost 10 years since your passing. We were so shocked when our son called to tell us what had happened. You both had only been on the streets such a short time! Your Life and your passing touched so many people, especially your fellow officers. Knowing, without a doubt, that you are in heaven I ask you to watch over my son, and to intercede with the Lord for his safety, and that of all of your comrades. We pray for your family always, and keep up with their progress through our son. Your friends and fellow officers will never forget you, and watch over your lovely wife and children. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your friendship with our son. And thank you for leaving a legacy of courage and duty to those who have come after you. Jen, you and the children are in our thoughts and prayers always. God Bless you as you go forward in life, teaching your children how very special their father was.
Kathi Whitfield
Mother of a Metro Transit police officer
May 19, 2011
It was a year ago today that I last left a message. The Candle Light Vigil is tonight. I think about you often Brother!!
Ofc. Kurt Dove
May 13, 2011
Last night was Josh's Senior Prom... wow... does he look like you! You would be so proud of who is is becoming... Then Meghan had her Gymnastic's Open House! Busy day yesterday... the kind of days that you should get to be a part of... I know you wouldn't miss a second of it if you had your choice... One thing you taught me was never take a second for granted... we are never promised a tomorrow... Can't believe we are coming up to the 10 years anniversary of your passing... it just doesn't seem possible... We still miss you and I try and tell the kids the stuff I remember and the stuff I know you would want them to know and do! Like open the door for a lady!! And how proud you would have been watching Meghan at the open house...
Thanks for all the memories...
Surviving Spouse
April 17, 2011
Well... You would have been 42 today... it's hard to believe that 9 and a half years ago you were taken from us...
The kids and I still miss you and if we could make a wish on your birthday it would be that you can watch over us...
Love you... Jen
Surviving Spouse...
December 26, 2010
Today is Veteran's Day and as I checked the ODMP site for news of more fallen comrades it was your profile that was featured. Although I did not know you we are Brothers, military veterans who continued our service to our Nation. Rest in honored Glory Marlon, my brother, you have done well and served with honor.
November 11, 2010
Rest in peace, my brother....you are remembered
June 13, 2010
well... 9 years ago tonight there came a knock on the door that changed my life forever... there was so much hope that first night... I couldn't give up hope that you would always be there for us... but your time here was coming to a close...
you will never be forgotten... thanks for being mine...
Surviving Spouse
June 10, 2010
Tonight is the Candlelight Vigil. I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know that you are still by my side everyday.
Ofc. Kurt Dove
May 13, 2010
Thank you for your bravery, duty, and ultimate sacrifice. You will FOREVER be a hero and will NEVER be forgotten!
SGT Mark B. Hanna, Retired
Fayetteville, AR PD
January 30, 2010
Well, Josh turned 17 yesterday... wow time has flown by... Meghan is studying Washington DC in Social Studies in school and wanted to take some pictures to school of the monuments that she has seen... it reminded me of the trip Josh and I took to come out to visit you while you were in Metro Police Tranining... I got the photo album out for her and she has a hard time believing Josh was ever that little! So then I pulled out the photo album of when the boys and I first came to VA... and when we took the boys to all the sites! It was so cold!
You are never far from our thoughts...
Jen Morales
December 1, 2009
Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called sons of god. Rest in peace Officer Morales.
May 7, 2009
I am still deeply saddened every time I come on here and read the reflections left by everyone, especially your wife. Being involved in this case and attending your funeral was the first police funeral I had been to at the time. I wished this was the only one I ever had to go to because of how horrible I felt for your department and most of all your family. I never wanted to feel these feelings again and knew one day my own department's "luck" would eventually end. I was glad to see your children have been successful in school and are turning into fine adults. I do enjoy reading your wife's updates on them. You will always live on through your children and your memory will not fade. They know their father is a hero along with all the officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We never got to meet in this life so I will see you in the next someday. Keep watch over us and pray for all the officers that have followed behind you.
Police Officer PPD
February 14, 2009