Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Sunday, April 29, 2001
Reflections for Lieutenant Christopher Neal Claypool
Lt. Claypool will always be remembered as a good officer and a friend. I can recall one of the first times I had the opportunity to work with Lt. Claypool while he was still an officer. We worked a special detail at a local mall. While working outside directing traffic into the mall I had my car radio station tuned to a radio network that played classical music. Lt. Claypool was taken aback by this, here it was a black man listening to classical music. I could tell by the expression on his face he wanted to ask questions about my choice of music but didn't quite know how to ask. I made it easy for him and said " What's wrong can't a black guy listen to classical music?" Well we laughed together the rest of the night and on many other occasions when we crossed each other's path. Chris will be missed, he always had a kind word never making derogatory remarks about anyone. One of the best will be missed greatly.
Robert J. Connor Jr.
Police officer
Columbus Police Department
Even though I was not fortunate enough to have met Lieutenant Claypool, my prayers are with the Claypool family as they cope with this unforeseen and unexpected tragedy. May the God who hears our every prayer bestow on you his constant care! God Bless!!
Comm Tech Wesley T. Clark
Worthington Division of Police
For all of the people leaving reflections here, the Columbus, Ohio Division of Police thanks you for your thoughts and prayers. As the responsible person has yet to be apprehended, the Division would like to ask all police officers in the state of Ohio and all ajoining states to be vigilante for the vehicle that struck and killed Lt. Claypool. If you need information concerning this vehicle, please contact the Accident Investigation Squad at 614-645-4767 or the Homicide Squad at 614-645-4730. Our prayers are now, and will continue to be, for Lt. Claypool's family and that we may bring justice to them by locating the driver of that vehicle. Thank you to all of our fellow law enforcement officers for your assistance and careful out there.
You were not only an inspiration to our family, but obviously an inspiration to all those around you. We miss you very much.
Kevin Claypool
I've gotten to know alot about you thru the eyes of your son Brian, who I've become good friends with. He rides with me at work on 11 "C" Company and is becoming the man you wanted him to grow up to be responsible,loving, and full of life. I hope he gets his chance to become one of Columbus's Finest and walk in your shoes. I find it fitting and I'm proud to say that 11 Precinct C Company responded to assist and took into custody the suspect last night. ON 10-01-2002 AROUND 11 PM YOUR KILLER WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY! HE WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE! YOU CAN REST PEACEFULLY NOW AND CONTINUE TO WATCH OVER US ON YOUR STREETS!!
P.O. James H. Gilbert 112C
Chris, it has been a while since your funeral. I saw your grave marker the other day, looks nice. You live on in me. I learned about life and about police work from you. For your funeral I drove your old SRB cruiser in the procession. The car had not been used since you left for your promotion. Your spirit was in the car. I felt it very strongly. I cried when I saw the little pile of Tim Horton coffee cup tabs in the ashtray and recalled the smile on your face and the ever present cup of coffee in your hand. I was in headquarters the other day and saw a person sitting at a desk with their back towards me. I about fell over because it looked like you. I enjoyed the moment and walked away thinking about you.
The hunt for your killer remains. Someday, somewhere we will find the person responsible.
LT. Claypool,
A year after your death it still makes all of our brothers and sisters mad that your killer can't and won't come forward. We miss you very much and it is very hard to believe it has been a year. I hope god is treating such a great man like you with great respect. God bless you and your family. We will all miss you till the day that we met again we will always think of you. Please keep a lookout for us and keep us safe. Because you know that we all would have saved you if we could have.
04-29-2001---A day I will never forget. A day I felt more pain than I have ever felt. A day that started warm and ended cold. A night I will always remember. A night where I lay next to you praying, so you would not be alone. A night where I saw fellow officers drown in sorrow. And still today, almost the one-year anniversary I can still remember like it was yesterday. A day is not just any can affect all the other days in your life. God Bless The Claypool family for today is another day to remember.
Officer Justin Viau
Columbus Police Department
i miss you everyday little brother
"Go rest high on that mountain, your work here on earth is done, go to heaven shoutin' before the father and the son"
Rest in peace my fellow brother....Gods speed!!
To Lt. Claypool's Family and P.D.,
May Gods Everlasting love for Christopher shine upon you for eternity, he's on Patrol in Heavens beat now...God bless everyone at Columbus Division of police....
academy rec.Burchfield