San Antonio Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Thursday, March 29, 2001
Reflections for Patrolman Hector Garza
I'm not a police officer, just a very thankful civilian that men and women like Brother Garza put on the shield and take up the call. To all city politicians out there reading this, a very unique citizen soilder was lost last week. The next time your worried about crime in your city, have the decency to see the sacrifices made by these brave people and extend them the respect and money they should be making. I wouldn't know how to put a price tag on dedication, selflessness, bravery, and hope for a better day on these American streets.
God Bless Hector Garza, his family, and the SAPD.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen
Matthew Gatling
My prayers and sympathy go out to the family and fellow officers that worked with Officer Garza. God has chosen men and women who wear the badge to stand on the front lines against the forces that attempt to prey on the innocent and tear apart the fabric of a moral society. When one of us falls, we all feel the loss. The Lord is in control and knows when we all are appointed to "end our watch's". He is the giver of grace and eternal life and the great Comforter in times as these. I pray that His grace will comfort all who knew Officer Garza and give them hope and peace. The name of this fallen officer will not be forgotten even by those such as I who never knew him. It will encourage me to endeavor more diligently to fight for the cause that we all swore upon taking our oaths. God Bless.
Officer J.Kolyer
Rochester PD. NY
I hope that Officer Garza rests in peace. I also hope that the SAPD starts sending more than one officer on a call, particularly a family disturbance, so that we don't have more like Officer Garza.
My name is Ricky Spiers and I am a Patrolman with the Illinois State University PD in Normal, Il. My prayers go out to Hector Garza and his family. Every time we as police officers go into a domestic disturbance we never know what to expect. Patrolman Garza is a hero and I wish his family all the best through these hard times.
God bless the Hector Garza family
Ricky Spiers
Illinois State Univ PD
To: The Garza family, our surviving brothers and sisters in Blue, the residents of San Antonio, TX, and all politicians who extend their hand to the police vote when making promises:
God put a selected few, on this trying earth, to fulfill a cause more noble than any other. For 25 years, veteran officer Garza answered the call to duty, as he did the day he was killed in cold blood. He did not go to work that day to die. He did not go to work that day to surrender his life. He went to work to serve, to defend, to stand guard against those who perpetrate maliciousness against society. Do not forget him or any other officer of the peace whose life is ripped away by a cold blooded coward. Send a signal out to your very soul, that this must not be tolerated and do everything in your power to assure this does not happen again. Officers earn very little in comparison to our customers, our public. Compensate them better. Not necessarily in monies, but next time you see one, wave or smile. That will mean so very much.
If you dawn a badge and serve to protect, instill in your mind that you will not go down. Train, train, and train some more.
Officer Garza, I salute you for your heroism, your bravery, your service to San Antonio, your service to mankind. May you sit at the lap of the Lord, and watch from above, your family and brothers in blue.
Field Training Officer Mike Monico
Federal Way Police Department
Another brother lost because we have to do our job and get involved in other people's affairs. All officers who have been killed in the line of duty I salute you. I also salute the officers who put that badge on day after day knowing that it could be you that goes next. Remember to live everyday like it is your last. Spend your off duty time with your family & Friends. Be strong and God Bless the ones who walk the thin blue line.
Sgt. Lance Burnett
Plattsmouth Police Department (Nebraska)
With much regrets, I send my condolences to Patrolman Gaza's Family and friends.
Russell Ooi
What is this world coming to. We have lost another one of our brothers doing what he loved. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Officer Garza may you rest in peace.
Officer James Edison
Oregon Department Of Corrections
Please accept our prayers and condolences for your loss.
Patrolman P. Thompson
Westmoreland TN
My heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of my brother officer. May God bless you and be with you all during this difficult time....
Blessed are the peacemakers....
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Patrolman Hector Garza. My prayers are with you!!!!
Police Officer
Another fellow South Texas lawman struck down doing what he loved best. When will it ever end? May God bless our brother Hector and the family and friends he leaves behind.
Sgt. Howard L. Hawbaker
Hidalgo Co. S.O. (TX)
Your loss has been felt in all corners of the world. May God be with you and your family!
God Bless!
Investigator King
U.S. Army Military Police
Patrolman Garcia may you rest in peace. You will not be forgotten, for you were doing what you love. God bless you and your family.
Officer J. C. Sharp
ISU Department of Public Safety
May God grant Off. Rivera Garcia eternal rest and consolation to his family, friends and coworkers.
Retired Police Officer Frank A. Piloto,
Miami-Dade Police Department, Miami, Florida
Officer Garcia's name will be read at our memorial service on May 18th. Chaplain Powell
Oldham County PD, Kentucky
Officer Garza, your watch is over and our department salutes you and your tour. May you watch over the gates of heaven, as you watched over the citizens of San Antonio, Texas.
Deputy J. Allen
Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department, Texas