Jerome County Sheriff's Department, Idaho
End of Watch Wednesday, January 3, 2001
Reflections for Corporal James Brian Moulson
Dear Jim,
It's been four years since you left us all I wish it was four years that you were still here with us you are my hero and will always be I Love you
January 3, 2005
Thank you Corporal Moulson for your service. Your son will know that his father was a true hero. Watch over him.
Rest in peace.
January 3, 2005
My Brother
Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was idealistic and believed he could make a difference.
He was immensely proud of the uniform and the badge and what
they represent.
He felt privileged to be of service to his department, his
community and to his country.
He was a cop.
Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was friendly, courteous, and polite, yet firm.
He laughed and joked, but was serious when necessary.
He was competent, trained, and professional.
He was a cop.
Although I never met him, I knew him.
He had a strong sense of right and wrong and became
frustrated when true justice became sidetracked.
He felt the sharp criticism that goes with the job, but he
never wavered.
He stood by and for his fellow officers.
He was a cop.
Although I never met him, I knew him.
He longed for his family during the long hours.
He worried about them during his shifts and the lonely
weekends,holidays and midnights when they were apart.
He felt guilty about the lost time, but knew his calling
and prayed they would understand.
He was a cop.
Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was a good son, a loving husband, and a devoted father.
He was dedicated to the profession and cared about the
people he served.
He wanted to do the best job that he could and strived to
be the best he could be.
He was a good citizen and a good neighbor.
He was a cop.
Yes, I did know him.
He was a cop, he was my brother in blue.
Written by - Lt. William Smith
Cadet Greg Sant
College of Southern Idaho
August 28, 2004
thank you so much god bless you and your family.
" when god made peace officers"
when the lord was creating peace officers he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "you're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
and the lord said ,have you read the spec on this order? A peace officer has to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter homes the health inspector would'nt touch, and not wrinkle thier uniform.
they have to be able to sit in an undearcover car all day on a steakout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witness , and testify in court the next day.
they have to be in top physical condition at all times running on black coffee and half eaten meals. And theyt have to have six pairs of hands.
the angel shook her head slowly and said "sixpairsof way"
"Its not the hands that are causing me the problems,"
said the lord "its the three pairs of eyes an officer has to have."
that's on the standard modle? said the Angle.
The lord nodded. one pair that sees through a budlge in a pocket before he asks "May i see what's in there sir." ( when they already know and wish they had taken the accounting job.)Another pair here in the side of thier head for the partners' safety. and another pair of eyes in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, "you'll be alright ma'am, when they know it isnt so."
"lord," said the angle, touching his sleeve," rest and work tomorrow."
"i can't" said the lord, " I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on civil service paycheck."
the angle circled the model of the peace officer very slowly, "can it think?" she asked.
" you bet," said the lord " it can tell you elements of a hundred crimes, recite miranda warnings in its sleep; detain, invetigations , search, and arrest a gang member on the street in less time then it takes five judges to debate the legality of the stop...and still it keeps it's sense of humor.
this officer also has phenomenal personal control. they can deal with crime scenes painted in hell,coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victims family' and then read in the daily paper how law enforcement isnt sensitive to the right of criminal suspects.
finally the angel bent over and ran her fingers across the cheek of the peace officer. "theres a leak," she pronounced . "i told you thwt you where trying to put to much into this modle."
"thats not a leak," said the lord "its a tear."
"whats the tear for?" asked the angle.
the lord looked sober " i didnt pu it there," he said.
thank you agian your brother in blue.
CSI law enforcement
Cadet Andy McClure
csi law enforcement
April 28, 2004
You have a forever place in my heart, where every happy
memory, proud moment, and joy you've brought to life is
tucked away with love. I miss you dearly.
Love Forever Mom
February 15, 2004
On behalf of the Connecticut Police Work Dog Association, I would like to express our deepest regards and sympathy to the family, friends and fellow officers of Corporal James Moulson. You gave the ultimate sacrifice. James, you may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten. Rest in peace blue angel and thank you for your service.
James A. Cortina
Connecticut Police Work Dog Association
February 12, 2004
Dec. 20,2003
I am sickened that you had to lose your sweetheart
and your son, his Dad and his parents their son... and it goes
on and on. My heart is heavy with your pain and sadness. May God
comfort all those who are grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times
and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. Thank you for your service,
dedication and mostly, your sacrifice, Cpl. Moulson. We ache from
missing you.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
December 19, 2003
Thank you for your dedication, example and sacrifice. Our honor gaurd attended your services, I still think of you both often. You are not forgotten... We will all someday meet our maker, I only hope that, like you, I can say I made a difference.
Box Elder Metro S.W.A.T. Utah
August 30, 2003
I had the privilege of working with Jim and Phil at Jerome County and on the Tri County Swat Team. They were the most professional people I have known, but most of all we all shared a lot of laughs. I will never forget them!
It’s usually so quiet
Cops just drive around.
Or talk to the kids
Out on the playground.
The officers called out
To Eden didn’t fear.
Just a routine service
And then they would clear.
Things went very wrong
In a small town that day.
I’ll miss them too much
To forget what to say.
To lose a good friend
You can’t say enough.
But to lose two
It had to be tough.
Good officers both
Very gallant and brave.
We shed many tears
That day by the grave.
Three shots in the air
Taps playing loud.
I’ll never forget
How you boys made me PROUD!!
To the Officer’s families I would like to say thank you.
Deputy Connie Burrell
Blaine County Sheriff
August 27, 2003
Da Da,
I miss you so much. I started walking four days ago and getting into everything. I miss sleeping on your chest and watching T.V. with you. Please watch over me and protect me.
Love you =)
Derek Moulson ( 1 year old son)
To Corporals Moulsons and Andersons families.. I am so sorry for you loss. I deeply regret your losses. I have the utmost respect for those that serve us and and have lost a brother as a firefighter and now a friend who was also serving warrants. It is a hard road you face,and the trek never seems to get easier. It will.I wish all the best for you and yours. Your loss is our loss!
We stood in honor of you. We cried, and many still shead a few tears and will for a long time to come. We watched you honored in a way that would have made you very proud. I can see you now, standing tall with you chest out and back straight, with that cheesey grin and the sparkle in your eyes. We are so very proud to have known you. You will always be with us in our thoughts, hearts, and memories. A candle was lit for you today. You are now our guardian angle. Watch over us and keep us safe. God was looking for a hero and boy is he going to have his hands full with you. One day out paths will cross again, until then I am sending a hug to you in heaven.
Jim was my roomate in academy class #121. He was always laughing and in a good mood and loved his job and family. I wish I had taken the time we were together to be as much of a friend to him as he was to me. He was a great man and I will miss him. John Mason
Patrol Officer John Mason
Post Falls Police Dept., ID.
I know that Jim is watching over all of us now, and I hope that he know's there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of him. I, personally, miss his sense of humor and his big heart. To Jim's wife: Know that Jim will always be here in our hearts. I am proud to say that I knew Jim and that I could call him my friend. God be with you Jim......
Gooding County Sheriff's Office
My fiance, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. He died the same day you did, only two years later. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and James be the be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Corporal Moulson's family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that James is part of huge law enforcement family. From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain James was well respected and well loved. Thank you for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please take care of my fiance Dennis.
Peace, Love, Luck, and Happiness!
Jocelyne Brar (Drakesville, IA)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)
We lost an officer today. It really sucked hearing it come over the radio. You just get this sinking feeling in your stomach. He is with you now. He also was a great man and left this world doing what he loved the most. Getting the bad guys.
I stood proud as you and your partner were laid to rest, as I looked around I noticed that I was not alone in the tears I shed. Though I never got the honor of meeting either of you, however in listening to your fellow Officers speak of you I feel you are watching out for all of us carrying on our duties. To the family of our two hero's, we grieve with you and are thankful that they served honorably.
Box Elder County Sheriff's Department, Utah
Hey big guy your mom needs your help. She sure is missing you. Give her a big hug, send her your love, and set her at ease. Let her know you are ok and set her free. We will be there for her, we'll take care of her just like you would want us to. Sending our love to you, straight up to heaven. But you know that, you always knew even if we didn't agree. Later-
I love you and miss you with all my heart. I know you are watching over us and sending good things to our life. Thanks for being with me.I know you love me and I love you. thanks for being that special dad to me.
Your bud Sari (poopsie)
sari butler lipp
Carefully chosen masks I wear
As the sun shines in the sky
In the darkness my walls come down
To the night I can't seem to lie
Sorrow fills my heart
The pain is beyond belief
I want the hurt to stop
Yet there seems to be no relief
With the loss of my best friend and husband
Each time a piece of me dies
Knowin I'll never have the answers
To all my questions of why
All these feelings
Are so strong and real
Yet the time has come
I know it is time to heal
Need to move forward
Searching for some relief
For this deep ache in my heart
Is beyond belief.
I love and miss you like crazy Jim. Derek our little baby is getting so big and he has such a mind of his own. Sounds like you, doesn't it? I miss you so much. Keep watching over us always!
Your wife,
Amy Moulson ( Wife )
He shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary him;
Nor the years condemn.
At the setting of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember him!!
Happy Birthday Jim.
To Officer Moulson's family & friends,
I know it's been awhile since your loved one was taken from you but I know the pain never goes away. I lost the man that I had been married to for 8 years exactly 9 months from the day that James was killed. I was looking at the note that Dawn wrote to James Gilbert's family (his widow & I have become good friends through this site)& saw the date that your James was killed & it just struck me to look at his reflections. You are in my prayers & may you continue to find comfort & strength through God, family & friends.
Denise L. Taylor
Survivor/Calvin E. Taylor E.O.W. 10-3-01
NC Highway Patrol
I just wanted to say how sorry I am to have heard about this terrible tragedy. I lost my brother-in-law, Officer James B Gilbert, of the Norfolk Police Department, on sept 28th of this year. He died almost the same way. I was fortunate enough to have met your wife and sister a few days ago at the 2002 Police Week. It's such a shame that these senseless acts must happen to the brave few that are protecting us. My god bless you and your loved ones always! Tim Harkins
Brother-in-law to NPD Officer James B Gilbert
Tim Harkins