Wichita Police Department, Kansas
End of Watch Saturday, November 4, 2000
Reflections for Lieutenant John Eugene Galvin
I never met Jack, but last week in DC during National Police week I met two important women of his life, his wife and daughter. I wish that we didn't have to meet under such cicumstances. If these two women reflect even a little of what Jack brought to their lives, then I can say without a doubt that he was a proud, loving man. He will always be with them in their hearts.
To the family I give you my sincere condolences. If there is anything that I have learned in my husband's death it's that all things happen for a reason. I wish I could tell you why such a great love has left us, but all I can do is be your friend. Thank you for being mine.
Emily Beal
Widow of Indiana State Trooper Jason Beal
I never met Jack.
However, everyone I've spoken to has related how highly the Wichita community thought of him. He was truly a servant of the community in the best sense of the phrase.
Jack's family are a close-knit and extraordinary group, and I know he will be sorely missed. Also, his memory will live on in his children, his grandchildren and in the loving heart of his widow, Mary. Jack's police family will remember his devotion to the Force as well.
It is sad to lose an officer. It is sad to lose Lt. Jack Galvin.
Cris Franks
Jack was a very special person and good friend. His first thought was always for the good of the community. His public contact through his primary assignment as the Police Department's "special events coordinator" presented a positive and professional image of law enforcement. He took pride in his chosen profession. I am grateful for the time I had with him and he will be missed!
John Hershberger
Wichita Police Department (retired)
Jack was my father. Actually he was my daddy. I was his only girl and even at the age of 25 I can't believe he's gone. I know I was very lucky to have such a wonderful role model and a greet cheering section.
I am overwhelmed by the support that the Wichita community has expressed to my family. We so greatly apperciate all that has been done.
My dad was a simple man. He left his work at work and home was for family. He never gloated about the things he accomplished or did, to me he was simply dad. It's been very helpful to hear what his friends have to say about him. Please write with your thoughts and memories.
Abra Fowler
Jack was not only a great partner but was the true meaning of a friend. Jack was dedicated to his family, job and friends. As we all deeply miss him and feel the void and hurt in our hearts and lives, I can only feel that the people that never met Jack or those who have lost the most. I am honor have know Jack and to call him a friend and partner.
Detective David R. Peters
Wichita Police Department
Words, at a time like this, are hard to find. "Jack" was a the kind of man who gained the respect of all who were around him. He was someone I looked up to and could count on. He was a father who was strong when he had to be, and compassionate when he was needed. His grandchildren loved to be around him...their eyes would light up at the sight of him.
I remember all the good times we had and regret not knowing the good times we could've had (especially playing darts). I also remember some of the rocky times. No one else can possibly understand what it took to date and marry your only daughter. Thank you for never seeing me as a "dirtball" or "mudball".
There is so much I would like to say, but I know in my heart, that you've heard it from me already. Thank you, "Dad". I'll miss you!
Lance M. Fowler
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and your family. Even though I miss seeing that smile on your face I know you're truly 10-42.
Officer Stella Boyd
Wichita Police Department
God's speed, you will not be forgotten.
Rest in peace blue angel.
S. Yates
concerned citizen
Jack My friend it has been 2 years ago that we lost you, but seems like yesterday in our hearts. I know that each day you are still there and walking with us, and that makes it a little easier. I miss ya Bud
Detective Dave Peters
Wichita Police Dept. Bomb Squad
Jack, today, October 20th 2001, marks the 1 year aniversary of the tragic day in which the events that took place changed my life forever. In fact, it is chilling that I sit here typing at a computer...the very same as that day I heard the news that there had been an accident. Abra had called me just 15 minutes prior, informing me that she would be heading to your house. Then I received another call from her, barely able to understand her. Her voice was covered in tears and the only word I could make out was 'accident'. Of course, you and I would automatically assume that she was involved in yet "another car wreck". However, it wasn't until I calmed her that I realized the severity of the situation. For fifteen days you beat the odds time and time again; you proved to everyone that you could fight the good fight. Still, not all just battles are won. I will never forget the words a of a child who said to her father, who as also injured that day. She said, "Daddy, maybe God needed a good policeman in Heaven. How true did those words touch in our hearts. One year later, we still carry with us the offering you so valiantly laid upon the altar of self-sacrifice. Your life, will always be some part of us...I know it will be for me. Life, without you, has changed. One thing I've learned, however, is that the only constant in life is change. It is only how we deal with change, that makes us who we are. Your "twinkies" are getting big now and Riley is holding her own. You'd be especially proud of her...she definitely takes after her mother. Life has thrown us some challenges and uncertainties, but we strive on, knowing that you would want us to do so. We all raised a glass to you tonight, for although you are gone, you will never be forgotten. We love you!
SGT Fowler
BTRY C (-) 1st 161st BN Field Artillery KS Army Nat'l Guard