Beech Grove Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Friday, September 29, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer William Ronald Toney
Agreed with that about love Dee Dee for sure... 41 years old you would have been tomorrow. Are you kidding me!? Getting around to 31 used to be for me a real timid subject. Todd and you... Now though I'm good with it. Good with EVERYTHING actually. Nothing this place can throw in my direction that I'll be surprised at, scared, disappointed, or anything else for that matter. When events happen and tick-tock passes, I've became pretty numb to things. What really gets to me though is when people that are close to me go through similar situations. Then I hurt and I am saddened for them. Not because it brings things back to me, but because I love those close and it hurts to know that they feel absolutey lost. But even when things happen in others lifes, I can't interfer and tell them how they need to be or how they need to act. I tell them that this is all YOU..this all will make some what sense some day. I don't know the excact reasoning behind the only and single thing we are guaranteed here, but you will some day. Not an easy road to travel I promise that one, but you have to atleast try. No choice or you mid as well sink it. Talk to God!! He is the only One that we can communicate with that assists us to make sense, give us a closure, and stop our anxiety towards our experiences. Nothing else!! I promise... Like I always jot down, I'll be seeing you guys here some time. I would say hopefully not too soon cause I'm not done with stampping this place yet, but I'm ready whenever my number is called. Plus no control of that what so ever. I do miss you guys..SO MUCH!! And it sucks that everyone misses the used to bes and the "use-to-fulness" of everything! I mean A LOT!! Honestly EVERY OTHER THOUGHT is on you guys!! And I do mean that. That's about one of the only things I have trouble with here, is missing you guys!! Not sure I have much control over that though. I try, but no go... Peace!!
Love You All!!
Andrew 8-99
September 29, 2009
September 2000: mums, cold nights, football, Subway, little girls, happy home, great friends, love, death, sadness, pain, alone . . . faith
September 2009: mums, cold nights, football, 13 and 10 year old girls, little brother, old and new friends, happy home, love, happiness, and finally someunderstanding. . . faith
Time does not heal all wounds - but love does.
Dee Dee
September 28, 2009
Another year, Never Forgetting. Soon we all will be rejoicing with you my friend. Miss ya man.
Keith Gillion
September 28, 2009
Another September....never forgotten Bill...
September 27, 2009
Forever missed............
July 29, 2009
Dude..You and Todd HAVE to go show MJ your impression of him with that freaking Moonwalk!! Or whatever that was you guys tried to do!?!? Hahahaaaha!!! See you guys when I get there! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I can..but you know.
Peace Bros
June 25, 2009
I see so much of you in Andrew now. He is definitely maturing. Life had a flavor the protected will never know....missed!
June 23, 2009
Why still comes to has a flavor.....
June 18, 2009
Lovin' life!.....miss u!
June 14, 2009
Thought of and missed....
April 29, 2009
Spring again. Watching the kids grow and loving every minute of it. I know you are good, but I miss not being able to talk to you about things.
April 26, 2009
April 21, 2009
Bill. Pearl jam re-released the ten album. Remember the windows open candles burning and me you and dd just chilling. I miss that and I miss you. Hey you would be proud I made Sgt. And I got into Detectives. You should see the girls! They are hooping it up! Ryan really helps them with their game. Me and Deedee still hang tuff! We went to la and stayed with Amy wakeland. Come see me in a dream!
Amy fields
April 5, 2009
Bill, I still find it hard to believe you are gone. I know you are in a better place, but it's so unfair. I would love to talk to you about all that's happened since you were taken...some day.....some day....
March 17, 2009
March 6, 2009
Miss would be about correct. So MANY TIMES I want to say what's up!!
February 25, 2009
It's nice to know that I haven't been the only one who gets signs that you're around. Miss you.
January 26, 2009
Thanks for the sign. Nice to know you are there.
January 23, 2009
Listening to my "Bill's Music CD". We think of you often and miss you very much! Lots of Love!
Angie Mercuri
January 23, 2009
Love you Bill
January 19, 2009
Happy New Year my man!!...never missed
January 1, 2009
Christmas 2008....still missed....
December 25, 2008
I just want you to know that I think of you often, how you spoke some much of the City of Beechgrove and your spouse being a teacher in the city that you both loved so much. I think back of our days in the academy giving one another support and sharing laughs not to mention you always trying to recruit me...Lol
I'll never forget you...
Darryn C. Greene
Federal Agent Classmate Squad Leader 98-134
December 18, 2008
December 7, 2008
I can still hear you yelling, "Andrew!!", when we played baseball. It still makes me smile. I'll never forget that voice. And you saying to "grab the dirt" when i pitched. Thanks for the confidence you gave me. It has helped me even after the baseball years. Get me in on that game A.T. was talking about. I'll sew up right field. I'm sure in heaven everyone plays baseball left-handed. HAHA. I know that's how i'm gonna serve it up when i get there. You already know that i miss you. But i'll tell you anyways. I miss you. Sorry it took me so long to get on here. Talk to you later.
October 7, 2008