Clay Township Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, July 10, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer William Jay Hetrick, Jr.
Billy was a very good friend.We were out riding our dirt bikes together the night before the accident. Billy didnt seem to have a worry in the world. I will miss Billy very much. Billy and I enjoyed watching the WWF every monday night. Billys hero was the Rock. HE was always trying to use new wrestling holds on me.My friends and i will miss Billy very much.
Tommy Luebke
William's life ended tragically July 10, 2000, as did ours as we knew it forever. Billy was a wonderful Police Officer, the Best. He wore his uniform with pride, dignity and honor. He wanted to become a Police Officer for as long as I knew him. I always knew that he would be a perfect Officer. He had compassion for everyone, could understand anyones situation, and wanted nothing more then to help, make a difference. I dont even know if he knew how many lives he touched. I have received numerous cards with letters and comments from people who he had helped.
He had a paticular fondness for young people and was being trained in that direction. He wanted to make a difference with them. He wanted them to know no matter what they had done that they could change their lives for the better.
Billy believed in living life to the fullest. He had long talks with his friends often about living life, enjoying it, not spending time being unhappy and doing something in life that you loved for a profession. He didn't just preach it, he lived it. I know many a times these "talks" left his friends in tears. I hope they hold in their heart what he had told them and live life the way Billy had.
Billy left "heart prints" on everyone he came in contact with. He will be trully missed. I am so blessed and thank God everyday that I had 12 years with him. I also have 3 beautiful children with him, they are his legacy.
I think about him every moment of every day. He's my first thought when I wake in the morning and the last before I go to bed. Through our children his love for life and sense of humor will shine. I love him from the bottom of my soul and know he will guide us always.
Tonya Hetrick
Billy was my brother. the day he was killed was the worst day of my life. I would have never guessed him, he seemed invinsible. the news stations didn't help i turned one on really by mistake and they showed a picture of him then what was left of the car, what a horrible last sight. me and my brother we're real close, we hung out, he just moved almost next door, i would always go to the police station and bring him coffee and sit there and talk. he loved what he did and one thing that brings some comfort is that he would not have wanted to go any other way. he went down with honor. a perfect record, and he had one hell of funeral. i know he was there watching, he would not of missed it to see all the attention that he got, he deserved it though he was and always will be the best and i'll miss him dearly, but i know he is with me and always will be. his police department along with several others pulled out all the stops for him and I would like to thank them for all their hard work. all my love billy, take care of things up there, i'll see you when i get there....corrina
corrina hetrick
Billy was one of the best guys I have ever known. He wasnt flashy, wasnt boastful about his position as a police officer. He was just a regular guy. Thats not to say that he didnt take his job serious, he did. He was an exceptional cop. Even the people he gave tickets to came to like him. He was so proud to be a police officer, and he made us all proud of him. I find myself thinking of him often, I guess I always will. I wish I had the chance to talk with him one more time to let him know what a good friend he was to me and that I was proud of him.
Billy was a first class police officer. He kept his patrol car clean and looking good.attended all the police schools. Always looked clean and neat in his uniform He was a police officer four years before his tragic accident. Billy was the type of person you could'nt help but like. People would tell billy thank you after they recieved a written citation from him. Billy was a champion power lifter easly picking up over 500 pounds. He fought in the tough man contest at the toledo sports arena.Billy left three small children and a wife.Billys funeral was attended by police officers thruout ohio.It was the largest funeral ever seen in ottawa county. There had to have been over a thousand police officers and firemen in attendance. The bugle played along with the bag pipes. there was the riderless horse with the boots turned around in the stirups. The lifeflight helicopter gave billy a final salute. The toledo police motorcycle patrol was there along with the cincinnati honor guard. Im sure Billy was watching this and was very pleased to know he had so many friends.
father of william hetrick
He is still thought of often and I will never forget his kindness when it came to helping people on or off duty. He was the type of person that went above and beyond to "serve and protect". I will always remember his love of life, family, and his big heart. I will also never forget how much he helped me in my time of need, and I still miss him. Time cannot take away the emptiness, but the memories he's left are an example of how he would want us to go on.
Patty Markin
Dear Billy, It has been two long lonely years without you and although we will remember you tomorrow on the day that you were killed it will be a bittersweet day. I know that you are in a much better place than us here, but we still all miss you and think of you daily. There will never be the words to express any of my emotions, all I know is that I will never be the same person again but I have became a better person because of all of this. I have realized what is important in this life and we can all only wish that we can live a life that is pleasing to Jesus so that we may meet you in heaven. I pray for all of our family every night that they might except Jesus into their life and be born again so that we can all be with you in the end, I know there is no better place to be. I use to wish that I could have had one more second with you but then I realized how selfish that was of me, I would not want to take away that peace that you must feel for anything in the world. I have realized that there is nothing that I can take with me to heaven when I die but my faith so I try and not put too much into these earthly things that causes so much pain, I have learned that from you, all the things that you had are just material things, nothing of yours will last forever except the memories and love that you gave us all. No one will remember in 100 years what car you drove or what kind of house you lived in but I will always remember what you brought into my life and I thank God that he gave me you even though it was only for 30 short years. May God rest your soul forever and ever.
Prayer of salvation, if you do not have Jesus in your life pray this prayer and believe...."whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"(Romans 10:13)
Dear God,I know that Jesus was your son,and he died on the cross and was raised from the dead. I know I have sinned and need forgiveness. I am willing to turn away from sins and recieve Jesus as my savior and Lord. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus' name, amen.
corrina hetrick-coffman
To Officer Hetrick's family & friends,
I was looking through some reflections & say that Billy was taken from you on the day after my birthday in a manner similar to how I lost the man that I was married to for 8 years. Calvin E. Taylor was struck by a tractor-trailer while outside his vehicle on a traffic stop. He was killed instantly. How do you ever stop having bitter feelings towards all truck drivers...or do you? I was also one of Calvin's dispatchers & take calls everyday on tractor-trailers being driven wrecklessly. I share your pain knowing how senseless the tragedies were that took our loved ones. May God bless you & keep you in his care.
Denise L. Taylor
Survivor Calvin E. Taylor E.O.W. 10-3-01
TC Denise L. Taylor
NC Highway Patrol
July 10 2000 was the darkest of day for our department. We lost a fine Officer, a friend, and a brother. Things have never recovered to the way it was before that day, and it never will. Even though we carry on with our duties as you would expect us too, we still feel the loss everyday. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Bill and the commitment he had for the department. It’s hard to pass the crash scene on patrol and not feel the overwhelming sense of loss we suffered with Bill’s death. Bill was the type of officer that took pride in everything he did. There were no calls for service that wasn’t worth Bill giving 100 percent. There are no words that can explain the hole that was left in our department after July 10th. I picked up a personal item of yours that day at the crash scene and carry it with me every time I go on duty. So in a sense, you are still patrolling the roads of Clay Township. We retired your badge number 84-3 and it can never again be used without the thought of William J Hetrick being associated with it. We can erect memorials, write words, place plaques and pictures, but it will never fill the void you left behind in our department. You are missed by all and will never be forgotten.
Sergeant Terry Mitchell
Clay Township Police Department
I have met Officer Hedrick's sister online. I am so sorry for his loss. I know from experience the pain and emptiness of an officer down. My brother was killed in the line of duty Sept. 1996. He was shot 7 times. He was an officer in Greenville, SC,Greenville Poice Department. This is a wonderful tribute to Officer Hedrick.
On July 10,2000 I not only lost a fellow Officer but I lost a close friend when Billy Hetrick was fatally wounded as a result of a traffic accident. I remember several long boring nights that I had the Honor of sitting cruiser to cruiser talking with Billy about everything from current events to our personal problems. Billy always had a positive attitude even when the chips seemed to be down. I could always count on Billy to be right there to back me up on any call or even if it were just a (pardon the expression) routine traffic stop, Billy always managed to cruise or stop by. When Billy first started in Law Enforcement he would on many occasions come out and ride along with me to get just a little more experience and learn just a little more. This not only helped him but kept me company on a slow shift. I can not think of any other officer that has more pride in the job or the badge than Billy had for his. When I am traveling down St. Rt. 51 going to work I see the memorial cross on the corner of Reiman Rd. I think of Billy and know that he is looking down on me and all the other Officer's protecting us during our tour of duty. On the return trip after my shift I see the same cross at night now with the glow of a blue light and I again think of Billy and His family, I think of the good times we had together and I thank God for allowing me to return home to my family after my shift. William J "Billy" Hetrick paid the ultimate sacrifice and the only comforting factor out of this is that we can all rest easy knowing that there is one more top notch Police Officer known as unit 84-3 guarding the streets of Heaven.... Billy You are sadly missed and will never be forgotten!!
Patrolman Mike Munoz
Perrysburg Township Police Department
Officer Hetrick,
It is a year today since you were killed in the line of duty. I have been in touch with your father this past week and I just want you to know that he loves and misses you you very much. We all, those who knew you and those who never had the pleasure to meet you, but have been told about you, miss you.
We, your father and I, can understand better what each is feeling. I, too, was a Police Officer and my Step-son is Officer Wayne Leon, killed in the line of duty on June 25, 2000, in Cleveland, Ohio.
When a family member in blue loses his/her life on duty, we bond together, we need to. We are a special people, made even more special through the sacrifices of you, Wayne and the countless other Officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
I want you to know that you will remain in my prayers, as will your family. I will keep in touch with your father/family and make sure that they stay well.
Do me a favor Billy...Give Wayne a hug from all of us...tell him we are proud of him and that we love and miss him.
And Billy...we are proud of you and love and miss you too...
Terry Macias, Patrol Officer, Retired
Cleveland, Ohio, Police Department