Flagstaff Police Department, Arizona
End of Watch Wednesday, June 21, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer Jeff Adam Moritz
It was our joke...
- I'd give you a hard time when you brought someone in 15 minutes after you hit the road- EVERY MORNING FOR A WEEK.
- You would never tell me your first name.
So I gave you a fitting nick-name... "Smilin' J"
Some guys come in for the fourth or fifth time on their shift. They're tired. I'm tired. But not Smilin J. No matter how often he came in, he always had a 1000-watt grin for everyone. Co-workers, friends, or someone he had just arrested... His smile didn't descriminate- and it was contagious. Yet he was the most professional man I've ever met. Flagstaff has lost a great man.
Friend, you are missed.
Coconino County Detention Facility
I drive through Flagstaff a couple of times a year and I think about you and the sacrifice that you made. A year later we lost one of our own and I found out first hand the heartache and pain that is caused by the death of a brother. You are not forgotton. Nor are the thousands of others that have paid the ultimate price. God speed..
Det. S. Ferrell
Lehi Police Dept. Ut.
It amazes me how quickly some things change. But still more amazing is how some things will always be the same. The other day, a little over a month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night like I had been in the middle of a nightmare. But when I woke up, I couldn't remember what it was. As I sat there in the dark, trying to get back to sleep, I glanced over at the clock. It was 3:45. That's when I realized what day it was. Even though some of us have moved up, and moved on, we still miss you and think of you often. Keep an eye out for us, friend.
My friend, it has been three years and I miss you today as much as then. I will continue to pray for your family and I know you will continue to watch over those of us left behind.
After all this time, I cannot go back up to Flag and not think about drag racing with you. It's not the same with the other officers, they are not in on the joke. I know you are up there still playing practical jokes. You are still missed by all.
Lisa Kiser, Deputy County Attorney
Maricopa County Attorney's Office
Jeff, you will live in our hearts forever and I know you're looking over all of us left behind. When I was new at the county you were really the only FPD officer I knew and admired. You made a lasting impact on me and I thank you for that everyday I put on a uniform.
C Bylow
Rest in peace brother.......May the brutal criminal responsible for this murder be sentenced to the most severe penalty. May God watch over your family.
Pennsylvania State Police
Thank you.
Nicollet County S.O. Mn
It's been over 2 years and I still find myself missing you. You will always be missed. I still can't believe I can talk to you on the phone. Thanks for being a part of my life and helping me to be a better person.
good bye friend we miss you down here
coconino count sherifff
good bye freind we miss you down here
coconino count sherifff
Officer Jeff Mortiz was a friend to everyone, even those who had not yet met him. Those of us who worked with Jeff will be better persons for having known him. Stacie and the boys will always be in our prayers.
One year ago today buddy. I've seen the day coming for a long time and dreaded today. I'll always remember the times we worked together. Seems like I would ride every week with you. We had our Sundays that seemed like we were partners. Keep the watch on your family and brothers. We'll "ride" again.
Today has been one year. I just listened to George broadcast a moment of silence in your memory. Who knew that even after a year, we would still feel the sting. You are still missed, Smilin' J.
Coconino County Detention Facility