Worcester County Sheriff's Office, Maryland
End of Watch Wednesday, June 14, 2000
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff I Brian Keith Heller
Deputy Heller, may you rest in peace, you will not be forgotten and will be remembered always.
LEO wife
June 13, 2007
It is now seven years The heart has not mended The pain still cuts deep We miss you so Your daughters are doing you proud and you have two great beautiful grand babies I know your looking down on us all GOD please give you a big hug and kiss from me
June 4, 2007
September 25, 2006
Thinking about you during this holiday season, as you would be the best Santa Claus as always. We miss you very much! Merry Christmas and God Bless!
A Very Special Friend
December 18, 2005
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I know that i'm a prisoner
To all my father held so dear
I know that i'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish i could have told him in the living years
Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got
You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defence
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts
So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be o.k.
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
I wasn't there that morning
When my father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things i had to say
I think i caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure i heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish i could have told him in the living years
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
Brian really liked this song that came out in early 1988. I thought I'd post it here for him.
God Bless Everyone!
A Very Good Friend from NJ
November 13, 2005
You would have just celebrated your B-Day the other day. It reminds me of an evening that we were both working together and at the Morrisville Travern eating Steamed Clams. Oh, those were the days.
Just last Thursday, September 29, 2005 we lost another fine officer, Brian S. Gregg of Newtown Boro. I'm certain that you both are together and in a better place. Please lookover us down here and until we all meet again, rest in peace.
Detective Robert Trautman
Worcester County Sheriff's Office - Maryland
October 5, 2005
Brian and I attended the police academy together, I remember the 2 mile run each day, Brian dragging me behind him. He was always there for the team and I will miss him dearly, It was an honor and privilage to know him. Brian, we miss you here in Bucks County, Pa. and your tour will never end in our hearts. R.I.P. friend/brother
Greg DiPaolo Police Officer
Bensalem Township Police
October 3, 2005
Today im back to Pa from a vacation to ocean city md most would say as they back from there vacation that they had a great time. i cut my vacation short by 2 days because of sad news i got about a friend that had lost his life in june of 2000. that friend was officer Brian Heller. i got to know Brian when he was a police officer in morrisville pa. everyone knew Brian even the bad guys. they knew if they were caught by brian with drugs or drunk driving they knew they were done for . i would hear about a police chase going on in morrisville or falls township and could just about win a bet that brian was involved. he dispised drugs and drunk drivers he was always worried about someone elses saftey or well being.
one nite late there was a apartment fire at the robert morris apartments on bridge street in morrisville i was told later that there was a police officer that scaled the balcony of the burning building like spider man to save a child on the 3rd floor. even before i read the officers name in the news paper i told my wife ill bet that cop was deer hunter (that was his CB name) and sure enuff it was. i couldnt wait to catch up with him the following weekend to go fishing and call him spider man he just brushed it off as if it was nothing. and to him it wasnt.he just laughed.
Brian had a way with words and people. even the day he forgot to put the drain plug back in his boat and it sunk on the ramp he told me he meant to do that so he could rinse out the hull we all knew he was wrong but he made us all laugh. I could go on for an hour about all
My heart goes out to Connie and his girls it should have never happened this way.
mike carr
personal friend
August 22, 2005
Brian, Today marks 5 years that you have been gone. I was honored when your mother called me last month and asked if I would prepare a testimonial to be read at the crash site. The service was conducted today.....April and Laura are so grown. Your little granddaughters were also there. They let balloons go that read "I love You". Your spirit is very much alive. Here in writing I present your testimonial:
DFC. Brian Keith Heller…. DFC. Heller was many things to many people. He was
And always will be a…..
friend to all who knew him…….
And a Worcester County Deputy Sheriff…..Brian was one of the most productive police officers that most of us will ever know. He had such a keen sense of this job that allowed him to perform his duties in an exemplary manner…….whether it was yielding narcotics off of our streets to make our communities safer, or taking a drunk driver off of the streets so that our families, friends, neighbors, and citizens could return to their homes and be with their families.
Brian performed these duties routinely…….I can remember occasions when Brian was off duty he would find a drunk driver to take off of the street……with this being done you and I are able to be here today……Brian’s time was way too short. His time that he was here with us was meaningful, it was rewarding, it was educational and it will always be remembered by all of us.
All of Brian’s achievements as a Deputy Sheriff were accomplished because of the skill and intuition that he possessed.
The last conversation that I ever had with Brian was five days prior to his death. Ironically, I looked at Brian as we were parked next to each other and I said “Brian, you don’t worry about anything, you come out here and you get it done”. Brian just looked at me and said “Crisafulli……..I’ll worry about things if they happen”. This was a testament to his ability to be a productive deputy and keep our neighborhoods safer from the criminal element.
Five years later we remember and always will remember DFC. Brian Keith Heller.
Here is a blessing for Brian:
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may god hold you in the hollow of his hand.
DFC. Matt Crisafulli
Worcester County Sheriffs Office
June 14, 2005
Thank you for your service, sir. We will forever keep you and your loveing family in our hearts.
June 14, 2005
I come to this page often to visit and hope each time there has not been another name added. After going to in todays date in history, Deputy Heller's name came up. I read the reflections left by his family and friends and I am heartbroken. Your husband and dad was a true hero. He will not be forgotten.
Wife of LEO
June 14, 2005
The love that is displayed by Officer Heller's family on this website is a testiment to how special he really was. Officer Heller was a hero everyday, but I am sure if you would have had the chance to ask him about that he would have replied with a joke and say it was his job (according to his daughters he always had a joke). May you rest in peace and continue to watch over your family.
Reserve Deputy Shane Beener
Kitsap County Sheriff's Department
February 24, 2005
To Laura, Connie and April Heller,
My wife, three children and I vacation frequently on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and always drive from our home in Southern New Jersey, taking the ferry to Lewes and then driving down from there. When that stretch of 113 was named in Brian's honor, we noticed the memorial signs and have since then made it a point to take that route every trip so we may pause and pay tribute to Brian's memory.
This year, I wanted to search the ODMP to find Brian's page so we could leave a reflection. I hope you all know that Brian, Husband and Father, was a true hero. Although I never met him, I am certain I know the kind of man he was from reading these reflections. He would be very proud of all of you. Know that he is always with you and is smiling down upon you.
Law Enforcement was my career for many years. Although I am no longer active in that field, I will always be part of of it and promise you that our family will never forget Brian or the sacrifice he made. I have lost friends in the line of duty and pray for the safety of our nation's law enforcement each day. I pray that God will watch over you and your family as well as the men and women of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.
Ian Roberts
Retired Police Officer
Serving Firefighter/EMT
Ian Roberts
Retired Police Officer - Current Firefighter/EMT
November 30, 2004
Rest In Peace, Your sacrifice shall not be forgotten. God Bless you and your family.
Police Officer
Chicago Police Dept.
November 22, 2004
I simply wanted to write and offer some encouragement to the family of this fine Deputy. I was quite moved to read the reflections of his children and wife. I am so sorry that you have to endure this pain. I know time does not heal the wound-it just allows you to deal with the loss. Your husband/father died helping others thus he died a hero. I sincerely pray that God will continue to comfort you in the days and years ahead.
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
November 18, 2004
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Tonight, June 14, 2004 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Deputy Sheriff I Brian Keith Heller who died in the line of duty on this date four years ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Deputy Heller's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
June 14, 2004
Brian, It has been almost 4 yrs.....We can still hear your voice brother. We will NEVER forget.......
God Bless ya Brian........
DFC. Matt Crisafulli
Worcester County Sheriffs Office
May 16, 2004
The Measure Of A Man
> Not "How did he die?" But "How did he live?"
> Not " What did he gain?" But "What did he give?"
> Not "What was his station?" But "Had he a heart?"
> And "How did he play his God-given part?"
> Not "What was his shrine?" nor "What was his creed?"
> But "Had he befriended those really in need?"
> Not "What did the piece in the newspaper say?"
> But "How many were sorry when he passed away?"
> Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer,
> To bring back a smile,to banish a tear?
> These are the tools to measure the worth
> Of a man as a man,regardless of birth.
I am a better person for having known you my friend!
March 10, 2004
I remember my ninth birthday very faintly, but I do know that my daddd was there. Now i am writing this when i am about to turn 13. I have come very far from then. When my father died i denied it for some time, but this way my feelings were inside in a knot. I didn't knoow who I was as a person and I wasn't sure if I could ever come back from this shock. When I finally accepted he was dead I then had to face prooblems that have forced me to feel like I was and am growing up before I was ment to. When this stated to happen I suffered migrains almost every day, my grades and I almost frogot what my father had tought me. In these few years I have become strong thought remembering my father and trying to follow in his footstyeps and gain the same admiratiion from my pieeors. I have come to a turn for the better in my life, and I feel that I owe it all to my Dad. God bless his soul and i hope he is happy for I miss him very much.
laura heller daughter
December 1, 2003
You are not forgotten! We will continue to do the job in your honor and in memory of you and all who laid down their lives so that we could live in a civilized society. We are stronger because of you. Rest in peace.
Ptlm. M.W. Ludlow
Palmyra Boro Police Department, NJ
It has been almost a year since you have passed on Brother Brian. We all think of you constantly and we can still hear your laugh. Laura and April resemble you very much and will always keep in you in their heart and soul. You will always be close to us. I am so sorry that this fate had to be a reality to all of your family and friends. We will miss you forever......So long Brother.....We will see you again.
Deputy Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli
Worcester County Sheriffs Office
Ever since Brian and I met in 1995 we have been close friends. We've backed each other up on all types of calls for service. Brian loved to live life to the fullest and we certainly had our share of fun times. To this day, I still can't believe this accident really happened. Only a few days prior to Brian's accident, he helped me with an accident that I was handling.
I was working when I heard about what happened to Brian and I'll never forget where I was or how I felt after I confirmed the tragic news. To say I was upset, confused, and hurt would be an great understatement. I thought this can't be happening, what I am hearing must be wrong, it must be a mistake. This couldn't happen to our Brian.
There are a lot of things I don't or can't understand about this incident. I don't understand why God takes loved ones away from us like he does. I can't understand why this had to happened to Brian. I don't understand why I wasn't there to help him. More importantly, I can't understand why I didn't get to say goodbye. It just doesn't make any sense, at all.
I know Brian is looking down and watching over all his friends, family, and fellow officers. The law enforcement community lost a true hero when Brian had his accident and left us. Brian, your back up will be to you soon. I will forever miss you...... RIP
James Arthur Grady IV
Ocean City Police Department
I was my daddy's lil boy i guess you could say. I was the one who played ball, went fishing and the one who didn't care if they got dirty. (of course the bateing the hook thing kinda got me when i was 8) othe than that I was always the one who everyone had to clean up after the day was over. Everyone says I got my additude from my dad and also my bravery, he was never afraid to do ANYTHING well at least thats how it seemed to me.I liked the nights my dad took me on patroll with him just for the fact that we got to spend a little time togeather by our selves. It was hard for him to come up and me to get down there b/c after al I'm a teenagerand I do got a busy life. I guess u could say the only thing my dad and I didn't have in common is well, I DON"T PEE STANDING UP. hahahahaha!!!! that's one more thing my dad always had a joke to make everything all better and make u happy again. His favorite saying to my friend Ashley and I was you'll get over it!!! He was also a praksterexspecially with ashley and I. Well I thought you would like to hear some of my stories b/c well I was his "Family" even though he added many members of his own that I am now glad to have and share this family with. Bobby, Steve, John and all the other police officers and friends I LOVE u guys, and be safe. Remember Daddy is watching.
Love April
I knew Brian for a short time, but he made a great impression on me. He was a dedicated police officer and a fine person. He was concerned with the police family and served as vice president of the Worcester-Somerset Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 50. His experience, wisdom, and friendship will be dearly missed.
Dfc. Timothy Gonzales
Somerset County Sheriff's Office
The death of a loved one is always very difficult to deal with, but the loss of a member of the Blue family seems to hurt even more. The pain comes from doubts and thoughts of what ifs...what if I was driving en route to the call that night? what if this happened to me or my best friend? The what ifs tend to make us more alert the next time we begin our tour of duty, but they never take away the void we will forever feel in our lives from the loss.
Brian was a very dear and special man. He always had a kind word to offer and a smile to ease your complaints. Brian will be eternally remembered and greatly missed. I know that his soul will continue to watch over the rest of us forever. Rest in peace, Brian, knowing that you were loved and will be missed. God bless.
Vicky Ann Crouse
Ocean City Police Department