Austin Park Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Sunday, May 28, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer William DeWayne Jones, Sr.
Hi Dad!
I have not written on this in a long time, but I haven't forgotten. I just never knew what to say. I share it with my friends, and even with my students! I'm a Art Teacher now! I teach elementary, although I'm not that fond of it. I would rather be in middle or high school. Little kids are....interesting. Anyways, I love and miss you. I wish you were here. I often wonder what you would think about how me, Jush and Adrian are doing and what you would advise us to do. I feel like sometimes I'm just wondering through life....anyways, I will write more often!
~ Adrianna
November 12, 2024
Gone 24 years now, but NEVER forgotten.
SPO Chris Frierson
Austin Police Department
May 28, 2024
Officer Jones your name has come up in my memory several times over the last few months. Earlier this year I was in a dark place and I took an aimless walk that ended with my curiosity of the pretty area that turned out to be your memorial.
I sat there stunned that a black man’s memorial was erected in a prominent area in this state. I read about your story, you went to Yates. I’m from Houston and have friends and church members that went to Yates also. I noticed you weren’t too much older than my own father, and I prayed for your three children. I assumed they’d be about my age, and I prayed they had fared better than I had in this world.
Months later I looked you up again and found this reflections section where your children and grandchildren have left you letters and it moved me to tears.
To the children and descendants of Officer Jones, I pray you are well and I wish you a lifetime of peace, joy and prosperity. May this world treat you with uncanny kindness, your sacrifice will be honored forever.
Officer Jones I never heard your story as a child, but I know it now. You are remembered. Your legacy will live for generations to come.
Rachel Grant
May 31, 2023
You are not forgotten.
Ofc. Carlos Cuellar (Retired)
Miami Beach Police Department
August 28, 2021
Rest easy
Mark Mottola
May 30, 2020
I was an officer with APD the day your father was killed. That was a terrible day and you have not been forgotten.
Det. Bill Hancock
Austin Police Dept (ret)
February 8, 2017
Hi Dad,
I'm a Junior in college now! Isn't that weird? I have a internship, I have a car; things are pretty neat right now. I'm sorry that you couldn't be here in person to see Jush and I now, but I know you're here in spirit.
A lot of things are happening right now, with police brutality as well as citizens turning against officers. I can only wonder, what would you say about these things?
At my internship, someone says I should write about it, since I am interning at a newspaper; but I don't know. I might make a video about it. I started a YouTube channel, so it might be a good topic to talk about.
Anyways, I know it's been a while since I wrote; but I haven't forgotten about you, I will never forget about you.
I love you
Adrianna Jones
September 27, 2016
Hey Dad it's your youngest son Jushua Jones you died on my birthday..... I don't have a lot to say but I wish I could've met you before that incident mom told me a lot about you but yeah from what she told me you were a pretty cool guy lol but yea I love you and miss you if anyone wants to contact me and Adrianna which is my sister you can contact me my email is Thank you all for the love you showed towards my dad
Jushua Jones
Youngest Son
July 5, 2016
Rest in Peace Police Officer William Dewayne Jones Sr... Thank You for your Service and Sacrifice protecting the citizens of Austin, Texas.
I Pray for Peace for your Family, Friends and the men and women who now serve the Austin Park Police. I also Pray that the hounds of hell are now gnawing on the bones of the scum responsible for your murder. May his sorry soul forever burn in hell.
Senior Special Agent B.L. Sherwood (Ret)
Port Terminal Railroad Police Houston, TX
May 27, 2016
Adrianna, William Jr. and Jones Family, I am a police officer in Massachusetts. I was at a class this week entitled Blue Courage. One of our homework assignments was to research a police officer that was killed in the line of duty and tell the rest of the class about him/her. My group had your dad. We talked about him in our class today. Adrianna I mentioned how you wrote to him often on this page and another officer read William Jr's reflection. Your dad was honored at the class along with a few other officers. Please accept our condolences from his brother and sister officers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Lt. Mark Manocchio
Franklin PD
March 17, 2016
hey grand dad im your youngest grand son of your oldest son wish i grew old to meet you u before u past heard alot about you cant wait to see u in heaven love u man. save a spot for me and tha fam
Jaevion jones
November 6, 2015
With your birthday just passing, you have been heavy on my mind. I miss you dearly and I believe I would've made you proud. You were my dad in every sense of the word and I love you for that. Until we meet again...
Capt. Harvey
September 8, 2015
Some of us are trying to rename Robert E. Lee Road - William Jones Sr. Road in your honor.
We need help and hopefully we will be able to succeed. Our Facebook page is: Rename Robert E Lee Road - William Jones, Sr Road
For all those interested in pressing this matter forward and calling for the change of the road's name please join.
Nicholas Nix
Heath Fire Department
Nicholas Nix
June 24, 2015
RIP Officer Jones and thank you so much for protecting and serving in the great state of Texas. We are sad you are gone and I will keep your family in my prayers.
Citizen Sue LaHood
Omaha NE Police Dept friend
May 29, 2015
Ms. Jones, you don't know me and I never knew your dad. I am a first responder (firefighter) who often looks back on police and fireman who have made the ultimate sacrifice to serve and protect as a way to keep there memory alive. I am also a father of two wonderful children and I often wonder how they would deal with my passing should my time come. I want to say thank you to you. I can't explain why reading your notes to your dad affects me so much. Perhaps it is the simplicity in your messages. The simple things you might say to him on a Sunday afternoon phone call. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking to see the love you have for him in those simple words. Reading what you have written to him makes me want to go home, hold my children and never, ever let go. It is that reality check that I look for on a daily basis so I always remember what is important....and on this day, you have given that to me. I hope, in time, the pain will subside, the memories will prevail, and your fathers legacy will be passed on. I wish you all the best things, all the happiness in the world, and peace always. Thank you and your family for making the ultimate sacrifice, and God bless you all always.
Firefighter M C
May 28, 2015
My partner was also killed in 2000. Feels Like yesterday.
May they never be forgotten.
Agt. Dominic Polidoro #11450
Longueuil police (Quebec, Canada)
May 28, 2015
I attended the Police Academy with Jones. You are not forgotten.
Detective Tracy Frans
San Marcos TX PD
May 28, 2015
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
May 28, 2015
Adrianna, WDJ II and WDJ III,
Your father was a kind person and a great officer. I was proud to work alongside this fine man. He always had a smile or a good thing to say to others. And he always treated people respectfully, something we can all appreciate as police officers and citizens.
Ofc. Randy Hunt
Austin Police Dept.
May 20, 2015
Hey Dad,
So things are getting better. My second semester at this college is way better than the first. I have one main friend here, and she is a great person. But of course, nothing is better than at home! I don't really have much to say this time. Except, I miss you of course.
Also, thank you Investigator Scott Moore, that means a lot! :)
Bye! Love you, Dad
Adrianna Jones
February 1, 2015
Dimple, I'am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you.
When I found out about death it was April 2002 and an old friend of ours told me about it when I moved back to Killeen, TX. I couldn't believe it so I went to the library and looked you up in the news paper. I thought my heart would stop beating. I'am so sorry we listed touched. We had seven wonderful years together. I'am so proud of William Jr. I've thoughts of him and Derrick so many times over the years but I don't know how to contact them. I've visited several times over the years during my visits to Killeen. I'am still traveling and I live in Jacksonville, Fl right now. I miss you! RIP and I see you on the other side.
Your X-wife,
Willie Mae Lucas
January 3, 2015
SFC Willie Mae Lucas
January 3, 2015
I went to the academy with your father and was lucky enough to call him my friend. We jokingly called him "the old man" because we though he was old at the time (it doesn't seem so old now that I'm 46). He was a good man and I'm sorry for your loss. He is thought of often by those who knew him. God bless you and your family.
Investigator Scott Moore
Upshur County Sheriff
December 10, 2014
Hi Dad,
It's me again, that last post that I posted, I obviously was really upset, because there are so many mistakes in it! Anyways, I'm writing a essay about if we really can trust the police. If you were living to see today, you'd understand what i mean. There are so many video's of Officers killing people for no reason. It's crazy! But of course, thinking of Officers, made me think of you, so I had to get on here! Also, I see that your grand daughter has wrote something on here. If you see this, your email isn't showing up. But, if you want, you can add me on Facebook...or twitter. my Facebook is the first 4 letters of my name, then my last name. Then my Twitter is AdriJ254, so yea.
Love you Dad!!!! Miss you, even more than ever...I really just miss home in general...It's not that I hate college, it's just that I'm alone. Killeen is like 4 hours away from where I am. It sucks. Plus mom has a job, she can't come and get me like i would like. I really don't want to let her down, so I'm sticking through with it, I just wish it was closer to home...I just cant wait for CHRISTMAS! oh my goodness, I have a month off, so i'll be watching Jushua go to school, and i'll be like 'Yup, I get to sleep in' , but yeah, that's whats going on in my life. It's bitter-sweet really. But , let me go back to his essay, and I'll talk to you later.
Bye, Love you!
Adrianna Jones
October 20, 2014
Sorry I didn't leave contact info
grand daughter
September 4, 2014
Hey I'm your oldest grand daughter and I didn't know much about you, but I found this page in search of family I don't know. So any aunts, uncles, cousins that come on this and see my comment contact me.
grand daughter
September 3, 2014