Long Beach Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 30, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer Daryle Wayne Black
Deputy Black.. my reflection of this man is one from a PC jail cell. Was 18 years old scared but held it in and hid it and acted like a gang member trying to be what I should of never been. One day a deputy caught me writing on the wall and he pulled me back out.
I'll never forget what he asked. .why did I write on his wall? As we were taught I ignored him and instead of being aggressive and retaliate for my incorporation he actually stated smiling and sat on the stairs with me. He went on to tell me story's of himself and opened up to things I think no officer would or should but he did and then looked at me and said now I know and see gang members on a daily but you my friend are not one. .. he told me so many things I would be and a life i live if i would let him help me. Unfortunately at a young age stubbornness and ignorance are blinding . A month later during chow call I chose to get into fight and as the deputies broke it up one deputy grabbed me and pushed my head strait towards the bars I knew I was about to get busted open and roughed up. But that moment never came as all I remember was a big black dry hand coming between my face and bars and hearing his voice tell other deputies he will take this one. Even after refusing his help he still came to save me. ..after that I finished court and went on to prison and went in and out for the next 25 years. I always asked ocj deputies about him no one said anything .
One day in my sleep in a cell a old ocj deputy now Sgt woke me and said " you were the kid Black try to help huh? " I said yea and he said well there is a message for you were he explained what happened and that my story of being raised and abused in long beach boys home and orphanages led Black to Long Beach. When he told me what happened I cried and didn't care who knew. This is a man with the most humblest heart and wish I had a father like him. Now all these years later I realize just how right he was and how he actually was trying to save my life. I love you officer Black ,your truly one of few people this orphan had who cared. I would trade places with you in a second but I know your where God needs you. I still struggle and not where I should be but I am working have a home of my own and been free for ten years now. After your news of death I made a big decision I took your advice and I left my gang and believes. I couldn't be apart of people and organizations that took a life of a Angel . I miss you . Over the years I have had a few situations I should of been dead ,locked for life and souch more but something way out of the possibility of life happens. To this day I believe u r my guardian angel. .. I hope I can make you proud and know I think of you all the time . God bless his family and friends and fellow deputies.
Ex- Con
California prison inmate
August 30, 2024
When I first heard about you from my dad I was too young to understand the importance. It's only once I got older that I even remotely began to understand how much a friendship like yours would mean. Your band is still one of the only things my dad still wears every day. When I heard the radio call later it was one of the first things I'd heard in my adult life that sent chills down my spine. I only hope that I can live up to the example you set, and make friends as deep as the ones someone of your strength made. Rest in Peace, and thank you.
June 27, 2024
Hey Daryle! This time of year you are on my mind friend! April is and always will have a lot of meaning to me. Things are going well for me, but I know you know that as you look down! I promised you I’d never forget and almost 24 years later I haven’t. Looking forward to the day we get to reunite. Keep an eye on us down here brother!
April 16, 2024
Darryl, it’s Veterans Day, 2022. You were a veteran. Rest easy, brother.
Sgt Al Sevilla, retired
Orange County Sheriffs Dept
November 11, 2022
Bless you Daryle. Thank you for your service to our country. Rest easy.
June 9, 2022
Daryle you are missed by all your blue brothers and sisters
Dianna Anderson
Long Beach Police Department, retired
April 29, 2022
Brother you are not forgotten. I will always remember you!
February 19, 2022
You are another year older!!! July 31st!!! Give Mom a hug!!!I did a couple of things to celebrate you today!!!!
Happy Birthday in heaven Daryle!! Forever loved and missed!!
Karen Black
July 31, 2021
Semper Fi
Lance corporal
July 4, 2021
Still remember you the first time I met you in the downtown briefing room, your a good man. Although I was never a close friend I remember what a great guy you were.
DWM 9520
June 3, 2021
Thank you for your service, military as well as police, and please know that your sacrifice is one that will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren. Rest in peace always.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
April 30, 2021
Still thinking of you Big D, last time I left a reflection was 2017. But you are on my mind almost daily. Thank You for everything. Thank You also Ricky for getting you guys off the X.
R.T. Hunter
April 24, 2021
Thank you for your sacrifice and selfless service to our country and our community, thanks to your family that had to endure your departure but supported you through your career goals. Thanks to all the peace officers who everyday go out with the purpose of protecting the public. God bless you all.
Jaime Ramirez
Community member
October 19, 2020
Thinking of you my friend and Marine brother. I will never come to terms with what happened. You will forever be in our hearts. Semper fi, Jarhead. We will meet up again.
Sgt. M. Valencia
Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department
October 5, 2020
Shaun Lally
April 30, 2020
Officer Black, on today the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just for your Community but for our Country as well when you served with the USMC. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!
A fellow LEO;former Marine
United States Border Patrol
April 30, 2020
Daryle... 20 years man... and not a day goes by that I don’t think of your kindness, patience, and dedication to those around you! I can remember long phone calls asking you for advice and picking your brain about life. You never turned down a phone call or led on that you were too busy to chat. From the ride alongs you gave me to the support you provided me starting the academy.
Life doesn’t always end up the way it should, but I will always be thankful for you and every aspect of your friendship. You are an original, unable to duplicate and now an angel watching over us.
Daryle every year on this day I reflect on your legacy and it never fails to make me smile. One day we will see each other again and I look forward to that reunion! Your memory will never fade and I promise that I will celebrate you as long as God gives me a breath to breathe.
April 29, 2020
Miss you Daryle
Karen Black
Baby sister
April 17, 2020
I remember our time at the Central Jail as Orange County Deputies. You were always a very imposing figure due to your size and stature. Rest east, my friend.
Sgt Al Sevilla, retired
Orange County Sheriffs Department Station 18
October 28, 2019
The first time I met you Daryle, I was on a ride-along with two friends of mine I grew up with in the Wrigley who were partnered and in the gang unit. They backed you and your FTO up at a flea bag motel 1020 block of E. 7th street. You two pulled over a car with bad tags, two semi bad guys and a bad girl (alleged working girl). After your team towed the car and everybody was sent to go 'Kick Rocks!' your FTO said, You and I talked.
My two childhood friends who I rode along with were commiserating about some internal cop stuff with your FTO and you and I got to know one another. I told you I was 'thinking' about applying to to Ca PD ( I was home on leave from the Army) and that I attended 9th grade at the Catholic HS down the street (St Anthony) and hated it! I told you I hated private school ( I attended Catholic elementary and middle school). I also told you I wanted to attend HS at Poly with my two childhood friends I rode with and i got myself kicked out of St Anthony on purpose. You chuckled and said "your parents must've been disappointed." I said "And then some!" That's when you told me you were a former Marine and OCSD lateral, You wanted to work the street and you said If I didn't want to work in a jail for a few years I should go PD after the Army.
My two friends and I left and I said," what's the chance of Daryle making it to your PD?" One of the two latereled from LASD three years prior and he said "Daryle is good people, he's smart, he's on point and he'll make it, hell he'll be our boss one day." That was a big impression on me.
The second time I met you was in 1997. You were in the Gang unit, I don't remember who you were partnered with you I was with the same two friends. We were at Super Mex on Atlantic. I remember when You saw me and you gave me a great handshake and a hug. You asked if I was applying, I told you I was staying in the Army. I was now with a unit that was going to be awesome and I was travelling all over. Then you and I talked as my two pals talked with your partner. When we all left after a great meal one of my pals said "Daryle's gonna be chief one day, at least a commander.. He's the criminal whisperer and the citizens love him." That made an impression on me. Really did. That was the last time I saw you and I remember that smile and you told me to be safe out in the world.
I was in Nigeria helping train their troops in April 2000 when your final 'end of watch' happened... I didn't know, until two weeks after, I received a letter from my mom and my two friends sent a note with my Mom's letter telling me you had passed. My friends note said "we lost a good one bro." I remember thinking, the world lost a good man... Over the years in the army (11B 1985-2009 18C retired) I have lost many friends mostly fellow soldiers. Especially in the years after your death. Our country at war, as you know Daryle, I know loss. It's a stab in the heart to lose someone. I know we had two meetings but I felt that I really knew who you were. What you were about... What you were trying to do... I read what ex cons and some 'sorta bad' people had to say about you here. Your fellow officers and classmates and Marines... You're devoted family... How they remembered you. I was not wrong in my assumption..
This is the first time I have written on this memorial about you but over the years. I am so proud and appreciative in meeting you. I understand your humanity Daryle.
I married for the first time 7 years ago Daryle. I have two twin daughters and I took them last week to your park when I was visiting my mom and sister in the Wrigley. My two five year- olds asked their 52 year old dad, "Who is this big policeman Papa?" I said "that's a great man who the people in your dad's hometown loved and respected." I said "their uncle's (the two gang detectives who introduced me to you) fellow officer and friend/brother. My friend." Over the years, I visit your park and leave flowers and say hello. Sit on the bench and drink my coffee and just appreciate knowing you.
I live in Tucson now, My wife is employed at the U of A Medical Center and I'm officially retired and a house dad/hubby. I drink my coffee in the AM in the garage and when I see the picture of my two baby girls sitting on your bench with their arms around one another and you. I smile and I am so glad to have known you.
RIP Daryle and I'll see you when I see you 'Battle'.
A former Wrigley resident
August 5, 2019
I still think of Daryle quite often. I only knew him a short while when we went to college together. I posted back a few years ago and as I read the reflections I can't help but cry some. I read Karen's words to her brother and it breaks my heart all over again. I can still see Daryle carrying his jug of water everywhere he went and hearing him tell people about why his speech was a little off because he broke his jaw, I think wrestling. Anyways, it always hurts me when the good people are lost. This was such a good man. He knew what he was facing too. He knew the gangs were after him but he did it anyways. That is bravery and courage at it's finest.
DannyV E-4 USN,
College classmate
May 14, 2019
Dear Karen and family of wonderful wonderful human Angel , Daryle!! When he was an officer he and another protected / watched over me.. from wrath of a homophobic, A racist , meth dealer..
It was a very scary time for me. Life-threatening .... I was at Daryels memorial..I wore a navy blue sport jacket. I taped it takes nine on my back acknowledging Darryl and what he did for just little old me
His BIG LOVE is felt strongly in my hear,,, treasured
Citizen / just a person living my life
April 25, 2019
Really missing you Daryle. ❤
Karen Black
Baby sister
April 18, 2019
Merry Christmas ( in heaven) Daryle. I still miss you. I miss your phone calls to say Merry Christmas to Mom. You and her have been celebrating the past couple years together in heaven. Give her a BIG hug for me and Jason.
This year has been emotionally rough for me, at times it feels like it was yesterday or today.
Love you and miss you. Merry Christmas my little big brother!
Karen Black
December 25, 2018
I was on duty the night Daryle was murdered and arrived at the scene shortly after he was shot. Daryle was a really great guy. He passed away surrounded by a number of his fellow officers who cared about and respected him deeply.
Sgt. Tim Ferrill
Long Beach Police Department 1979-2006
June 23, 2018