Los Angeles Police Department, California
End of Watch Friday, March 17, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer III Louis Villalobos, Jr.
15 years ago we said "see ya till next time" to you. Today, I dig through a file cabinet lookng for "To Remember Me", a reading from your service. It will be read at my best friend's daugther's funeral on Saturday. We lost Christie at only 28 years old. She will help over 200 people by donating.
Because of you, other people have lived. What I wouldn't give for one more drink with you at the club.
Retired PSR Laura Montague
January 28, 2015
Hey Louie. I hope they stocked up on Tabasco for you. Just a note to say you are never forgotten. Some great memories while working with you.
Retired Sgt. Beth Heim
LAPD co-worker METRO
June 8, 2014
Thinking about you and all our American veterans this Memorial Day, brother. Rest In Peace. We got this down here. See you again some day. Proud of your son Jacob, who I haven't seen since he was a little boy at the funeral. We did get together in Fullerton on the 14th anniversary of your passing. I posted it on FB but I guess I forgot to post it here. We do it every year. Good time and Al behaved himself.
Retired policeman Sammy Zavala
May 26, 2014
Well, it has almost been a year since I have been an LEO. I am proud and love the path I have chosen. Please give me your courage and strength. I hope you are watching us.
Your son
Patrolman J.Villalobos
Rocky Mount PD. Son
March 17, 2014
God bless you Louie,
From the comments here, and those expressed elsewhere, you are not forgotten, but truly missed! Some of us have even been retired for some time. I know, I can feel you laughing up there looking out for us! Our Unit lost a little something when you left us!
Rest in Eternal Peace, old friend! We all certainly miss you!
Love Always!
Retired Police Officer Todd A. Rheingold
LAPD Metro Division, SWAT
March 14, 2014
Congrats Jacob......I'm sure DAD is very proud of you!!! I miss him soooo much!!!!!! Please be safe my lil bro. Love Christina Villalobos!!!
Christina Villalobos
Daughter of Louis
August 17, 2013
Although I never met you, your are a lost SWAT Brother. I know your looking down and can see your son has recently graduated from BLET and were happy to have him serving here in the Rocky Mount Police Department. He seems to have his head on straight and at his young age I'm sure we can mold him into something special.
July 12,2013
Cpl. Mistretta
Cpl. K. Mistretta
Rocky Mount Police Department
July 13, 2013
Hey Bro,
You are on my mind as usual, this day particularly. Got a call from Sammy, Nick, Al, Jimmy last night at O' Dark Thirty. They were having a few to your memory. Living so far away now that is the only way we can "get together" to honor you. You are so missed. I know you never liked attention so this would embarrass you but all who knew you still think about you.
Side note, Jake, I noticed that you left a note to your Father. I haven't seen you since you were a small boy at your Dad's funeral. Your father is proud of you, watches over you and protects you. He is in you and makes you who you are. I am sure you are proud of him but remember to be your own man. I knew your father very well. I am sure that would be his message to you. Lastly, be safe Jake and take good care of your sister.
Len Mora PO-III
March 17, 2013
I remember the fun we had on the set of the first Die Hard movie at Fox Plaza. That was followed shortly by the hostage incident in the same building in May of 88 where the first thing that you said to me was, "What's this? Die Hard Two?" You took me into the SWAT van and introduced me to everyone while you were getting set up. Later, when SWAT Officer Randal Simmons was shot and pronounced the first SWAT officer killed in the line of duty, I said to myself no he wasn't. You were a good person. Sorry that you couldn't be here with your family.
Bob Beberfall
March 17, 2013
13 years, man. We're still here and getting older. We toasted you tonight several times. Miss you. Rest in peace.
Retired policeman Sammy Zavala
March 17, 2013
Thank you my Uncle for the life you led and giving your life for what you believed in. My two brothers and I have little, but cherished memories of you. I know now that G-pa n G-ma are alongside you in heaven.
ABH1 Reyes, Brandon
Nephew. USN
February 20, 2013
I did it dad...
January 21, 2013
Well, we tore up TGIF last night in your memory....prairie fires, bagpipes, and the Marine Corp Hymn. Rest In Peace, bro.
Retired policeman Sammy Zavala
March 23, 2012
12 years gone, brother. Miss you a lot. Forever young......
Sammy Zavala, retired policeman
March 17, 2012
Thank you for your service Sir, RIP
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
March 17, 2012
Lou, still think about you everyday. Always will. You are loved and missed by all. See you on the other side when we partner up again in the next life.
March 16, 2012
Rest in peace Officer Villalobos, and may God continue to comfort your family.
December 5, 2011
Rest in Peace, Officer Villalobos. Your sacrafice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
May 22, 2011
eleven years. You are still missed and always will be until that time when our paths will cross again.
Up and down that road in our worn out shoes,
talkin' 'bout good things and signin' the blues
You went your way, I stayed behind
We both knew it was just a matter of time
Peace Bro.
LM Police Officer III
March 19, 2011
11 years, bro. We all miss you badly.
Sammy Zavala, retired policeman
March 19, 2011
It has been years since visiting this site although I think of you often. So many memories Lou which is what keeps you alive today in so many hearts and minds. Say hello to Choquette for me.
Sgt Dave Reynolds
LAPD (rtd) Friend & Partner
December 28, 2010
Your Dad still lives on in the hearts of all of us who knew and loved Him. God bless you and all your family.
Police Officer III L.M.
May 30, 2010
I know that celebrating my father's birthday was not a big deal to him, but that never stopped us in the past. So I want to remember him on this day and raise a glass to his memory, as I know those closest to him are probably doing right now.
I miss you so much daddy.
Stepanie Saavedra (Villalobos)
May 22, 2010
Policeman Villalobos - I was part of the team which put together your funeral. I also did the research for your history. Somehow, someway, it accidentally ended up in the paper and cost almost $1000. The story of your career with our department was worth every penny...it's worth even more. You had been involved and played an active role in almost every high-profile LAPD SWAT incident since you were selected to D-Platoon.
The funeral, at Green Hills in San Pedro, was a big one. I can still recall the steely-eyed, sharp, Marine Force Recon members you were training that fateful day being there among the thousands of regular and outside agency SWAT cops.
The man who recieved your transplanted heart is only part of your legacy. Your family was most unselfish and shared you with so many others in need. Your vital organs went forth to grant a better quality of life to so many. Your corneas helped someone see. Your skin gave grafts to burn victims. Your bones helped the crippled walk or stand taller. You live on, in so many ways, ten years later.
Thanks for your service to both our Nation and to the people of Los Angeles. may God grant you eternal rest and may His perpetual light shine upon you.
Chief K. Moreland (Ret. Sgt.)
Palmer Lake, CO PD (Ret. LAPD)
April 20, 2010
Taken me a while since the 10th anniversay of your leaving to post this. Some of the boys got together to toast your memory. I couldn't be there given that I live so far away these days. Your beautiful daughters gave me the honor of giving the eulogy the day the world said goodbye to you. I'm printing it here to commemorate your life. I love you Brother.
Lou Villalobos was either a son, husband, father, grandfather, brother, mentor, partner or friend to most of us here. And it is because he was all these things to us that we are gathered here today to honor him. I have been asked to speak to you about the personal side of Lou, something apart from those memories of Lou Villalobos, Police Officer. Those of you who know Lou would agree that it is not an easy task, for being a cop was so much a part of his life.
Over the past few days we have had a chance to reflect on our experiences with Lou and how knowing him has affected our lives. Some of those memories brought us laughter and happiness and some brought tears and sadness. And this is a good thing because we will need each of these emotions to deal with our loss. Tears and laughter are part of the healing process and help us to mourn and mend. They also give us the strength to carry on.
And Lou was certainly all about strength in difficult times. It was his inner strength that carried him through the battlefields of Viet Nam. It was his mental toughness that carried him through nearly 30 years of protecting and serving the people of Los Angeles. I first met Lou back in the 70’s when we worked at 77th Street Division. A short time after my arrival there we began working together. Or as he once said years later when correcting a mutual partner, “I didn’t work with Len, Len worked with me.” Lou would want me to keep the record straight.
The other day Lou’s daughter Stephanie referred to him as “my at times larger than life father.” Stef, he was all of that. Lou was certainly that when I met him and he remains so to this day. But there was a difference in that quality now from then. The Lou I met long ago was daring, brash and bold and sometimes a little reckless. That is not to say that Lou lacked those traits in recent times, it was just different. It was as if the fire had been tempered by maturity and experience through the years. We had dinner together a couple of times in the weeks leading up to his accident and talked about how things were going in our lives. We had definitely become more introspective over the years. I mentioned to Lou that the respect he had within the unit was obvious to me. I could see it in the eyes of the younger officers when he received the Medal of Valor last year. Lou believed greatly in honor, tradition, humility and giving people the respect they deserve and he tried to teach the importance of these things to everyone. I believe the sum of these qualities, coupled with Lou’s tactical expertise is his legacy to the department. When I mentioned this to him his reaction was one many of you are familiar with. He just gave me that big easy smile, looked down and waved that famous digit in my face, for Lou was never one to accept a compliment easily.
Those of you he trained now have the task of carrying on without him. I heard someone mention not wanting to go on call outs without him. That would not be what he wanted. Do not forget the lessons he taught. And do not try to be Lou. He wouldn’t want that either. He would want you to be yourself and when appropriate to incorporate some of the lessons he taught.
These lessons in honor, tradition, humility and respect were also passed on to his family and friends. They were demonstrated in the countless favors Lou did for all those close to him. A place to stay in difficult times; a strong back to help with a move or a home project. My personal experiences with Lou include his numerous visits to my father’s bedside when he was hospitalized by a serious injury, donating blood on each occasion that he was allowed. He was part of our family and our table will always be a little less complete without him.
To Lou’s children, please remember that none of us parents are perfect, but we do try to do the best for you. In the future, when times are difficult try to remember these words. I recall them when I am faced with the difficulty of missing a departed loved one. I don’t know where I first read them but they never fail to comfort me.
“If I should leave before you, do not worry. I have gone to a place you cannot see and I am waiting. Waiting for the time when we are together again. Until then, live life to its fullest and when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart; for I will always be there.”
Police Officer III L.M.
April 13, 2010