Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Leslie Dean Keely

Flint Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Friday, September 24, 1999

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Leslie Dean Keely

Never have I laughed so much or been so touched by another human being. You were one of a kind, and the city needed your laughter. Les you will be missed more than you will ever know. I don't think that any of us, knew how much we would really miss you. But i know that none of us who ever knew you will ever be the same. Rest in Peace my friend and keep warming us with your smile.


Les, We met about 10 years ago and spent a lot of midnight shifts laughing. We will never forget all the times you were at kountry kettle saving the waitress's from every kind of drunk idiot in flint. No matter what all those nights brought you allways brought with you a kindness and smile that no other police officer i know ever had.Every time i think of you i smile and laugh out loud,thats the kind of guy you are. Special, I think God took you home because he needed to smile too.We miss you and think of you often.You have left this world and it just seem's a little colder and sadder. God bless you (lester) See you soon Steve and Kristy Diekema

trooper steve diekema and family
michigan state police

Rest in peace, Les. You will never be forgotten.


This poem was sent to me and I couldn't help but think, as Les has proven, how true; how true.

If I knew it would be the last time

that I'd see you fall asleep,

I would tuck you in more tightly

and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time

that I see you walk out the door,

I would give you a hug and kiss

and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time

I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,

I would video tape each action and word,

so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,

I could spare an extra minute or two

to stop and say, "I love you,"

instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time

I would be there to share your day,

well I'm sure you'll have so many more,

so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow

to make up for an oversight,

and we always get a second chance

to make everything right.

There will always be another day

to say our "I love you's,"

And certainly there's another chance

to say our "Anything I can do's?"

But just in case I might be wrong,

and today is all I get,

I'd like to say how much I love you

and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,

young or old alike,

And today may be the last chance

you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,

why not do it today?

For if tomorrow never comes,

you'll surely regret the day.

That you didn't take that extra time

for a smile, a hug, or a kiss

and you were too busy to grant someone,

what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,

and whisper in their ear,

that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say, "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me,"

"thank you," or "it's okay."

And if tomorrow never comes,

you'll have no regrets about today.


Les was my uncle. He died in the line of duty. Now there is a hole in me and nothing can replace it until I see him in heaven. I loved and still love him dearly. I am very sad and I will be for a while. He has a lovely grave area. It looks just like a fairway-just like he would like it. I never can remember when Uncle Les wasn't happy. I have read some news articles-lots of times and I will read them many more times. I feel like I could just tear apart the person my uncle was chasing. I would give all of the money in the world to see him again and to not have had him die. He was the most funniest person I knew. I just can't stress how much I love and loved him. Words can't expalin how I loved him. He would make a friend with lots of people. The I.M.A. has two lovely memorials for Uncle Les. One is Keely's Korner on the outer ring of the ice where the Flint Generals play. Another is in the officials locker room. He used to be in the penalty box as a policeman. There is a plack and if you go farther into the locker room you see a wonderful picture sketched in pencil. I miss him. He will never be replaced in my heart and I think we will always be in his heart too.

Bravery, Kindness, Helping, Practicing--That is a job of a Policeman

Funny, Loving, Helping, Kindness and more that is what a perfect uncle and father is ....
Put them together and you get Les Keely.

Nicholas Auwaerter--October 16, 1999

Les, I still can't believe you're gone. Everytime I see your picture in the hallways, I stop and reflect. I reflect on all the good things everybody says about you and the stories we still tell. I can't help but notice that even though you're gone, you're still bringing smiles to everyone's faces as they remember you the way you were.

God Bless you Les, and put a good word in with the Big Chief for all of us!! I miss you!

Ofc. Amy Rogers
Flint P.D.


I just want to thank you for all your laughter in the can be a really stressful place as you know, and it really helped to have you around to make us laugh for so many years....I also enjoyed meeting Darlene and finding out that she was your sister....what a small world....I will certainly never forget you....

Marcia Morris
RN in Hurley Emergency Room


Well Les I needed to talk to about some union issues. You were trying to get me involved in this union and you win, I'm in. What enjoyment I got out of our talks we had when we would meet, behind the 911 center, on the surface lot downtown or anywhere else. Each time I go to the spots where would meet and talk I think of you and the inspiration you brought me on how to keep a positive attitude.

I have been looking after the family for you as much as possible. I call almost daily to see if there is anything I can do. Lesa, Blake and Amie were over on Saturday. We went to the pumpkin patch, rode the hay ride, blake and michael both rode on a the ponies. We all came back to the house and made some home made pizza. I wish you could have been here to see the boys playing. There is not much that happens that don't make me think about you.

I just got a card from Lesa today. We have formed a good friendship with her, Blake and Brandon. I have done this because I know that you would have done the same for me if our roles were reversed. I will continue to help them with any of their needs, And I will fix the back yard in the spring just like you and I had planned.

Les, you are one of those people in a persons life that has changed the way I will act and treat others. I will keep things in perspective and when they start to get out of hand I will think of you. I know that you are watching over me and all the others that knew you well or not so well. If you are tending to the water hose like Chaplain Smith said remember Dallas and I this winter when it gets cold and keep the snowmobile trails white for us. Until we meet again.


Officer David Forystek
Flint Police Department


I, like many others will miss you and your presence at the Police Department. However, I feel joy and confidence knowing that you are with the Lord, resting and I'm quite sure laughing as well. Now someone else will have to take over the role of Computer Golf master in the Union office!

Go with God brother and I look forward to seeing you again someday.

Ofc. Matt Purcell
Flint Police Department

Les, my brother, I miss you more than I can say right now. Although, I know you're in a much happier place. I guess you never really know how many lives you have touched until you're gone. We're kinda lost in the office right now without you, but we'll make it. Send some sunshine our way if you can. I'll send some prayers up if you could deliver 'em for me. We love and miss you.


Ofc. Keith Speer (Tank)
Flint PD

Les, You made me laugh like no one else. Thanks for being a part of my life.

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts, that hope always triumphs over experiance. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Tell Dunning I said Hi.

Ofc. Gail Cotter
Flint PD

For those of you who knew Les, you know exactly the sense of humor that he always demonstrated. Just two weeks prior to his death, he had the misfortune to respnd to a domestic complaint involving an off duty officer. During this confrontation Les was fired at by the off duty officer. After the incident was over and Investigators arrived, Les always thinking, realizing what a traumatic event that he had just gone through comes up with the idea this is the perfect opportunity to take a stress leave. Until upon reflections he realizes and states " Oh man, I've got the next four days off." He laughs, and walks away. That's the last time I saw Les, I'm thankful his making a joke out of a serious situation was the last memory I have of him.

Sgt. Rick Warren
Flint PD

This is the beginning of a new day.

God has given me this day to use a I will.

I can waste it, or grow in its light and be of service to others.

But what I do with day is important because I have exchanged a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever.

I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it.

Les, you never wasted one single day. You always made others happy with your smile and jokes. Whenever someone was down, you were there to pick them up. Les, you will be sadly missed as the hollowed walls of the department will never be the same. Your memory will always be with us Les and may you always watch over us and keep us safe as you walk your beat on heavens golden streets.

Sadley missed

Ofc. Lou Weller Jr.
Flint PD

The funniest thing I ever saw Les do was about 4 yrs ago when we were at motorcycle school in Warren, Mi. The last exercise of the day was out in the parking lot next to the two story Police Dept. The object of the excerise was to get the bike to 30mph and lock up both tires into a full skid. As everyone looked on, including both floors of the department, (because Les had a problem with it earlier, Les hit the brakes, layed the bike down, and rolled across the parking lot. Before any of us could reach him, Les jumped up laughing and did a perfect dismount like a gymnast.

Ofc. Dave Bender
Flint PD


You are sadly missed but happily remembered. I remember the first time I met you, a smiling rookie. The smile never left your face over 14 years and now brings sunshine from the Heavens above. Take care my friend.

God Bless You. !!! :) :)

Lou Weller

Lou Weller, Sgt. (Retired)
Flint PD



Officer Kenneth Engel
Flint PD


You have touched the lives of many who will miss you dearly. For those not fortunate enough to have known you personlly -I leave a poem that was displayed at your funeral, for others to appreciate. May God bless your soul - we will see you soon.

The police officer stood and faced his Maker,

which must always come to pass.

He hoped his shoes were shining,

Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, police officer

how shall I deal with you?

Have you always turned the other cheek?

To your Maker, have you been true?"

The police officer, with squared shoulders, said

"No sir, I guess I ain't.

Because those of us who carry badges

can't always be a saint.

I've worked most Sundays

and at times my talk was rough,

and sometimes I've been violent,

because the streets are tough.

But I never took a penny,

that wasn't mine to keep.

Though I worked a lot of overtime

when the bills just got too steep.

And I never passed by a cry for help

though at times I shook with fear,

and sometimes, please forgive me,

I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place

amoung the people here.

They never wanted me around

except to calm thier fears.

But if you have a place for me here, need not be too grand.

I never expected or had too much

so if you don't....I'll understand."

There was silence all around the room

where the saints respectfully stood.

As the police officer waited quietly,

for the judgement....bad or good.

"step forward now, police officer,

you've borne your burdens well.

Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,

You've done your time in hell."

~Author unknown

Submitted Anonymously

Les, You have truly touched my life and I will never forget you. The joy and the leadership you have brought to your friends and comrades will live on forever. While I keep telling myself that it is so unfair that you are not with us anymore, I know in my heart that God needed you for a reason, so he brought you home early. I know you are in heaven, playing golf, playing hockey and organizing the angels into a labor union. I will look forward to seeing you again.


Lt. William Khouri
Flint Police Department

He Was a Friend

He made his friends by being one,

and on his friendship men relied;

In every deed that need be done

He made the Golden Rule his guide.

His friendly presence brought a cheer

That made the day seem wondrous fair;

His daily living so sincere

Made others love him everywhere;

He was friend.

No task too great for him to do,

And in the doing was a smile

That aided as he carried through

The deeds that were so well worthwhile.

The brightness of his day is gone,

We see the setting of the sun;

If only we could carry on

And live a life as he has done!

He was a friend.

Just yonder on the star kissed shore

He carries on in a nobler way;

Though we can see his face no more,

Thanks for his friendship for a day.

If on his tomb I could indite

The epitaphI have in mind,

One phrase is all taht I would write,

The truest words that I could find:

He was a friend.

-- Will Taylor

Submitted Anonymously

Les, Some of the funniest times I've had as a police officer came when I was working with you and Brownie on third shift. I always look back on those experiences with fondness. I know you will make some other "rookie" happy when you work with them on that heavenly beat. Until we can ride together again, I'll miss you. Be Safe.


Sgt. Rick Hetherington (Bossman)
Flint Police Department

Officer Les Keely,

Les was always a bright spot in my tours with the Flint Police Department. Whenever Les would see me coming into the station or on a call he would respond with a heartfelt "Hello, Chaplain Dave!". His stories of years of experience with the Flint Police Department were always entertaining and insightful. Les will be deeply missed and will continue to be a person who has touched my life in a meaningful way.

Chaplain David L. Guy
Presently Chaplain Cortez, Colorado

Les....I still can't believe you are actually gone. I know, however that you are only gone physically, not spiritually. You were a shining light in the department and you will be sadly missed. I know we will ride together again like we did on third shift.

Sgt. Rick Hetherington "Bossman"
Flint Police

Les, My good friend. It's hard to think that your not here with us anymore. I will miss your jokes that always seemed to come so quick. That smile you always had, making us think
what is he going to do to us now. 12 years ago you took me under your wing as I was a new rookie and you taught me a lot and 12 years later, you again take me under your wings as my guardian angel, as you now watch over me from heaven. I will miss seeing you at the hockey games, seeing you in the union office. Somethings will never be the same without you around. The talks of our families and how close our kids ages were, the dreams of our kids going to college. I can now only hope your dreams will come true.

Your friend Clarence Banks

Officer Clarence Banks
Flint Police


We still remember.....


Born and raised in Flint I grew up idolizing every Flint Police Officer I made contact with. Always there to make a difference, and make our streets as safe as they could.I participated in the ride along program several times with various different officers always superior in professionalism. Your great officers only made my asperations in becoming a law enforcement officer that much greater. I decided to go a different route, serving my country as a law enforcement officer but everyday I use tact that I was taught from many of your officers. Even though I never met you, I remeber seeing you at almost all Flint General games in the visitor penalty box, laughing and having a good time. Thank you for your dedication, and keeping my family safe in Flint.

Inv. Diem Military Police Investigator
US Army Military Police, 39th MP Det. Hawaii

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