Greenville Police Department, Kentucky
End of Watch Sunday, June 27, 1999
Reflections for Police Officer Joey Tremayne Vincent
I have read many different accounts of death on this site, and this is one of the most heart-breaking incidents I have read. To know that a family member could destroy three precious lives and shatter countless other lives, is beyond my comprehension. My heart and prayers are with Officer Vincent's family, friends, and fellow officers.
Cheryl Varner
Daughter of R.W. Varner, Jr. (eow 01/02/89)
Today is National Police Memorial Day, and it has been a difficult day for me as I can't help but remember back to the day that Joey was killed. Tears have streamed off and on most of the day. I miss him so, so much!! It's hard to imagine that one can feel so alone even when in a room full of people, but that's exactly how I feel. It is so strange that I will go through periods of complete dispare, and then have times when I think that I have gotten though my grieving. I know that Joey is in a better place than I, but that knowledge doesn't stop the hurt of being away from him. I miss his smile, his voice, his very presence!!
Jean Vincent
Well Joey, it is the day before Christmas eve and has been a bittersweet day. I have spent most of the day in the kitchen preparing for our usual Christmas festivities. I have had you on my mind almost continually for the past several days. Brooklyn is sooo excited about Christmas this year, she and I have been having a countdown of days for the past month or so; but she also is missing you and her mommy. She talked extensively a couple of nights ago about how sad she is when she looks at your picture. She said that it makes her want to cry and that she worries about me and poppaw dying and then who will she live with. It absolutely breaks my heart when she speaks of such things. All I know to do is reassure her that we will always be here for her and that we love her as much as humanly possible. A five year old child should not have things like this on her mind, it just isn't fair. Well, Joey, I wish I knew how all of you celebrate Christmas in heaven but just remeber that mom misses and loves you very much.
Jean Vincent
The holidays are fast approaching and so is my sadness. Such a paradox; I look forward to it and yet dread it also! I get excited for Brooklyn's sake but it makes me miss you, Joey, even more. You always loved the holidays with the big meals and looked forward to trying my patience over wanting to open the gifts early. You also enjoyed all the activities we had at church this time of year. If only......
Jean Vincent
Yesterday was Joey's birthday and a difficult day for me. I remember every detail of that special day 33 years ago. Little did I know that such a tragedy would ever take place 30 years later. Brooklyn tied a balloon on your grave and released two in the air hoping that they will make it to heaven to you and her mommy. I miss you so much that I can hardly bare it sometimes. Johnny took Brooklyn deer hunting yesterday afternoon and I know you would have gotten a kick out of that. I hate it so badly that you have to miss out on all the things Brooklyn learns and does. I can see you puffing out that chest of yours and the big smile on your face like any proud daddy would!! Brooklyn dreamed that you came to visit her at school and she proudly showed you off to her kindergarten classmates. I wish you could back for a visit but then I wouldn't want to let you go away again.
Jean Vincent
Three years ago at 6:10 this morning, Joey left for Heaven. That was the darkest day in my whole entire life. There was so much left unsaid and undone. I miss his smiling face. I miss him walking in the door and saying "Hey, Mom, what up?" and going to look in the fridge to see if his favorite foods were there. I miss not seeing him when I enter our church, him standing there smiling with his Bible tucked under his left arm. I miss him calling on his "prayer warriors" and having the men sing their special songs on Sunday mornings. His dad misses him borrowing tools and not bringing them back and the father(deacon) and son(pastor) talks about things concerning the church. I could go on and on about the things we miss but that doesn't change the fact that he is gone. I do treasure the memories that I have and will hold on to them as long as my mind will allow. Joey, I miss you and love you, and thank you for being such a wonderful son. I wish you could know what an impact your life had on so many different people. It's such a shame you didn't get your "flowers" while you were living but rest assured that you will long be remembered.
Jean Vincent
To Mrs. Jean Vincent,
Thursday will be the three-year anniversary of your son and daughter-in-law's death. I just saw a message that you had left on NLEMF site and felt that I had to find out about them. I am so sorry about your loss but so glad that Joey had such wonderful parents to take care of his little girl. My husband and I were separated when he was killed on October 3, 2001 by getting hit by a tractor-trailer while on a traffic stop. We had continued to keep in touch with each other during the separation and had talked the two nights prior to his death about getting back together. The Lord had other plans though. Calvin was a christian so I know he is in a much better place (with your Joey and his wife) but I feel like you. Does it get any easier? It seems like time is making it more difficult to go through each day without wanting to cry. It has been so hard to lose him especially at the point that we may have gotten back together. I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one who feels like things get more difficult. I will keep you in my prayers and would like you to remember me in yours also. I was not only married to Calvin, I was one of his dispatchers so doing my job is so much more difficult now than ever before. If you would ever like to talk to me, contact me through the N.C. Highway Patrol. I will be thinking about you this week especially.
God Bless & Keep You,
Denise L. Taylor
Survivor of Calvin E. Taylor E.O.W. 10-3-01
NC Highway Patrol
Now That They Are Gone Did you know my daddy? He was a policeman and minister too. He was always helping people, Cause that's what he liked to do. He used to tell me stories, Together we'd sing songs. I really miss my daddy, Now that he is gone. Did you know my mommy? She was so much fun. She used to play games with me, And tickle me till I'd run. She would take me to McDonalds, We'd eat french fries till we'd groan. I really miss my mommy, Now that she is gone. On their birthdays, Mothers & Fathers Day, Special gifts Nana lets me buy. We take them to the cemetery, And look upward toward the sky. I ask God to reach down His hand And take these gifts from me, Deliver them to Heaven, to Daddy & Mommy. Guess what? He really did it! Cause we went back to see. The gifts were gone- I knew it! I knew God would take care of it for me. God gave them a special place in Heaven, I've known this all along. But I really miss my Daddy & Mommy, Now that they are gone. These special thoughts are actual words and memories from Brooklyn and were written by Jean Vincent in memory of Joey & Amy for the anniversary of their deaths.
Jean Vincent
Joey, once again Brooklyn took you a gift to the cemetery. She stood there and prayed to God and asked him to take the gift and give it to you. She also told Him to tell you that she loved you and Mommy very much and wished you a happy Father's Day. She talked about you and asked questions all that day. Lately she has been asking if it was ok to call me and Poppaw "Mommy & Daddy", so she could have one in Heaven as well as one here with her. Bless her little heart, it is so difficult for this little four year girl to comprehend all of this. I sure hope you had a wonderful Father's Day, we will always love you and we will never forget. Love..........................MOM
Jean Vincent
Yesterday was Mothers Day and it was almost as hard on me as the first one after your death. I keep asking myself isn't it going to get any easier. Brooklyn wanted to buy her mommy something for Mothers Day, so we put it on her grave. She wanted to know if God could reach down and get it and take it to her mommy. I assured her that all things were possible with God. I could barely contain the tears yesterday during church services and totally lost it out in the parking lot afterwards. Mary stood there hugging me and crying with me. She didn't even know you, Joey, but she has great compassion and has an immense love for Brooklyn. Wednesday of this week is Peace Officers Memorial Day, and once again I salute you for your sacrifice. I wish you could know that we miss you so much and love you more than ever. Brooklyn loves to hear stories about you, especially about you catching the bad guys and taking them to jail. She misses you and Amy, I am trying to keep yor memories alive in her sweet little mind.
Jean Vincent
Well Joey, another milestone in Brooklyn's life has come without you and Amy being able to be at her side. I registered her for kindergarten. She also has learned to skate. With each new thing she learns, we pause to remember how excited you would be if you were able to witness it. It doesn't seem possible that almost three years have passed since you went away. I hope you know that you left your legacy behind in Brooklyn. She is constantly inviting people to come to her church and is responsible for at least five people who are now attending regularly. She is even praying for her friend Holley to be saved and baptised. Johnny and I see you through Brooklyn in so many different ways. We miss you still....................Mom
Jean Vincent
I remember the day that I got the call telling me about Joey. A fellow Deputy called me because they knew that Joey and I had served together at Greenville. There is an empty space in the ranks of law enforcement that can never be filled. Those that got to know Joey were blessed and the community was blessed to have him serve them. I'll never forget him and will always consider him a brother in service.
Deputy David Morris
Hopkins County Sheriff Dept.
I knew Joey for 10yrs I meet him at a softball tornament we became good friends right away. We was able to talk about anything if anyone knew me Joey did. He help me over come some very difficult times and help me become a christian.I was saved through the help of his father. He had two very special parents. He was there with me through the death of my mother I did not think I would make it but as a true server of God he told me I had to, God wasn't ready for me to give up. Me and him spoke of death and he told me, don't keep crying and quite when I'm gone because you know that God still has work for you to do. He told me he'd be in heaven rejoicing. And I know he is,I am blessed with having to still be able to be with his precious little girl. Joey was always smiling even right up to the end when he knew things were bad. I always seen a smile on his face, He married a wonderful person and he loved her with all his heart I miss Amy its not often a police officer take their wife to heaven with them. They are always on my mind and in my heart. Joey was more of a brother than a friend. it takes alot to get threw the day but with God's strength we'll go on. He was the pastor of a church it is a very special church ,not a whole lot of churches has been through what we have. We will always have a special bond and Joey would want that. I can see him with a big smile on his face looking down on New Cypress.He was a wonder father,husband,son,pastor,police officer. I am and will always be proud to say I knew and loved officer Joey T. Vincent, what a wonderful friend I had I will cherish our moments together always. Forever in my heart you and amy will be. Love angie
Angie Smith
Today would have been Joey's 32nd birthday. Your little girl Brooklyn and myself put balloons on your grave and sang Happy Birthday to you. She said that she sang loud enough for you to hear her up in Heaven. We still miss you and love you very much.
Jean Vincent
I just want to say to the family of Officer Vincent and Wife, that I will keep you all in my prayers. Also to let you know that this is the reason I want to become a Police Officer. So I can get the people who commit these crimes off the street and put them where they belong.
May God Bless You All.
ON June 27th 1999 was a sad day for New Cypress Community and Church.We gave up our pastor, a beloved friend, Joey and Amy Vincent. I was his Sunday school teacher for four years. He always was loveable, well behaved and love by everyone.He loved the Lord and wanted his church to go forward.It did grow under his leadership,and there was a beautiful remodel under his work.We will always remember and love him.But i do believe he would want us to go forward for christ.Alot of people have made excuses not to come back to church but i can hear him say (thats crazy). I remember his laughs and him hollowing AMEN. I admire his parents for what they are doing and love them for it.But i know it has is not easy. -I Love You- Gladys DeArmond-
Gladys DeArmond
Well it has been 2 years since Joey's death as of last Wednesday, but the void is still very much there. We were in the Smokie Mountains on the anniversary date trying to keep our minds busy. It did help not being at home, but I think there will always be a loneliness that will never go away even with time. Brooklyn had a wonderful time on vacation as any 3 yr. old would. She will turn 4 on July 31. If only you could see her now, Joey. She has grown so much and learned a lot in her almost 4 short years. Joey's last sermon that he preached was rebroadcast last Sunday night on a local radio station. As I listened , the tears streamed down my face but I was grateful to hear his voice again. To his roommate at the Police Academy, I thank you for remembering and posting a tribute to Joey. May God keep you safe as well as all other Police Officers.
Jean Vincent
It is the second year anniversary of this tragic incident and I want to pay my respects to a friend. Joey was my roommate in the police academy and during that time we developed a friendship. I want to express my sincere sympathy to Joey's family and the Officers of the Greenville Police Department. Joey your memory will live!
Officer Kent Tischler
Kettering Ohio Police Department