Phoenix Police Department, Arizona
End of Watch Friday, March 26, 1999
Reflections for Police Officer Marc Todd Atkinson
It has been over 5 years since God decided that you needed to be with him. I had spoken to you less than 30 minutes before this incident took place. Please know that there have been some positive things and positive changes that have taken place because of what happened to you. Please say hi to all our brothers in heaven and especially to Don Schultz and John Domblisky. I know many people will always be honored and proud to have known you. Take care my friend.
Sergeant Kelly Frizzell
Phoenix Police Department
March 30, 2005
Happy Easter, Marc.
March 27, 2005
WOW! It's already been 6 years since you were taken from us. It still seems like yesterday. You, your wife and son are still in my thoughts on a regular basis. Please take care of the other Phoenix officers who have joined you and tell them all that we love you guys. I miss you.
March 26, 2005
You are always in my thoughts, and your wife and son are always in my prayers. I feel so fortunate to have known you in your short life. You are missed.
Stephanie Lilly Greer
Old Friend
March 2, 2005
It's been just over 5 years since you were taken from us and it seems like yesterday. You will never be forgotten.
March 31, 2004
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Tonight, March 26, 2004 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Police Officer Marc Todd Atkinson who died in the line of duty on this date five years ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Officer Atkinson's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
March 26, 2004
Brother officer. Please know on the anniversary of your end of watch you are not forgotten. The community will never forget your sacrifice. My prayers go out for your family. While I was on field training my FTO took me to spot where you fell. It was an emotional experience and one I will not forget. You will always be in my memory and have my eternal respect.
March 26, 2004
Rest in peace Brother Marc, you are a true hero and will never be forgotten.
Son of G. Truman Wortham EOW 7/15/732
March 11, 2004
Marc, I did'nt know you, and it's been along time since your death. I did however know a very good friend of yours, Trish. We went through the academy together in 97. I respect her opinion as a Police Officer and more so as a person. She called me shortly after your death, we talked about you for over two hours, she spoke of the anger she felt at the scene of your shooting, and how she was walking away from the area and looking at the sunset, when her Sergeant put his arm around her and said "Now you have an angel". She told me how the dispatcher relayed the "last call" at your funeral. She made me cry for you. Only Police Officers, the ones that are "proactive" if you know what I mean, understand why we love what we do, and how the job becomes an extention of who you we are verses what we do for a living. In every Department there are those chosen few, who other Officers strive to be like, from all I've heard of you, your peers felt that way about you. Last week, I lost my FTO to an Officer involved shooting, he was like a brother to me, his name is Kelly. If you meet him, tell him I miss him and I think of him everyday. You'll recognize him right away, he will be the loudest guy there, and a man you can count on, much like yourself.
Deputy Bode Runston
Mohave County Sheriff's Office
December 11, 2003
Marc... I had the privledge of serving with you in the Marines. I trained with you, bled with you, laughed with you and now weap with you. Understand that because of you, I picked up the torch and became a Police Officer. Your memory will live on forever and the lives I touch in this ever challenging job will be because of your sacrifice. Semper Fi.... my brother.
Deputy Kent Ogaard
Pinal County Sheriff's Office United States Marine Corps
October 22, 2003
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me."
Isaiah 6:8
October 18, 2003
Thinking today of Marc Atkinson, the sadness of his death, but even more so the inspiration of his life. He, his family, and his colleagues are not forgotten. Thoughts and blessings also to Mr. Rory Vertigan, another true hero whose actions that day are inspirational and appreciated.
a cop
October 8, 2003
God bless the civilian warriors that run to trouble when the rest of us get to run away from it. I am not sure why this officer's story touched me so, but it has and I have visited this site to pay my respects many times. I live thousands of miles away from Pheonix but I would like all in the PPD to know that even way up here in Alaska, I appreciate and respect what you do.
Greg Mete
September 20, 2003
Marc, I can't believe its been two years that you've been gone. I will never forget all of the officers tears as they broadcast your last call on that cold and rainy day. You are thought of often and we miss you. Please watch over us as we hit the street everyday to continue doing what you loved so much.
I have just finished reading the reflections posted on behalf of Marc and wanted to leave some words of my own, at the time Marc Atkinson was killed I was living in Phoenix,my heart immediatly sank when the news of his death was announced, at that time I was debating about becoming a police officer, and to tell you the truth it dicouraged me a bit I can only imagine the pian his family must daily endure, I will not let his sacrifice be in vain,I will be testing for police officer in Phoenix in April 2000, I know when I take to the streets of Phoenix Marc Atkinson will hit them with me and his fellow brothers.
David L. Wagner
It's coming up on a year since I came home safely from my own shift and got the terrible news about Marc Atkinson. I don't know who, if anyone, will read this. But whoever does, be aware that I never knew Marc. Yet the way he lived, the way he worked, and the way he lost his life continue to inspire me to go out there every day and get it done. It's weird, but when I heard the news, I didn't think, "I can't go back out there." Indeed, I couldn't wait to get back out and carry on for Marc, along with everyone else. I owe a lot to Marc,and I will not forget either the Officer or the man.
-A Scottsdale Cop
I first met you when we both worked at desert horizon precinct. I was a new rookie on 2nd shift and you worked 3rd shift. I didnt know you for a very long time, but I remember that you would always make by backup at the end of my shift, I always knew that I could count on you. You would also take the time to "25" after the call, to help pass the time. I am a better person for have known you, thank you brother. God bless Karen and Jeremy, I know you, the angel are watching over them and I know Jeremy will grow to become a hero just like his dad.
Detective Kim Mehlhouse
Phoenix PD
Two years after you left us you are still in our hearts as much as you were when we were able to spend days with you. Please keep watch on all your fellow Phoenix Officers, especially Jason. We miss you dearly, Marc.
Phoenix Police Department
Marc, it has been a year since you left us. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. After 20 years of knowing you it is hard to believe that you are not here. I know that you are in a special place and I look forward to seeing you again.
I want you to know how proud I am of all that you accomplished. You touched many people during your life. You were an excellent father,husband and freind and you are missed greatly.
I pray for you and your family every night and I know that god is with you.
Brent Whitley
I fell very blessed that I had such a good freind since the seventh grade. You, Brent, Paul, Curtis, and me were like brothers growing up and I will never forget all the good times we had and how many times you made us laugh. I want to thank you Marc for choosing to be my freind, for teaching me how to play the Drums, and for the frendship we had. You have done more good with your life of 28 years than most people ever acomplish. You are a great example to us all in many ways. I am very proud of you, and I always looked up to you from the begining. I know that your alive and well in a far better place and we will be with you again someday.
I love ya bro.
Matt Batchelor
Roberts, ID
Even though I didn't know Officer Atkinson personally, I feel a sadness in my heart knowing that Officer Atkinson lost his life serving and protecting us. I was a student at Phoenix College at the time Officer Atkinson was murdered, and I was in a public speaking class with a lady who was a 911 dispatcher who had known Officer Atkinson.
At the time Officer Atkinson was murdered, I was getting ready to give an informative speech regarding the rise in gun violence, and I decided to pay tribute to Officer Atkinson by including him in my speech. By reading all of these reflections, and by seeing the look in the eyes of the lady in the public speaking class who knew Officer Atkinson, I could and tell that he was a great man. After hearing of Officer Atkinson being shot to death, I immediately remember back a couple of years when Officer Bob Martin was shot on the Beeline. Hearing of his death made me appreciate all that officers do for us. Taking a criminal justice course has made me appreciate police officers even more.
The LDS Church, the Phoenix Police Department, the residents of Arizona, and the Atkinson family lost a great man 1 year ago. His spirit of service to others will forever be in my heart, and his family will always be in my prayers. I can't wait to meet you in the next life. God bless, you are an inspiration.
Desert Sky Ward
West Maricopa Stake
It's been nearly a year since we lost such a great man and police officer. I work at the department and things float around with your name on them; people still talk about what a great person you were. The Phoenix Police Department lost a great officer and friend when we lost you. I will never forget what you did for our community and it's good to go to work everyday knowing that you are not forgotten by many, definitely not me. Karen and Jeremy - my prayers have been with you everyday since last March 26, and will continue to be with you everyday for the rest of my life. Jeremy, your daddy was a hero that will never be forgotten.
As I read all of the previous reflections I felt the need to express my own thoughts.
I knew Marc personally. I am a former dispatcher with the department. I first met Marc when I rode with a fellow squad member. I walked into the briefing room. And he was the first one to introduce himself. Over time Marc and I became closer friends thru the airwaves. He was one of the hardest working people I know. And not once did I hear a complaint.
The day we lost Marc was the most difficult day in my life.
We lost a true hero
I have seen his wife and his son since this senseless tradegy. His son is caring on his fathers legacy.
Marc rest in peace. Watch over us and protect us.
thank you brave officer. your sacrifice will never be forgotten. i will be proud to wear the same blue that you wore. you will always be loved.