Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Captain Robbie Edward Bishop

Villa Rica Police Department, Georgia

End of Watch Wednesday, January 20, 1999

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Reflections for Captain Robbie Edward Bishop

For those who did not get the chance to meet him, or be lucky enough to be in his drug interdiction classes. you have know idea the person law enforcement is truly missing. I first meet Robbie when the Decherd Police Department put on a drug interdiction class at there department. with out a doubt the best class I have ever attended in my eleven years in law enforcement. I have never left a class more motervated than I was after his classes. So for those of you who knows his teaching. stay in plain view, let the drug trafficors come to you, pass you then swerve as there pucker factor goes up as they peak at you as they pass, So you can asked those famous questions. "Sir or Maam, Do you have any guns knives, bombs, drugs, or large amounts of currency in your vehicle?" Or coarse there answer is daah. no. then you ask so you don't mind if I seach. there dumb buts once again say no because they think we want but we do anyway. then woop there it is. and off to jail they go. night shift don't forget the lights above the tags must be operational. or after you have given enough documented warning you can use this as p.c. for suspected trafficors. and all officers remember nerver search alone. and Cliff Meyers I haven't heard from you in years. I am still in Tullahoma. Give use a ring sometime.
Patrolman Cecil R. Harden
Tullahoma Police Department


April 20, 2004

ICEMAN, HIT Team made a great hit the other night.. I just wanted to say thank you. I know this seems crazy to most, unless your out there fighting the good fight you wouldn't understand. Robbie, keeps us going even though he is not here with us today, he is still part of our inspiration to keep driving forward. Robbie, Pell City hit on I-20 Saturday night and are continuing to keep up the fight. Until the next hit, keep up the fight. Teams, remeber what the great one always taught us "NEVER SEARCH ALONE". You will never be forgotten R.E.B. 314.

K-9 Sgt. Scott Baggett
Harpersville Police Dept. Al. Highway Interdiction Team (HIT)

April 8, 2004

ICEMAN, HIT Team made a great hit the other night.. I just wanted to say thank you. I know this seems crazy to most, unless your out there fighting the good fight you wouldn't understand. Robbie, keeps us going even though he is not here with us today, he is still part of our inspiration to keep driving forward.

K-9 Sgt. Scott Baggett
Harpersville Police Dept. Al.

April 8, 2004

I was working the interstate at the MS-LA line the day you were killed. I remember the bulletin going out about your killer. MS is a long way from GA, but even there the guys knew of you through your tapes. Your reputation and skills definitely preceeded you. I am now a Federal Agent teaching at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Charleston, SC. I never pass Villa Rica on my way back to MS and not think of you. I have told my daughters your story. Your legacy lives on even today. We are stronger and more skilled in our work because of you. God Bless.

Senior Patrol Agent Jae Harvey
United States Border Patrol

April 5, 2004

Like many people who have left their reflections on this page I too watched many of Mr. Bishop's tapes and came away awed and inspired by his work ethic and devotion to his job. His death came as a shock to me and I often think of him while conducting my own investigations. Perhaps thats his legacy, even in death he still teaches the rest of us. To his family Robbie's legacy lives on as does him memory in Police Officers around the country. What a man he must of been.

Michael Ercole K9 Handler
Grand Haven Department of Public Safety, MI.

March 10, 2004

The drug war will never be over, thanks to Captain Bishop and other heroes. While others have given up on our children and the countless victims of crime, our police officers will continue to risk and lose their lives for it. I hope to soon serve and catch drug offenders like Captain Bishop did, and it will be an honor.

May he rest in peace and his family live well. He will never be forgotten. Thank you!!

Baltimore, MD

January 26, 2004

I never knew Robbie Bishop. However, in watching his videotapes (time and time again) I feel as if I knew him. It was Robbie Bishop who gave me, and numerous other Deputies in my department, the motivation and skills to be better police officers. In Central Illinois, the name Robbie Bishop is widely known and deeply respected. Although he may no longer be with us in the flesh, his legend lives on in the hearts of all of us who are dedicated to the profession we love. Robbie Bishop...Thank You

Deputy Sheriff Jim Tapscott
Sangamon County Sheriff's Dept.

January 23, 2004

"To laugh often and love much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give one's self;
To leave the world a little better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm
And sung with exultation;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived ...

This is to have suceeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

You succeeded in making this world a better place. You are not forgotten ...
January 20, 2004


January 20, 2004

May God always keep you at his side and watch over you and you're family, you are an inspiration and a HERO to all of us!!
God Bless You!!

Officer Jeff Whitmire
City of Arcade Police Department, GA

December 31, 2003

As I sit here it is hard for me to believe that you have been gone from here almost three years now. I still brag about you daily and can still see that smile on your face every time that someone gets that load. I'm still out here even after another kidney transplant and seven skin cancer surgeries. Thanks for all the memories! P.S I still have "Duke"

S/Tpr Scott Floyd

December 18, 2003

It's the holiday season of 2003 and I just want you to know that your name and legacy still lives on.
Over the years I have continually used your techniques to continue the fight against drugs and criminals; riding with your co-workers, attending training classes, and passing along your tactics to fellow officers.
I shed a tear tonight remembering you and the others who stood in our Thin Blue Line.
I'm sure your family is thinking of you as well and I wish them the best.
Over the years the fight against the users, sellers, judges and juries has become more difficult as attention has been diverted from one of the most shameful aspects of our nation's culture; drug abuse. But many of us will fight on.
When I hit the streets tomorrow you will be on my mind, as you have so many nights before.
And, each time I find the dope or dope money, no matter how small or large, It will be in your honor and for the benefit of our nations children, who will hopefully make the right choices and decide to reverse the current trend.
REB314, you are missed!

Officer Jeff Edgecomb
Cobb County PD

December 8, 2003

I went to k-9 school with Robbie in 1988 in Atlantic City,he was a good man,my regrets to his family call me if i can be of any assistance.

Sgt.Bruce Allen
Middlesex sheriff's Dept.

November 5, 2003

Hello Robbie,
I know you may have heard my prayers for you and your children.... I often think of you and still miss you!. I mention your name as an inspiration to others for the talent and spirit you always showed others in your life... I sometimes speak with your mom... She is wonderful and misses you so much... I can not put into words how much I miss you! I just wished to let you and anyone whom care to read this.... You are important still to this world....

Your loving friend,
Jefrey Schultz

Jefrey Schultz
Former Reserve Villa Rica PD

November 4, 2003

Robbie, It's the middle of the night and I'm heading out again. I'll hit the interstate first. I know you'll be riding shotgun and watching over me. If I don't make it home this time I know I'll be in good company. I still watch your tapes to get fired up. Well Bro, I guess it's time to go do it all over again. See ya soon.

Chief Deputy Thomas McClelland
Roberts County Sheriff

October 22, 2003

One night a police officer had a dream. The officer dreamed of walking along the beach with the lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from the officers life. For each scene the officer noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to the officer the other to the Lord. When the last scene appeared the officer looked back at the footprints and noticed many times along the path that there was only one set of footprints in the sand. The officer also noticed this happened during the lowest and saddest times in the officers life. This really bothered the officer who questioned the Lord: "Lord you said that once this officer decided to follow you, you would walk along with this officer all the way. But this officer noticed that during the most troublesome times in this officer's life, there is only one set of footprints. This officer does not understand why when this officer needed you most you would leave this officer." The Lord replied, "My child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

September 10, 2003

Robbie, we're still here continuing the fight you started. We kick down the drug dealers door, and take their stash. Damn,I miss you. Everything here in V.R is good, it's just not the same. I think about you alot. Sometimes I drive past the 18 mm and I know you're yor there. I love you Robbie, say hello to Kyle Dinkheller (S.O 37). You two took enough dope off the streets for 100 officers. Take care.

GDC Tactical Squad

September 3, 2003

My boyfriend and I, who is also a police officer, are in the process of watching some of Capt. Bishop's drug interdiction tapes. While we were watching the first one, he stated that he thought Capt. Bishop, who was a Lt. at that time, was dead. I figured I'd check it out, and unfortunately, for our nation and his family, it was true. My heart sank. However, by just watching his tapes, and reading how he died, I know he was killed doing what he loved and what he was good at. I think of all the drugs he took off the street and smile. When people say doing drugs is a victimless crime, they couldn't be farther from the truth. It's not a victimless crime because people like Capt. Bishop are shot and killed every day by low-life drug dealers. I'm no big-time drug officer, but the little bit I get off the street is satisfying enough for me. I hope we all don't soon forget Capt. Bishop. If you ever get a hold of any of his tapes, watch and learn. And REMEMBER!


I am a recruit who is about two weeks away from hitting the streets in a major city known for violent crime and drugs. An officer from the State Police came in to teach us about narcotics interdiction and unknown-risk traffic stops. In his class, he used some of Captain Bishop's videos and talked highly of this officer and his accomplishments. Then he told us he had been killed in the line of duty several years ago. I remember a collective sigh in the classroom... it was as if we had been told of the death of a hero, which I guess we had. I never knew you or your family or any of your co-workers... but know that you still live on in officers all across the nation who are still "taught" by you to this day.


My deepest sympathy goes out to Cpt. Bishops family and friends. I was at a Criminal Patrol school when your life was taken by a coward. The instructors at the school were friends of yours and informed us that you had been taken from us. All of us in class sat in silence for along time, and then heard all about the great "Robbie Bishop", from a couple of friends of yours at IPTM!! I cant wait to meet you some day, and hopefully become friends as we work together in another life.

your future friend and partner,

M. Starr #248 SFPD

Police Officer Matt Starr
Sioux Falls SD Police Dept.

My partner and I first met Robbie in Haralson,Ga in 1990 while at a K-9 school.We worked for a local sheriffs dept and were working interdiction already at the time. We pulled up on our first day and I remember seeing Robbie walk out of a wooded area working his dog on a track. We got to know him over the next several weeks and discovered that we all enjoyed drug interdiction. In 1991 Robbie went with us to a class at IPTM in Jacksonville,Fl and we all knew that he would be a top gun in the interdiction field. Over the next few years Robbie would become one of the best interdiction officers Ive ever seen along with being a dog trainer and teaching interdiction classes all over the United States.My partner, Mark Mitchell, and I lost contact with Robbie for a couple years when we went to Trooper School, but later when Robbie took a job in Villa Rica we were able to work with him some and keep in contact. Robbie helped people all over the U.S. by stopping these traffickers and was an inspiration to many,many officers. It was an honor to have known him and to have been a part of something that he believed so strongly in. He will never be forgotton...

Tfc Jimmy Jones
Georgia State Patrol

I do not work for the police dept anymore I was there for 10 years and I worked with robbie for one year at Henry County Police. We both worked on the interstate,I was in a S.T.E.P unit Traffic unit. Me and Robbie would back each other up on traffic stops all the time. I could not have worked with a better person than him. I will miss him alot.

PTL Kenneth White
Henry County Police

God bless the Bishop family, and may his soul rest in Peace. The day I heard of Capt Bishops death, I was on duty, patroling the streets of Rome. Dispatch came over the radio and asked that Barron Stadium be cleared for a helicopter landing. She went on to say that the subject inside was a Villa Rica police officer who had been shot during a traffic stop and proceded to give a lookout on suspected vehicle. I can't tell you how my heart sank as the chopper landing, and the officer inside was taken out of the chopper and rushed into an awaiting Ambulance to be rushed to Floyd Medical Center. Those of us who were there rushed to the Hospital and met with the Chief of Police of Villa Rica P.D. and some of its other officers. Many more Rome City and Floyd County Police officers flooded into the parking lot of Floyd Medical Center out of concern for Capt Robbie Bishop. A few of those officers knowing him personally for they had either trained with him...or been trained by him in the field of drug interdiction. I didn't know him personally, but that made me feel no less concerned, or hurt that one of your own had been hurt. Moments later we were all informed that Capt Bishop had been pronounced dead. Silence seemed to fill the entire place as heads were bowed, and tears were shead. And all the while, each and every officer dreading having to attend yet another Funeral of our own because of some uncaring criminal senselessly taking the life of a Precious Husband, Father, and Police Officer. We attended Capt Bishops funeral in Villa Rica days later, and I stood in awe at the number of people,not just Law Enforcement, but citizens from all over who came out to show their care and concern. It was a very touching moment. After the funeral we followed Capt Bishops Body to his final resting place and stood at attention while he was saluted and watched as the missing man formation was flown over head. That had to be the most heartbreaking moment I've ever experienced in my life. I continue to this day to pray for each and every law enforcement officer all over the world who has taken the oath to Protect and serve, and thank God that he watched over me and all other law enforcement officers daily. We know not the day nor the hour when our name is to be called, but we're always ready.

PFC Trixie Morgan
Rome City Police Dept.

His life came to a sudden halt

as he attempted to uphold the law.

He gave his all to keep us safe,

And the highest price he paid.

But the memory of Robert Bishop lives on

In every officer's heart.

From this world he was taken,

but his memory lives on.

I din't have the honor

of meeting him in person,

To me he is royalty among law enforcement

and of that I am certain.

Although Officer Bishop's life was taken,

His memory and accomplishments cannot be removed.

When a badge reflects the light, is stands for the twinkle of Captain Bishop's eye. For I know that Captain Bishop watches over all Law Enforcement Officers today, and he patrols the streets of gold in his pearly white cruiser, with golden light bars with twinkling stars as strobes and his siren is the sound of trumpets, as Captian Bishop escort God through the heavens.
Rest in Peace, Captain Bishop!

Former Deputy Sheriff J. Shaw
St. Bernard Sheriff's Office




I met you when I first arrived at Villa Rica PD and instantly realized you were the true/blue policeman.  I wanted to become a Police Officer when I was inspired by my grandfather and until, I met you I had not been inspired that way by any other.  I have lost several friends in the line of duty since I took on the task of serving the public and protecting it's citizen's but you gave me more inspiration to continue to do what I love even when I am down and want to just walk away.  I hope that as the days go by I can draw from the many precious memories I have of you and your desire to help rid our society of that evil (the load)  drugs.  You are in my heart everytime I stop and talk with a citizen and everytime I make contact with a violator.  You are the true blue policeman that I would want all others who have taken on this task to be like.  You were real you kept no secrets from those who needed to know.  You shared things to keep each of us safe and you died protecting those small children from the scurge of drugs and wrong doers.  You Robbie Bishop are but an angel on my shoulder as well as each and every officer that has taken the committment within themselves to serve and protect.  You are there for us you are not gone you are with us forever.  Robbie you left an awesome impression on me and I want to thank you for that.  Rest now for your work is done, allow us to continue your fight so that when our time comes we may all sit around the same table and tell our stories again.  You are missed but remember I know your an angel in the Kingdom of Heaven and I thank you each day for all you done...


Steve Boyden

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