St. Joseph Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, November 10, 1998
Reflections for Officer Bradley Thomas Arn
Over a year has gone by since you were taken away from the people who loved you. I pray that they have passed through the roughest part of grief and have moved on to the joyful rememberences of your life with them. I know that the police force here in St. Joseph is a close knit family, and each officer remembers something different about your lives together. I sincerely hope that these memories bring all of the living joy and hope. You will never be out of my thoughts, I have seen the marker on 22nd street and think that someone must have loved you very much to have made such a beautiful reminder of that terrible night that God decided he wanted you in heaven.
Love to your family and fellow officers. I hope this is the last tragedy we will have here for many many years.
Concerned Citizen
I remember meeting you, as I was starting out in this field. You were patroling my home town and knew some of the same people that i did, you will never be forgotten!
Dennis Brown Jr
Edwardsville Ks, Police Dept
Some time has gone by and you are still in our hearts. You made quite the impression on me. You were so hyper. I miss getting ready for work with you and singing the Marine Core Hymm on the way to roll call. I trully appriciate the things you did for me, giving my twins the video game, they remembered that at your memorial and told me of it, selling me your golf clubs for $25, I still use them, and holding out on selling your mountian bike to see if I could some up with the money. In short you were an awsome friend and when I run, you are my running partner helping me up that next big hill. I have learned to appreciate my friends and family through the loss of you and I owe you for that. I love you and you will be in my heart forever.
Paul Gatewood
St. Joseph Police Dept.
It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since your death. It seems like it's only been a short time. We had a lot of memories together. ALthough we drifted apart in the lst few years, I still feel like we were best buds. You were the first person that talked to me in hgh school and we became great friends. I remember the day you cam into Algebra class and told me that there was a cute freshman girl that you wanted to ask out. I remember you falling in love with her over the next few months. You loved kids so much that you were the only person I knew in high school who had the names of his kids already picked out! I could write memories for hours... Brad, you were a great friend who will always be missed.
Charles Schwichtenberg
I only worked with you a short time however I felt I knew you pretty well as we were a lot alike. You loved to argue that your point of view was right and I liked to argue that mine was right. However, I think we did that as we both had spouses that did not like to argue so we had each other to do that with at work. I remember I could always hear you coming up the hall at work in your warm up pants. I knew you were on your way to the office to get your candy fix for the day. I remember the last conversation we had was about your girls. I had been bugging you to bring pictures in of them and you finally brought some in to show me. That was the same night that you were murdered. I still can remember our last conversation and probably will never forget it as it was about your wife and kids. We will never forget you and you will be a part of our lives forever as will Andrea, Molleigh and Malloree. They are three very wonderful women. We miss you and think ab!
out you everyday.
God Bless you and keep you!
Just remembering..
Brad I, remember the day we meet it seemed as if was yesterday. I remember you always had a smile on your face and always was singing a song. One night you stopped my friend and I out on the Belt Highway for running a red light when you walked up to the window and saw me in the car you did not get mad you just simply pointed out that if there was another car coming through the light that someone could have gotten hurt or killed. Then you ran our licenses and let us go. About a week later I, saw you and I was with my dad but he did not know about us getting stopped for running a red light and you said "Hey your the kid in the car I stopped for running a red light last week." My dad took my license away for a week and grounded me from going out. Little did I, know that this would be the last time I would see you alive. Thank you for showing how precious life is because it can be taken away in a heart beat.
R.I.P 0073
It is hard to believe that it has been almost ten months since you were murdered. It is weird because I keep looking for you. Whenever I see a blue truck matching yours, as I go into the LEC I expect to see your briefcase sitting there, when I am in your house I sometimes think that you are just taking a nap and will be out soon. I have so many memories stored in my head. Your laughter and smile, your sense of humor, and the last nite I saw you before you went off shift. I told you not to go yet and you said you had to. You were always stubborn like that.
Andrea is really amazing and is being so strong. It is so good to see her smile. She misses you so much Brad but understands that life does go on. Your girls are as precious as ever. I see so much of you in them. Sometimes I feel bad when I am holding them or giving them a kiss, I feel guilty because you are not there to do that. At least not in the physical sense. We all love you so very much and really miss you. I do not think this pain will ever subside. I know that you were one of the best cops that we had and you did your best job...ALWAYS!!!
We will never ever forget you and are looking forward to the day when we will be in heaven with you. You touched so many lives and were just an all around awesome and incredible person!! Our son says that you are in heaven guarding the dragons. He says that you were his best buddy. I tell him you still are.
I remember something about our times together almost every day. I remember you in high school and singing with New Generation. I remember being on a stake out with you after you came out from undercover. One of my most vivid memories is playing football in the snow on top of Krug Park, with Ron and Scott. Do you think the sarge ever knew? I try every day to match your joy and enthusiasm when I go to work. I miss you and I love you. I think of you every time I play golf with Matt. Always remember that I always try to go over the trees.
Rest in Peace, we'll take care of things now.
Training Officer Michael W. Corf
St. Joseph Police Dept.
I was cleaning out my desk at home today and I came upon a small floppy disk with a cartoon character on it. I had not seen or even thought about it for quite some time. When I picked it up I had vivid memory of our last conversation in the locker room at work. A lump rose in my throat and tears in my eyes. I sat in front of my computer sniveling as I listened to the disk of the sounds you had downloaded for me. I looked back and started to laugh at the memories of every time I opened a document "Cartman" would tell me something.
You are always in my heart and the angel on my shoulder. God Bless
Sergeant B P Miller
St. Joseph Police Department
You are loved and missed every day. Your laughter and smiles that are you, are gone but never forgotten. I think of you every time I walk out the door. The courage you showed and the dedication you stand for will be in my heart forever. The times we spent together at school, laughing and planning, making goals for the life we lead, yet always knowing that we may never fulfill our promises.
I will again laugh and share good times with you as you are always in my prayers.
Most of all we will all watch over your family and help them so they shall not want, it is the least that we can do. For you are our brother and they are our family.
Cpl. Eric Protzman
St. Joseph PD
Just remembering you on your birthday.…
Dear Bro,
It seems like every time I put my badge on my uniform and buckle my belt, I think about you. It has been almost four months and everyday I work, I think about you. I think about how much fun we had playing softball and how happy we were to just get out there and play some ball. And when B.P. and you instructed us on defensive tactics during the academy. Everybody in the class loved to come to the academy on Fridays and learn to beat up on each other, you seemed to convince all of us to enjoy learning. Your dedication inspired me and I will never forget you.
R.I.P. 0073.
"Be Safe Bro, I'll See Ya When I See Ya!"
I was riding my district the night the news broadcasted your death. I was shocked then a chill over took me thinking of the many times I made the same call. I felt that I had to attend your funeral. When our squad arrived at the church it was to my amazement the large group of officers that were present. The service was very heart wrenching. I cried thinking of what your family and fellow officers were going through. Then we lined up hundreds of police cars to escort you to your final resting place. When we made that turn onto the main street, I was totally shocked, the people that lined the streets from the funeral home to the cemetery, the small children holding flags standing next to the fence near the school yards, the citizens holding there hands over there hearts and so many tears shed. It was comforting to know that the City of St. Joseph and it's citizens did care about a fallen hero.
While working in the Law Enforcement field, the community most of the time takes for granted the sacrifices us officers give up for them. Officer Arn is no exception. Officer Arn protected the City of St. Joseph to the best of his ability from the first day he was on the job. Unfortunately, I was never able to work with Officer Arn, but I know several people who worked with him who have nothing but good things to say about him.
I attended the service of Officer Arn and was flattered by the professionalism of the St. Joseph Police Department. They truly showed how much they respected Officer Arn. Despite the fact that the City of St. Joseph will never be able to repay Officer Arn or his family back for the sacrifice he gave, at least the service shows how much they do respect him and cherish all of the times they had together. It was extremely difficult to hold my composure while Officer Rock reflected on his experiences with Officer Arn. This reflection along with the other reflections given at the service reflect how well Officer Arn was liked and how much he will be missed.
No matter how many times I am cursed at for giving a traffic ticket, nor how many times people disgust me by their actions showing they have no respect for or jobs or what we sacrifice for them, one thing will always stick in my mind. The thousands of people who lined the funeral procession route showed how much they care. These people could have been working or doing something else, but yet they took time out of their schedules to pay their respects. Not only paying their respects for Officer Arn, but also showing all the rest of the officers in the procession that they respect what we do. The things that touched me the most were the people standing along the route with their hands over their hearts, heads bowed, or saluting as the entire procession went by, the school students standing with flags, as well as the elementary students who stood by the fence at the school. Every student was holding a blue piece of paper with blue ribbons tied to the fence. Each one saluting the courageous officer who paid the ultimate price for the city he served.
Officer Arn could have easily awaited back-up and not gone into the scene like he did, but it appears as though this was not his style. From the times I have met Officer Arn and the statements made about him, I can see that if Officer Arn would have had a choice he would chose that he give up his life rather than another officer having to give up his.
Brad, you are dearly missed and highly exonerated by your department. Your loss and sacrifice was great, but you should know that it is greatly appreciated.
"Greater love hath no man that this... that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
You were in an inspiration, even though you may not of known it. Maybe
none of us knew it while you were serving with us. Yet your work and your
ethic stand before you. You always had a song in your heart, and you were
always willing to share that song with whoever needed it. But you know
what I remember about you most, you always talked about your wife, and
everyone saw how much you were in love with those beautiful girls of yours.
We all knew what your pride and joy was. Your sacrifice has led to so
much thankfulness, yet how can we say thank you? The only way I can say
how is by serving this community with the strength and the integrity that
you had. You were my friend, and I will miss you.
Jim & Helen Connors
I will miss your laughter, yet it's in my heart every time I think of you. I will miss the songs we used to sing, yet I still sing because you would think I was silly not to. And when I think that a call isn't worth it and I don't want to take the time, I hear you saying go for it, and be safe. You proved that there is no greater satisfaction than saying that you serve and protect without hearing thank you very much if at all. Yet you would be proud, your sacrifice has caused a lot of people to question themselves and reflect on their hearts and goals. You were a selfless dedicated Officer and an inspiration to so many, just by doing your job and doing it well. Oh Yeah, we are all so proud to say that we worked with a great cop, a great husband, and a father who adored his kids, the greatest of all.
Without hesitation you put yourself at risk and answered the call. You paid the ultimate price, as did your family. At your funeral you were described as a hero. I had never met you, and am profoundly sad that I did not. I attended your funeral. At your funeral I received a gift from you I will never forget. Your service restored my faith in both citizens and officers. Never have I witnessed the outpouring of support and emotion that your community displayed. From the church to the grave people lined the streets and roads. I saw people openly crying at the death of a police officer. There were flowers on the street near where you died. 1,000 Officers from across the country cried with me during the service. I had begun to think that no one cared about what we did and the risks we faced. Maybe being a cop wasn't worth the impact it made on my family. My fellow officers were as jaded as I was. Many do what the can with the least inconvenience.
And then I heard of your sacrifice. I knew I must pay my respects. The emotions I felt and witnessed reestablished why I started this path. People do care. Officers can make a difference. Your Chief urged all officers to honor your memory by living and working to the standards you set for yourself. I agree. I know that while we, here on earth continue to fight the good fight, you and your fellow officers above will watch and protect over us. Thank you for the gift of hope.
Another officer sent me here and I had to write. I remember you always telling me that you wanted to do something with computers. Recently I saw some photos of you with T.P. and I laughed. The stories that were told. You were always like a little kid, Matt talking about golf, you so full of joy about Andrea and the girls. They are growing up and so much resemble you. How luck Andrea is to have such beautiful memories of you for a lifetime. I placed a rose on your grave the other day and reflected back on the times that I was able to have a few minutes to chat with you. Relax, you always said. Your selfless act to protect myself and my family will never go unnoticed. You will live in our hearts for a lifetime. I know that you sit and keep us all protected and I can not thank you enough for that. You are still an inspiration to us all. We miss you and think of you daily.
Time has gone by and I have moved on, but yet I still remember. On the street and off the street, I pride myself after you as you are the one who taught me.