Idaho State Police, Idaho
End of Watch Wednesday, June 17, 1998
Reflections for Trooper Linda Carol Huff
Trooper Huff,
As a female officer, reading your memorial makes me proud. You didn't go down without a fight. Although I never knew you, you will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace My Sister...
July 10, 2004
To the family of Trooper Huff, I found this site when Linda's name and picture popped up on Officer's to be remembered.
When I seen her smiling face I had to respond, no I didn't know her but just by looking at her I could tell she was a wonderful person. I know that she lives on in your hearts.
I'm so sorry for your loss, but she will never be forgotten. Thanks for your sacrifice...
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W.1-14-04
July 4, 2004
I was in Cd'A at the time of the shooting going to college. I remember assisting others in donating their time to help finish the Huff house. I recall all putting there efforts together to get the job done. Now as an officer I recall the feelings of all those who assisted. I never had met Linda, but I would like to thank her and her family for making me aware and conscious especially now as an officer.
Agent - Chris Aller
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
July 1, 2004
On this terrible day when we lost you, you fought bravely as a pure warrior and you vanquished evil.
When good fights evil, the good always wins, one way or another, here or in the final judgement.
You are missed, your actions honored you, you are a hero.
Retired police officer.
May 25, 2004
A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but one.
May God be with Officer Shultz and his family in thier time of greif.
"I am my brothers keeper"
Cadet mcClure
May 20, 2004
Trooper Huff, I never had the honor of knowing you, however, the reflections of you, which are left here, leave no doubt as to the wonderful person and troop that you were. I have read hundreds, perhaps thousands of reflections and never, have I been so moved. Although living in Alabama when you were murdered, I heard and learned the details of the heroic battle you fought that night, as accounts spread rapidly throughout our country's law enforcement community.
No, I didn't know you, but from these reflections, I know you were a wounderful and quality person, both personally and professionally. I also know this Trooper, you were a true warrior in every sence of the word. That night, when a coward would ambush you from the shadows, there was no time for talk, no time to attempt persuasiveness, no time for anything except to engage the enemy, to enter into battle, to fight . . . which you did . . . heroically, with honor, . . . you followed the path of the warrior . . . in a gallant effort you did all that you could do to protect yourself, the citizens of Idaho and the country. And Trooper Huff, you fought effectively, wounding your assailant as he ambushed you. You are with our heavenly Father now . . . he will hold you close . . . you came back to him after protecting his children . . . there is a special place for you in Heaven and all your brother and sister heroes. With deepest respect and admiration, Jim Crotty (Former Richmond, VA Policeman).
Special Agent Jim Crotty
ATF (SA, Retired)
February 27, 2004
Rest in peace blue angel, you are not forgotten.
November 15, 2003
I did not have the chance to know you, though I could only wish I did from talking with some of the guys at the sheriff's dept, especially those who were there that night. They miss you dearly. You did everything you could that night, and you didn't give up! Godspeed Linda, our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Deputy Mark Holthaus
Kootenai County Sheriff's Dept.
October 18, 2003
I still remember the night when it all happened, I was asked by dispatch to call and it was urgent. I never thought that it was going to be the horrible message I got. I think aboout you a lot Linda and the kind of officer that you were. You always had a smile on your face and when we would all get together you would usually be the first to start laughing. Just a quick note to say thank you for the opportunity to work with you and thank you for being the kind of friend that you were. Take care.
Though I have never met Linda I have been keeping up with the court case against the defendant. I am appalled as I am sure other law enforcement and supporters with the decision of the Judge. The only recourse is to trust in our Lord with this. The bible tells us that God will hold Judges accountable for the decisions that they make. Any human being could apply the law in this circumstance and see that the Judge made a very poor decision and did not apply the law properly. I pray that the attorneys and family of Linda fight for Justice.
Patrol Officer Pamela K Garland
Another great warrior has been brought down in the war against evil.
Our Lady of Justice, Our Lady of Peace, Our Lady of Protection, Our Lady of Heart
She was taken from us, from our lives.
So we cry in sorrow.
We cry in pain.
We cry for those who were left behind,
And we cry for ourselves.
She will never be forgot.
Who could forget her kindness?
As long as we keep her memory alive she will never truly die,
In our hearts she is very much alive.
We will always remember her smile.
We will always remember her devotion.
We will always remember.
We still cry for it will take time,
Just remember that she is now watching us all.
And she is not alone.
Peace and love my friend and good journey,
We will see you in time.
By Preston Lee Cordes
Deputy Preston Lee Cordes
Payette County Sheriff's Office
Part of America Died
Somebody killed a police officer today,
And a part of America died.
The piece of our country they swore to protect
will be buried along with our pride.
The criminal that shot them will stand up in court
With counsel-demanding his rights,
while a young widow must work for there kids
And grieve many long, dark, empty nights.
The beat that they worked was a battlefield too,
just as they'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation wont fly at half-mast,
there sacrifice we'll never ignore.
Yes, Somebody killed a police officer today,
these cop's put there life on the line.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
A felon they sought to confine.
Now there ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
And they stand at a new rookies' side.
They answered the call, of themselves they gave all....
And part of America died.
Submitted by Derek Lundgren
In Memory of my dear friend Linda, I miss you dearly and thought that I would include this reflection for others to read. This was written by Toni Sallee after she heard the words that you were gone.
Our Wish for Linda
To serve and protect the rights of all was a vow she held close to her heart. Her daily commitment to help those she could was apparent from the start. A smile could be seen on her face, and one knew she was proud to be the person you would rely on tonight to keep you out of harms way. She was a truly strong lady and directed her own life, she was adored by her children and deeply loved as a wife. Our last wish for you Linda that we will wish forever more, is when you were checked for security, you could of answered CODE 4. Gone from us but never will she ever be forgotten. You will life on in our hearts forever.
Deputy Yvette Hollis
Payette County Sheriff
"I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, 'There she goes!'
"Gone where? Gone from my sight - that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the places of destination. "Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, 'There she goes!' There are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, 'Here she comes!'"
C. R. Broden
Idaho State Police
The Loss of a Blue Ribbon
You didn't see it coming,
but thats usually the case.
Not even all the training in the World,
could of prepared you for this.
You left the station,
for your reports had been filed.
You were to return to duty,
to wait for the ending of the shift.
You did't know it,
but your shift would end too soon.
There wasn't even a warning,
for none had ever expected this.
As you walked to you crusier,
shots rang out.
You drew your weapon,
and managed to fire back.
While falling helplessly to the ground,
you radioed for help.
The nine shots in you body,
must have been too much.
Just when you thought the gunshots had stopped,
the gunman walked over,
just to fire...
One More Shot.
A killer is wounded.
An officer is dead.
The murderer will live,
While a family must pay.
Dedicated to Trooper Linda Huff
Killed in the line of duty on 17-June-98
Idaho State Police, Northern District.
Kayhla Brown
Baltimore, MD
To the family and friends of Linda, there are no words to describe the loss. My sincere condolence for your loss and mine as her brother in the battle against evil. Evil indeed was the perpetrator of her death. We will not forget her.
Sr. Trooper Keith Miller
Oregon State Police
"The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us."
- Jean Paul Richter
Five years ... but not forgotten ...
June 17, 2003
You lived and died a Hero. The love and admiration your fellow Officers have for you show through their words. Please know that we will all rememeber you and keep you and your family in our thoughts, our hearts and in our prayers.
Cleveland PD, Ohio Retired
To the family of Trooper Linda Huff
I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the pain that you have to suffer everyday . God Called Linda up to heaven for a reason he wants the finest to look after his heaven and he selected her because she was very dedicated to her job. I just wanted to let you know that she has not left your side she is still right there in your heart ,
I never knew Linda it would have been nice to know her by reading the other Reflections I get the hint that she was a great person. ! It is a shame how she had to leave the world !
Who Cries For The Cop
Who cries for the cop . Walking his or her beat . Down a mean street . Where life is cheap . And death doth keep. His or her tally day by day. Who cries for the cop When assualt is made with flashing blade . And gun s that shatter the night . And scanners sound of Officer Down! Tells of his or her helpless plight . Who cries for the cop . When ambulane wail . Tells a mournful tale bring tears to loved ones eyes . Who give a heck. When trggers slam and a brave police man or women dies? Who cries for the cop With blood stain shield as death yeild . And his or her labored heartbeats stops? Tell me true ... I'm asking you Who cares . Who cries for the cop ? By Tomas Cannon
Thank you, troop, for your selfless giving in such an uncaring world. God bless you and your family. And may God have no mercy for the judge who sentenced your killer. You died a hero. We will continue to carry the torch of justice for you. Please watch over us.
Dep. Michael Moore
Warren County S.O. (Ohio)
For those who never had the honor of meeting Linda, or sharing a laugh, a smile or a moment with her, let me say there will never be another so special. I think of her often as I patrol my district in the wee hours of the morning. I remember all the good times I had with her when we worked at PCSO. All the early morning talks in dispatch, just the two of us. The times she rode with me on patrol. Never have I had the honor of knowing a more caring, kind, and uplifting person. She was tough when she needed to be, fearless in the face of danger, but ALWAYS a LADY. I saw intoxicated men twice her size, on the fight, and she could charm them into handcuffs with little more than a firm but kind word and a smile. She truly had a way with people, because she truly cared. I cherish the times I would stop to see her at her parents house or when she would stop by our house and visit with my family and I. We all loved her. I know that God has a extra special place just for Linda in Heaven. I look forward to seeing her there when God calls me home. But for now, I want you to know Linda, that I think of you often, and you will never be forgotten. I was proud and honored to be your friend and to call you my friend. I pray protection and blessings on your family. We loved you then and now. Thank you for all that you gave me and my family. Thanks to you I'm alittle prouder to wear the shield.
Ofc. Charles R. Downey
Rockaway Beach Police
Linda was my best friend, I delivered her 2nd child "Rena" at home, in Lindas very own bed. I still miss you Linda as if it were yesterday that you left. Never has there been, or will there be, another who understood my heart as you did. As I look through my shoebox of memories I read and re-read your last letters to me knowing that you always loved me. I have lost touch with Linda's family but hope that if they read this they will know that I will always hold Linda and her children inside my heart forever...until we are together again.
I just found this page, and was thinking of Linda and her family. She was an outstanding person and co-worker when she worked for PCSO. We all miss her and I miss her.
Det. Sgt John Plaza
Payette City Police
Dear Trooper Huff,
You were shot and killed the day my beautiful son was born. I thank you for making this world a bit safer for him.