Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998
Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller
I have been a Police officer for the past 22 years and as hard as it was to watch a brother officer loose his life to some human garbadge we as Police officer who do this job every day only know what may happen during our tour of duty. It makes me angry when we are judged by the general public due to a lack of understanding of what we do and what we see on a dailey basis there are no gurarantee that we will come home after our shift is over. To all my fellow officers be safe and rely on your training and back your fellow officers up as we can only depend on each other so we can go home to our loved ones.
Police Officer/Allen S Giacchetti
Cook County Sheriff's Police
October 17, 2005
After watching your video I spent a lot of time reflecting. What a price this family had to pay for all of us to realize just what an officer and his family has to always endure and the ultimate sacrifice they must sometimes make. Please let this officer's death not be in vain. People please use this as a tool to be a little more understanding the next time you are faced with a seemingly unpleasant officer. These men and women do nothing but give in order to try to protect you, your family, society and the wonderful life that we have all grown accustomed to - no wonder that at times they may appear to be "cold" or perhaps even bitter. I challenge any one of you put in this Officer's shoes to act as unselfish, calm and generous as this man did. I fear that many of us would not have used the patience and restraint that he did. Talk about giving someone the benefit of the doubt this insane person was given every possible benefit. The ultimate price for this Officer's generosity was his own death. To the family my heart just bleeds for you - but your husband's/father's legacy will continue to walk with you every day of your life. You should be so very proud of this hero you were blessed with. To his fellow Officer's let this keep you on your toes but do not allow it to cause you to forget what this Officer stood for and the person that he obviously was. To all...remember to tell your loved ones all the time how very important they are to you and ... stay safe during the night and during your watches! I am not a police offier or a member of any kind of law enforcement but I am the daughter of a policeman and will always remain very proud of my Dad and all of his fellow Brothers/Officer's! Bless you all!
Chicago, Il
October 17, 2005
Thank-You for giving of yourself to protect us.
October 17, 2005
Sacrifice is said to be the Highest form of Love for your Fellow~man.Police Officers are just plain Men & Women doing what they can to keep Society safe & secure.REMEMBER An Army can Retreat, Police can not leave a Scene.We do not get paid for what we do , only what we may have to do. Sleep well my Brave Officer,Love & Respect your bed covers till we join you.
Camden Police
October 14, 2005
This is truly a sad and cruel moment for the Family of Deputy Dinkheller. There are no words that can express what transpired during this Traffic Stop. The suspect was afforded every opportunity to cease and desist but his choice was to take his animosity and hate out on someone that had never done anything to him. This man has to be the ultimate fruitcake.
Lt. Roger Turcotte
Stoddard NH Police Dept
October 14, 2005
After watching this video, it opened my eyes and reminded me anything can happen when you are working in the streets and always to be ready.
My heart and soul goes out to Deputy Dinkeheller and his family as well as any other officer who is associated with him. God bless and lets hope every one of us in law enforcement stay safe.
Ofc. Ken Gautschi
Sandusky Police Department (OHIO)
October 14, 2005
October 13, 2005
Words can not express how I felt after seeing the video.. I would like to offer my condolences to Deputy Kyle Ddinkheller's family. Heros are not forgotten!! Whenever police officers put on their uniform they are putting their life on the line... My respect goes out to all Law enforcement officers. God Bless Hero!!!!!!
David Trask
Australian Sec
October 12, 2005
God bless you brother. You are a true hero. It is a sad loss of a hero. May the guilty scumbag who took your life be punished in our life, and in the next one.
We Russian Rapid Deployment Officers are with you brother!
OMSN (Russian Internal Affairs)
October 11, 2005
Saw your video. HERO's are FOREVER! You are truly a HERO!!!! The heavens above got you way too early. Rest in Peace!
October 10, 2005
You are a brave hero. May you rest in peace my friend...
Officer Justin M. Cripe
Evergreen State College Police Department
October 9, 2005
Brother, I saw your video and it tore me up. I wish the outcome would have been different and you would have overcome. May you rest in peace.
To your family I say Kyle gave everything on that roadway. He did not want to hurt the man and afforded him every possible opportunity to surrender peacefully. That individual took advantage of Kyle and using his veteran experiance ended this young man's life. Kyle was a peace maker and continues to serve on the roadways of heaven. This is not the end and you will see him again. May God keep you and give you the blessed assurance that one day you will all be together.
God Bless each and everyone of you, Peace.
Sergeant Richard Gonzalez
Dover Police Department New Jersey
October 8, 2005
God Speed, Brother.
P.O. K.Murphy
Union PD, NJ
October 8, 2005
I saw the video…
22 years young, pregnant wife and 22 month old daughter…truly sad!!
May he rest in peace and God watch over his family.
October 7, 2005
I always thought there were 2 officers in the cars at all time, it might have discouraged the nut from drawing a gun. This isnt the first or the last time it happened after all.
Also the death sentences today are way to humane in cases like these, my thoughts tend to wander of to the medieval times.
Henrik Orvheden, Sweden
October 7, 2005
God bless all our brave fallen heros.
Major, USAF (Ret.)
October 6, 2005
It's times like this that it sucks to be an atheist. Damn it all, Deputy Dinkheller was killed for no reason by some nutjob. What a disgrace to our society. People who are murdered this young usually expect it or are in a line of work where murder is common. Kyle wanted to go home and eat dinner with his family.
Jesus, it makes you wonder... what happened in vietnam that could make somebody so insane?
Joseph Brown
October 6, 2005
After seeing this video I was saddened, I remember being soley on the side of the average person and not beleiving in police using force...After seeing this video, I see why things need to be done the way they are, and I thank kyle Dinkheller for showing the world that police have restraint and suffer through more then any other human beings on the planet. If there could be more men out there like Mr. Dinkheller we would be much better off.
Philip Venninckx
October 6, 2005
When it comes to this when your doing your job, they are bad times.
My thoughts are with you.
October 6, 2005
I watched a video of the incedent. I am proud of his actions and he did what he could. It is very unfortunate that backup was not able to reach him in time. I had hoped while watching the video that he had survived. But sadly he did not. I will remember Deputy Dinkheller for a long time.
October 5, 2005
this is just awful what happned.. i may not be a police officer you can see but i now understand why cops sometimes act so drastic... my hat goes off to all police officers..
officer rick james
October 5, 2005
I am here because I saw the video of this officer's death. In a way, a wish I had never seen the video as it has caused me pain and saddness. But ultimately I am glad that I did see it because it brings to horrorifying life the personal risk that police officers face every day of their lives. And all for what. To serve and protect us the general public. What a brave man Deputy Dinkheller must have been. The pain that his family has felt and probably still feels is tragic, but it must be tempered by the fact that he was a hero. God Bless Deputy Dinkheller and his family. And a special thank you to all who wear the uniform and are making this crazy world so very safe.
God Bless
October 5, 2005
God Bless you.
Nassau County, NY
October 2, 2005
To the son of Deputy Dinkheller, Make your father proud by being the best man and father you can be!
To his beautiful daughter raise your children to know what a hero their grandfather was and be proud of the man your daddy is!
To his wife, I am so terriblily sorry for the sacrifice you have been forced to endure. Your husbands sacrifice will never be forgotten and you will forever be in my prayers!
Deputy Dinkheller, your bravery and sacrifice has forever changed my life! You sir will forever be in my heart as a hero!
A Saddened Heart
A Friend to Law Enforcement
October 2, 2005
rest in peace kyle
your video is so powerfull
im not a police officer or anything.. but your video will never leave my thoughts.
Dean Gosling
Sheffield, England
October 1, 2005