Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998
Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller
To the family of Kyle Dinkheller,
I graduated the police academy here in Greenville, NC this past December of 2006. During the Traffic Investigation part of the academy, I was shown the video of your loved one, Deputy Dinkheller. This video sent chills throughout my body and filled me with anger for the man who took Kyle from you. I am the same age now as Kyle was when he passed away. I just wanted to let you all know that even though he is lost, we are learning from his video. This video has taught me a lot on approaching a stopped vehicle and to keep your guard up. There is no doubt about it that Kyle was a polite and a gentleman who showed respect to others. Although Kyle is no longer with us, his work is an influence on future law enforcement officers. Kyle Dinkheller will never be forgotten.
Deputy Tripp
Pitt County Sheriff's Office
April 16, 2007
I have just recently learned of this website. Of course like everyone else believes, this is not a site of good fortune, but of remembrance. A lot of people don't like to look at these pages because it reminds them of what might happen one day, especially my wife. I spent three years with the North Little Rock PD, and now I am with the Greenbrier PD. I had the honor to watch Deputy Dinkheller's cruiser cam video in the academy back in 2003. I can safely say that it had an influence on me and the way that I conduct myself on the street. You know I am telling the truth on this for the simple fact that I saught out his page among all of these fallen officers here. I just couldn't resist seeing his face again. I was 21 when I watched the video, and now I am 25. Everytime I turn the lights on I think of what happened to you on that morning. Because of you I am a better Officer. So Thank You!
My prayers have always, and will always be with you and your family!
David Parks
Patrolman David Parks
Greenbrier PD AR
April 6, 2007
I viewed the footage of you're murder at the academy, and I wish it could have had a different ending. I know we are dealt the cards we are dealt... And entering law enforcement... I thank you for showing me what I need to do at a time like this... I only wish it could have been better for you. Thank-you for teaching me a good lesson in life, which may save thousands of new officers in the oncoming years. Thank you brother.
Cadet Ramonda
TEEX police academy
April 4, 2007
Sir, as I viewed the footage of the in-car video my stomach turned to knots. I am the same age as you were and when I viewed that video I wish I could have been there to help you. Please know that you are still remembered and that you and all those who have gone before you are true heroes. I am honored to leave a reflection for you. Rest in peace, Brother.
March 22, 2007
As I read all the reflections, I fight back the tears and replay the video in my mind. I have no doubt that your sacrifice will live on not only to teach officers but to honor you, sir. My deepest sympathy to your family and friends, I will pray for them and I will never forget you. Now, go and inherit the earth, my brother.
Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are those who make peace.
They will be called sons of God.
Police Officer Michael Bastianelli
March 19, 2007
My deepest condolensces to deputy kyle and his family...
March 15, 2007
R.I.P. Deputy Dinkheller, you will never be forgotten. Your family and friends will be in my prayers.
March 13, 2007
Love and honour to Kyle and his family.
I actually vomited when i heard his screams. And you should thati have seen worser things in the Yugoslavian war. But my heart stopped when Kyle screamed.
My deepest thougts to his family
Oscar Rönnskog Milosevic
Serbian Policeforce
March 12, 2007
This is to Kyle's family and friends: I was living in Dublin in 1998 when I worked as newspaper carrier for the local paper - The Courier Herald. I vividly recall the day the headline was about the tragic shooting that took Kyle's young life. It has been in my memory ever since reading about the video camera in Kyle's patrol car capturing the entire horrific incident. I also recall hearing about and seeing just a part of the enormous funeral procession of law officers from all over Georgia the day of Kyle's funeral. They say that time heals all wounds. But Kyle's untimely passing will never be forgotten or what he stood for and represented. I now live in England and I have told people here about Kyle's tragic death and his bravery and that his example is what makes Georgia and America great. It also makes me proud to be a Georgian and an American wherever life takes me. May God Bless you all, be close to and continue to comfort you through all the years of your great loss and may Kyle rest in peace with Jesus forever.
Mike Davidson
A former citizen of Laurens County
March 5, 2007
Kyle, here we are a little over 9 years since you went to the ultimate Sheriff's Office, and I still remember seeing your name on the news as if it was just yesterday. Now that I am a deputy sheriff, I remind myself everyday that I go 10-8 of the ultimate sacrifice you made for the citizens of Laurens County and what I need to do to safely go 10-7 at the end of my shift. I watched your patrol unit's dash camera video in 2004 at mandate. I felt anger fill my body, and it finally exploded when we went on break. I wanted to be there with you,to help you. But God had a reward for you that was greater than any award you could have recieved on earth. You are a hero! To many people a hero is a fictious cartoon like person. To us in the law enforcement family, hero means "Kyle Dinkheller" and any other brother or sister that has gone before us. I did not know you personally, but I know you and other police officer's and deputies that went before you and after you,will continue to watch over the rest of us. Continue to rest !!!!!!!!!!!!
Deputy Travis L. Howard #315
Peach County Sheriff's Office GA.
February 28, 2007
Our academy class watched the in-car video of your senseless murder today. It had a profound effect, and the lessons learned from it will never be lost on me. You made the ultimate sacrifice, sir, and even to the end you were an utmost professional. May God bless you and your family. Rest in peace.
February 16, 2007
Having watched that final footage, I can honestly say that after years working in the emergency medical field, this is the most horrible thing I've ever seen. I thought I'd seen the worst man had to offer but I was wrong.
I highly doubt that anything I could say would be enough to express my feelings, so let me just say that 'it matters to me'.
To Kyle and family, the world owes you... I just don't think it could ever repay the debt.
Brad Wohlers
February 16, 2007
I have been a law enforcement officer for 30 years. In one of our training sessions several years ago, we viewed the video of Kyle's last call, many times. The intstructor wanted to ensure that we would never forget what we saw. And, believe me, I will never forget.
Our prayers are with the family of this brave officer. I know that you miss him very much, and I hope that it is of some consolation that his death will keep many future officers alive, because of what they learned from this tragic experience.
May the Lord give each of Kyle's family members, the "joy unspeakable, and the peace that passes all understanding" that only He can give.
Jack Branson, Patrolman
Cumming Police Department
February 16, 2007
Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. It has been so long since we have all heard you laugh or talk or anything and it just kills me. I love you, Kyle. Words can't ever express what a loss you were to this world. Miss you.
January 29, 2007
I, like other who have left a reflection here, learned of your murder during a training seminar. May your family know that your death was not in vein. Rest easy.
Patrolman Brad L. Reider #185
Jackson Twp Police (NJ)
January 24, 2007
It is my job, and the job of my instructors to train police officers in a basic course environment. I first became aware of you several years ago, shortly after your tour ended. Every basic class of officers that attend the course here view the video of your last call of service. I thank you for your service and want you to know that your personal sacrafice will always serve as an example all that is rightous and just.
Lieutenant Raymond Hickman
West Region Police Academy, White Sands New Mexico
January 19, 2007
To Officers Dinkheller wife and family
My the Lord Jesus Christ remain close to you always
trust in HIM and HE will direct your paths.
Today is 17/1/2007 and I felt your pain as I watch the Video footage of 12/1/1998 for the first time..
In God we trust
John Rinaldi(Australia)
Retired A/Sgt John William Rinaldi
Western Australian Police Force Australia
January 16, 2007
Deputy Kyle Dinkheller,
In one of my classes at our academy we took a couple hours to learn who you are, learn what happend and watch the footage of that horrible day. I tried to stay tough while watching this footage[since I am 1 of 4 girls in the whole class], but while I was watching this I could do nothing but cry. Watching things like this scare me so much knowing that someday I will also be put in your same shoes...ThAnK yOu for everything you did and all the time you served. You are so brave for what you did. YoU wILL aLwAyS be ReMeMbErEd!
Cadet Amanda Anderson
January 12, 2007
Rest in Peace. Always Remembered.
Dy M. Martin
St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Office LA
January 12, 2007
Former Police Officer
District Heights,MD.
January 12, 2007
Dear Kyle,
Your video that displays your bravery against a man of evil is showned to other officers like myself. I become so inraged everytime I watch it and knowing the killer is roting in prison still serves no justice to you, me and all LEO. You give us the courage to face evil everyday. The strenght to survive and knowing a future encounter with evil will result in that mans death.
Rest in peace
Police Officer Sr.
Just another officer in Ga
January 11, 2007
NEVER to be forgotten-not EVER !!
Mother, daughter, sister, and granddau. of LEOs
January 4, 2007
I read the story and saw the video of this poor young man who was wrongfully killed by a disoriented red neck with a gun, and I was sick to my stomache. God bless Deputy Dinkheller, he was trying so hard to save that dumbass hill billy and in return he was lost. This is a prime example of why there are people like myself, I would be jobless if not for ass heads like that bastard that killed young Kyle. His wife and children deserved better than this, that red neck should face my justice, the kind that sets a pressidence. My heart weaps for Kyle, may he forever be at peace. People like Kyle make the world a kinder place I imagine, where as people like that hick make people like me. Brennan will cry out Kyles name forever in hell, as the flames strip him of all his flesh.
Jason Wood "Punisher"
Vindicator of the innocent.
December 29, 2006
RIP Brother. You are gone but not forgotten. we will cover your beat.
Off. Kyle D Matlock
Montgomery County Sheriffs Office (Jail Div.),Ohio
December 11, 2006
Dear Deputy Kyle Dinkheller,
I would like to thank you for all the hard work you put into your job, and for making America a better place. I know you are in a better place now. May You Rest In Peace, and Sleep with the Angels.
Dear Dinkheller Family,
Words can never replace this Great Man, but I'm sorry for your loss. I have never really met Deputy Dinkheller, but after I read the story or what occured that tragic day I looked up more information on who he really was, and I came to the conclusin=on that not only was he a loving husband, he was a great father and family relative to many people. I am pleased to say that this story has pushed me into the criminal justice feild so I too can help people and make my country a better place. Don't worry anymore, He is in a better place and you will be together again one day. May He Rest In Peace....
November 15, 2006